public void TryCalculate(string multiregion, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int kbCalc, User calcUser) { #region 删除同批号的,按照区域,开始日期,结束日期 string batchno = KanbanUtility.GetBatchNo(multiregion, null, null, startDate, endDate, kbCalc, calcUser); this.genericMgr.Delete("from KanbanCalc where BatchNo = ?", batchno, NHibernate.NHibernateUtil.String); genericMgr.FlushSession(); genericMgr.CleanSession(); #endregion List<KanbanCalc> kanbanCalcList = new List<KanbanCalc>(); IList<KanbanCalc> lerror = new List<KanbanCalc>(); IList<Region> calcRegions = new List<Region>(); DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now; #region 检查区域的标准和特殊代码有没有设置 string[] regions = multiregion.Split(','); for (int ir = 0; ir < regions.Length; ir++) { Region r = this.genericMgr.FindAll<Region>("from Region where Code = ? ", regions[ir]).FirstOrDefault(); //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.KbStandardCode) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.KbAlternativeCode)) //{ // throw new BusinessException("没找到区域" + r.Code + "的看板代码和异常代码!"); //} calcRegions.Add(r); } #endregion if (calcRegions.Count() > 0) { IList<ShiftMaster> shiftMasterList = genericMgr.FindAll<ShiftMaster>(); //先这样吧,全部的班次,反正也不多 foreach (Region calcRegion in calcRegions) { #region 把生效时间未到和待冻结的都删掉 genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<KanbanCard>("Delete from KB_KanbanCard where Region = ? and KBCalc = ? and (EffDate > ? or FreezeDate < ?) ", new object[] { calcRegion.Code, kbCalc, dateTimeNow, dateTimeNow }); genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<KanbanCard>("Update KB_KanbanCard set TotalCount = k.TotalCount from (select FlowDetId, max(Number) as TotalCount from KB_KanbanCard where Region = ? and KBCalc = ? group by FlowDetId ) k where k.FlowDetId = KB_KanbanCard.FlowDetId and KB_KanbanCard.Region = ? and KB_KanbanCard.KBCalc = ?", new object[] { calcRegion.Code, kbCalc, calcRegion.Code, kbCalc }); genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<FlowDetail>("Update SCM_FlowDet set CycloidAmount = c.TotalCount from KB_KanbanCard c where c.FlowDetId = SCM_FlowDet.Id"); genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<FlowDetail>("Update SCM_FlowDet set CycloidAmount = 0 where not exists (select 1 from KB_KanbanCard c where c.FlowDetId = SCM_FlowDet.Id) and CycloidAmount>0"); genericMgr.FlushSession(); genericMgr.CleanSession(); #endregion #region 取此区域下所有的路线 //WorkingCalendar nSub1 = workingCalendarMgr.GetLastWorkingCalendar(startDate, region, 7); IList<FlowMaster> flowList = genericMgr.FindEntityWithNativeSql<FlowMaster>(@"select c.* from scm_flowmstr c inner join scm_flowstrategy as g on c.Code = g.Flow where c.IsActive = ? and c.PartyTo = ? and g.Strategy = ? and g.KBCalc = ?", new object[] { true, calcRegion.Code, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB, kbCalc }); List<ItemDailyConsume> itemDailyConsumeList = new List<ItemDailyConsume>(); IList<WorkingCalendar> workingCalendatList = genericMgr.FindAll<WorkingCalendar>(" from WorkingCalendar w where w.FlowStrategy = ? and w.Region = ? and w.WorkingDate >= ? and w.WorkingDate <= ?", new object[] { (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB, calcRegion.Code, startDate, endDate }); IList<Party> partyList = genericMgr.FindAll<Party>(); IList<LocationBinItem> locationBinItemList = genericMgr.FindEntityWithNativeSql<LocationBinItem>(@"select l.* from md_locationbinitem l inner join md_location d on l.Location = d.Code where d.Region = ?", calcRegion.Code); //IList<Item> kitItemList = genericMgr.FindAll<Item>(" from Item i where i.IsKit = ?",true); IList<ItemTrace> itemTraceList = genericMgr.FindAll<ItemTrace>(); IList<Item> itemList = genericMgr.FindEntityWithNativeSql<Item>(@"select i.* from md_item i inner join scm_flowdet d on i.code = d.item inner join scm_flowmstr c on d.flow = c.code inner join scm_flowstrategy as g on c.Code = g.Flow where c.IsActive = ? and c.PartyTo = ? and g.Strategy = ? and g.KBCalc = ?", new object[] { true, calcRegion.Code, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB, kbCalc }); IList<Supplier> supplierList = genericMgr.FindAll<Supplier>(); IList<ItemKit> itemKitList = genericMgr.FindAll<ItemKit>(); #endregion if (flowList != null && flowList.Count() > 0) { #region 获取站别日用量 if (kbCalc == (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.KBCalculation.Normal) { //采购的 IList<ItemDailyConsume> procurementItemDailyConsumeList = this.genericMgr.FindEntityWithNativeSql<ItemDailyConsume>(@"select max( as id,ic.item,max(ic.itemdesc) as itemdesc, ic.location,max(qty) as qty,max(ic.consumedate) as consumedate,max(ic.substitutegroup) as substitutegroup,max(ic.multisupplygroup) as multisupplygroup,max(ic.createdate) as createdate,max(ic.originalqty) as originalqty from cust_itemdailyconsume ic inner join scm_flowdet fd on ic.item = fd.item inner join scm_flowmstr fm on fd.flow = fm.code inner join scm_flowstrategy fg on fm.code = fg.flow inner join prd_workingcalendar pw on ic.ConsumeDate = pw.workingdate where fm.isactive = ? and ic.Location = fm.LocTo and fm.Type = ? and fm.FlowStrategy = ? and fg.kbcalc = ? and ic.ConsumeDate >= ? and ic.ConsumeDate <= ? and fm.PartyTo = ? and pw.type = ? and pw.flowstrategy = ? and pw.region = fm.PartyTo and ic.qty > 0 group by ic.location,ic.item,pw.shift", new object[] { true, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.OrderType.Procurement, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB, kbCalc, startDate, endDate, calcRegion.Code, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.WorkingCalendarType.Work, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB }); //移库的,有些是用来源库位来算的,如KD件,有些使用目的库位来算的,如闭口订单,真变态 IList<ItemDailyConsume> transferItemDailyConsumeList = this.genericMgr.FindEntityWithNativeSql<ItemDailyConsume>(@"select max( as id,ic.item,max(ic.itemdesc) as itemdesc, ic.location,max(qty) as qty,max(ic.consumedate) as consumedate,max(ic.substitutegroup) as substitutegroup,max(ic.multisupplygroup) as multisupplygroup,max(ic.createdate) as createdate,max(ic.originalqty) as originalqty from cust_itemdailyconsume ic inner join scm_flowdet fd on ic.item = fd.item inner join scm_flowmstr fm on fd.flow = fm.code inner join scm_flowstrategy fg on fm.code = fg.flow inner join prd_workingcalendar pw on ic.ConsumeDate = pw.workingdate where fm.isactive = ? and (ic.Location = fm.LocTo or ic.Location = fm.LocFrom) and fm.Type = ? and fm.FlowStrategy = ? and fg.kbcalc = ? and ic.ConsumeDate >= ? and ic.ConsumeDate <= ? and fm.PartyTo = ? and pw.type = ? and pw.flowstrategy = ? and pw.region = fm.PartyTo and ic.qty > 0 group by ic.location,ic.item,pw.shift", new object[] { true, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.OrderType.Transfer, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB, kbCalc, startDate, endDate, calcRegion.Code, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.WorkingCalendarType.Work, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB }); if (procurementItemDailyConsumeList != null && procurementItemDailyConsumeList.Count > 0) { itemDailyConsumeList.AddRange(procurementItemDailyConsumeList); } if (transferItemDailyConsumeList != null && transferItemDailyConsumeList.Count > 0) { itemDailyConsumeList.AddRange(transferItemDailyConsumeList); } } else if (kbCalc == (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.KBCalculation.CatItem) { //生产,因为冲压送焊装的部分站别日用量在焊装,不是冲压,不考虑库位,按照生产线明细匹配 IList<ItemDailyConsume> productionItemDailyConsumeList = this.genericMgr.FindEntityWithNativeSql<ItemDailyConsume>(@"select ic.* from cust_itemdailyconsume ic inner join scm_flowdet fd on ic.item = fd.item inner join scm_flowmstr fm on fd.flow = fm.code inner join scm_flowstrategy fg on fm.code = fg.flow where fm.isactive = ? and fm.FlowStrategy = ? and fg.kbcalc = ? and ic.ConsumeDate >= ? and ic.ConsumeDate <= ? and fm.PartyTo = ? and ic.Qty > 0", new object[] { true, (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.FlowStrategy.KB, kbCalc, startDate, endDate, calcRegion.Code }); if (productionItemDailyConsumeList != null && productionItemDailyConsumeList.Count > 0) { itemDailyConsumeList.AddRange(productionItemDailyConsumeList); } } #endregion } foreach (FlowMaster flow in flowList) { #region 物流 if (kbCalc == (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.KBCalculation.Normal) { IList<FlowShiftDetail> flowShiftDetailList = genericMgr.FindAll<FlowShiftDetail>(" from FlowShiftDetail f where f.Flow = ?", flow.Code); IList<FlowDetail> flowDetailList = genericMgr.FindAll<FlowDetail>(" from FlowDetail d where d.Flow = ? and d.IsRejectInspect = ?", new object[] { flow.Code, false }); com.Sconit.Entity.SCM.FlowStrategy flowStrategy = genericMgr.FindById<com.Sconit.Entity.SCM.FlowStrategy>(flow.Code); #region 冻结日期和投出日期时间,冻结取计算时段第一个时段不能交进来,投出取计算前一个工作日的倒数4个时段作为交货时段,先做倒数第4个时段好了,平均分配太麻烦 DateTime freezeDate = DateTime.Parse("2999-1-1 00:00:00"); DateTime effDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00"); #endregion #region 按路线明细计算看板 // string matchLocation = flow.Type == com.Sconit.CodeMaster.OrderType.Procurement ? flow.LocationTo : flow.LocationFrom; foreach (FlowDetail flowDetail in flowDetailList) { IList<ItemDailyConsume> flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList = itemDailyConsumeList.Where(p => p.Item == flowDetail.Item && (p.Location == flow.LocationFrom || p.Location == flow.LocationTo)).ToList(); //IList<KanbanCard> existKanbanCardList = genericMgr.FindAll<KanbanCard>("from KanbanCard c where c.FlowDetailId = ?", flowDetail.Id); int existKanbanNum = flowDetail.CycloidAmount; decimal calculatedKanbanNum = 0; DateTime? calcDate = null; Decimal calcQty = 0; string groupNo = string.Empty; int tiao = 0; IList<string> shiftList = workingCalendatList.Select(i => i.Shift).Distinct().ToList(); #region 计算 if (flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList != null && flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList.Count > 0) { foreach (ItemDailyConsume idc in flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList) { WorkingCalendar wc = workingCalendatList.Where(w => w.Region == flow.PartyTo && w.WorkingDate == idc.ConsumeDate).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); if (wc != null && wc.Type == (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.WorkingCalendarType.Work) { int qtbM = flowShiftDetailList.Where(f => f.Shift == wc.Shift).Count(); int workTimeNum = shiftMasterList.Where(s => s.Code == wc.Shift).FirstOrDefault().ShiftCount; if (qtbM > 0 && workTimeNum > 0 && flowDetail.UnitCount > 0) { decimal dailyKanbanNum = Convert.ToDecimal((idc.Qty * ((1 + flowStrategy.LeadTime) * workTimeNum + (flowDetail.SafeStock == null ? 0 : flowDetail.SafeStock.Value) * qtbM)) / (qtbM * workTimeNum * flowDetail.UnitCount)); if (dailyKanbanNum > calculatedKanbanNum) { calculatedKanbanNum = dailyKanbanNum; calcQty = idc.Qty; calcDate = idc.ConsumeDate; groupNo = idc.MultiSupplyGroup; tiao = qtbM; } } else { break; } } } } else { #region 本次无日用量的,应该所有的都冻结 #endregion } #endregion #region 记录计算结果 KanbanCalc kanbanCalc = new KanbanCalc(); kanbanCalc.Flow = flow.Code; kanbanCalc.KBCalc = (com.Sconit.CodeMaster.KBCalculation)kbCalc; kanbanCalc.CalcConsumeDate = calcDate; kanbanCalc.CalcConsumeQty = calcQty; kanbanCalc.CalcKanbanNum = calculatedKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.Flow = flow.Code; kanbanCalc.FlowDetailId = flowDetail.Id; kanbanCalc.Item = flowDetail.Item; Item item = itemList.Where(k => k.Code == kanbanCalc.Item).FirstOrDefault(); kanbanCalc.ItemDescription = item.Description; // kanbanCalc.Container = item.UnitCountDescription; if (item.IsKit) { kanbanCalc.IsKit = item.IsKit; kanbanCalc.KitCount = itemKitList.Where(p => p.KitItem == item.Code).Count(); } ItemTrace itemTrace = itemTraceList.Where(t => t.Item == flowDetail.Item).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemTrace != null) { kanbanCalc.IsTrace = true; } Supplier supplier = supplierList.Where(s => s.Code == flow.PartyFrom).FirstOrDefault(); //if (supplier != null) //{ // kanbanCalc.LogisticCenterCode = supplier.LogisticsCentre; // kanbanCalc.LogisticCenterName = supplier.LogisticsCentreName; //} //kanbanCalc.GroupNo = flowDetail.GroupNo; //kanbanCalc.GroupDesc = flowDetail.GroupDesc; kanbanCalc.KanbanNum = existKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.Qty = flowDetail.UnitCount; kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum = (int)Math.Ceiling(kanbanCalc.CalcKanbanNum < 1 ? 1 : kanbanCalc.CalcKanbanNum) - existKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.MultiSupplyGroup = groupNo; kanbanCalc.Region = calcRegion.Code; kanbanCalc.RegionName = calcRegion.Name; kanbanCalc.Supplier = flow.PartyFrom; var sup = partyList.Where(p => p.Code == flow.PartyFrom).FirstOrDefault(); kanbanCalc.SupplierName = sup.Name; if (sup is Supplier) { Supplier su = sup as Supplier; kanbanCalc.SupplierName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(su.ShortCode) ? su.Name.Substring(0, 4) : su.ShortCode; } // kanbanCalc.QiTiaoBian = flowStrategy.QiTiaoBian; kanbanCalc.OpRef = flowDetail.BinTo; kanbanCalc.Location = flow.LocationTo; //if (tiao == 0) //{ // string[] tiaoArray = flowStrategy.QiTiaoBian.Split('-'); // if (tiaoArray.Count() == 3) // { // tiao = Convert.ToInt32(tiaoArray[1]); // } //} kanbanCalc.Tiao = tiao; kanbanCalc.Bian = Convert.ToInt32(flowStrategy.LeadTime); LocationBinItem locationBinItem = locationBinItemList.Where(l => l.Location == flow.LocationTo && l.Item == flowDetail.Item).FirstOrDefault(); if (locationBinItem != null) { kanbanCalc.LocBin = locationBinItem.Bin; } // kanbanCalc.Shelf = flowDetail.Shelf; kanbanCalc.LastUseDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00"); //if (!calcRegion.IsAutoExportKanBanCard) //{ // if (freezeDate == DateTime.Parse("2999-1-1 00:00:00") && kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum < 0) // { // freezeDate = GetFreezeDate(startDate, flow, Convert.ToInt32(flowStrategy.LeadTime)); // } // // kanbanCalc.FreezeDate = freezeDate; // if (effDate == DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00") && kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum > 0) // { // effDate = GetEffDate(startDate, flow, Convert.ToInt32(flowStrategy.LeadTime)); // } //} //else //{ if (freezeDate == DateTime.Parse("2999-1-1 00:00:00") && kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum <= 0) { freezeDate = dateTimeNow; } if (effDate == DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00") && kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum >= 0) { effDate = dateTimeNow; } //} kanbanCalc.FreezeDate = freezeDate; kanbanCalc.EffectiveDate = effDate; kanbanCalc.OpTime = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00"); kanbanCalc.BatchNo = batchno; #region 处理双轨 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupNo)) { IList<KanbanCalc> kCalcList = kanbanCalcList.Where(k => k.MultiSupplyGroup == groupNo & k.Region == calcRegion.Code).ToList(); if (kCalcList != null && kCalcList.Count > 0) { decimal gKanbanNum = kCalcList.Max(k => k.CalcKanbanNum); if (gKanbanNum > calculatedKanbanNum) { kanbanCalc.CalcKanbanNum = gKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum = (int)Math.Ceiling(gKanbanNum) - existKanbanNum; } else { foreach (KanbanCalc k in kCalcList) { k.CalcKanbanNum = calculatedKanbanNum; k.KanbanDeltaNum = (int)Math.Ceiling(calculatedKanbanNum) - existKanbanNum; } } } } kanbanCalcList.Add(kanbanCalc); #endregion #endregion #region 记录路线明细上的日产量,交货趟次 flowDetail.MaxStock = kanbanCalc.CalcConsumeQty; flowDetail.MrpWeight = kanbanCalc.Tiao; genericMgr.Update(flowDetail); #endregion } #endregion } #endregion #region 生产 if (kbCalc == (int)com.Sconit.CodeMaster.KBCalculation.CatItem) { IList<FlowDetail> flowDetailList = genericMgr.FindAll<FlowDetail>(" from FlowDetail d where d.Flow = ?", flow.Code); com.Sconit.Entity.SCM.FlowStrategy flowStrategy = genericMgr.FindById<com.Sconit.Entity.SCM.FlowStrategy>(flow.Code); DateTime freezeDate = DateTime.Parse("2999-1-1 00:00:00"); DateTime effDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00"); foreach (FlowDetail flowDetail in flowDetailList) { IList<ItemDailyConsume> flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList = itemDailyConsumeList.Where(p => p.Item == flowDetail.Item).ToList(); // IList<KanbanCard> existKanbanCardList = genericMgr.FindAll<KanbanCard>("from KanbanCard c where c.FlowDetailId = ?", flowDetail.Id); int existKanbanNum = flowDetail.CycloidAmount; decimal calculatedKanbanNum = 0; Decimal calcQty = 0; decimal batchSizeKanbanNum = 0; decimal safeStockKanbanNum = 0; if (flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList != null && flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList.Count > 0) { if (flowDetail.UnitCount != 0) { decimal maxQty = flowDetailItemDailyConsumeList.Max(f => f.Qty); decimal batchsizeQty = flowDetail.BatchSize.HasValue ? flowDetail.BatchSize.Value : 0; #region 正常零件 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowDetail.GroupNo)) //{ calcQty = maxQty; //} #endregion #region 种别件 //else //{ // IList<FlowDetail> gFlowDetailList = flowDetailList.Where(f => f.GroupNo == flowDetail.GroupNo).ToList(); // decimal groupQty = 0; // foreach (FlowDetail g in gFlowDetailList) // { // IList<ItemDailyConsume> l = itemDailyConsumeList.Where(p => p.Item == g.Item).ToList(); // if (l != null && l.Count > 0) // { // groupQty += l.Max(f => f.Qty); // } // } // batchsizeQty = batchsizeQty * maxQty / groupQty; //} #endregion #region 计算 decimal safeStock = flowDetail.SafeStock == null ? 0 : flowDetail.SafeStock.Value; // decimal shiftType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowDetail.Shift) ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(flowDetail.Shift); decimal shiftType = 1; //安全张数, 需求数*安全时数/(8*焊装班次) if (flowDetail.UnitCount < 2 * maxQty) { int safeQty = (int)Math.Round(maxQty * safeStock / (8 * shiftType), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); safeStockKanbanNum = (int)Math.Round(safeQty / flowDetail.UnitCount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } //批量张数 batchSizeKanbanNum = (int)Math.Ceiling(batchsizeQty / flowDetail.UnitCount); calculatedKanbanNum = batchSizeKanbanNum + safeStockKanbanNum; calcQty = maxQty; #endregion } } else { #region 本次无日用量的,应该所有的都冻结 #endregion } #region 记录计算结果 KanbanCalc kanbanCalc = new KanbanCalc(); kanbanCalc.Flow = flow.Code; kanbanCalc.KBCalc = (com.Sconit.CodeMaster.KBCalculation)kbCalc; kanbanCalc.CalcConsumeQty = calcQty; kanbanCalc.CalcKanbanNum = calculatedKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.Flow = flow.Code; kanbanCalc.FlowDetailId = flowDetail.Id; kanbanCalc.Item = flowDetail.Item; Item item = itemList.Where(k => k.Code == kanbanCalc.Item).FirstOrDefault(); kanbanCalc.ItemDescription = item.Description; kanbanCalc.Container = item.Description; if (item.IsKit) { kanbanCalc.IsKit = item.IsKit; kanbanCalc.KitCount = itemKitList.Where(p => p.KitItem == item.Code).Count(); } ItemTrace itemTrace = itemTraceList.Where(t => t.Item == flowDetail.Item).FirstOrDefault(); if (itemTrace != null) { kanbanCalc.IsTrace = true; } //kanbanCalc.GroupNo = flowDetail.GroupNo; //kanbanCalc.GroupDesc = flowDetail.GroupDesc; kanbanCalc.KanbanNum = existKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.Qty = flowDetail.UnitCount; kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum = (int)Math.Ceiling(calculatedKanbanNum) - existKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.Region = calcRegion.Code; kanbanCalc.RegionName = calcRegion.Name; kanbanCalc.Supplier = flow.PartyFrom; var sup = partyList.Where(p => p.Code == flow.PartyFrom).FirstOrDefault(); kanbanCalc.SupplierName = sup.Name; if (sup is Supplier) { Supplier su = sup as Supplier; kanbanCalc.SupplierName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(su.ShortCode) ? su.Name.Substring(0, 4) : su.ShortCode; } kanbanCalc.LastUseDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1 00:00:00"); LocationBinItem locationBinItem = locationBinItemList.Where(l => l.Location == flow.LocationTo && l.Item == flowDetail.Item).FirstOrDefault(); if (locationBinItem != null) { kanbanCalc.LocBin = locationBinItem.Bin; } kanbanCalc.BatchNo = batchno; kanbanCalc.BatchKanbanNum = batchSizeKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.SafeKanbanNum = safeStockKanbanNum; kanbanCalc.Location = flow.LocationTo; if (kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum > 0) { effDate = DateTime.Now; } if (kanbanCalc.KanbanDeltaNum < 0) { freezeDate = DateTime.Now; } kanbanCalc.EffectiveDate = effDate; kanbanCalc.FreezeDate = freezeDate; kanbanCalcList.Add(kanbanCalc); #endregion } } #endregion } } } #region 生成结果 // kanbanCalcList.AddRange(lerror); if (kanbanCalcList.Count > 0) { foreach (KanbanCalc kc in kanbanCalcList) { this.genericMgr.Create(kc); } } #endregion }
public void ImportKanbanCalc2(Stream inputStream, string batchno, User currentUser) { if (inputStream.Length == 0) { throw new BusinessException("Import.Stream.Empty"); } BusinessException businessException = new BusinessException(); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStream); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); IEnumerator rows = sheet.GetRowEnumerator(); IDictionary<string, KanbanCalc> importedKanbanCalcs = new Dictionary<string, KanbanCalc>(); ImportHelper.JumpRows(rows, 1); #region 列定义 int colFlowDet = 0;//路线明细 int colKanbanDeltaNum = 26;//变化张数 #endregion int i = 1; while (rows.MoveNext()) { i++; HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)rows.Current; if (!ImportHelper.CheckValidDataRow(row, 1, 26)) { break;//边界 } int flowDetId = 0; int kanbanDeltaNum = 0; #region 路线明细Id try { try { flowDetId = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetCell(colFlowDet).NumericCellValue); } catch (Exception) { flowDetId = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetCell(colFlowDet).ToString()); } } catch { businessException.AddMessage("无法获取导入数据的路线ID,第{0}行。\t", i.ToString()); continue; } #endregion #region 变化张数 try { try { kanbanDeltaNum = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetCell(colKanbanDeltaNum).NumericCellValue); } catch (Exception) { kanbanDeltaNum = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetCell(colKanbanDeltaNum).ToString()); } } catch { businessException.AddMessage("无法获取导入数据差异,第{0}行。\t", i.ToString()); continue; } #endregion if (importedKanbanCalcs.ContainsKey(flowDetId.ToString())) { businessException.AddMessage("Import.Stream.DuplicateRow, id为{0}", flowDetId.ToString()); } else { KanbanCalc calc = new KanbanCalc(); calc.BatchNo = batchno; calc.FlowDetailId = flowDetId; calc.KanbanDeltaNum = kanbanDeltaNum; importedKanbanCalcs.Add(flowDetId.ToString(), calc); } } if (businessException.HasMessage) { throw businessException; } this.UpdateBatch(batchno, currentUser, importedKanbanCalcs); }