        public static async Task InitializeService(YuGiOhServices service)
            await AltConsole.PrintAsync("Service", "Cache", "Initializing card cache...");

            List <YuGiOhCard> cards;
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, EmbedBuilder> embeds;
            ConcurrentBag <string> cardNames;

            _service = service;
            var counter = 0;
            var DbPath  = "Data Source = Databases/YgoSqliteDb/ygo.db";

            using (var connection = new SqliteConnection(DbPath))
                await connection.OpenAsync();

                await Print("Getting regular monsters...");

                var regularMonsters = await connection.QueryAsync <RegularMonster>("select * from Card where level not like '' and pendulumScale like ''");
                await Print("Getting xyz monsters...");

                var xyzMonsters = await connection.QueryAsync <XyzMonster>("select * from Card where types like '%Xyz%'");
                await Print("Getting pendulum monsters...");

                var pendulumMonsters = await connection.QueryAsync <PendulumMonster>("select * from Card where types like '%Pendulum%'");
                await Print("Getting link monsters...");

                var linkMonsters = await connection.QueryAsync <LinkMonster>("select * from Card where types like '%Link%'");
                await Print("Getting spell and traps...");

                var spellTraps = await connection.QueryAsync <SpellTrapCard>("select * from Card where cardType like '%Spell%' or cardType like '%Trap%'");


                cards = regularMonsters.Concat <YuGiOhCard>(xyzMonsters).Concat(pendulumMonsters).Concat(linkMonsters).Concat(spellTraps).ToList();

            var totalAmount = cards.Count;

            embeds    = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, EmbedBuilder>();
            cardNames = new ConcurrentBag <string>();

            Parallel.ForEach(cards, POptions, card =>
                var name  = card.Name;
                var embed = GetEmbed(card);

                embeds[name.ToLower()] = embed;

                AltConsole.InLinePrint("Service", "Cache", $"Progress: {Interlocked.Increment(ref counter)}/{totalAmount}");

            CardCache = new Dictionary <string, EmbedBuilder>(embeds);
            CardNames = new HashSet <string>(cardNames);

            await AltConsole.PrintAsync("Service", "Cache", "Card cache initialized.");
 public ChatService(YuGiOhServices yugiohServiceParams)
     _yugiohService = yugiohServiceParams;