        public int Restore(InternalGraphicsState state)
            if (!_stack.Contains(state))
                throw new ArgumentException("State not on stack.", "state");
            if (state.Invalid)
                throw new ArgumentException("State already restored.", "state");

            int count = 1;
            InternalGraphicsState top = _stack.Pop();

            while (top != state)
                state.Invalid = true;
                top           = _stack.Pop();
            state.Invalid = true;
    public int Restore(InternalGraphicsState state)
      if (!this.stack.Contains(state))
        throw new ArgumentException("State not on stack.", "state");
      if (state.invalid)
        throw new ArgumentException("State already restored.", "state");

      int count = 1;
      InternalGraphicsState top = (InternalGraphicsState)this.stack.Pop();
      while (top != state)
        state.invalid = true;
        top = (InternalGraphicsState)this.stack.Pop();
      state.invalid = true;
      return count;
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves a graphics container with the current state of this XGraphics and 
    /// opens and uses a new graphics container.
    /// </summary>
    public XGraphicsContainer BeginContainer(XRect dstrect, XRect srcrect, XGraphicsUnit unit)
      // TODO: unit
      if (unit != XGraphicsUnit.Point)
        throw new ArgumentException("The current implementation supports XGraphicsUnit.Point only.", "unit");

      XGraphicsContainer xContainer = null;
#if GDI
      if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
        xContainer = new XGraphicsContainer(this.gfx.Save());
#if WPF
      if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
        xContainer = new XGraphicsContainer();
      InternalGraphicsState iState = new InternalGraphicsState(this, xContainer);
      iState.Transform = this.transform;


      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.BeginContainer(xContainer, dstrect, srcrect, unit);

      XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix();  //XMatrix.Identity;
#if true
      double scaleX = dstrect.Width / srcrect.Width;
      double scaleY = dstrect.Height / srcrect.Height;
      matrix.TranslatePrepend(-srcrect.X, -srcrect.Y);
      matrix.ScalePrepend(scaleX, scaleY);
      matrix.TranslatePrepend(dstrect.X / scaleX, dstrect.Y / scaleY);
      matrix.Translate(-dstrect.X, -dstrect.Y);
      matrix.Scale(dstrect.Width / srcrect.Width, dstrect.Height / srcrect.Height);
      matrix.Translate(srcrect.X, srcrect.Y);
      AddTransform(matrix, XMatrixOrder.Prepend);

      return xContainer;
    // ----- DrawGrit -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    //public void DrawGridlines(XPoint origin, XPen majorpen, double majordelta, XPen minorpen, double minordelta)
    //  RectangleF box = new RectangleF(0, 0, 600, 850);
    //  DrawGridline(origin, minorpen, minordelta, box);
    //  DrawGridline(origin, majorpen, majordelta, box);
    //  /*
    //        float xmin = -10000f, ymin = -10000f, xmax = 10000f, ymax = 10000f;
    //        float x, y;
    //        x = origin.X;
    //        while (x < xmax)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //          x += majordelta;
    //        }
    //        x = origin.X - majordelta;
    //        while (x > xmin)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //          x -= majordelta;
    //        }
    //        y = origin.Y;
    //        while (y < ymax)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //          y += majordelta;
    //        }
    //        y = origin.Y - majordelta;
    //        while (y > ymin)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //          y -= majordelta;
    //        }
    //   */

    //void DrawGridline(XPoint origin, XPen pen, double delta, XRect box)
    //  double xmin = box.X, ymin = box.Y, xmax = box.X + box.Width, ymax = box.Y + box.Height;
    //  double x, y;
    //  y = origin.Y;
    //  while (y < ymax)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //    y += delta;
    //  }
    //  y = origin.Y - delta;
    //  while (y > ymin)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //    y -= delta;
    //  }
    //  x = origin.X;
    //  while (x < xmax)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //    x += delta;
    //  }
    //  x = origin.X - delta;
    //  while (x > xmin)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //    x -= delta;
    //  }

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #region Save and Restore

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the current state of this XGraphics object and identifies the saved state with the
    /// returned XGraphicsState object.
    /// </summary>
    public XGraphicsState Save()
      XGraphicsState xState = null;
#if GDI
      if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
        xState = new XGraphicsState(this.gfx.Save());
        InternalGraphicsState iState = new InternalGraphicsState(this, xState);
        iState.Transform = this.transform;
#if WPF
      if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
        xState = new XGraphicsState();
        InternalGraphicsState iState = new InternalGraphicsState(this, xState);
        iState.Transform = this.transform;
      if (this.renderer != null)

      return xState;
 public void Push(InternalGraphicsState state)
 public void Push(InternalGraphicsState state)
 public GraphicsStateStack(XGraphics gfx)
     _current = new InternalGraphicsState(gfx);
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves a graphics container with the current state of this XGraphics and 
    /// opens and uses a new graphics container.
    /// </summary>
    public XGraphicsContainer BeginContainer(XRect dstrect, XRect srcrect, XGraphicsUnit unit)
      // TODO: unit
      if (unit != XGraphicsUnit.Point)
        throw new ArgumentException("The current implementation supports XGraphicsUnit.Point only.", "unit");
#if true
      XGraphicsContainer xContainer = new XGraphicsContainer(this.gfx.Save());
      InternalGraphicsState iState = new InternalGraphicsState(xContainer);
      iState.Transform = this.transform;


      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.BeginContainer(xContainer, dstrect, srcrect, unit);

      XMatrix matrix = XMatrix.Identity;
#if true
      double scaleX = dstrect.Width / srcrect.Width;
      double scaleY = dstrect.Height / srcrect.Height;
      matrix.Translate(-srcrect.X, -srcrect.Y);
      matrix.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);
      matrix.Translate(dstrect.X / scaleX, dstrect.Y / scaleY);
      matrix.Translate(-dstrect.X, -dstrect.Y);
      matrix.Scale(dstrect.Width / srcrect.Width, dstrect.Height / srcrect.Height);
      matrix.Translate(srcrect.X, srcrect.Y);
      Transform = matrix;

      return xContainer;
      XGraphicsContainer container = new XGraphicsContainer(this.gfx.BeginContainer(dstrect, srcrect, this.gfx.PageUnit));
      container.Transform = this.transform;

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.BeginContainer(container, dstrect, srcrect, unit);

      return container;
    // ----- DrawGrit -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    //public void DrawGridlines(XPoint origin, XPen majorpen, double majordelta, XPen minorpen, double minordelta)
    //  RectangleF box = new RectangleF(0, 0, 600, 850);
    //  DrawGridline(origin, minorpen, minordelta, box);
    //  DrawGridline(origin, majorpen, majordelta, box);
    //  /*
    //        float xmin = -10000f, ymin = -10000f, xmax = 10000f, ymax = 10000f;
    //        float x, y;
    //        x = origin.X;
    //        while (x < xmax)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //          x += majordelta;
    //        }
    //        x = origin.X - majordelta;
    //        while (x > xmin)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //          x -= majordelta;
    //        }
    //        y = origin.Y;
    //        while (y < ymax)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //          y += majordelta;
    //        }
    //        y = origin.Y - majordelta;
    //        while (y > ymin)
    //        {
    //          DrawLine(majorpen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //          y -= majordelta;
    //        }
    //   */

    //void DrawGridline(XPoint origin, XPen pen, double delta, XRect box)
    //  double xmin = box.X, ymin = box.Y, xmax = box.X + box.Width, ymax = box.Y + box.Height;
    //  double x, y;
    //  y = origin.Y;
    //  while (y < ymax)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //    y += delta;
    //  }
    //  y = origin.Y - delta;
    //  while (y > ymin)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, xmin, y, xmax, y);
    //    y -= delta;
    //  }
    //  x = origin.X;
    //  while (x < xmax)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //    x += delta;
    //  }
    //  x = origin.X - delta;
    //  while (x > xmin)
    //  {
    //    DrawLine(pen, x, ymin, x, ymax);
    //    x -= delta;
    //  }

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #region Save and Restore

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the current state of this XGraphics object and identifies the saved state with the
    /// returned XGraphicsState object.
    /// </summary>
    public XGraphicsState Save()
      XGraphicsState xState = new XGraphicsState(this.gfx.Save());
      InternalGraphicsState iState = new InternalGraphicsState(xState);
      iState.Transform = this.transform;


      if (this.renderer != null)

      return xState;
 public void Push(InternalGraphicsState state)
 public GraphicsStateStack(XGraphics gfx)
     _current = new InternalGraphicsState(gfx);