public void VerifyThrowsArgumentNullException() { foreach (TestData data in TestCasesArgumentNullException) { Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => { var filter = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(data.Item1, data.Item2, WizardMode.Migrate); }); } }
public static bool CanExecute(VM vm, Host preselectedHost) { bool failureFound = false; if (preselectedHost != null) { failureFound = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(preselectedHost, new List<VM> { vm }).FailureFound; } return !failureFound && vm.allowed_operations != null && vm.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.migrate_send) && !Helpers.CrossPoolMigrationRestrictedWithWlb(vm.Connection) && vm.SRs.ToList().All(sr=> sr != null && !sr.HBALunPerVDI) && (preselectedHost == null || vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on) != preselectedHost); //Not the same as the pre-selected host }
public void VerifyMigrationNotAllowedCurrentServer() { foreach (TestData data in TestCasesMigrationNotAllowedCurrentServer) { var filter = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(data.Item1, data.Item2, WizardMode.Migrate); Assert.True(filter.FailureFound, "Expected to find failure"); Assert.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Reason, "Did not expect failure reason"); } }
protected override bool CanExecute(VM vm) { bool failureFound = false; if(preSelectedHost != null) { failureFound = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(preSelectedHost, new List<VM> { vm }).FailureFound; } return !failureFound && vm.allowed_operations != null && vm.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.migrate_send) && !Helpers.WlbEnabledAndConfigured(vm.Connection) && vm.SRs.ToList().All(sr=> sr != null && !sr.HBALunPerVDI) && vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on) != preSelectedHost; //Not the same as the pre-selected host }
public void VerifyMigrationNotAllowed() { Init(); foreach (TestData data in TestCasesMigrationNotAllowedIfAssertion) { Assert.That(data.vms.Count, Is.AtLeast(1), "VM count needs to be at least 1 for this test"); //fakeVM will say a failure is found if vm ref is set to Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR data.vms[0].opaque_ref = Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR; Assert.That(data.vms[0].opaque_ref, Is.EqualTo(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR)); CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter cmd = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(data.ixo, data.vms); Assert.That(cmd.FailureFound, Is.True, "failure found"); Assert.That(cmd.Reason, Is.EqualTo(Failure.INTERNAL_ERROR), "failure message"); } }
public void VerifyNullListArgsThrow() { bool failureFound = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(singlePool, null).FailureFound; }
private void VerifyMigrationAllowed(IXenObject ixo, List<VM> vms) { CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter cmd = new CrossPoolMigrateCanMigrateFilter(ixo, vms); Assert.That(cmd.FailureFound, Is.False, "failure found"); Assert.That(cmd.Reason, Is.Null, "failure message"); }