/// <summary> Swap connections with another node </summary> public void SwapConnections(NodePort targetPort) { int aConnectionCount = connections.Count; int bConnectionCount = targetPort.connections.Count; List <NodePort> portConnections = new List <NodePort>(); List <NodePort> targetPortConnections = new List <NodePort>(); // Cache port connections for (int i = 0; i < aConnectionCount; i++) { portConnections.Add(connections[i].Port); } // Cache target port connections for (int i = 0; i < bConnectionCount; i++) { targetPortConnections.Add(targetPort.connections[i].Port); } ClearConnections(); targetPort.ClearConnections(); // Add port connections to targetPort for (int i = 0; i < portConnections.Count; i++) { targetPort.Connect(portConnections[i]); } // Add target port connections to this one for (int i = 0; i < targetPortConnections.Count; i++) { Connect(targetPortConnections[i]); } }
/// <summary> Duplicate selected nodes and select the duplicates </summary> public void DuplicateSelectedNodes() { UnityEngine.Object[] newNodes = new UnityEngine.Object[Selection.objects.Length]; Dictionary <XNode.Node, XNode.Node> substitutes = new Dictionary <XNode.Node, XNode.Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < Selection.objects.Length; i++) { if (Selection.objects[i] is XNode.Node) { XNode.Node srcNode = Selection.objects[i] as XNode.Node; if (srcNode.graph != graph) { continue; // ignore nodes selected in another graph } XNode.Node newNode = graphEditor.CopyNode(srcNode); substitutes.Add(srcNode, newNode); newNode.position = srcNode.position + new Vector2(30, 30); newNodes[i] = newNode; } } // Walk through the selected nodes again, recreate connections, using the new nodes for (int i = 0; i < Selection.objects.Length; i++) { if (Selection.objects[i] is XNode.Node) { XNode.Node srcNode = Selection.objects[i] as XNode.Node; if (srcNode.graph != graph) { continue; // ignore nodes selected in another graph } foreach (XNode.NodePort port in srcNode.Ports) { for (int c = 0; c < port.ConnectionCount; c++) { XNode.NodePort inputPort = port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Input ? port : port.GetConnection(c); XNode.NodePort outputPort = port.direction == XNode.NodePort.IO.Output ? port : port.GetConnection(c); XNode.Node newNodeIn, newNodeOut; if (substitutes.TryGetValue(inputPort.node, out newNodeIn) && substitutes.TryGetValue(outputPort.node, out newNodeOut)) { newNodeIn.UpdateStaticPorts(); newNodeOut.UpdateStaticPorts(); inputPort = newNodeIn.GetInputPort(inputPort.fieldName); outputPort = newNodeOut.GetOutputPort(outputPort.fieldName); } if (!inputPort.IsConnectedTo(outputPort)) { inputPort.Connect(outputPort); } } } } } Selection.objects = newNodes; }
/// <summary> Draws all connections </summary> public void DrawConnections() { foreach (XNode.Node node in graph.nodes) { //If a null node is found, return. This can happen if the nodes associated script is deleted. It is currently not possible in Unity to delete a null asset. if (node == null) { continue; } foreach (XNode.NodePort output in node.Outputs) { //Needs cleanup. Null checks are ugly if (!portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(output)) { continue; } Vector2 from = _portConnectionPoints[output].center; for (int k = 0; k < output.ConnectionCount; k++) { XNode.NodePort input = output.GetConnection(k); if (input == null) { continue; //If a script has been updated and the port doesn't exist, it is removed and null is returned. If this happens, return. } if (!input.IsConnectedTo(output)) { input.Connect(output); } if (!_portConnectionPoints.ContainsKey(input)) { continue; } Vector2 to = _portConnectionPoints[input].center; Color connectionColor = currentGraphEditor.GetTypeColor(output.ValueType); DrawConnection(from, to, connectionColor); } } } }
/// <summary> Update static ports and dynamic ports managed by DynamicPortLists to reflect class fields. </summary> public static void UpdatePorts(Node node, Dictionary <string, NodePort> ports) { if (!Initialized) { BuildCache(); } Dictionary <string, NodePort> staticPorts = new Dictionary <string, NodePort>(); Dictionary <string, List <NodePort> > removedPorts = new Dictionary <string, List <NodePort> >(); System.Type nodeType = node.GetType(); Dictionary <string, string> formerlySerializedAs = null; if (formerlySerializedAsCache != null) { formerlySerializedAsCache.TryGetValue(nodeType, out formerlySerializedAs); } List <NodePort> dynamicListPorts = new List <NodePort>(); List <NodePort> typePortCache; if (portDataCache.TryGetValue(nodeType, out typePortCache)) { for (int i = 0; i < typePortCache.Count; i++) { staticPorts.Add(typePortCache[i].fieldName, portDataCache[nodeType][i]); } } // Cleanup port dict - Remove nonexisting static ports - update static port types // AND update dynamic ports (albeit only those in lists) too, in order to enforce proper serialisation. // Loop through current node ports foreach (NodePort port in ports.Values.ToList()) { // If port still exists, check it it has been changed NodePort staticPort; if (staticPorts.TryGetValue(port.fieldName, out staticPort)) { // If port exists but with wrong settings, remove it. Re-add it later. if (port.IsDynamic || port.direction != staticPort.direction || port.connectionType != staticPort.connectionType || port.typeConstraint != staticPort.typeConstraint) { // If port is not dynamic and direction hasn't changed, add it to the list so we can try reconnecting the ports connections. if (!port.IsDynamic && port.direction == staticPort.direction) { removedPorts.Add(port.fieldName, port.GetConnections()); } port.ClearConnections(); ports.Remove(port.fieldName); } else { port.ValueType = staticPort.ValueType; } } // If port doesn't exist anymore, remove it else if (port.IsStatic) { //See if the field is tagged with FormerlySerializedAs, if so add the port with its new field name to removedPorts // so it can be reconnected in missing ports stage. string newName = null; if (formerlySerializedAs != null && formerlySerializedAs.TryGetValue(port.fieldName, out newName)) { removedPorts.Add(newName, port.GetConnections()); } port.ClearConnections(); ports.Remove(port.fieldName); } // If the port is dynamic and is managed by a dynamic port list, flag it for reference updates else if (IsDynamicListPort(port)) { dynamicListPorts.Add(port); } } // Add missing ports foreach (NodePort staticPort in staticPorts.Values) { if (!ports.ContainsKey(staticPort.fieldName)) { NodePort port = new NodePort(staticPort, node); //If we just removed the port, try re-adding the connections List <NodePort> reconnectConnections; if (removedPorts.TryGetValue(staticPort.fieldName, out reconnectConnections)) { for (int i = 0; i < reconnectConnections.Count; i++) { NodePort connection = reconnectConnections[i]; if (connection == null) { continue; } if (port.CanConnectTo(connection)) { port.Connect(connection); } } } ports.Add(staticPort.fieldName, port); } } // Finally, make sure dynamic list port settings correspond to the settings of their "backing port" foreach (NodePort listPort in dynamicListPorts) { // At this point we know that ports here are dynamic list ports // which have passed name/"backing port" checks, ergo we can proceed more safely. string backingPortName = listPort.fieldName.Split(' ')[0]; NodePort backingPort = staticPorts[backingPortName]; // Update port constraints. Creating a new port instead will break the editor, mandating the need for setters. listPort.ValueType = GetBackingValueType(backingPort.ValueType); listPort.direction = backingPort.direction; listPort.connectionType = backingPort.connectionType; listPort.typeConstraint = backingPort.typeConstraint; } }
public void Controls() { wantsMouseMove = true; Event e = Event.current; switch (e.type) { case EventType.MouseMove: break; case EventType.ScrollWheel: float oldZoom = zoom; if (e.delta.y > 0) { zoom += 0.1f * zoom; } else { zoom -= 0.1f * zoom; } if (NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().zoomToMouse) { panOffset += (1 - oldZoom / zoom) * (WindowToGridPosition(e.mousePosition) + panOffset); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (e.button == 0) { if (IsDraggingPort) { if (IsHoveringPort && hoveredPort.IsInput && draggedOutput.CanConnectTo(hoveredPort)) { if (!draggedOutput.IsConnectedTo(hoveredPort)) { draggedOutputTarget = hoveredPort; } } else { draggedOutputTarget = null; } Repaint(); } else if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.HoldNode) { RecalculateDragOffsets(e); currentActivity = NodeActivity.DragNode; Repaint(); } if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragNode) { // Holding ctrl inverts grid snap bool gridSnap = NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().gridSnap; if (e.control) { gridSnap = !gridSnap; } Vector2 mousePos = WindowToGridPosition(e.mousePosition); // Move selected nodes with offset for (int i = 0; i < Selection.objects.Length; i++) { if (Selection.objects[i] is XNode.Node) { XNode.Node node = Selection.objects[i] as XNode.Node; Vector2 initial = node.position; node.position = mousePos + dragOffset[i]; if (gridSnap) { node.position.x = (Mathf.Round((node.position.x + 8) / 16) * 16) - 8; node.position.y = (Mathf.Round((node.position.y + 8) / 16) * 16) - 8; } // Offset portConnectionPoints instantly if a node is dragged so they aren't delayed by a frame. Vector2 offset = node.position - initial; if (offset.sqrMagnitude > 0) { foreach (XNode.NodePort output in node.Outputs) { Rect rect; if (portConnectionPoints.TryGetValue(output, out rect)) { rect.position += offset; portConnectionPoints[output] = rect; } } foreach (XNode.NodePort input in node.Inputs) { Rect rect; if (portConnectionPoints.TryGetValue(input, out rect)) { rect.position += offset; portConnectionPoints[input] = rect; } } } } } // Move selected reroutes with offset for (int i = 0; i < selectedReroutes.Count; i++) { Vector2 pos = mousePos + dragOffset[Selection.objects.Length + i]; if (gridSnap) { pos.x = (Mathf.Round(pos.x / 16) * 16); pos.y = (Mathf.Round(pos.y / 16) * 16); } selectedReroutes[i].SetPoint(pos); } Repaint(); } else if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.HoldGrid) { currentActivity = NodeActivity.DragGrid; preBoxSelection = Selection.objects; preBoxSelectionReroute = selectedReroutes.ToArray(); dragBoxStart = WindowToGridPosition(e.mousePosition); Repaint(); } else if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { Vector2 boxStartPos = GridToWindowPosition(dragBoxStart); Vector2 boxSize = e.mousePosition - boxStartPos; if (boxSize.x < 0) { boxStartPos.x += boxSize.x; boxSize.x = Mathf.Abs(boxSize.x); } if (boxSize.y < 0) { boxStartPos.y += boxSize.y; boxSize.y = Mathf.Abs(boxSize.y); } selectionBox = new Rect(boxStartPos, boxSize); Repaint(); } } else if (e.button == 1 || e.button == 2) { panOffset += e.delta * zoom; isPanning = true; } break; case EventType.MouseDown: Repaint(); if (e.button == 0) { draggedOutputReroutes.Clear(); if (IsHoveringPort) { if (hoveredPort.IsOutput) { draggedOutput = hoveredPort; } else { hoveredPort.VerifyConnections(); if (hoveredPort.IsConnected) { XNode.Node node = hoveredPort.node; XNode.NodePort output = hoveredPort.Connection; int outputConnectionIndex = output.GetConnectionIndex(hoveredPort); draggedOutputReroutes = output.GetReroutePoints(outputConnectionIndex); hoveredPort.Disconnect(output); draggedOutput = output; draggedOutputTarget = hoveredPort; if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } } } } else if (IsHoveringNode && IsHoveringTitle(hoveredNode)) { // If mousedown on node header, select or deselect if (!Selection.Contains(hoveredNode)) { SelectNode(hoveredNode, e.control || e.shift); if (!e.control && !e.shift) { selectedReroutes.Clear(); } } else if (e.control || e.shift) { DeselectNode(hoveredNode); } // Cache double click state, but only act on it in MouseUp - Except ClickCount only works in mouseDown. isDoubleClick = (e.clickCount == 2); e.Use(); currentActivity = NodeActivity.HoldNode; } else if (IsHoveringReroute) { // If reroute isn't selected if (!selectedReroutes.Contains(hoveredReroute)) { // Add it if (e.control || e.shift) { selectedReroutes.Add(hoveredReroute); } // Select it else { selectedReroutes = new List <RerouteReference>() { hoveredReroute }; Selection.activeObject = null; } } // Deselect else if (e.control || e.shift) { selectedReroutes.Remove(hoveredReroute); } e.Use(); currentActivity = NodeActivity.HoldNode; } // If mousedown on grid background, deselect all else if (!IsHoveringNode) { currentActivity = NodeActivity.HoldGrid; if (!e.control && !e.shift) { selectedReroutes.Clear(); Selection.activeObject = null; } } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (e.button == 0) { //Port drag release if (IsDraggingPort) { //If connection is valid, save it if (draggedOutputTarget != null) { XNode.Node node = draggedOutputTarget.node; if (graph.nodes.Count != 0) { draggedOutput.Connect(draggedOutputTarget); } // ConnectionIndex can be -1 if the connection is removed instantly after creation int connectionIndex = draggedOutput.GetConnectionIndex(draggedOutputTarget); if (connectionIndex != -1) { draggedOutput.GetReroutePoints(connectionIndex).AddRange(draggedOutputReroutes); if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } EditorUtility.SetDirty(graph); } } //Release dragged connection draggedOutput = null; draggedOutputTarget = null; EditorUtility.SetDirty(graph); if (NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().autoSave) { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } else if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragNode) { IEnumerable <XNode.Node> nodes = Selection.objects.Where(x => x is XNode.Node).Select(x => x as XNode.Node); foreach (XNode.Node node in nodes) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(node); } if (NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().autoSave) { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } else if (!IsHoveringNode) { // If click outside node, release field focus if (!isPanning) { EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl(null); EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = false; } if (NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().autoSave) { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } // If click node header, select it. if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.HoldNode && !(e.control || e.shift)) { selectedReroutes.Clear(); SelectNode(hoveredNode, false); // Double click to center node if (isDoubleClick) { Vector2 nodeDimension = nodeSizes.ContainsKey(hoveredNode) ? nodeSizes[hoveredNode] / 2 : Vector2.zero; panOffset = -hoveredNode.position - nodeDimension; } } // If click reroute, select it. if (IsHoveringReroute && !(e.control || e.shift)) { selectedReroutes = new List <RerouteReference>() { hoveredReroute }; Selection.activeObject = null; } Repaint(); currentActivity = NodeActivity.Idle; } else if (e.button == 1 || e.button == 2) { if (!isPanning) { if (IsDraggingPort) { draggedOutputReroutes.Add(WindowToGridPosition(e.mousePosition)); } else if (currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragNode && Selection.activeObject == null && selectedReroutes.Count == 1) { selectedReroutes[0].InsertPoint(selectedReroutes[0].GetPoint()); selectedReroutes[0] = new RerouteReference(selectedReroutes[0].port, selectedReroutes[0].connectionIndex, selectedReroutes[0].pointIndex + 1); } else if (IsHoveringReroute) { ShowRerouteContextMenu(hoveredReroute); } else if (IsHoveringPort) { ShowPortContextMenu(hoveredPort); } else if (IsHoveringNode && IsHoveringTitle(hoveredNode)) { if (!Selection.Contains(hoveredNode)) { SelectNode(hoveredNode, false); } GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); NodeEditor.GetEditor(hoveredNode).AddContextMenuItems(menu); menu.DropDown(new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition, Vector2.zero)); e.Use(); // Fixes copy/paste context menu appearing in Unity 5.6.6f2 - doesn't occur in 2018.3.2f1 Probably needs to be used in other places. } else if (!IsHoveringNode) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); graphEditor.AddContextMenuItems(menu); menu.DropDown(new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition, Vector2.zero)); } } isPanning = false; } // Reset DoubleClick isDoubleClick = false; break; case EventType.KeyDown: if (EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField) { break; } else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.F) { Home(); } if (IsMac()) { if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) { RenameSelectedNode(); } } else { if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.F2) { RenameSelectedNode(); } } break; case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.ExecuteCommand: if (e.commandName == "SoftDelete") { if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { RemoveSelectedNodes(); } e.Use(); } else if (IsMac() && e.commandName == "Delete") { if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { RemoveSelectedNodes(); } e.Use(); } else if (e.commandName == "Duplicate") { if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { DuplicateSelectedNodes(); } e.Use(); } Repaint(); break; case EventType.Ignore: // If release mouse outside window if (e.rawType == EventType.MouseUp && currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { Repaint(); currentActivity = NodeActivity.Idle; } break; } }
/// <summary> Draws all connections </summary> public void DrawConnections() { Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; List <RerouteReference> selection = preBoxSelectionReroute != null ? new List <RerouteReference>(preBoxSelectionReroute) : new List <RerouteReference>(); hoveredReroute = new RerouteReference(); List <Vector2> gridPoints = new List <Vector2>(2); Color col = GUI.color; foreach (XNode.Node node in graph.nodes) { //If a null node is found, return. This can happen if the nodes associated script is deleted. It is currently not possible in Unity to delete a null asset. if (node == null) { continue; } // Draw full connections and output > reroute foreach (XNode.NodePort output in node.Outputs) { //Needs cleanup. Null checks are ugly Rect fromRect; if (!portConnectionPoints.TryGetValue(output, out fromRect)) { continue; } Color portColor = graphEditor.GetPortColor(output); for (int k = 0; k < output.ConnectionCount; k++) { XNode.NodePort input = output.GetConnection(k); Gradient noodleGradient = graphEditor.GetNoodleGradient(output, input); float noodleThickness = graphEditor.GetNoodleThickness(output, input); NoodlePath noodlePath = graphEditor.GetNoodlePath(output, input); NoodleStroke noodleStroke = graphEditor.GetNoodleStroke(output, input); // Error handling if (input == null) { continue; //If a script has been updated and the port doesn't exist, it is removed and null is returned. If this happens, return. } if (!input.IsConnectedTo(output)) { input.Connect(output); } Rect toRect; if (!portConnectionPoints.TryGetValue(input, out toRect)) { continue; } List <Vector2> reroutePoints = output.GetReroutePoints(k); gridPoints.Clear(); gridPoints.Add(fromRect.center); gridPoints.AddRange(reroutePoints); gridPoints.Add(toRect.center); DrawNoodle(noodleGradient, noodlePath, noodleStroke, noodleThickness, gridPoints); // Loop through reroute points again and draw the points for (int i = 0; i < reroutePoints.Count; i++) { RerouteReference rerouteRef = new RerouteReference(output, k, i); // Draw reroute point at position Rect rect = new Rect(reroutePoints[i], new Vector2(12, 12)); rect.position = new Vector2(rect.position.x - 6, rect.position.y - 6); rect = GridToWindowRect(rect); // Draw selected reroute points with an outline if (selectedReroutes.Contains(rerouteRef)) { GUI.color = NodeEditorPreferences.GetSettings().highlightColor; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, NodeEditorResources.dotOuter); } GUI.color = portColor; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, NodeEditorResources.dot); if (rect.Overlaps(selectionBox)) { selection.Add(rerouteRef); } if (rect.Contains(mousePos)) { hoveredReroute = rerouteRef; } } } } } GUI.color = col; if (Event.current.type != EventType.Layout && currentActivity == NodeActivity.DragGrid) { selectedReroutes = selection; } }
/// <summary> Update static ports to reflect class fields. </summary> public static void UpdatePorts(Node node, Dictionary <string, NodePort> ports) { if (!Initialized) { BuildCache(); } Dictionary <string, NodePort> staticPorts = new Dictionary <string, NodePort>(); Dictionary <string, List <NodePort> > removedPorts = new Dictionary <string, List <NodePort> >(); System.Type nodeType = node.GetType(); List <NodePort> typePortCache; if (portDataCache.TryGetValue(nodeType, out typePortCache)) { for (int i = 0; i < typePortCache.Count; i++) { staticPorts.Add(typePortCache[i].fieldName, portDataCache[nodeType][i]); } } // Cleanup port dict - Remove nonexisting static ports - update static port types // Loop through current node ports foreach (NodePort port in ports.Values.ToList()) { // If port still exists, check it it has been changed NodePort staticPort; if (staticPorts.TryGetValue(port.fieldName, out staticPort)) { // If port exists but with wrong settings, remove it. Re-add it later. if (port.IsDynamic || port.direction != staticPort.direction || port.connectionType != staticPort.connectionType || port.typeConstraint != staticPort.typeConstraint) { // If port is not dynamic and direction hasn't changed, add it to the list so we can try reconnecting the ports connections. if (!port.IsDynamic && port.direction == staticPort.direction) { removedPorts.Add(port.fieldName, port.GetConnections()); } port.ClearConnections(); ports.Remove(port.fieldName); } else { port.ValueType = staticPort.ValueType; } } // If port doesn't exist anymore, remove it else if (port.IsStatic) { port.ClearConnections(); ports.Remove(port.fieldName); } } // Add missing ports foreach (NodePort staticPort in staticPorts.Values) { if (!ports.ContainsKey(staticPort.fieldName)) { NodePort port = new NodePort(staticPort, node); //If we just removed the port, try re-adding the connections List <NodePort> reconnectConnections; if (removedPorts.TryGetValue(staticPort.fieldName, out reconnectConnections)) { for (int i = 0; i < reconnectConnections.Count; i++) { NodePort connection = reconnectConnections[i]; if (connection == null) { continue; } if (port.CanConnectTo(connection)) { port.Connect(connection); } } } ports.Add(staticPort.fieldName, port); } } }
public void Controls() { wantsMouseMove = true; Event e = Event.current; switch (e.type) { case EventType.MouseMove: break; case EventType.ScrollWheel: if (e.delta.y > 0) { zoom += 0.1f * zoom; } else { zoom -= 0.1f * zoom; } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (e.button == 0) { if (IsDraggingPort) { if (IsHoveringPort && hoveredPort.IsInput) { if (!draggedOutput.IsConnectedTo(hoveredPort)) { draggedOutputTarget = hoveredPort; } } else { draggedOutputTarget = null; } Repaint(); } else if (IsDraggingNode) { draggedNode.position = WindowToGridPosition(e.mousePosition) + dragOffset; if (NodeEditorPreferences.gridSnap) { draggedNode.position.x = (Mathf.Round((draggedNode.position.x + 8) / 16) * 16) - 8; draggedNode.position.y = (Mathf.Round((draggedNode.position.y + 8) / 16) * 16) - 8; } Repaint(); } } else if (e.button == 1) { panOffset += e.delta * zoom; isPanning = true; } break; case EventType.MouseDown: Repaint(); if (e.button == 0) { SelectNode(hoveredNode); if (IsHoveringPort) { if (hoveredPort.IsOutput) { draggedOutput = hoveredPort; } else { hoveredPort.VerifyConnections(); if (hoveredPort.IsConnected) { XNode.Node node = hoveredPort.node; XNode.NodePort output = hoveredPort.Connection; hoveredPort.Disconnect(output); draggedOutput = output; draggedOutputTarget = hoveredPort; if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } } } } else if (IsHoveringNode && IsHoveringTitle(hoveredNode)) { draggedNode = hoveredNode; dragOffset = hoveredNode.position - WindowToGridPosition(e.mousePosition); } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (e.button == 0) { //Port drag release if (IsDraggingPort) { //If connection is valid, save it if (draggedOutputTarget != null) { XNode.Node node = draggedOutputTarget.node; if (graph.nodes.Count != 0) { draggedOutput.Connect(draggedOutputTarget); } if (NodeEditor.onUpdateNode != null) { NodeEditor.onUpdateNode(node); } EditorUtility.SetDirty(graph); } //Release dragged connection draggedOutput = null; draggedOutputTarget = null; EditorUtility.SetDirty(graph); Repaint(); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } else if (IsDraggingNode) { draggedNode = null; AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } else if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0) { AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } else if (e.button == 1) { if (!isPanning) { if (IsHoveringNode && IsHoveringTitle(hoveredNode)) { ShowNodeContextMenu(hoveredNode); } else if (!IsHoveringNode) { ShowGraphContextMenu(); } } isPanning = false; } break; } }