/// <summary>
      /// Causes the calling thread to enter a condition variable wait using the specified ResourceLock.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="resourceLock">A reference to the ResourceLock object that will be 
      /// temporarily released while waiting for the condition to change.</param>
      /// <param name="reacquireForWriting">true if the ResourceLock should be reacquired for writing when the condition changes; 
      /// false if the lock should be reacquired for reading when the condition changes.</param>
      public void CVWait(ResourceLock resourceLock, Boolean reacquireForWriting) {
         Contract.Requires(resourceLock != null);
         // We can't wait on a lock that is free; the lock must currently be held
         if (resourceLock.CurrentlyFree())
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't wait on free lock.");

         // Indicate that this thread is going to pause
         // This value is "decremented" in Unpause
         Interlocked.Increment(ref m_numPausedThreads);
         //Console.WriteLine("{0}: Inc to {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, m_numPausedThreads);

         AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

         // Find out if the lock is held by readers or a writer
         //Boolean reading = resourceLock.CurrentReaderCount() > 0;

         // Release the lock held by this thread

         // Make this thread paused until unpaused
         are.WaitOne(); //m_semaphore.WaitOne();

         // Make this thread regain the lock it used to hold
    private void StressLoop(ResourceLock rl)
        Random random = new Random((Int32)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
          for (Int32 i = 0; i < m_iterations; i++) {
         if ((i > 0) && (i % (m_iterations / 10)) == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("   {0}: iteration={1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, i);

         rl.Enter(random.Next(m_readerWriterRatio) == 0);
         for (Int32 work = 0; work < m_workSpinCount; work++) ;
 private void Loop(Boolean write, ResourceLock rl)
     Int32 z = 0;
       for (Int32 x = 0; x < m_iterations; x++) {
      if (write) { rl.Enter(true); z = x; rl.Leave(); } else { rl.Enter(false); Int32 y = z; rl.Leave(); }
    public TimeSpan Test(Boolean write, Int32 threadCount, ResourceLock rl)
        // Make sure that the methods are JITted so that JIT time is not included in the results
          rl.Enter(false); rl.Leave();
          rl.Enter(true); rl.Leave();

          try {
         Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
         Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
         Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadCount - 1];
         for (Int32 t = 0; t < threads.Length - 1; t++) {
            threads[t] = new Thread((ThreadStart)delegate { Loop(write, rl); });
            threads[t].Name = "FuncTest_Deadlock_Test thread #" + t;
         Loop(write, rl);
         for (Int32 t = 0; t < threads.Length - 1; t++) {
         return stopWatch.Elapsed;
          finally {
         Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
    private static void FuncTest_Deadlock_Test(ResourceLock l, Boolean write1st, Boolean write2nd, Boolean expectedToFail)
        try {
         try {

            if (expectedToFail)
               throw new InvalidProgramException("No deadlock detected when expected.");
         catch (Exception<DeadlockExceptionArgs>) {
            if (!expectedToFail)
               throw new InvalidProgramException("Deadlock detected when not expected.");
          catch (InvalidOperationException) {
         // This can happen if deadlock detector throws before taking
         // a lock and the we try to release the lock anyway