protected override bool cfgPrintInstanceAuxInfo(System.IO.StreamWriter sw, InteractorInstance ii) { FileSelectorInstance fsi = (FileSelectorInstance)ii; String filter = fsi.FileFilter; if (!base.cfgPrintInstanceAuxInfo(sw, ii)) return false; if (filter != null) { sw.WriteLine("// filter = {0}", filter); } return true; }
protected virtual bool cfgPrintInstanceLabelComment(StreamWriter sw, InteractorInstance ii) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
protected virtual bool cfgPrintInstanceAuxInfo(StreamWriter sw, InteractorInstance ii) { return true; }
protected bool appendInstance(InteractorInstance ii) { instanceList.Add(ii); return true; }
/// <summary> /// just like deleteInstance except don't delete ii, just remove it from the list. /// </summary> /// <param name="ii"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool removeInstance(InteractorInstance ii) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
public static Interactor AllocateInteractor(String name, InteractorInstance ii) { FileSelectorInteractor i = new FileSelectorInteractor(name, ii); return i; }
public Interactor createInteractor(InteractorInstance ii) { Debug.Assert(allocateInteractor != null); if (interactorName != null) { String styleName = SymbolManager.theSymbolManager.getSymbolString(name); styleName = styleName.Trim(); styleName = styleName.ToLower(); interactorName = styleName + "Interactor"; } Interactor interactor = allocateInteractor(interactorName, ii); interactor.initialize(); interactor.createInteractor(); return interactor; }
public override void handleInteractivePartStateChange(InteractorInstance src_ii, bool major_change) { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
public abstract void handleInteractivePartStateChange(InteractorInstance src_ii, bool major_change);
public void handleInteractorStateChange(InteractorInstance src_ii, bool unmanage) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
/// <summary> /// Send notification to this->interactor that the attributes may have /// changed and to reflect these changes in the display Interactor. /// Some changes can be ignored if 'this != src_ii'. This is typically /// called by InteractorNode::notifyInstancesOfStateChange(). /// </summary> /// <param name="src_ii"></param> /// <param name="unmanage"></param> public void handleInteractorStateChange(InteractorInstance src_ii) { handleInteractorStateChange(src_ii, false); }
/// <summary> /// Find THE selected InteractorInstance. /// Return TRUE if a single interactor is selected /// Return FALSE if none or more than one selected interactor were found /// Always set *selected to the first selected InteractorInstance that was /// found. If FALSE is return *selected may be set to NULL if no selected /// InteractorInstances were found. /// </summary> /// <param name="selected"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool findTheSelectedInteractorInstance(out InteractorInstance selected) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
public void handleInteractorInstanceStatusChange(InteractorInstance ii, Interactor.Status status) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
//Widget getWorkSpaceWidget(); //ControlPanelWorkSpace* getWorkSpace() //{ // return this->workSpace; //} //void manage(); //void unmanage(); // Add/Remove an instance of an interactor. public bool addInteractorInstance(InteractorInstance ii) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
/// <summary> /// Delete and free an instance from the list of instances. /// This may be called by a ControlPanel. /// </summary> /// <param name="ii"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool deleteInstance(InteractorInstance ii) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
public ValueInteractor(String name, InteractorInstance ii) : base(name, ii) { }
/// <summary> /// Reset the resources of the widget based on a presumably new set /// of attributes. The src_ii is the InteractorInstance that has /// initialiated the attribute change. Some attributes (local or /// per interactor ones) may be ignored if the attribute change is /// initiated by a src_ii such that this->instance != src_ii. /// This should also include updating the displayed value. /// If major_change is TRUE, then the subclass may choose to unmanage /// itself while changes (presumably major) are made to it. /// handleInteractorStateChange() remanages the interactor root widget /// if it was unmanaged by handleInteractivePartStateChange(). /// </summary> /// <param name="src_ii"></param> /// <param name="major_change"></param> public virtual void handleInteractorStateChange(InteractorInstance src_ii, bool major_change) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
//Drag-n-drop stuff needed. protected Interactor(String name, InteractorInstance ii) { InitializeComponent(); }
protected override bool cfgPrintInstanceAuxInfo(System.IO.StreamWriter sw, InteractorInstance ii) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); return base.cfgPrintInstanceAuxInfo(sw, ii); }
public static Interactor AllocateInteractor(String name, InteractorInstance ii) { throw new Exception("Not Yet Implemented"); }
public FileSelectorInteractor(String name, InteractorInstance ii) : base(name, ii) { }