        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lc = new localhost.Service1();
            if (Session["UserID"] != null)
                int    userID   = (int)Session["UserID"];
                string usertype = (string)Session["UserType"];
                if (usertype.Equals("Employer"))
                    lblPostJob.Visible        = true;
                    lblViewJobseekers.Visible = true;
                    lblLogin.Visible          = false;
                    lblRes.Visible            = false;
                    lblLogout.Visible         = true;
                    lblViewApplicants.Visible = true;

                    //Show notification message to employer
                    if (Session["ScreenNotificationMessage"] != null)
                        string notifyMessage = (string)Session["ScreenNotificationMessage"];
                else if (usertype.Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    var invitation = lc.GetJobSeekerJobInvites(userID, true);
                    //if (invitation != null)
                    //    string message = "<h3 style='text-align:center'>You have a Job Invite.</h3>";
                    //    message += "<p style='text-align:center'><a href='ViewInvites.aspx'>View </a>invites here.</p><br/>";
                    //    TurnNotificatiOn(message);

                    lblViewJobs.Visible  = true;
                    lblProfile.Visible   = true;
                    lblLogin.Visible     = false;
                    lblRes.Visible       = false;
                    lblLogout.Visible    = true;
                    lblJobInvite.Visible = true;

                    //Show notification message
                    if (Session["ScreenNotificationMessage"] != null)
                        string notifyMessage = (string)Session["ScreenNotificationMessage"];

                else if (usertype.Equals("Admin"))
                    lblAllApplications.Visible = true;
                    lblJobInvites.Visible      = true;
                    lblEmployers.Visible       = true;
                    lblLogin.Visible           = false;
                    lblRes.Visible             = false;
                    lblLogout.Visible          = true;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
                    if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("Employer"))
                        lc = new localhost.Service1();
                        int JobSeekerID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobSeekerID"]);

                        //employ also send notification to notify JobSeeker about the employment opportunity.
                        var jobSeeker = lc.SingleJobseeker(JobSeekerID, true);
                        lblContatNumber.Text = jobSeeker.ContactNumber;
                        lblAltContact.Text   = jobSeeker.AlternativeContactNumber;
                        lblEmail.Text        = jobSeeker.EmailAddress;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            localhost.Service1 lc;
            if (Session["UserID"] != null)
                lc = new localhost.Service1();

                string htmlText = "";
                htmlText += "<div class='page-header'>";
                htmlText += "<h1>Jobseekers</h1>";
                htmlText += "</div>";
                htmlText += "<div class='card-deck-wrapper'>";
                htmlText += "<div class='card-columns'>";

                foreach (var u in lc.AllJobseekers())
                    htmlText += "<div class='card'>";
                    string base64ImageRepresentation = u.ProfileImage_String;
                    htmlText += "<img class='card-img-top img-fluid img-responsive' style='max-height:350px; max-width:100%'  src='data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64ImageRepresentation + "' />";
                    htmlText += "<div class='card-block'>";
                    string s = string.Format("<h4><a href='JobSeekerProfile.aspx?JobSeekerID={0}'>" + u.FirstName + "</a>", u.JobSeekerID);
                    htmlText += s + " " + u.LastName + "</h4>";
                    htmlText += "<p class='card-text'><small class='text-muted'>Click to view full profile</small></p>";
                    htmlText += "</div>";
                    htmlText += "</div>";
                htmlText += "</div>";
                htmlText += "</div></br>";
                DisplayUsers.InnerHtml = htmlText;
        protected void btnYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            localhost.Service1 lc = new localhost.Service1();

            //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myAlert", "alert('" + jobID + "');", true);
            lc.ApplyForJob(jobID, true, (int)Session["UserID"], true);
            //show success message
            Session.Add("ScreenNotification", "TurnON");
            Session.Add("ScreenNotificationMessage", "<div class='alert alert-success fade-in'><a href='#' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='close'>&times;</a><p>Your application was successful, thank you for applying.We will be intouch.</p></div>");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            localhost.Service1 localhost;
            if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
                if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    localhost = new localhost.Service1();
                    int JobSeekerID = (int)Session["UserID"];

                    string htmlText = "";
                    foreach (var job in localhost.GetJobSeekerJobInvites(JobSeekerID, true))
                        htmlText += "<div class='card'>";
                        htmlText += "<div class='card-block' style='border-bottom:1px solid'>";
                        htmlText += "<h4 class='card-title text-center'> Job invitation from " + job.EmployerFirstName + " " + job.EmployerLastName + ".</h4>";
                        htmlText += "</div>";

                        string base64ImageRepresentation = job.EmployerImage;
                        htmlText += "<div class='avatar panel-heading'>";
                        htmlText += "<img class='img-circle img-fluid img-responsive' style='height:200px'  src='data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64ImageRepresentation + "' />";
                        htmlText += "</div>";

                        htmlText += "<ul class='list-group list-group-flush'>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>posted:</b>" + job.DatePosted + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Job name: </b>" + job.Name + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Short description:</b>" + job.Description + "</small> </li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Required skill: </b>" + job.RequiredSkill + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Location:</b> " + job.Location + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Number of working days:</b> " + job.NumberOfDays + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Start date:</b> " + job.StartDate + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Daily starting time:</b>" + job.StartTime + "</small> </li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Daily knockoff time:</b> " + job.EndTime + "</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>This job pays:</b> R" + job.ToBePaid + " after competion</small></li>";
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><small class='text-muted'><b>Apply before:</b>" + job.DueDate + "</small> </li>";
                        string s = string.Format("<a class='btn btn-primary' style='border-radius:initial' href='ConfirmJobApplication.aspx?JobID={0}'>Apply</a></br>", job.JobID);
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'>" + s + "</li>";
                        htmlText += " </ul>";
                        htmlText += "</div><br/>";

                    Invites.InnerHtml = htmlText;
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     localhost.Service1 lc = new localhost.Service1();
     if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
         if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("Employer"))//get emplyerID correctly
             int    EmployerID  = (int)Session["UserID"];
             int    JobSeekerID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobSeekerID"]);
             string htmlText    = "";
             htmlText  = "<div class='page-header'><h1>Your jobs.</h1>";
             htmlText += "<p class='text-muted'>Select a job that you would like this job seeker to be invited to. After the invitation the job seeker will view details of this job, and if the job seeker is interested  they will apply for this job. Ensure that the due date of the job that you select has not passed. </p>";
             htmlText += "</div>";
             htmlText += "<div class='card-columns'>";
             foreach (var job in lc.EmployerSpecificJobs(EmployerID, true))
                 htmlText += "<div class='card'>";
                 htmlText += "<h3 class='card-header'>" + job.Name + "</h3>";
                 htmlText += "<p class='card-subtitle text-muted'> Date posted:" + job.DatePosted + "</p>";
                 htmlText += "<ul class='list-group list-group-flush'>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Short description:</b> " + job.Description + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Required skill:</b> " + job.RequiredSkill + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Location:</b> " + job.Location + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Number of working days:</b> " + job.NumberOfDays + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Start date:</b> " + job.StartDate + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Daily starting time:</b> " + job.StartTime + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Daily knockoff time:</b> " + job.EndTime + "</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>This job pays:</b> R" + job.ToBePaid + " after competion</li>";
                 htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Apply before:</b> " + job.DueDate + "</li>";
                 string s = string.Format("<br/><a class='btn btn-success' style='border-radius:initial;' href='ConfirmInvite.aspx?JobID={0}&JobSeekerID={1}'>Select job</a></br>", job.JobID, JobSeekerID);
                 htmlText += s;
                 htmlText += "</ul>";
                 htmlText += "</div>";
             htmlText += "</div>";
             JobsDisplay.InnerHtml = htmlText;
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lc = new localhost.Service1();
            if (!image1.Equals("none"))
                string toolAndEquipment1 = txtNameOrDescription1.Text;
                lc.AddNewToolOrEquipment(toolAndEquipment1, image1, JobSeekerID, true);
                //Show success message

            if (!image2.Equals("none"))
                string toolAndEquipment2 = txtNameOrDescription2.Text;
                lc.AddNewToolOrEquipment(toolAndEquipment2, image2, JobSeekerID, true);

            if (!image3.Equals("none"))
                string toolAndEquipment3 = txtNameOrDescription3.Text;
                lc.AddNewToolOrEquipment(toolAndEquipment3, image3, JobSeekerID, true);

            if (!image4.Equals("none"))
                string toolAndEquipment4 = txtNameOrDescription4.Text;
                lc.AddNewToolOrEquipment(toolAndEquipment4, image4, JobSeekerID, true);

            if (!image5.Equals("none"))
                string toolAndEquipment5 = txtNameOrDescription5.Text;
                lc.AddNewToolOrEquipment(toolAndEquipment5, image5, JobSeekerID, true);
            Session["Image1"] = null; // set session to null
            Session["Image2"] = null;
            Session["Image3"] = null;
            Session["Image4"] = null;
            Session["Image5"] = null;
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
         if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("Employer"))//get JobSeekerID correctly
             localhost = new localhost.Service1();
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["UserID"] != null)
                string             htmlText  = "<div class='page-header'><h1>Available jobs.</h1></div>";
                localhost.Service1 localhost = new localhost.Service1();
                htmlText += "<div class='card-columns'>";
                foreach (var job in localhost.AllJobs())
                    htmlText += "<div class='card'>";
                    htmlText += "<h3 card='card-header'>" + job.Name + "</h3>";
                    htmlText += "<p class='card-subtitle text-muted'> Date posted:" + job.DatePosted + "</p>";
                    htmlText += "<ul class='list-group list-group-flush'>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Short description:</b> " + job.Description + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Required skill:</b> " + job.RequiredSkill + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Location:</b> " + job.Location + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Number of working days:</b> " + job.NumberOfDays + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Start date:</b> " + job.StartDate + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Daily starting time:</b> " + job.StartTime + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Daily knockoff time:</b> " + job.EndTime + "</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>This job pays:</b> R" + job.ToBePaid + " after competion</li>";
                    htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'><b>Apply before:</b> " + job.DueDate + "</li>";

                    if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("JobSeeker"))
                        string s = string.Format("<a class='btn btn-primary' style='border-radius:initial' href='ConfirmJobApplication.aspx?JobID={0}'>Apply</a></br>", job.JobID);
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'>" + s + "</li>";
                    if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("Admin"))
                        string s = string.Format("<a class='btn btn-danger' style='border-radius:initial' href='DeleteJob.aspx?JobID={0}'>Delete</a></br>", job.JobID);
                        htmlText += "<li  class='list-group-item' style='border-radius:initial'>" + s + "</li>";
                    htmlText += " </ul>";
                    htmlText += "</div>";
                htmlText            += "</div>";
                JobDetails.InnerHtml = htmlText;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
                if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("Employer"))
                    int EmployerID = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    localhost.Service1 localhost = new localhost.Service1();

                    string htmlText = "";
                    htmlText += "<h2>Look  who applied for job.</h2> <br/>";
                    htmlText += "<hr id='Hr1' style='color: #808080, #C2C2C2'/>";

                    foreach (var applicant in localhost.getApplicants(EmployerID, true))
                        htmlText += "<div class='card'>";
                        string base64ImageRepresentation = applicant.ProfileImage_String;
                        htmlText += "<img width='400px'class='card-img-top img-responsive img-circle' height='400px'alt='image not available' max-height='300px' src='data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64ImageRepresentation + "'/>";

                        htmlText += "<div class='card-block'>";
                        htmlText += "<h3 class='card-title'>" + applicant.FirstName + " " + applicant.LastName + "</h3>";
                        string s = string.Format("<a href = 'JobSeekerProfile.aspx?JobSeekerID={0}'> View full profile</a><br/> ", applicant.JobSeekerID);
                        htmlText += s;
                        string employ = string.Format("<a class='btn btn-primary' style='border-radius:initial' href = 'EmployJobSeeker.aspx?JobSeekerID={0}'> Employ. </a></br> ", applicant.JobSeekerID);
                        htmlText += "<p class='card-text' >If you would like to employ this Job Seeker click " + employ + "</p>";
                        htmlText += "</div>";
                        htmlText += "</div>";
                    Applications.InnerHtml = htmlText;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lc = new localhost.Service1();

            if (Session["UserID"] == null || (string)Session["UserType"] == null)
                if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    selectedID = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    int  count = 0;
                    bool a     = true;
                    foreach (var skill in lc.ReadSkills(selectedID, a))
                        if (count.Equals(0))
                            if (skill != null)
                                drpSkill1.Text = skill.Name;
                        else if (count.Equals(1))
                            if (skill != null)
                                drpSkill2.Text = skill.Name;
                        else if (count.Equals(2))
                            if (skill != null)
                                drpSkill3.Text = skill.Name;
                        else if (count.Equals(3))
                            if (skill != null)
                                drpSkill4.Text = skill.Name;
                        else if (count.Equals(4))
                            if (skill != null)
                                drpSkill5.Text = skill.Name;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                JobSeekerID = (int)Session["UserID"];
                lc          = new localhost.Service1();
                if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
                    if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("JobSeeker"))
                        JobSeekerID = (int)Session["UserID"];
                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (var te in lc.GetToolsAndEquipments(JobSeekerID, true))
                            if (te != null)
                                //update images and Name to the  correct text boxes
                                if (count.Equals(0))
                                    if (te != null)
                                        Image1ID.Src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + te.Image;
                                        txtNameOrDescription1.Text = te.Name;
                                else if (count.Equals(1))
                                    if (te != null)
                                        Image2ID.Src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + te.Image;
                                        txtNameOrDescription2.Text = te.Name;
                                else if (count.Equals(2))
                                    if (te != null)
                                        Image3ID.Src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + te.Image;
                                        txtNameOrDescription3.Text = te.Name;
                                else if (count.Equals(3))
                                    if (te != null)
                                        Image4ID.Src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + te.Image;
                                        txtNameOrDescription4.Text = te.Name;
                                else if (count.Equals(4))
                                    if (te != null)
                                        Image5ID.Src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + te.Image;
                                        txtNameOrDescription5.Text = te.Name;
                JobSeekerID = (int)Session["UserID"];
                image1      = (string)Session["Image1"];
                if (image1 == null)
                    image1 = "none";

                image2 = (string)Session["Image2"];
                if (image2 == null)
                    image2 = "none";

                image3 = (string)Session["Image3"];
                if (image3 == null)
                    image3 = "none";

                image4 = (string)Session["Image4"];
                if (image4 == null)
                    image4 = "none";

                image5 = (string)Session["Image5"];
                if (image5 == null)
                    image5 = "none";
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     bl = new localhost.Service1();
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lc = new localhost.Service1();

            if (Session["UserID"] != null && Session["UserType"] != null)
                if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("Employer"))//get JobSeekerID correctly
                    EmployerID  = (int)Session["UserID"];
                    JobSeekerID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobSeekerID"]);
                    JobID       = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobID"]);
                else if (((string)Session["UserType"]).Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    JobSeekerID = (int)Session["UserID"];
                //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myAlert", "alert('" + JobSeekerID + "');", true);

                var    jobSeeker = lc.SingleJobseeker(JobSeekerID, true);
                string display   = "";
                display += "<div class='page-header'>";
                display += "<h1>Jobseeker profile.</h1>";

                if (Session["UserType"].Equals("Employer"))
                    display += "<p class='text-muted'>Here you can  view JobSeeker's full details including their identitification and contact details.";
                    display += "You can also view the informal skills of the Job seeker, including the list of previous jobs completed by the Job seeker and your tools and equipment that you use.</p>";
                else if (Session["UserType"].Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    display += "<p class='text-muted'>View your personal details and contact details here.";
                    display += "You can also view your informal skills, including the list of previous jobs that you have completed.</p>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "<div class='row'>";
                display += "<div class='col-md-5'>";
                display += "<div class='card'>";
                display += "<h3 class='card-header'>Job seeker details</h3>";
                string base64ImageRepresentation = jobSeeker.ProfileImage_String;
                display += "<img class='img-responsive img-fluid' alt='image not available' src='data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64ImageRepresentation + "'/>";
                display += "<ul class='list-group list-group-flush'>";
                display += "<li class='list-group-item'> <b class='text-muted'>First name</b>     : " + jobSeeker.FirstName + "</li>";
                display += "<li class='list-group-item'> <b class='text-muted'>Last name</b>     : " + jobSeeker.LastName + "</li>";
                display += "<li class='list-group-item'> <b class='text-muted'>Residential address</b>     : " + jobSeeker.ResidentialAddress + "</li>";
                display += "</ul>";
                display += "</div>";

                if (Session["UserType"].Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    display += "<div class='card card-primary'>";
                    display += "<div class='card-block'>";
                    display += "<h3 class='card-title'>Contact Details</h3>";
                    display += "<p class='card-subtitle text-info'>Employers will use these contact details to cantact you whenever your application is successful.</p>";
                    display += "</div>";
                    display += "<ul class='list-group list-group-flush'>";
                    display += "<li class='list-group-item'> <b class='text-muted'>Contact number:</b>     : " + jobSeeker.ContactNumber + "</li>";
                    display += "<li class='list-group-item'> <b class='text-muted'>Alternative contact number:</b>     : " + jobSeeker.AlternativeContactNumber + "</li>";
                    display += "<li class='list-group-item'> <b class='text-muted'>Email Address:</b>     : " + jobSeeker.EmailAddress + "</li>";
                    display += "</ul>";
                    display += "</div>";

                display += "<div style='border:thin; padding: 2px'>";
                display += "<h3> Job seeker skills. </h3>";
                if (Session["UserType"].Equals("Employer"))
                    display += "<p class='text-muted'>This section contains the job seeker's informal skills that the job seeker has.";
                    display += "Job seekers may have more than one informal skills, depending on the number of jobs that they have preveous done, and continue to do, in their space. </p>";
                else if (Session["UserType"].Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    display += "<p class='text-muted'>This section contains  informal skills that you have.";
                    display += "Job seekers may have more than one informal skills, depending on the number of jobs that they have preveous done, and continue to do, in their space. ";
                    display += "Click <a href='Skills.aspx'>here </a> to edit your skills.</p>";
                ////if ((lc.ReadSkills(JobSeekerID, true) == null))
                //    display += "<p>NO SKILLS TO DISPLAY AT THE MOMENT.</p>";
                //display += "<div class='card-deck'>";
                display += "<div class='card-group'>";
                foreach (var skill in lc.ReadSkills(JobSeekerID, true))
                    display += "<div class='card'>";
                    display += "<h5 class='card-header'>" + skill.Name + "</h5>";
                    display += "<div class='card-block'>";
                    display += "<p class='card-text'><b class='text-muted'>Level:</b>" + skill.SkillLevel + "</p>";
                    display += "</div>";
                    display += "</div>";
                //display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";

                display += "<div class='col-md-7'>";
                //Tools and equipment
                display += "<div style='border:thin; padding: 2px'>";
                display += "<h3 text-center> Tools/equipments. </h3>";
                if (Session["UserType"].Equals("Employer"))
                    display += "<p class='text-muted '>Tools/Equipment are any resources that jobseeker have and use when doing a job that they have skills in. ";
                    display += "You can, as an employer, provide your own tools or equipment if you prefer. Note that";
                    display += "some jobs may not neccessary require job seeker owned tools or equipment.</p>";
                else if (Session["UserType"].Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    display += "<p class=' text-muted'>Here you can view your tools or equipment that you use when doing the jobs you skilled in. ";
                    //display += "This may be a romoval bakkie if you do refuse removal, a grass cutting machine if you do grass cutting, a tree cutting machine if you do tree felling, or any tools that are essential to your job.";
                    //display += "You can upload upto 5 tools or any equipment that you use and want Employers to see to better your employment chances.";
                    //display += "Yo can howover upload less than five images if you don't use that much tools or equipments. It is noted that some informal jobs do not require tools or equipment of your own to complete.";
                    //display += "So in this case you can choose not to upload any photos.";
                    display += "Some Employers may have their own tools and equipments that you can use when hired, so these may not always be neccessary.";
                    display += "Click <a href='ToolsAndEquipments.aspx'>here </a> to edit your Tools/Equipments.</p>";
                display += "<div class='card-group'>";
                //display += "<div class='card-deck'>";
                foreach (var toolOrEquipment in lc.GetToolsAndEquipments(JobSeekerID, true))
                    display += "<div class='card text-xs-center'>";
                    display += "<img alt='No image to display' style='max-height:200px; max-wudth: 210px;' class='img-responsive img-fluid card-img-top' src='data:image/jpeg;base64," + toolOrEquipment.Image + "'/><br/>";
                    display += "<div class='card-block'>";
                    display += "<h4 class='card-title'>" + toolOrEquipment.Name + "</h4>";
                    display += "</div>";
                    display += "</div>";
                //display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "<br/>";
                //Employment history
                display += "<div class='card card-warning'>";
                display += "<div class='card-block'>";
                display += "<h3 class='card-title'>Previous employment history.</h3>";
                if (Session["UserType"].Equals("Employer"))
                    display += "<p class='card-text text-muted'>View previous jobs completed by the job seeker including how the the job seeker did on that job based on the ratings provided by prevous Employers.</p>";
                else if (Session["UserType"].Equals("JobSeeker"))
                    display += "<p class='card-text text-muted'>View prevous jobs that you completed including how you did on that job based on the ratings provided by prevous Employers.";
                    display += "Other employers viewing your profile can see your prevous employmeny history, which might be in your favour when Employers are looking for people to hire.";
                    display += "Every time you get employment through InfomalJobFind, that job will be automatically saved in your employment history and your future potential employers can view it.";
                    display += "Simple put, the more Jobs you get the more experienced your profile will look.</p>";
                display += "</div>";
                //for each loop to read from Employment History from the table and siplay it
                display += "<div class='card-block'>";
                display += "<p class='card-text'>No employment history currently available.</p>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";
                display += "</div>";

                DisplayJobSeekerProfile.InnerHtml = display;
                if (Session["UserType"].Equals("Employer"))
                    JobInvite.Visible = true; // if its an imployer they can invite
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     lc    = new localhost.Service1();
     jobID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobID"]);