public void InviteNewPeople(Event dataModel, EditEventViewModel viewModel)
            int tParse;

            //Add the temp user ids to the pending invitations table
            var emailList = new List<string>();
            var facebookIdList = new List<string>();
            var emailInvites = viewModel.PeopleInvited.Where(x => x.PersonId < 0).ToList();
            //var facebookInvites = viewModel.PeopleInvited.Where(x => x.Split(delimiter).Length == 2).ToList();

            emailInvites.ForEach(x =>
                    var emailAddress = x.Email;

                    //Make sure it doesn't exist already
                    var exists = _invitationRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(y => y.Email == emailAddress);

                    if (exists == null)
                        var emailInvite = new PendingInvitation
                            PersonId = dataModel.Coordinator.PersonId,
                            Email = emailAddress,
                            FirstName = x.FirstName,
                            LastName = x.LastName


            //facebookInvites.ForEach(x =>
            //    var tempUserArray = x.Split(delimiter);
            //    var facebookId = tempUserArray[0];

            //    //Get the first and last name values
            //    var nameArray = tempUserArray[1].Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            //    var firstName = nameArray[0];
            //    var lastName = nameArray[nameArray.Length - 1];

            //    facebookIdList.Add(facebookId);

            //    //Make sure it doesn't exist already
            //    var exists = _invitationRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(y => y.FacebookId == facebookId);

            //    if (exists == null)
            //    {
            //        var facebookInvite = new PendingInvitation
            //        {
            //            PersonId = dataModel.Coordinator.PersonId,
            //            FacebookId = facebookId,
            //            FirstName = firstName,
            //            LastName = lastName
            //        };

            //        _invitationRepository.Insert(facebookInvite);
            //    }


            //Find the existing user ids
            var dataPeopleIds = dataModel.RegisteredInvites.Select(x => x.PersonId).ToArray(); //Items in the database
            var newPeople = viewModel.PeopleInvited
                .Where(x => x.PersonId > 0)
                .Where(x => !dataPeopleIds.Contains(x.PersonId)).ToList();

            //Add new people
            newPeople.ForEach(person =>
                    var inviteMe = _personPersonRepo.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.PersonId == person.PersonId);

                    if (inviteMe != null)

                        //Add the new invite to the user's list of friends if necissary...
                        var exists =
                                x => x.PersonId == inviteMe.PersonId);

                        if (exists == null)

            //Find the existing temp emails
            var emailPeople = dataModel.UnRegisteredInvites.Where(x => emailList.Contains(x.Email))
                .Select(x => x.Email).ToArray(); //Items in the database
            var newEmailPeople = emailList
                .Where(x => !emailPeople.Contains(x)).ToList();

            //Add people invited by email
            newEmailPeople.ForEach(email =>
                var inviteMe = _invitationRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(invite => invite.Email == email);

                if (inviteMe != null)

                    //Add the new email invite to the user's list of friends if necissary...
                    var exists =
                            x => x.PendingInvitationId == inviteMe.PendingInvitationId);

                    if (exists == null)

            //Find the existing temp facebook ids
            var facebookPeople = dataModel.UnRegisteredInvites.Where(x => facebookIdList.Contains(x.FacebookId))
                .Select(x => x.FacebookId).ToArray(); //Items in the database
            var newFacebookPeople = facebookIdList
                .Where(x => !facebookPeople.Contains(x)).ToList();

            //Add new people invited by facebook
            newFacebookPeople.ForEach(facebookId =>
                var inviteMe = _invitationRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(invite => invite.FacebookId == facebookId);

                if (inviteMe != null)

                    //Add the new facebook invite to the user's list of friends if necissary...
                    var exists =
                            x => x.PendingInvitationId == inviteMe.PendingInvitationId);

                    if (exists == null)
        public ActionResult AddNewGuest(EditEventViewModel model)
            var response = new Response { Error = false };

                //Get the event
                var theEvent = GetEventById(model.EventId);

                //Get the host
                var theHost = GetPersonById(model.PersonId);

                //Find out the if the user being added already has an email as a registered user... see comments at top of class
                var exists = _personRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == model.EmailInvite.Email);

                if (exists == null)
                    var userName = model.EmailInvite.FirstName + " " + model.EmailInvite.LastName;
                    response.Data = new { PersonId = 0, model.EmailInvite.Email, UserName = userName, model.EmailInvite.FirstName, model.EmailInvite.LastName, model.EmailInvite.InviteControlId };

                    //Add the unregistered guest to the database
                    var newGuest = new PendingInvitation
                        FirstName = model.EmailInvite.FirstName,
                        LastName = model.EmailInvite.LastName,
                        Email = model.EmailInvite.Email


                    //Add the new guest to the host's list of unregistered friends

                    //Add a negative value to the list.
                    var tempId = -newGuest.PendingInvitationId;

                    //Add the unregistered user to session
                    SessionUtility.Events.AddGuest(tempId, model.EventId);
                    //Add the registered user to the session
                    SessionUtility.Events.AddGuest(exists.PersonId, model.EventId);

                //Get list of pending invitation ids
                var pendingEventInvitations = SessionUtility.Events.GetGuestList(model.EventId);
                var personFriendsList = GetPersonFriendList(theHost);

                //Populate the guest list
                var viewModel = GetEventViewModel(theEvent);
                viewModel.PeopleInvited = GetSelectedGuests(pendingEventInvitations, personFriendsList, model.EventId);

                response.Data = RenderRazorViewToString("_InvitedPeopleTemplate", viewModel);

                //Save to the database if no errors have occurred
            catch (Exception)
                //TODO: log error to database
                response.Error = true;
                response.Message = Constants.SERVICE_ADD_GUEST_FAIL;

            return Json(response);