//al clickar la opció clients del menú de formularis s'obre un nou formulari de clients passantli com a paràmetre el dataset actual i el tableadaptermanager private void clientsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.tableAdatpterMan.CLIENTSTableAdapter.Fill(this.ds.CLIENTS); FrmClients nou = new FrmClients(this.ds, this.tableAdatpterMan); nou.MdiParent = this; nou.Show(); }
private void TsView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvMain.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(@"There are no records to view.", @"Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModUserManagement) { var user = new FrmUser(Convert.ToInt64(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); user.ShowDialog(); } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModUserPrivileges) { var user = new FrmUserPrivileges(Convert.ToInt32(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); user.ShowDialog(); } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModAreaProfile) { var area = new FrmAreaProfile(Convert.ToInt64(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); area.ShowDialog(); } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModLots) { var lot = new FrmLots(Convert.ToInt64(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); lot.ShowDialog(); } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModAgents) { var agent = new FrmAgents(Convert.ToInt64(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); agent.ShowDialog(); } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModClients) { var client = new FrmClients(Convert.ToInt64(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); client.ShowDialog(); } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModAcquisition) { var acquisition = new FrmAcquisition(Convert.ToInt64(dgvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value), ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsView); acquisition.ShowDialog(); } }
private void TsAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModUserManagement) { var user = new FrmUser(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); user.ShowDialog(); if (user.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModUserPrivileges) { var user = new FrmUserPrivileges(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); user.ShowDialog(); if (user.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModAreaProfile) { var area = new FrmAreaProfile(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); area.ShowDialog(); if (area.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModLots) { const int isOpen = 1; var area = _db.AreaProfiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Status == isOpen); if (area == null) { MessageBox.Show(@"There are no active Area Profile for Lot to assign to. Please contact the administrator for more info.", @"Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } var lot = new FrmLots(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); lot.ShowDialog(); if (lot.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModAgents) { var agent = new FrmAgents(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); agent.ShowDialog(); if (agent.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModClients) { var client = new FrmClients(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); client.ShowDialog(); if (client.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } else if (_currentModule == ModGlobal.ModAcquisition) { var acquisition = new FrmAcquisition(0, ModGlobal.FormStatus.IsNew); acquisition.ShowDialog(); if (acquisition.IsSaved) { LoadData(); } } }