private ProcessedResult ProcessNoLock(SmartTransaction tx)
            var result = new ProcessedResult(tx);

            // We do not care about non-witness transactions for other than mempool cleanup.
            if (tx.Transaction.PossiblyP2WPKHInvolved())
                uint256 txId = tx.GetHash();

                // Performance ToDo: txids could be cached in a hashset here by the AllCoinsView and then the contains would be fast.
                if (!tx.Transaction.IsCoinBase && !Coins.AsAllCoinsView().CreatedBy(txId).Any())                 // Transactions we already have and processed would be "double spends" but they shouldn't.
                    var doubleSpends = new List <SmartCoin>();
                    foreach (var txin in tx.Transaction.Inputs)
                        if (Coins.TryGetSpenderSmartCoinsByOutPoint(txin.PrevOut, out var coins))

                    if (doubleSpends.Any())
                        if (tx.Height == Height.Mempool)
                            // if the received transaction is spending at least one input already
                            // spent by a previous unconfirmed transaction signaling RBF then it is not a double
                            // spending transaction but a replacement transaction.
                            var isReplacementTx = doubleSpends.Any(x => x.IsReplaceable && !x.Confirmed);
                            if (isReplacementTx)
                                // Undo the replaced transaction by removing the coins it created (if other coin
                                // spends it, remove that too and so on) and restoring those that it replaced.
                                // After undoing the replaced transaction it will process the replacement transaction.
                                var replacedTxId = doubleSpends.First().TransactionId;
                                var(replaced, restored) = Coins.Undo(replacedTxId);


                                foreach (var replacedTransactionId in replaced.Select(coin => coin.TransactionId))
                                    TransactionStore.MempoolStore.TryRemove(replacedTransactionId, out _);

                        else                         // new confirmation always enjoys priority
                            // remove double spent coins recursively (if other coin spends it, remove that too and so on), will add later if they came to our keys
                            foreach (SmartCoin doubleSpentCoin in doubleSpends)


                            var unconfirmedDoubleSpentTxId = doubleSpends.First().TransactionId;
                            TransactionStore.MempoolStore.TryRemove(unconfirmedDoubleSpentTxId, out _);

                List <SmartCoin> spentOwnCoins = null;
                for (var i = 0U; i < tx.Transaction.Outputs.Count; i++)
                    // If transaction received to any of the wallet keys:
                    var      output   = tx.Transaction.Outputs[i];
                    HdPubKey foundKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(output.ScriptPubKey);
                    if (foundKey is { })
        private ProcessedResult ProcessNoLock(SmartTransaction tx)
            var result = new ProcessedResult(tx);

            // We do not care about non-witness transactions for other than mempool cleanup.
            if (tx.Transaction.PossiblyP2WPKHInvolved())
                uint256 txId = tx.GetHash();

                // Performance ToDo: txids could be cached in a hashset here by the AllCoinsView and then the contains would be fast.
                if (!tx.Transaction.IsCoinBase && !Coins.AsAllCoinsView().CreatedBy(txId).Any())                 // Transactions we already have and processed would be "double spends" but they shouldn't.
                    var doubleSpends = new List <SmartCoin>();
                    foreach (var txin in tx.Transaction.Inputs)
                        if (Coins.TryGetSpenderSmartCoinsByOutPoint(txin.PrevOut, out var coins))

                    if (doubleSpends.Any())
                        if (tx.Height == Height.Mempool)
                            // if the received transaction is spending at least one input already
                            // spent by a previous unconfirmed transaction signaling RBF then it is not a double
                            // spending transaction but a replacement transaction.
                            var isReplacemenetTx = doubleSpends.Any(x => x.IsReplaceable && !x.Confirmed);
                            if (isReplacemenetTx)
                                // Undo the replaced transaction by removing the coins it created (if other coin
                                // spends it, remove that too and so on) and restoring those that it replaced.
                                // After undoing the replaced transaction it will process the replacement transaction.
                                var replacedTxId = doubleSpends.First().TransactionId;
                                var(replaced, restored) = Coins.Undo(replacedTxId);


                                foreach (var replacedTransactionId in replaced.Select(coin => coin.TransactionId))
                                    TransactionStore.MempoolStore.TryRemove(replacedTransactionId, out _);

                        else                         // new confirmation always enjoys priority
                            // remove double spent coins recursively (if other coin spends it, remove that too and so on), will add later if they came to our keys
                            foreach (SmartCoin doubleSpentCoin in doubleSpends)


                            var unconfirmedDoubleSpentTxId = doubleSpends.First().TransactionId;
                            TransactionStore.MempoolStore.TryRemove(unconfirmedDoubleSpentTxId, out _);

                List <SmartCoin> spentOwnCoins = null;
                for (var i = 0U; i < tx.Transaction.Outputs.Count; i++)
                    // If transaction received to any of the wallet keys:
                    var      output   = tx.Transaction.Outputs[i];
                    HdPubKey foundKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(output.ScriptPubKey);
                    if (foundKey != default)
                        if (output.Value <= DustThreshold)

                        foundKey.SetKeyState(KeyState.Used, KeyManager);
                        spentOwnCoins ??= Coins.OutPoints(tx.Transaction.Inputs.ToTxoRefs()).ToList();
                        var anonset = tx.Transaction.GetAnonymitySet(i);
                        if (spentOwnCoins.Count != 0)
                            anonset += spentOwnCoins.Min(x => x.AnonymitySet) - 1;                             // Minus 1, because do not count own.

                        SmartCoin newCoin = new SmartCoin(txId, i, output.ScriptPubKey, output.Value, tx.Transaction.Inputs.ToTxoRefs().ToArray(), tx.Height, tx.IsRBF, anonset, foundKey.Label, spenderTransactionId: null, false, pubKey: foundKey);                         // Do not inherit locked status from key, that's different.

                        // If we did not have it.
                        if (Coins.TryAdd(newCoin))

                            // Make sure there's always 21 clean keys generated and indexed.
                            KeyManager.AssertCleanKeysIndexed(isInternal: foundKey.IsInternal);

                            if (foundKey.IsInternal)
                                // Make sure there's always 14 internal locked keys generated and indexed.
                        else                                      // If we had this coin already.
                            if (newCoin.Height != Height.Mempool) // Update the height of this old coin we already had.
                                SmartCoin oldCoin = Coins.AsAllCoinsView().GetByOutPoint(new OutPoint(txId, i));
                                if (oldCoin is { })                                 // Just to be sure, it is a concurrent collection.