public DetailedView(Split useSplits, WSplit callingForm) { base.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.dviewPaint); base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); this.InitializeComponent(); this.parent = callingForm; this.menuItemShowSegs.Checked = Settings.Profile.DViewShowSegs; this.menuItemMarkSegments.Checked = Settings.Profile.DViewDeltaMarks; this.menuItemAlwaysOnTop.Checked = Settings.Profile.DViewOnTop; base.TopMost = Settings.Profile.DViewOnTop; this.updateColumns(); this.clockFont = this.displayTime.Font; }
public DialogResult ShowDialog(Form caller, WSplit wsplit) { this.wsplit = wsplit; // If for some reason, a value is not compatible with WSplit, the settings // will automatically be brought back to default. try { this.PopulateSettings(); } catch (Exception) // Any kind of exception { this.RestoreDefaults(); MessageBoxEx.Show(this, "An error has occurred and your settings were brought back to defaults.", "Defaults Restored", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return base.ShowDialog(wsplit); }
public Painter(WSplit wsplit) { this.wsplit = wsplit; }
// Custom ShowDialog method, that will populate the settings before calling the default method public DialogResult ShowDialog(WSplit wsplit, int startupPanel) { this.wsplit = wsplit; ListView_SetItemSpacing(listViewPanelSelector, (short)listViewPanelSelector.ClientSize.Width, 76); // Moves the wanted panel on top of the others this.listViewPanelSelector.Items[startupPanel].Selected = true; this.ActivePanel = startupPanel; // Tell that, so far, there were no change in the background settings: this.BackgroundSettingsChanged = false; // If for some reason, a value is not compatible with WSplit, the settings // will automatically be brought back to default. try { this.PopulateSettings(); } catch (Exception) // Any kind of exception { this.RestoreDefaults(); MessageBoxEx.Show(this, "An error has occurred and your settings were brought back to defaults.", "Defaults Restored", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return base.ShowDialog(wsplit); }