public object Clone() { DimensionStyleAlternateUnits copy = new DimensionStyleAlternateUnits() { Enabled = this.dimalt, LengthUnits = this.dimaltu, StackUnits = this.stackedUnits, LengthPrecision = this.dimaltd, Multiplier = this.dimaltf, Roundoff = this.dimaltrnd, Prefix = this.dimPrefix, Suffix = this.dimSuffix, SuppressLinearLeadingZeros = this.suppressLinearLeadingZeros, SuppressLinearTrailingZeros = this.suppressLinearTrailingZeros, SuppressZeroFeet = this.suppressZeroFeet, SuppressZeroInches = this.suppressZeroInches }; return(copy); }
internal DimensionStyle(string name, bool checkName) : base(name, DxfObjectCode.DimStyle, checkName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name), "The dimension style name should be at least one character long."); } this.IsReserved = name.Equals(DefaultName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // dimension and extension lines this.dimclrd = AciColor.ByBlock; this.dimltype = Linetype.ByBlock; this.dimlwd = Lineweight.ByBlock; this.dimdle = 0.0; this.dimdli = 0.38; this.dimsd1 = false; this.dimsd2 = false; this.dimclre = AciColor.ByBlock; this.dimltex1 = Linetype.ByBlock; this.dimltex2 = Linetype.ByBlock; this.dimlwe = Lineweight.ByBlock; this.dimse1 = false; this.dimse2 = false; this.dimexo = 0.0625; this.dimexe = 0.18; this.dimfxlon = false; this.dimfxl = 1.0; // symbols and arrows this.dimldrblk = null; this.dimblk1 = null; this.dimblk2 = null; this.dimasz = 0.18; this.dimcen = 0.09; // text this.dimtxsty = TextStyle.Default; this.dimclrt = AciColor.ByBlock; this.dimtfillclr = null; this.dimtxt = 0.18; this.dimtad = DimensionStyleTextVerticalPlacement.Centered; this.dimjust = DimensionStyleTextHorizontalPlacement.Centered; this.dimgap = 0.09; this.dimtih = false; this.dimtoh = false; this.dimtxtdirection = DimensionStyleTextDirection.LeftToRight; this.dimtfac = 1.0; // fit this.dimtofl = false; this.dimsoxd = true; this.dimscale = 1.0; this.dimatfit = DimensionStyleFitOptions.BestFit; this.dimtix = false; this.dimtmove = DimensionStyleFitTextMove.BesideDimLine; // primary units this.dimdec = 4; this.dimadec = 0; this.dimPrefix = string.Empty; this.dimSuffix = string.Empty; this.dimdsep = '.'; this.dimlfac = 1.0; this.dimaunit = AngleUnitType.DecimalDegrees; this.dimlunit = LinearUnitType.Decimal; this.dimfrac = FractionFormatType.Horizontal; this.suppressLinearLeadingZeros = false; this.suppressLinearTrailingZeros = false; this.suppressZeroFeet = true; this.suppressZeroInches = true; this.suppressAngularLeadingZeros = false; this.suppressAngularTrailingZeros = false; this.dimrnd = 0.0; // alternate units this.alternateUnits = new DimensionStyleAlternateUnits(); // tolerances this.tolerances = new DimensionStyleTolerances(); }