async Task saveData()
            if (CheckInternetConnectivity.InternetStatus())
                matchData.autoCross      = inputs[0].getBtnStatus();
                matchData.autoGearScored = inputs[1].getBtnStatus();
                matchData.autoPressure   = pressureCounter.getValue();

                var    db   = new FirebaseClient(GlobalVariables.firebaseURL);
                string path = "ERROR";

                if (mType == -1)
                    path = "practiceMatchData/" + matchData.matchID;
                    path = "matchData/" + matchData.matchID;

                FirebaseAccess.saveData(db, path, matchData);

                 * if (mType == -1) {
                 *      var send = db
                 *                              .Child(GlobalVariables.regionalPointer)
                 *                              .Child("PracticeMatches")
                 *                              .Child(matchData.teamNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .Child(matchData.matchNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .PutAsync(matchData);
                 * } else {
                 *      var fbTeam = db
                 *                              .Child(GlobalVariables.regionalPointer)
                 *                              .Child("teamMatchData")
                 *                              .Child(matchData.teamNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .Child(matchData.matchNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .PutAsync(matchData);
                 * }
        public TeleOpMatchScoutingPage(MatchData data, int matchType)
            mType     = matchType;
            matchData = data;

            Title = "TeleOp Mode";

            Label teamNumberLbl = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                Text            = "Team: " + matchData.teamNumber.ToString(),
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            teleOpPressureLbl = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                Text            = "Pressure: " + (matchData.autoPressure),
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            teleOpGearLbl = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,
                Text            = "Gears: " + ((matchData.autoGearScored ? 1 : 0)),
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            actionCounter = new SingleCounter("Actions");

            pressureCounter = new MultiCounter("Pressure");
            pressureCounter.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => {
                teleOpPressureLbl.Text = "Total Pressure: " + (matchData.autoPressure + pressureCounter.getValue());

            gearCounter = new SingleCounter("Gears");
            gearCounter.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => {

            var finishBtn = new Button()
                Text = "FINISH",
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                FontSize          = GlobalVariables.sizeMedium,
                FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Bold,
                BackgroundColor   = Color.Yellow

            finishBtn.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
                Navigation.PushModalAsync(new PostMatchScoutingPage(matchData, mType));

            var topBar = new StackLayout()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                BackgroundColor   = Color.Green,
                Spacing           = 0,


            pageLayout.Children.Add(actionCounter, 0, 0);
            pageLayout.Children.Add(pressureCounter, 1, 2, 0, 2);
            pageLayout.Children.Add(gearCounter, 2, 0);

            pageLayout.Children.Add(finishBtn, 1, 2, 3, 4);

            Content = new StackLayout()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Spacing           = 0,

                Children =
                    new ScrollView()
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        IsClippedToBounds = true,

                        Content = pageLayout
         * void addAction(int v) {
         *      bool t = false;
         *      mActions[aIndex] = new ActionData();
         *      try {
         *              foreach (var hopper in hopperCapacity.on)
         *                      if (hopper == true) {
         *                              t = true;
         *                              break;
         *                      }
         *              if (t)
         *                      mActions[aIndex].hopperCapacity = hopperCapacity.getAvgPercentage() * robotMaxCapacity;
         *              else
         *                      mActions[aIndex].hopperCapacity = 0;
         *      }
         *      catch{
         *              mActions[aIndex].hopperCapacity = 0;
         *      }
         *      if (v == 0) // gear scored
         *              mActions[aIndex].cyclePressure = 0;
         *      else if (v == 1) // high shots
         *              mActions[aIndex].cyclePressure = (int)Math.Floor((robotMaxCapacity * hopperCapacity.getAvgPercentage() * goalAccuracy.getAvgPercentage()) / 3);
         *      else if (v == 2) { // low shots
         *              mActions[aIndex].lowGoalDump = true;
         *              mActions[aIndex].cyclePressure = (int)Math.Floor((robotMaxCapacity * hopperCapacity.getAvgPercentage()) / 9);
         *      } else // no complete scoring action
         *              mActions[aIndex].lowGoalDump = false;
         *      mActions[aIndex].gearsStationDrop = gearsStationDropped.getValue();
         *      mActions[aIndex].gearsTransitDrop = gearsTransitDropped.getValue();
         *      mActions[aIndex].gearSet = gearScoredBtn.on;
         *      if (gearScoredBtn.on) {
         *              gearScoredBtn.on = false;
         *              gearScoredBtn.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
         *      }
         *      lastActionLabels[0].Text = "Hopper Capacity: " + mActions[aIndex].hopperCapacity;
         *      lastActionLabels[1].Text = "High Accuracy: " + mActions[aIndex].highGoalAccuracy;
         *      lastActionLabels[2].Text = "Low Goal Dump: " + mActions[aIndex].lowGoalDump;
         *      lastActionLabels[3].Text = "Cycle Pressure: " + mActions[aIndex].cyclePressure;
         *      lastActionLabels[4].Text = "Gear Set: " + mActions[aIndex].gearSet;
         *      lastActionLabels[5].Text = "Gear Station Drops: " + mActions[aIndex].gearsStationDrop;
         *      lastActionLabels[6].Text = "Gear Transit Drops: " + mActions[aIndex].gearsTransitDrop;
         *      clearValues();
         *      if (v != 3) // aCount != aIndex in the event that the last 'action' the robot performs yeilds no score
         *              aCount++;
         *      aIndex++;
         *      actionCounter.Text = aIndex.ToString();
         *      actionCounter.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
         *      cycleUndo.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow;
         * }
         * void undoAction() {
         *      if (aIndex > 1) {
         *              lastActionLabels[0].Text = "Hopper Capacity: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].hopperCapacity;
         *              lastActionLabels[1].Text = "High Accuracy: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].highGoalAccuracy;
         *              lastActionLabels[2].Text = "Low Goal Dump: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].lowGoalDump;
         *              lastActionLabels[3].Text = "Cycle Pressure: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].cyclePressure;
         *              lastActionLabels[4].Text = "Gear Set: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].gearSet;
         *              lastActionLabels[5].Text = "Gear Station Drops: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].gearsStationDrop;
         *              lastActionLabels[6].Text = "Gear Transit Drops: " + mActions[aIndex - 1].gearsTransitDrop;
         *              aIndex--;
         *      } else {
         *              lastActionLabels[0].Text = "Hopper Capacity: " + 0;
         *              lastActionLabels[1].Text = "High Accuracy: " + 0;
         *              lastActionLabels[2].Text = "Low Goal Dump: " + false;
         *              lastActionLabels[3].Text = "Cycle Pressure: " + 0;
         *              lastActionLabels[4].Text = "Gear Set: " + false;
         *              lastActionLabels[5].Text = "Gear Station Drops: " + 0;
         *              lastActionLabels[6].Text = "Gear Transit Drops: " + 0;
         *      }
         *      actionCounter.Text = aCount.ToString();
         *      actionCounter.BackgroundColor = Color.Orange;
         *      lastActionView.BackgroundColor = Color.Orange;
         * }

        async Task saveData()
            matchData.actionCount       = actionCounter.getValue();
            matchData.teleOpPressure    = pressureCounter.getValue();
            matchData.teleOpGearsScored = gearCounter.getValue();

            if (CheckInternetConnectivity.InternetStatus())
                 * matchData.actionCount = aCount;
                 * matchData.teleOpTotalPressure = teleOpPressure;
                 * matchData.teleOpGearsDeposit = teleOpGears;
                 * int stationDropped = 0, transitDropped = 0;
                 * double hAcc = 0;
                 * for (int i = 0; i < aIndex; i++) {
                 *      hAcc += mActions[i].highGoalAccuracy;
                 *      stationDropped += mActions[i].gearsStationDrop;
                 *      transitDropped += mActions[i].gearsTransitDrop;
                 * }
                 * matchData.teleOpHighAcc = hAcc / aCount;
                 * matchData.teleOpGearsStationDropped = stationDropped;
                 * matchData.teleOpGearsTransitDropped = transitDropped;

                var    db   = new FirebaseClient(GlobalVariables.firebaseURL);
                string path = "ERROR";

                if (mType == -1)
                    path = "practiceMatchData/" + matchData.matchID;
                    path = "matchData/" + matchData.matchID;
                    FirebaseAccess.saveData(db, "matchActionData/" + matchData.matchID, matchData);

                FirebaseAccess.saveData(db, path, matchData);

                 * if (mType == -1) {
                 *      var send = db
                 *                              .Child(GlobalVariables.regionalPointer)
                 *                              .Child("PracticeMatches")
                 *                              .Child(matchData.teamNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .Child(matchData.matchNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .PutAsync(matchData);
                 * } else {
                 *      var matchBreakDown = db
                 *                                              .Child(GlobalVariables.regionalPointer)
                 *                                              .Child("teamMatchActionData")
                 *                                              .Child(matchData.teamNumber.ToString())
                 *                                              .Child(matchData.matchNumber.ToString())
                 *                                              .PutAsync(mActions);
                 *      var fbTeam = db
                 *                              .Child(GlobalVariables.regionalPointer)
                 *                              .Child("teamMatchData")
                 *                              .Child(matchData.teamNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .Child(matchData.matchNumber.ToString())
                 *                              .PutAsync(matchData);
                 * }
        public AutoMatchScoutingPage(MatchData data, int matchType)
            matchData = data;
            mType     = matchType;

            Title = "Autonomous Mode";

            Label teamNumberLbl = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                Text            = "Team: " + matchData.teamNumber.ToString(),
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            autoPressureLbl = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                Text            = "Total Pressure: 0",
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            autoGearLbl = new Label()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,
                Text            = "Total Gears: 0",
                TextColor       = Color.White,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
                FontSize        = GlobalVariables.sizeSmall,
                FontAttributes  = FontAttributes.Bold

            inputs[0] = new TitledColorButton("Crossing", "CROSSED");
            inputs[1] = new TitledColorButton("Gears", "Gear Scored");
            inputs[1].PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => {
                autoGearLbl.Text = "Total Gears: " + (inputs[1].getBtnStatus() ? 1 : 0);
            pressureCounter = new MultiCounter("Pressure");
            pressureCounter.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => {
                autoPressureLbl.Text = "Total Pressure: " + pressureCounter.getValue();

            var teleOpBtn = new Button()
                Text              = "TELEOP",
                FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Bold,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                FontSize          = GlobalVariables.sizeTitle,
                BackgroundColor   = Color.Yellow

            teleOpBtn.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
                Navigation.PushModalAsync(new TeleOpMatchScoutingPage(matchData, mType));

            var topBar = new StackLayout()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                BackgroundColor   = Color.Green,
                Spacing           = 0,


            pageLayout.Children.Add(inputs[0], 0, 0);
            pageLayout.Children.Add(pressureCounter, 1, 2, 0, 2);
            pageLayout.Children.Add(inputs[1], 2, 0);

            pageLayout.Children.Add(teleOpBtn, 1, 2, 3, 4);

            BackgroundColor = Color.Teal;

            Content = new StackLayout()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                //Spacing = 0,

                Children =
                    new ScrollView()
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        IsClippedToBounds = true,

                        Content = pageLayout