public override void OnCraft(Item item) { NPC n = SoulOfNPC.getNPCfromNPCTag(npcType); ((VendingMachineItem)(item.modItem)).setNPCType(n); npcType = null; }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { if (tag.ContainsKey("npc")) { setNPCType(SoulOfNPC.getNPCfromNPCTag((string)tag["npc"])); hasShop = false; } }
public override void SetDefaults() { base.SetDefaults(); item.maxStack = 99; item.createTile = ModContent.TileType <ReforgeMachineTile>(); hasShop = true; npcType = SoulOfNPC.ItemToTag(item); }
public void setNPCType(NPC npc) { npcType = SoulOfNPC.NPCToTag(npc); if (npc.type == NPCID.SkeletonMerchant) { item.SetNameOverride("Soul of the Skeleton Merchant"); Tooltip.SetDefault("The essence of the Skeleton Merchant"); } else { item.SetNameOverride("Soul of the " + Lang.GetNPCNameValue(npc.netID)); Tooltip.SetDefault("The essence of the " + Lang.GetNPCNameValue(npc.netID)); } }
public void setNPCType(NPC npc) { npcType = SoulOfNPC.NPCToTag(npc); hasShop = false; if (npc == null || npc.type == 0) { item.SetNameOverride("Vending Machine (Empty)"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Sells no items."); } else if (npc.type == NPCID.SkeletonMerchant) { item.SetNameOverride("Vending Machine (Skeleton Merchant)"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Sells the items the Skeleton Merchant would sell."); } else { item.SetNameOverride("Vending Machine (" + Lang.GetNPCNameValue(npc.netID) + ")"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Sells the items " + Lang.GetNPCNameValue(npc.netID) + " would sell."); } }