public IEnumerator SendPositionUpdates() { while (InGame) { var pos = GameRoom.clientGoT.position; if (pos.x != GameRoom.clientGoScript.px || pos.y != { ENetNetwork.Send(PacketType.ClientPositionUpdate, PacketFlags.None, pos.x, pos.y); } GameRoom.clientGoScript.px = pos.x; = pos.y; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(POSITION_UPDATE_DELAY / 1000)); } }
private bool WantsToQuit() { IsQuitting = true; if (Host == null) // Might press player then stop in Unity editor before client is created { return(false); } ENetNetwork.Send(PacketType.ClientDisconnect, PacketFlags.Reliable); if (Connected) { StartCoroutine(Quitting()); return(false); } return(true); }
public void SpawnClient() { clientGo = Instantiate(oClientPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); = $"mClient (You)"; clientGoScript = clientGo.AddComponent <ClientBehaviour>(); clientGoT = clientGo.transform; var ui = Instantiate(oClientCanvasPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); ui.GetComponent <Canvas>().worldCamera = Camera.main; ui.transform.SetParent(clientGo.transform); ui.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0.35f, 0); ui.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text = ENetClient.myName; var pos = clientGoT.position; ENetNetwork.Send(PacketType.ClientPositionUpdate, PacketFlags.Reliable, pos.x, pos.y); // We are in the game, we are ready to receive the initial positions of all the other clients ENetNetwork.Send(PacketType.ClientRequestPositions, PacketFlags.Reliable); ENetClient.InGame = true; }
private void UpdateENet() { if (Host == null) { return; } ENet.Event netEvent; if (!Running && !Disconnecting) { Disconnecting = true; ENetNetwork.Send(PacketType.ClientDisconnect, PacketFlags.Reliable); return; } if (Host.CheckEvents(out netEvent) <= 0) { if (Host.Service(15, out netEvent) <= 0) { return; } } switch (netEvent.Type) { case ENet.EventType.None: break; case ENet.EventType.Connect: //Debug.Log("Client connected to server"); Connected = true; break; case ENet.EventType.Disconnect: Debug.Log("Client disconnected from server"); Connected = false; GameRoom.clients.Remove(myID); if (!IsQuitting) { Destroy(gameObject); CleanUp(); SceneManager.LoadScene("Main Menu"); Disconnecting = false; } break; case ENet.EventType.Timeout: Debug.Log("Client connection timeout"); if (GameRoom.clients != null) { GameRoom.clients.Remove(myID); } string activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; if (activeScene == "Main") { SceneManager.LoadScene("Main Menu"); Destroy(gameObject); CleanUp(); } if (activeScene == "Account Management") { UIAccountManagement.ConnectingENet = false; UIAccountManagement.UpdateText("Failed to connect to ENet server"); } break; case ENet.EventType.Receive: //Debug.Log("Packet received from server - Channel ID: " + netEvent.ChannelID + ", Data length: " + netEvent.Packet.Length); HandlePacket(ref netEvent); netEvent.Packet.Dispose(); break; } }