static void Main(string[] args) { int userChoice; string userInput; Volunteer newVolunteer = new Volunteer(); Manager newManager = new Manager(); VirtualPet newDog = new VirtualPet("Sirius", "Black dog who has human like intelligence.", 25, 22, 20); VirtualPet newCat = new VirtualPet("Crookshanks", "Orange Cat who hates rats.", 50, 40, 92); VirtualPet newToad = new VirtualPet("Trevor", "Green toad who often gets lost.", 20, 46, 76); VirtualPet newOwl = new VirtualPet("Hedwig", "White owl who really likes mail.", 55, 83, 67); // fixed //newCat.Name = "Crookshanks "; //newDog.Name = "Sirius "; //newOwl.Name = "Hedwig "; //newToad.Name = "Trevor "; //newCat.Description = " Orange cat who hates rats."; //newDog.Description = " Black dog with human like intelligence."; //newToad.Description = " Green toad who gets lost easily."; //newOwl.Description = " White owl who really like mail."; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the virtual pet shelter!"); Console.WriteLine(); // main menu Console.WriteLine("Please select an option from the following:"); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to clock in as volunteer."); Console.WriteLine("Press 2 to clock in as manager. "); Console.WriteLine("Press 0 to clock out"); do { userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (userChoice) { case 1: { Console.Clear(); newVolunteer.ClockIn(); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for volunteering!"); do { //volunteer menu Console.WriteLine("Current pet values"); Console.WriteLine("| Name | Hunger | Thirst | Boredom |"); Console.WriteLine("| Sirius | " + newDog.IsHungry + " | " + newDog.IsThirsty + " | " + newDog.IsBored + " | "); Console.WriteLine("| CrookShanks | " + newCat.IsHungry + " | " + newCat.IsThirsty + " | " + newCat.IsBored + " | "); Console.WriteLine("| Trevor | " + newToad.IsHungry + " | " + newToad.IsThirsty + " | " + newToad.IsBored + " | "); Console.WriteLine("| Hedwig | " + newOwl.IsHungry + " | " + newOwl.IsThirsty + " | " + newOwl.IsBored + " | "); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What volunteer task would you like to complete?"); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'play' to play with the pets."); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'feed' to give the pets food."); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'water' to give the pets water."); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'leave' to clock out."); Console.WriteLine(); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput == "play") { newVolunteer.Play(); } if (userInput == "feed") { newCat.IsHungry--; newDog.IsHungry--; newOwl.IsHungry--; newToad.IsHungry--; newVolunteer.FeedPet(); } if (userInput == "water") { newCat.IsThirsty--; newDog.IsThirsty--; newOwl.IsThirsty--; newToad.IsThirsty--; newVolunteer.WaterPet(); } } while (userInput != "leave"); newVolunteer.ClockOut(); } return; case 2: { Console.Clear(); newManager.ClockIn(); Console.WriteLine(); do { //manager menu Console.WriteLine("What manager task would you like to complete?"); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'adopt' to set up and adoption."); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'play' to play with the pets."); Console.WriteLine("Enter 'leave' to clock out."); Console.WriteLine(); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); // pet name and descriptions if (userInput == "adopt") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Here are the pets available for adoption."); Console.WriteLine(newDog.Name + " is a " + newDog.Description); Console.WriteLine(newCat.Name + " is an " + newCat.Description); Console.WriteLine(newOwl.Name + " is a " + newOwl.Description); Console.WriteLine(newToad.Name + " is a " + newToad.Description); Console.WriteLine(); newManager.Adopt(); } if (userInput == "play") { newManager.Play(); } } while (userInput != "leave"); newManager.ClockOut(); } return; } } while (userChoice != 0); newManager.ClockOut(); }