public IEnumerator Running() { // Wait a frame so we can evaluate if objects we check for requirements have been destroyed yield return(0); // Display the choices on the UI UIManager.ui_manager.choice_panel.SetActive(true); if (Localize_Choice_Text) { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_text_banner.text = VNSceneManager.scene_manager.Get_Localized_Dialogue_Entry(Name_Of_Choice); // Localize the name of the choice; } else { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_text_banner.text = Name_Of_Choice; } if (Hide_Dialogue_UI) { VNSceneManager.scene_manager.Show_UI(!Hide_Dialogue_UI); } // Loop through each button // Make buttons that have events visible, set their text, // add call to Finish_Node() on the OnClick() listener and hook up the choices buttons to the events on this node for (int x = 0; x < Number_Of_Choices; x++) { if (Button_Events[x].GetPersistentEventCount() > 0) { // Set a button image for this button if we have one if (x < choice_button_images.Length && choice_button_images[x] != null) { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = choice_button_images[x]; if (use_image_native_size_for_buttons) { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <Image>().preserveAspect = true; UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <Image>().type = Image.Type.Simple; UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <Image>().SetNativeSize(); UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredHeight = -1; } } // No image to set, use reset it to the default one else { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = default_button_sprite; UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredHeight = default_button_flexible_height; UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent <Image>().preserveAspect = false; //UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponent<Image>().SetNativeSize(); } UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].gameObject.SetActive(true); // Make visible UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].interactable = true; bool requirement_met = true; if (Localize_Choice_Text) { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = VNSceneManager.scene_manager.Get_Localized_Dialogue_Entry(Button_Text[x]); // Set button text, get localized version } else { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = Button_Text[x]; // Set button text } //(Choice_Been_Clicked_Before[x] || if (Show_Choice_Was_Selected_Before[x] && StatsManager.Compare_Bool_Stat_To(Name_Of_Choice + ": " + Button_Text[x], true)) { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(true)[1].enabled = true; } else { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(true)[1].enabled = false; } if (Has_Requirements[x] != Choice_Stat_Requirement.No_Requirement) { // Loop through each requirement for (int req = 0; req < max_number_of_buttons; req++) { bool this_requirement_met = true; // No more requirements if (req > 0 && Logic[x * max_number_of_buttons + (req - 1)] == Choice_Boolean_Logic.Done) { break; } // Check stat requirements switch (Requirement_Type[x * max_number_of_buttons + req]) { case Choice_Condition.Float_Stat_Requirement: this_requirement_met = StatsManager.Compare_Float_Stat(Stat_Name[x * max_number_of_buttons + req], Float_Stat_Is[x * max_number_of_buttons + req], Float_Compare_Value[x * max_number_of_buttons + req]); break; case Choice_Condition.Bool_Stat_Requirement: this_requirement_met = StatsManager.Compare_Bool_Stat_To(Stat_Name[x * max_number_of_buttons + req], Bool_Compare_Value[x * max_number_of_buttons + req]); break; case Choice_Condition.String_Stat_Requirement: bool the_same = true; switch (String_Is[x * max_number_of_buttons + req]) { case Result.Is: the_same = true; break; case Result.Is_Not: the_same = false; break; } this_requirement_met = StatsManager.Compare_String_Stat_To(Stat_Name[x * max_number_of_buttons + req], String_Compare_Value[x * max_number_of_buttons + req], the_same); break; case Choice_Condition.Object_Is_Null: // Check if object exists // If the object doesn't exist, and the box is checked // OR the object exists and the box is not checked this_requirement_met = Check_Null_Object[x * max_number_of_buttons + req] && !Bool_Compare_Value[x * max_number_of_buttons + req]; break; } // Compare this requirement with previous requirement if (req > 0) { switch (Logic[x * max_number_of_buttons + (req - 1)]) { case Choice_Boolean_Logic.And: requirement_met = requirement_met && this_requirement_met; break; case Choice_Boolean_Logic.Or: requirement_met = requirement_met || this_requirement_met; break; } } else { requirement_met = this_requirement_met; // First requirement uses this requirement } } } // Stat requirements have been met. Display the choice if (requirement_met) { AddListeners(x); } else { switch (Requirement_Not_Met_Actions[x]) { case Requirement_Not_Met_Action.Disable_Button: UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].interactable = false; UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = Disabled_Text[x]; // Set button text break; case Requirement_Not_Met_Action.Hide_Choice: UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].gameObject.SetActive(false); // Make inivisible break; } } } else { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } // Disable all other buttons for (int x = Number_Of_Choices; x < max_number_of_buttons; x++) { UIManager.ui_manager.choice_buttons[x].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (randomize_choices_order) { RandomizeButtonOrder(); } }
void Start() { StatsManager.Clear_All_Stats(); }
// Loads a scene and sets the settings of this save file to the game // Must be called with a monobehaviour with StartCoroutine(Load()) // Modify this method to add in your own custom loading code public IEnumerator Load() { Debug.Log("Loading..." + current_conv_node); StatsManager.Clear_All_Stats(); string active_scene = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; // UI is unresponsive if there are 2 event systems if (UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.gameObject) { GameObject.Destroy(UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.gameObject); } // Load items StatsManager.items = saved_items; VNSceneManager.scene_manager = null; // Load the scene that was saved UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene(current_scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode.Additive); // Must wait 1 frame before initializing the new scene yield return(null); // Unpause in case the game was paused before loading Pause.pause.ResumeGame(); // Stop the default things from happening VNSceneManager.scene_manager.starting_conversation = null; ConversationManager cur_conv = GameObject.Find(current_conv).GetComponent <ConversationManager>(); // Set log VNSceneManager.scene_manager.Add_To_Log("", log_text); // Set play time VNSceneManager.scene_manager.play_time += time_played; ActorManager.actors_on_scene = new List <Actor>(); ActorManager.exiting_actors = new List <Actor>(); ActorManager.left_actors = new List <Actor>(); ActorManager.right_actors = new List <Actor>(); ActorManager.center_actors = new List <Actor>(); /* * // Load the actors on the scene * foreach (string a in left_actors) * { * ActorManager.Instantiate_Actor(a, Actor_Positions.LEFT); * } * foreach (string a in right_actors) * { * ActorManager.Instantiate_Actor(a, Actor_Positions.RIGHT); * } * foreach (string a in center_actors) * { * ActorManager.Instantiate_Actor(a, Actor_Positions.CENTER); * } */ // Execute any Nodes that need to executed to create the scene (StaticImageNodes, SetBackground, SetMusicNode, ChangeActorImage, etc) foreach (string node_path in Nodes_to_Execute_on_Load) { // Figure out what type of Node we're dealing with string[] node_parts = node_path.Split(new string[] { feature_save_separation_character }, StringSplitOptions.None); // We can figure out which node is executed by the Node component embedded in the string if (node_parts.Length == 2) { GameObject go = GameObject.Find(node_parts[1]); if (go == null) { Debug.LogError("Load: Could not find node to execute; " + node_path); continue; } Node n = (Node)go.GetComponent(node_parts[0]); if (n != null) { n.executed_from_load = true; n.Run_Node(); } else { Debug.LogError("Load: Gameobject did not have attached node to execute; " + node_path); } } // Can't figure out which node type this is, simply execute the first node on the found gameobject else if (node_parts.Length == 1) { GameObject go = GameObject.Find(node_path); if (go == null) { Debug.LogError("Load: Could not find node to execute; " + node_path); continue; } Node n = go.GetComponent <Node>(); if (n != null) { n.executed_from_load = true; n.Run_Node(); } else { Debug.LogError("Load: Gameobject did not have attached node to execute; " + node_path); } } } // Delete conversations not present in our saved conversations ConversationManager[] convs = (ConversationManager[])UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(ConversationManager)) as ConversationManager[]; foreach (ConversationManager c in convs) { // Find all conversations in our freshly loaded scene, check if we should keep or delete these conversations string name = (; // Record the full name of the object (including its parents) Transform parent = c.transform.parent; while (parent != null) { name = name.Insert(0, + "/"); parent = parent.parent; } bool delete_conv = true; // Check against saved conversations foreach (string s in remaining_conversations) { if (name == s) { delete_conv = false; break; } } if (delete_conv) { GameObject.Destroy(c.gameObject); } } // Load stats StatsManager.boolean_stats = saved_boolean_stats; StatsManager.numbered_stats = saved_numbered_stats; StatsManager.string_stats = saved_string_stats; StatsManager.items = saved_items; StatsManager.Print_All_Stats(); // Load log text VNSceneManager.text_logs = log_categories; VNSceneManager.scene_manager.Conversation_log = log_text; //<< MODIFY THIS SECTION TO LOAD THINGS SPECIFIC TO YOUR GAME >>// //<< MODIFY THE ABOVE SECTION TO LOAD THINGS SPECIFIC TO YOUR GAME >>// // Start the conversation cur_conv.Start_Conversation_Partway_Through(current_conv_node); yield return(0); // Flip any actors that are meant to be flipped foreach (string a in flipped_actors) { Actor actor = ActorManager.Get_Actor(a); if (a != null) { actor.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-actor.transform.localScale.x, actor.transform.localScale.y, actor.transform.localScale.z); } } UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.SetActiveScene(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetSceneByName(current_scene)); UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(active_scene); AudioListener.pause = false; yield return(0); }
// force_change means the language was changed, immediately stop animating the text and just set the text to done public void GetLocalizedText(bool force_change) { // Localize and/or insert stats into the title of the text box if needed if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox_title)) { string speaker_title = ""; if (speaker_name_from == Dialogue_Source.Text_From_Editor) { speaker_title = textbox_title; } else if (speaker_name_from == Dialogue_Source.Localized_Text_From_CSV) { // Get the key associated with the speaker's name speaker_title = UIManager.ui_manager.Get_Localized_UI_Entry(textbox_title); } else if (speaker_name_from == Dialogue_Source.Text_From_String_Stat) { // Is there a string stat of this name? string stat_val = StatsManager.Get_String_Stat(textbox_title); // Check if it's valid if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stat_val)) { Debug.LogError("String stat " + textbox_title + " does not exist, please set the Stat before using it in a DialogueNode", this.gameObject); UIManager.ui_manager.speaker_panel.text = textbox_title; } else { if (fetch_localized_stat_value) { stat_val = UIManager.ui_manager.Get_Localized_UI_Entry(textbox_title); } speaker_title = stat_val; } } UIManager.ui_manager.speaker_panel.text = speaker_title; } // If using text from a CSV, grab it now if (dialogue_from == Dialogue_Source.Localized_Text_From_CSV) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localized_key)) { Debug.LogError("Localized key is null. Please enter a key", this.gameObject); return; } text = VNSceneManager.scene_manager.Get_Localized_Dialogue_Entry(this.localized_key); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { Debug.LogError("Retrieved localized dialogue is null or empty. Please ensure you have entered a row with the key matching: " + this.localized_key, this.gameObject); } // If done printing, just change the text if (!force_change && done_printing) { UIManager.ui_manager.text_panel.text = text; } if (force_change && !done_printing) { Button_Pressed(); } // Go through text, checking to see if we need to insert Stats values text = Insert_Stats_into_Text(text); UIManager.ui_manager.text_panel.text = text; } else { // Go through text, checking to see if we need to insert Stats values text = Insert_Stats_into_Text(text); } }
public IEnumerator Running() { // Wait a frame so we can evaluate if objects we check for requirements have been destroyed yield return(0); bool conditions_met = true; for (int x = 0; x < Number_Of_Conditions; x++) { bool cur_condition = false; // Evaluate each condition sequentially switch (Conditions[x]) { case Condition.Bool_Stat_Requirement: cur_condition = StatsManager.Compare_Bool_Stat_To(Stat_Name[x], Bool_Compare_Value[x]); break; case Condition.Float_Stat_Requirement: cur_condition = StatsManager.Compare_Float_Stat(Stat_Name[x], Float_Stat_Is[x], Float_Compare_Value[x]); break; case Condition.String_Stat_Requirement: bool the_same = true; switch (String_Is[x]) { case Result.Is: the_same = true; break; case Result.Is_Not: the_same = false; break; } cur_condition = StatsManager.Compare_String_Stat_To(Stat_Name[x], String_Compare_Value[x], the_same); break; case Condition.Object_Is_Null: // Check if object exists // If the object doesn't exist, and the box is checked // OR the object exists and the box is not checked cur_condition = Check_Null_Object[x] && !Bool_Compare_Value[x]; break; case Condition.Object_Is_Active: // Check if the gameobject is enabled cur_condition = Check_Active_Object[x].activeSelf && Bool_Compare_Value[x]; break; } // Check if need to keep going with AND's or OR's if (x == 0) { // First condition, nothing to AND or OR with conditions_met = cur_condition; } else if (x < Number_Of_Conditions) { // Must AND or OR the previous condition switch (Logic[x - 1]) { case Boolean_Logic.And: conditions_met = conditions_met && cur_condition; break; case Boolean_Logic.Or: conditions_met = conditions_met || cur_condition; break; } } } if ((Is_Condition_Met == Condition_Is.Met && conditions_met) || (Is_Condition_Met == Condition_Is.Not_Met && !conditions_met)) { switch (Action) { case Requirement_Met_Action.Change_Conversation: if (Conversation_To_Switch_To != null) { Conversation_To_Switch_To.Start_Conversation(); } else { Debug.LogError("No conversation to switch to", this.gameObject); } break; case Requirement_Met_Action.Jump_to_Middle_of_Conversation: if (!Node_To_Switch_To) { Debug.LogError("Node to switch to not set in IfNode", gameObject); break; } ConversationManager cm = Node_To_Switch_To.GetComponentInParent <ConversationManager>(); if (cm) { cm.Start_At_Node(Node_To_Switch_To); } else { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find Conversation associated with Node: " +, gameObject); } break; case Requirement_Met_Action.Custom_Events: Custom_Actions.Invoke(); if (Continue_Conversation) { Finish_Node(); } break; } } else { // Just continue conversation Finish_Node(); } }