public void SetRequestHeader(string name, string value) { bool flag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name); if (flag) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a Request Header with a null or empty name"); } bool flag2 = value == null; if (flag2) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a Request header with a null"); } bool flag3 = !this.isModifiable; if (flag3) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request headers cannot be altered"); } UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError unityWebRequestError = this.InternalSetRequestHeader(name, value); bool flag4 = unityWebRequestError > UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError.OK; if (flag4) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(unityWebRequestError)); } }
private void InternalSetUrl(string url) { if (!this.isModifiable) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its URL cannot be altered"); } UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError unityWebRequestError = this.SetUrl(url); if (unityWebRequestError != UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError.OK) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(unityWebRequestError)); } }
internal void InternalSetCustomMethod(string customMethodName) { if (!this.isModifiable) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request method can no longer be altered"); } UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError unityWebRequestError = this.SetCustomMethod(customMethodName); if (unityWebRequestError != UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError.OK) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(unityWebRequestError)); } }
internal void InternalSetMethod(UnityWebRequestMethod methodType) { if (!isModifiable) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request method can no longer be altered"); } UnityWebRequestError ret = SetMethod(methodType); if (ret != UnityWebRequestError.OK) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(ret)); } }
internal void InternalSetMethod(UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestMethod methodType) { bool flag = !this.isModifiable; if (flag) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request method can no longer be altered"); } UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError unityWebRequestError = this.SetMethod(methodType); bool flag2 = unityWebRequestError > UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError.OK; if (flag2) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(unityWebRequestError)); } }
public void SetRequestHeader(string name, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a Request Header with a null or empty name"); } if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a Request header with a null"); } if (!this.isModifiable) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request headers cannot be altered"); } UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError unityWebRequestError = this.InternalSetRequestHeader(name, value); if (unityWebRequestError != UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError.OK) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(unityWebRequestError)); } }
public void SetRequestHeader(string name, string value) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a Request Header with a null or empty name"); } // Only check for null here, as in general header value can be empty, i.e. Accept-Encoding can have empty value according spec. if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot set a Request header with a null"); } if (!isModifiable) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request headers cannot be altered"); } UnityWebRequestError ret = InternalSetRequestHeader(name, value); if (ret != UnityWebRequestError.OK) { throw new InvalidOperationException(UnityWebRequest.GetWebErrorString(ret)); } }