
        internal static ImageSequenceImportWindow  Show(ImageFileImporterParam param)
            Rect rect = new Rect(160, 160, 0, 0);
            ImageSequenceImportWindow window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <ImageSequenceImportWindow>();

            window.ShowAsDropDown(rect, new Vector2(640, 480));
            window.m_importerParam = param;

        /// Import images in the path to create StreamingImageSequence assets with those images
        /// <param name="path"> Can be a directory path or a file path</param>
        /// <param name="targetAsset"> The target asset where the images are assigned to</param>
        /// <param name="askToCopy"> Ask to copy if path is not under StreamingAssets. Default to true</param>
        internal static void ImportImages(string path,
                                          StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset targetAsset, bool askToCopy = true)

            FindFolderAndImages(path, out string folder, out List <string> relFilePaths);
            if (relFilePaths.Count <= 0)
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(StreamingImageSequenceConstants.DIALOG_HEADER, @"No files in folder:: " + folder, "OK");

            //Estimate the asset name. Use the filename without numbers at the end
            string assetName = EstimateAssetName(relFilePaths[0]);

            // set dest folder
            string streamingAssetsPath = AssetEditorUtility.NormalizeAssetPath(Application.streamingAssetsPath);

            //Set importer param
            ImageFileImporterParam importerParam = new ImageFileImporterParam {
                strSrcFolder          = folder,
                RelativeFilePaths     = relFilePaths,
                CopyToStreamingAssets = true,
                TargetAsset           = targetAsset

            //Import immediately if the assets are already under StreamingAssets
            if (folder.StartsWith(streamingAssetsPath) || !askToCopy)
                importerParam.strDstFolder          = importerParam.strSrcFolder;
                importerParam.CopyToStreamingAssets = false;
                importerParam.strDstFolder = Path.Combine(streamingAssetsPath, assetName).Replace("\\", "/");