static PlanarReflectionProbeUI() { //copy HDProbe UI int max = HDProbeUI.Inspector.Length; #pragma warning disable 618 //CED Inspector = new CED.IDrawer[max]; #pragma warning disable 618 for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { Inspector[i] = HDProbeUI.Inspector[i]; } //forbid other mode than realtime at the moment Inspector[1] = SectionPrimarySettings; //lock realtime/Custom/bake on realtime Inspector[Inspector.Length - 1] = CED.noop; //hide bake button //override SectionInfluenceVolume to remove normals settings Inspector[3] = CED.FoldoutGroup( InfluenceVolumeUI.influenceVolumeHeader, Expandable.InfluenceVolume, k_ExpandedState, CED.Select( (s, d, o) => s.influenceVolume, (s, d, o) => d.influenceVolume, InfluenceVolumeUI.InnerInspector(UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.ReflectionProbeType.PlanarReflection) ) ); }