        protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(e);          // call the handler of the base first
            m_IsDragInProgress      = false;
            m_InitialCursorLocation = e.GetPosition(this); // Cache the mouse cursor location

            //check if the mouse was clicked on the ScrollBar, in which case let the ScrollBar remain its control.
            if (null != GetParentOfType <ScrollBar>(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject))

            // Walk up the visual tree from the element that was clicked,
            // looking for an element that is a direct child of the Canvas
            DraggedElement = FindCanvasChild(e.Source as DependencyObject);
            if (m_DraggedElement == null)

            // Custom - select dragged element
            if (DraggedElement.GetType() == typeof(Rectangle) || DraggedElement.GetType() == typeof(Ellipse))
                Shape      element = (Shape)DraggedElement;
                MainWindow window  = GetMainWindow();

            m_ModificationDirection = ResolveOffset(Canvas.GetLeft(m_DraggedElement), Canvas.GetRight(m_DraggedElement), Canvas.GetTop(m_DraggedElement), Canvas.GetBottom(m_DraggedElement));

            // Set the Handled flag so that a control being dragged
            // does not react to the mouse input
            e.Handled = true;

            if (m_ModificationDirection == ModificationDirection.None)
                DraggedElement = null;
            BringToFront(m_DraggedElement as UIElement);
            m_IsDragInProgress = true;