public TwilioResponse InitialOptions(VoiceRequest request) { TwilioResponse response = new TwilioResponse(); var id = request.Digits; if (!directory.ExtensionExists(id)) { response.Say("We couldn't find your I D."); response.Hangup(); } response.BeginGather(new { finishOnKey = "#", action = string.Format("/Router/PingInital?callingPartyId={0}", id) }); response.Say("To contact an individual, enter their 4 digit I D and then press the hash button"); response.Say("To contact a team, enter star followed by the 4 digit I D and then press the hash button"); response.EndGather(); return response; }
public TwilioResponse PingTeamMember(string teamId, string callingPartyId, int idx) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); Contact contact = directory.GetTeamMember(teamId, idx); Team team = directory.GetTeam(teamId); if (contact != null) { if (idx == 0) { response.Say(string.Format("Now attempting to connect you to {0}", team.Name)); } else { response.Say("Trying next team member..."); } response.Say("We are now contacting " + contact.Name + ", please hold the line"); response.Dial(new Number(contact.MobileNumber, new { url = string.Format("/Router/PreConnect?callingPartyId={0}", callingPartyId) }), new { callerId = "+442033229301", timeLimit = 5, action = string.Format("/Router/NextTeamMember?callingPartyId={0}&TeamId={1}&Idx={2}", callingPartyId, teamId, idx) }); } else { response.Say("Couldn't find a team member..."); response.Hangup(); } return response; }
public ActionResult ManageAccount(string CallSid, string Digits) { var call = GetCall(CallSid); TwilioResponse response = new TwilioResponse(); response.Say("Sorry. Account management is currently down for repairs. Please try again in 6 to 8 weeks."); response.Hangup(); return SendTwilioResult(response); }
public ActionResult Hangup() { var response = new TwilioResponse(); response.Say( "Your recording has been saved. Good bye"); response.Hangup(); return TwiML(response); }
public HttpResponseMessage GoodByeMessage(TwilioVoiceRequest twilioVoiceRequest) { var twilioResponse = new TwilioResponse(); twilioResponse.Say("Thank you for using VoxVoi. Goodbye!", _voicesettings); twilioResponse.Hangup(); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, twilioResponse.Element); }
public TwilioResponse GetGreeting(VoiceRequest request) { string culture = LanguageHelper.GetDefaultCulture(); var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { var lookupPhoneNumber = request.GetOriginatingNumber(); var knownNumber = profileManager.CheckNumber(lookupPhoneNumber); if (knownNumber) { culture = profileManager.GetCulture(lookupPhoneNumber); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture)) { culture = LanguageHelper.GetDefaultCulture(); } else { culture = LanguageHelper.GetValidCulture(culture); } IVREntryLang.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(culture); twiMLHelper = new TwiMLHelper(culture, LanguageHelper.IsImplementedAsMP3(culture)); } else { twiMLHelper = new TwiMLHelper(LanguageHelper.GetDefaultCulture(), false); } twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, IVREntryLang.Welcome); twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, string.Format(IVREntryLang.PhoneLookup, string.Join(" ", lookupPhoneNumber.ToArray()))); if (!knownNumber) { twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, IVREntryLang.PhoneNumberNotFound); response.Hangup(); return response; } response.BeginGather(new { finishOnKey = "#", action = string.Format("/api/IVRAuthenticate?language={0}", culture) }); twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, IVREntryLang.EnterPin); response.EndGather(); } catch (Exception ex) { twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, string.Format(IVREntryLang.Error, ex.Message)); twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, string.Format(IVREntryLang.Error, ex.Message)); twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, string.Format(IVREntryLang.Error, ex.Message)); response.Hangup(); } return response; }
public HttpResponseMessage Post(VoiceRequest request, string pin) { var user = AuthenticationService.GetUser(pin); var response = new TwilioResponse(); response.Say(string.Format("Hello {0}", user.Name)); response.Pause(2); response.Hangup(); return this.TwiMLResponse(response); }
public ActionResult CallComplete(string CallSid) { LocationalCall call = (LocationalCall)GetCall(CallSid); StateManager.CompletedCall(call); StateManager.AddToLog(CallSid, "Call is completed."); TwilioResponse response = new TwilioResponse(); response.Say("Goodbye baby cakes"); response.Hangup(); return SendTwilioResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult Index(VoiceRequest request) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); // Use <Say> to give the caller some instructions response.Say("Hello. Please leave a message and I will transcribe it."); // Use <Record> to record and transcribe the caller's message response.Record(new { transcribe = true, maxLength = 30 }); // End the call with <Hangup> response.Hangup(); return TwiML(response); }
public TwiMLResult Index(VoiceRequest request) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); // Use <Say> to give the caller some instructions response.Say("Hello. Please leave a message after the beep."); // Use <Record> to record the caller's message response.Record(); // End the call with <Hangup> response.Hangup(); return TwiML(response); }
private TwiMLResult ReturnInstructions() { var response = new TwilioResponse(); response.Say("To get to your extraction point, get on your bike and go down " + "the street. Then Left down an alley. Avoid the police cars. Turn left " + "into an unfinished housing development. Fly over the roadblock. Go " + "passed the moon. Soon after you will see your mother ship.", new {voice = "alice", language = "en-GB"}); response.Say("Thank you for calling the ET Phone Home Service - the " + "adventurous alien's first choice in intergalactic travel"); response.Hangup(); return TwiML(response); }
public HttpResponseMessage Post(VoiceRequest request, string userId) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); var usernames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "12345", "Tom" }, { "23456", "Dick" }, { "34567", "Harry" } }; var username = usernames[userId]; response.Say(string.Format("Hello {0}", username)); response.Pause(5); response.Hangup(); return this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.Element, new XmlMediaTypeFormatter()); }
public HttpResponseMessage Post(VoiceRequest request) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); var validIds = new List<string> { "12345", "23456", "34567" }; var userId = request.Digits; var authenticated = validIds.Contains(userId); if (!authenticated) { response.Say("You entered an invalid ID. Goodbye."); response.Hangup(); } else { response.Say("ID is valid."); response.Redirect(string.Format("/api/Name?userId={0}", userId)); } return this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.Element, new XmlMediaTypeFormatter()); }
public TwilioResponse GetAuthentication(VoiceRequest request, string language) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) { language = LanguageHelper.GetDefaultCulture(); } else { language = LanguageHelper.GetValidCulture(language); } IVRAuthLang.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(language); twiMLHelper = new TwiMLHelper(language, LanguageHelper.IsImplementedAsMP3(language)); string lookupPhoneNumber = request.GetOriginatingNumber(); var pin = request.Digits; var result = profileManager.CheckPin(lookupPhoneNumber, pin); string correctPin = profileManager.GetPin(lookupPhoneNumber); if (result) { response.Redirect(routeProvider.GetUrlMethod(IVRRoutes.PLAY_MAIN_MENU, language), "POST"); } else { twiMLHelper.SayOrPlay(response, IVRAuthLang.IncorrectPIN); response.Hangup(); } return response; }
public TwiMLResult CallBackAfterConference(CallContextModel model) { var callSid = Request["CallSid"]; var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { if (model.IsCustomer) { model.ReceiverSid = callSid; } else { model.CallerSid = callSid; } response.Say(ConferenceConst.ThankForConsultantAndFollowupAction, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); return new TwiMLResult(response); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Call back after conference. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult ConsultantAfterCall(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { response.BeginGather(new { numDigits = 1, action = Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCallResponse", model) }); // Check call duration var call = Services.Call.GetByCallSid(Request["CallSid"]); int startingTime = Convert.ToInt32(Services.SystemConfig.GetByKey(ParamatricBusinessRules.STARTING_TIME.ToString()).Value); if (call.Duration <= startingTime) { response.Say(ConferenceConst.ConsultantAfterCallNoInvoice, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } else { response.Say(ConferenceConst.ConsultantAfterCall, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } response.EndGather(); response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Log.Error("Consultant after call. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult ClientDenied(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { // Update call status model.ReceiverStatus = Request["CallStatus"]; Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.ReceiverStatus, false); if (model.IsCustomer) // Customer initiate call >> Consultant called first { response.Say(ConferenceConst.CustomerDenied, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } else // Consultant initiate call >> Customer called first { response.Say(ConferenceConst.ConsultantDenied, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("First client denied. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } // Hangup response.Hangup(); return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult SecondClientResponse(CallContextModel model, string digits) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { model.CallerStatus = Request["CallStatus"]; switch (digits) { case "1": // Update database second client is ready now and update status Services.Call.ReceiverReadyNow(model.CallId); Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.CallerStatus, true); response.Redirect(Url.Action("SecondClientReady", model)); break; default: response.Pause(10); response.Redirect(Url.Action("SecondClientStart", model)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("First client response. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult ConsultantAfterCallResponse(CallContextModel model, string digits) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); var message = ConferenceConst.AcctionCompleted; var specialist = new UserDto(); var call = new CallDto(); bool canWaiveFee = true; int transcriptSuccess = 2; try { if (digits.Equals("2") || digits.Equals("3") || digits.Equals("4") || digits.Equals("5")) { call = Services.Call.GetByCallSid(Request["CallSid"]); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.RecordUrl)) { model.RecordSid = call.RecordSid; model.RecordDuration = call.RecordDuration; model.RecordUrl = call.RecordUrl; } // Get specialist if (model.IsCustomer) // Caller is customer { specialist = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); } else { specialist = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); } int startingTime = Convert.ToInt32(Services.SystemConfig.GetByKey(ParamatricBusinessRules.STARTING_TIME.ToString()).Value); if (call.Duration <= startingTime) { canWaiveFee = false; } } switch (digits) { case "1": // Dictate your follow up action var statusCallBack = Utilities.FormatLink(Url.Action("VoiceMail", "Conference", model)); Services.Call.RedirectToVoiceMail(Request["CallSid"], statusCallBack); break; case "2": // Transcript consultation // Send transcription request transcriptSuccess = SendTranscriptionRequest(specialist.Id.ToString(), specialist.UserName, specialist.Email, call.RecordUrl, call.RecordDuration, call.Booking); if (transcriptSuccess == 0) { message = ConferenceConst.BalanceNotEnoughForTranscript; } else if (transcriptSuccess == 1) { message = ConferenceConst.TranscriptError; } break; case "3": // Play consultation record response.Pause(5); response.Play(model.RecordUrl); break; case "4": // Play consultation record and transcription // Play consultation record response.Pause(5); response.Play(model.RecordUrl); // Send transcription request transcriptSuccess = SendTranscriptionRequest(specialist.Id.ToString(), specialist.UserName, specialist.Email, call.RecordUrl, call.RecordDuration, call.Booking); if (transcriptSuccess == 0) { message = ConferenceConst.BalanceNotEnoughForTranscript; } else if (transcriptSuccess == 1) { message = ConferenceConst.TranscriptError; } break; case "5": // Waive consultation fee if (canWaiveFee) { response.Redirect(Url.Action("WaiveFeeAction", model)); } else { response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); } break; default: response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); return new TwiMLResult(response); } } catch (Exception e) { // Log Log.Error("Consultant after call response. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } response.Say(message, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult CallHangUpForDeferOrReSchedule(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(Request["CallSid"], CallStatus.Completed); Services.Call.UpdateConferenceTime(model.CallId, false); response.Hangup(); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Log.Error("Call hang up for defer or reschedule. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwilioResponse RespondToPreConnect(VoiceRequest request) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); if (request.Digits == "1") { response.Say("You are now being connected."); } else { response.Hangup(); } return response; }
public TwiMLResult FirstClientConference(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { // Get fromUser and toUser var caller = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); var receiver = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); var callBackUrl = Utilities.FormatLink(Url.Action("CallBackAfterConference", "Conference", model)); if (model.IsCustomer) // Customer initiate call >> Consultant called first { // Get name conference room var room = string.Format(ConferenceRoom, caller.UserName, receiver.UserName, model.BookingId); // Check customer is readly in conference if (Services.Call.CheckCallInStatus(model.CallId, CallStatus.InProgress, false)) { response.Say(ConferenceConst.CustomerReadyTakeCall, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); // Update start time conference Services.Call.UpdateConferenceTime(model.CallId, true); // Begin call duration show popup to user CallHelper.CallDuration(Request["CallSid"], model.IsCustomer, Services, true); // Start conference timer CallHelper.StartConferenceTimer(model.CallerId, model.CallId, model.BookingId, room); // Dial conference response.DialConference(room, new { endConferenceOnExit = true, waitUrl = "" }, new { record = false, transcribe = false, action = callBackUrl }); } else { response.Say(ConferenceConst.CustomerDenied, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } } else // Consultant initiate call >> Customer called first { response.Say(ConferenceConst.ConsultantReadyTakeCall, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); // Get name conference room var room = string.Format(ConferenceRoom, caller.UserName, receiver.UserName, model.BookingId); // Update start time conference Services.Call.UpdateConferenceTime(model.CallId, true); // Begin call duration show popup to user CallHelper.CallDuration(Request["CallSid"], model.IsCustomer, Services, true); // Begin conference timer CallHelper.StartConferenceTimer(model.ReceiverId, model.CallId, model.BookingId, room); // Dial conference var callHangUpUrl = Utilities.FormatLink(Url.Action("CallHangUp", "Conference", model)); response.DialConference(room, new { endConferenceOnExit = true }, new { record = true, trim = "trim-silence", transcribe = false, action = callHangUpUrl }); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("First client join conference. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult FirstClientHold(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { bool pickedUp = Services.Call.ReceiverPickedUp(model.CallId); bool ready = Services.Call.ReceiverReady(model.CallId); // Update call status model.ReceiverStatus = Request["CallStatus"]; Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.ReceiverStatus, false); if (pickedUp && ready) { // Join conference room response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientConference", model)); } else { response.Pause(20); if (model.IsCustomer) //do Customer initiate call >> Consultant called first { response.Say(ConferenceConst.WaitForCustomer, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } else // Consultant initiate call >> Customer called first { response.Say(ConferenceConst.WaitForConsultant, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientHold", model)); } return new TwiMLResult(response); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("First client hold. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult FirstClientReady(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); var message = string.Empty; try { // Make call to second client // If customer initiate call >> Customer will be call // If consultant initiate call >> Consultant will be call var customer = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); var specialist = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); try { if (model.IsCustomer) { string fullPhoneNumber = customer.MobileCountryCode + customer.MobilePhone; // Make call to customer var call = Services.Call.Dial(Url.Action("SecondClientStart", model), fullPhoneNumber); // Update callSid Services.Call.UpdateCallSid(model.CallId, call.Sid, true); } else { customer = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); specialist = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); string fullPhoneNumber = specialist.MobileCountryCode + specialist.MobilePhone; // Make call to consultant var call = Services.Call.Dial(Url.Action("SecondClientStart", model), fullPhoneNumber); // Update callSid Services.Call.UpdateCallSid(model.CallId, call.Sid, true); } } catch (Exception e) { // Log Log.Error("FirstClientReady_Call to second client failed. Error: ", e); } // Update call status model.ReceiverStatus = Request["CallStatus"]; Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.ReceiverStatus, false); if (model.IsCustomer) // Customer initiate call >> Consultant called first { string template = ConferenceConst.AcceptCallNowForTalkNow; message = string.Format(template, customer.Name); } else // Consultant initiate call >> Customer called first { string template = ConferenceConst.AcceptCallNowForSchedule; message = string.Format(template, specialist.Title, specialist.Name); } response.Say(message, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientHold", model)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("First client ready. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
private TwilioResponse PingPerson(VoiceRequest request, string callingPartyId) { TwilioResponse response = new TwilioResponse(); var person = directory.GetContact(request.Digits); if (person != null) { if (person.AcceptCalls) { response.Say("We are now contacting " + person.Name + ", please hold the line"); response.Dial(new Number(person.MobileNumber, new { url = string.Format("/Router/PreConnect?callingPartyId={0}", callingPartyId) }), new { callerId = "+442033229301" }); } else { var divertedTo = directory.GetContact(person.DivertToId); if (divertedTo != null) { response.Say(person.Name + " is not currently accepting calls. Diverting you to " + divertedTo.Name); response.Dial(new Number(divertedTo.MobileNumber, new { url = string.Format("/Router/PreConnect?callingPartyId={0}", callingPartyId) }), new { callerId = "+442033229301" }); } else { response.Say("Unable to find someone to divert to..."); response.Hangup(); } } } else { response.Say("Person not found"); } return response; }
public TwiMLResult FirstClientStart(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { var call = Services.Call.GetByCallSid(Request["CallSid"]); // Get info for call context model.CallId = call.Id; model.ReceiverSid = Request["CallSid"]; model.ReceiverStatus = Request["CallStatus"]; // Get first client and second client var fromUser = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); var toUser = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); // Update call status Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.ReceiverStatus, false); var greeting = string.Empty; if (model.IsCustomer) // Customer initiate call >> Consultant called first { string template = ConferenceConst.CallMenuForTalkNow; greeting = string.Format(template, fromUser.Name, model.NatureOfEnquiry); } else // Consultant initiate call >> Customer called first { string template = ConferenceConst.CallMenuForSchedule; greeting = string.Format(template, toUser.Name, fromUser.Name, model.NatureOfEnquiry); } response.BeginGather(new { numDigits = 1, action = Url.Action("FirstClientResponse", model) }); response.Pause(2); response.Say(greeting, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.EndGather(); response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientStart", model)); } catch (Exception e) { // Save Log Log.Error("First client start. Error:", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwilioResponse PreConnect(VoiceRequest request, string callingPartyId) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); var callingParty = directory.GetContact(callingPartyId); response.BeginGather(new { numDigits = 1, action = "/Router/RespondToPreConnect" }); response.Say(string.Format("You have an incoming call from {0}", callingParty.Name)); response.Say("Press 1 to be connected"); response.Say("Press 2 to hangup"); response.EndGather(); response.Hangup(); return response; }
public TwiMLResult SecondClientReady(CallContextModel model) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { model.CallerStatus = Request["CallStatus"]; var message = string.Empty; // Get fromUser and toUser var fromUser = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); var toUser = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); if (model.IsCustomer) // Customer initiate call >> Second client and FromUser is customer { // Check consultant is readly in conference if (Services.Call.CheckCallInStatus(model.CallId, CallStatus.InProgress, true)) { string template = ConferenceConst.SecondClientReadyForTalkNow; message = string.Format(template, toUser.Name); response.Say(message, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); // Get name conference room var room = string.Format(ConferenceRoom, fromUser.UserName, toUser.UserName, model.BookingId); // Update receiver call status Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.CallerStatus, true); // Hangup Url var callHangUpUrl = Utilities.FormatLink(Url.Action("CallHangUp", "Conference", model)); // Dial coference response.DialConference(room, new { endConferenceOnExit = true }, new { record = true, trim = "trim-silence", transcribe = false, action = callHangUpUrl }); } else { response.Say(ConferenceConst.ConsultantDenied, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } } else { string template = ConferenceConst.SecondClientReadyForSchedule; message = string.Format(template, toUser.Name); response.Say(message, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); // Get name conference room var room = string.Format(ConferenceRoom, fromUser.UserName, toUser.UserName, model.BookingId); ; // Dial coference var callBackUrl = Utilities.FormatLink(Url.Action("CallBackAfterConference", "Conference", model)); response.DialConference(room, new { endConferenceOnExit = true, waitUrl = "" }, new { record = false, transcribe = false, action = callBackUrl }); // Update receiver call status Services.Call.UpdateCallStatus(model.CallId, model.CallerStatus, true); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Second client ready. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult FirstClientResponse(CallContextModel model, string digits) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { if (model.IsCustomer) // Customer initiate call >> Consultant called first { var optionKey = string.Empty; var optionNotify = ConferenceConst.OptionNotifyForDefer; var deferMinute = 5; switch (digits) { case "1": response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientReady", model)); // Update on time and total consultation Services.Call.UpdateOnTime(model.ReceiverId); Services.Call.UpdateTotalConsultation(model.ReceiverId); // Change css CallHelper.ChangeCssDialToPhone(Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId)); break; case "2": optionKey = ConferenceConst.OptionDefer5Minutes; break; case "3": optionKey = ConferenceConst.OptionDefer10Minutes; deferMinute = 10; break; case "4": optionKey = ConferenceConst.OptionDefer15Minutes; deferMinute = 15; break; case "5": optionKey = ConferenceConst.OptionSchedule24Hours; optionNotify = ConferenceConst.OptionNotifyForSchedule; deferMinute = 24 * 60; break; case "6": optionKey = ConferenceConst.OptionScheduleOver24Hours; optionNotify = ConferenceConst.OptionNotifyForSchedule; deferMinute = 48 * 60; break; case "9": optionNotify = ConferenceConst.OptionDeclineConsultation; // Update on time and total consultation Services.Call.UpdateTotalConsultation(model.ReceiverId); break; default: response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientStart", model)); return new TwiMLResult(response); } var specialist = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); if (digits != "1") { if (digits != "9") { // Update booking to database if (Services.Booking.UpdateBookingForDeferOrReSchedule(model.BookingId, deferMinute)) { if (("7".Equals(digits) == false) || ("8".Equals(digits) == false)) { // Call function to show popup defer or reschedule for customer bool isDefer = false; if ("2".Equals(digits) || "3".Equals(digits) || "4".Equals(digits)) { isDefer = true; } else { // Update status "Not available" for specilist when reschedule 5,6 _cache.Remove(string.Format(ConferenceConst.CacheSpecialistStatus, specialist.Id)); Services.Users.UpdateAvaibilityStatus(model.ReceiverId, AvailabilityStatus.NotAvailable); } CallHelper.ShowPopupTalkNowDeferOrReSchedule(model.CallerId, model.BookingId, isDefer, Services); } } else // If update booking defer unsuccess { // Log Log.Error("FirstClientResponse_Update booking fail"); throw new Exception("Update booking fail."); } response.Say(String.Format(ConferenceConst.PressKeyForSelectOption, digits, optionKey), new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } else // Specialist declined the consultation { // Update defer for booking is -1 Services.Booking.UpdateDeferBooking(model.BookingId, -1); // Notify for customer conference was declined by consultant var customer = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.CallerId); var sepecialist = Services.Users.GetUserById(model.ReceiverId); CallHelper.ShowPopupNotifyInConference(customer, ConferencePopupConst.DeclinedTitle, string.Format(ConferencePopupConst.DeclinedContent, specialist.Name)); // Update status "Maybe available" for specilist when decline 9 _cache.Remove(string.Format(ConferenceConst.CacheSpecialistStatus, specialist.Id)); // Compare current status and only change status when it is available if (AvailabilityStatus.Available.Equals(specialist.AvailabilityStatus)) { Services.Users.UpdateAvaibilityStatus(model.ReceiverId, AvailabilityStatus.MaybeAvailable); } } response.Say(optionNotify, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Redirect(Url.Action("CallHangUpForDeferOrReSchedule", model)); } else { // Add cache status for specialist when talk now to use reupdate after talknow _cache.Add(string.Format(ConferenceConst.CacheSpecialistStatus, specialist.Id), specialist.AvailabilityStatus, new CacheItemPolicy { AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(1) }); // Set status "NotAvailable" when begin talk now Services.Users.UpdateAvaibilityStatus(model.ReceiverId, AvailabilityStatus.NotAvailable); } } else // Consultant initiate call >> Customer called first { switch (digits) { case "1": response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientReady", model)); break; default: response.Redirect(Url.Action("FirstClientStart", model)); break; } } return new TwiMLResult(response); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Log.Error("First client response. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } return new TwiMLResult(response); }
public TwiMLResult WaiveFeeActionResponse(CallContextModel model, string digits) { var response = new TwilioResponse(); try { switch (digits) { case "1": // Check waive fee already var invoice = Services.Invoices.GetByBookingIdAndUserId(model.BookingId, model.CallerId); if (invoice != null) { if (!invoice.IsWaiveFee) { // Send waive fee request SendWaiveFeeRequest(model); response.Say(ConferenceConst.AcctionCompleted, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } else { // Say waive fee alreadly response.Say(ConferenceConst.WaiveFeeAlready, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); } } break; default: response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Waive fee action response. Error: ", e); // Error response.Say(ConferenceConst.ErrorMessage, new { voice = VoiceInConference, language = LanguageInConference }); response.Hangup(); } response.Redirect(Url.Action("ConsultantAfterCall", model)); return new TwiMLResult(response); }