        public override void init()
            Device d3dDevice = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice;

            //Cargar modelo
            TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader();
            TgcScene scene = loader.loadSceneFromFile(
                GuiController.Instance.ExamplesMediaDir + "MeshCreator\\Meshes\\Vehiculos\\StarWars-ATST\\StarWars-ATST-TgcScene.xml");
            mesh = scene.Meshes[0];

            //Computar OBB a partir del AABB del mesh. Inicialmente genera el mismo volumen que el AABB, pero luego te permite rotarlo (cosa que el AABB no puede)
            obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(mesh.BoundingBox);

            //Otra alternativa es computar OBB a partir de sus vertices. Esto genera un OBB lo mas apretado posible pero es una operacion costosa
            //obb = TgcObb.computeFromPoints(mesh.getVertexPositions());


            //Alejar camara rotacional segun tamaño del BoundingBox del objeto

            //Modifier para poder rotar y mover el mesh
            GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addFloat("rotation", 0, 360, 0);
            GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addVertex3f("position", new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(50, 50, 50), new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
 public ObstaculoRigido(string _pathMesh, Vector3 _posicion, Vector3 _escala )
     this.mesh = MeshUtils.loadMesh(_pathMesh);
     this.mesh.Position = _posicion;
     this.mesh.Scale = _escala;
     this.obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(this.mesh.BoundingBox);
 public Checkpoint(float x, float z, float y, TgcMesh _modelo)
     _modelo.Position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
     this.modelo = _modelo;
     this.modelo.Scale = new Vector3(5, 5, 5);
     this.obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(this.modelo.BoundingBox);
        public override void init()
            Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device d3dDevice = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice;

            //Cuerpo principal que se controla con el teclado
            box = TgcBox.fromSize(new Vector3(0, 10, 0), new Vector3(10, 10, 10), Color.Blue);

            triangle = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[3];
            triangle[0] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(-100, 0, 0, Color.Red.ToArgb());
            triangle[1] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(0, 0, 50, Color.Green.ToArgb());
            triangle[2] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(0, 100, 0, Color.Blue.ToArgb());
            triagleAABB = TgcBoundingBox.computeFromPoints(new Vector3[] { triangle[0].Position, triangle[1].Position, triangle[2].Position });

            box2 = TgcBox.fromSize(new Vector3(-50, 10, -20), new Vector3(15, 15, 15), Color.Violet);

            sphere = new TgcBoundingSphere(new Vector3(30, 20, -20), 15);

            //OBB: computar OBB a partir del AABB del mesh.
            TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader();
            TgcMesh meshObb = loader.loadSceneFromFile(GuiController.Instance.ExamplesMediaDir + "MeshCreator\\Meshes\\Vehiculos\\StarWars-ATST\\StarWars-ATST-TgcScene.xml").Meshes[0];
            obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(meshObb.BoundingBox);
            obb.move(new Vector3(100, 0, 30));
            obb.setRotation(new Vector3(0, FastMath.PI / 4, 0));

            //Configurar camara en Tercer Persona
            GuiController.Instance.ThirdPersonCamera.Enable = true;
            GuiController.Instance.ThirdPersonCamera.setCamera(box.Position, 30, -75);
            /// <summary>
            /// Convertir a clase
            /// </summary>
            public TgcObb toClass()
                TgcObb obb = new TgcObb();

                obb.center      = center;
                obb.orientation = orientation;
                obb.extents     = extents;
        public override void init()
            Device d3dDevice = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice;

            obb = new TgcObb();
            generate = false;

            GuiController.Instance.Modifiers.addButton("generate", "generate", new EventHandler(this.random_clic));
 // Constructor
 public ObstaculoRigido(float _x, float _z, float _y, float ancho, float alto, float largo, string textura)
     TgcBox box = TgcBox.fromSize(
          new Vector3(_x, _z, _y),             //posicion
          new Vector3(ancho, alto, largo),  //tamaño
     //Computar OBB a partir del AABB del mesh. Inicialmente genera el mismo volumen que el AABB, pero luego te permite rotarlo (cosa que el AABB no puede)
     this.obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(box.BoundingBox);
     this.mesh = box.toMesh("caja");
 private void _HollowObbCollider(TgcObb obb, Vector3 translation, Vector3 minCornerScale, Vector3 maxCornerScale)
     var e = obb.Extents;
     var o = obb.Orientation;
     var min = e.MemberwiseMult(minCornerScale);
     if (min.X > 0)
         _AddCollider(o, new Vector3(min.X, e.Y, e.Z), (e.X - min.X) * Vector3Extension.Left + translation);
     if (min.Y > 0)
         _AddCollider(o, new Vector3(e.X, min.Y, e.Z), (e.Y - min.Y) * Vector3Extension.Bottom + translation);
     if (min.Z > 0)
         _AddCollider(o, new Vector3(e.X, e.Y, min.Z), (e.Z - min.Z) * Vector3Extension.Back + translation);
     var max = e.MemberwiseMult(maxCornerScale);
     if (max.X > 0)
         _AddCollider(o, new Vector3(max.X, e.Y, e.Z), (e.X - max.X) * Vector3Extension.Right + translation);
     if (max.Y > 0)
         _AddCollider(o, new Vector3(e.X, max.Y, e.Z), (e.Y - max.Y) * Vector3Extension.Top + translation);
     if (max.Z > 0)
         _AddCollider(o, new Vector3(e.X, e.Y, max.Z), (e.Z - max.Z) * Vector3Extension.Front + translation);
        public Auto(string pathMeshAuto, string _nombre, Vector3 _posicionInicial, float _velocidadMaxima, float _velocidadRotacion, float _aceleracion, float _masa, Vector3 _escala, Vector3 _rotacionInicial)
            this.nombre = _nombre;
            this.posicionInicial = _posicionInicial;
               this.mesh = MeshUtils.loadMesh(pathMeshAuto);
               // sceneAuto = loadMesh(pathMeshAuto);
            //this.mesh = sceneAuto.Meshes[0];
            this.mesh.Scale = _escala;
            this.rotacionInicial = _rotacionInicial;
            this.velocidadActual = 0;
            this.velocidadMaxima = _velocidadMaxima;
            this.velocidadMaximaInicial = _velocidadMaxima;
            this.velocidadRotacion = _velocidadRotacion;
            this.velocidadRotacionOriginal = _velocidadRotacion;
            this.masa = _masa;
            this.aceleracion = _aceleracion;
            //Computar OBB a partir del AABB del mesh. Inicialmente genera el mismo volumen que el AABB, pero luego te permite rotarlo (cosa que el AABB no puede)
            this.obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(this.mesh.BoundingBox);

            this.puntoChoque = this.obb.Center;
            this.direccion = new TgcArrow();
            direccion.PStart = this.obb.Center;
            Vector3 rotacion = this.mesh.Rotation;
            direccion.PEnd = this.obb.Center + Vector3.Multiply(new Vector3(rotacion.X, rotacion.Y, rotacion.Z), 500f);

            //// acá defino un mesh auxiliar para probar con el Debug mode
            string sphere = GuiController.Instance.ExamplesMediaDir + "ModelosTgc\\Sphere\\Sphere-TgcScene.xml";
            TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader();
            moon = loader.loadSceneFromFile(sphere).Meshes[0];
            moon.Scale = new Vector3(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);

            //le asignamos una cantidad de chispas cada vez que choca
            for (int i = 0; i < cantidadDeChispas; i++)
                chispas.Add(new Chispa());

            //... y un poco de sonido a los choques
            this.sonidoChoque = new Sonido(Shared.mediaPath + "\\sonidos\\choque.wav");
        public static void updateObbFromSegment(TgcObb obb, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float thickness)
            Vector3 lineDiff = b - a;
            float lineLength = lineDiff.Length();
            Vector3 lineVec = Vector3.Normalize(lineDiff);

            //Obtener angulo y vector de rotacion
            Vector3 upVec = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            float angle = FastMath.Acos(Vector3.Dot(upVec, lineVec));
            Vector3 axisRotation = Vector3.Cross(upVec, lineVec);

            //Obtener matriz de rotacion para este eje y angulo
            Matrix rotM = Matrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle);

            //Actualizar orientacion de OBB en base a matriz de rotacion
            obb.Orientation[0] = new Vector3(rotM.M11, rotM.M12, rotM.M13);
            obb.Orientation[1] = new Vector3(rotM.M21, rotM.M22, rotM.M23);
            obb.Orientation[2] = new Vector3(rotM.M31, rotM.M32, rotM.M33);

            //Actualizar extent de OBB segun el thickness del segmento
            obb.Extents = new Vector3(thickness, lineLength / 2, thickness);

            //Actualizar centro del OBB segun centro del segmento
            obb.Center = a + Vector3.Scale(lineDiff, 0.5f);

            //Regenerar OBB
 public HollowObbCollider(TgcObb obb, Vector3 translation, Vector3 minCornerScale, Vector3 maxCornerScale)
     _HollowObbCollider(obb, translation, minCornerScale, maxCornerScale);
        /// <summary>
        /// Crear nube de puntos aleatorios y luego computar el mejor OBB que los ajusta
        /// </summary>
        private void generateObb()
            obb = null;

            //Crear nube ed puntos
            int COUNT = 10;
            float MIN_RAND = -20f;
            float MAX_RAND = 20f;

            points = new Vector3[COUNT];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                float x = MIN_RAND + (float)rand.NextDouble() * (MAX_RAND - MIN_RAND);
                float y = MIN_RAND + (float)rand.NextDouble() * (MAX_RAND - MIN_RAND);
                float z = MIN_RAND + (float)rand.NextDouble() * (MAX_RAND - MIN_RAND);
                points[i] = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            //Computar mejor OBB
            obb = TgcObb.computeFromPoints(points);

            if (vertices != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)

            vertices = new TgcBox[points.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = TgcBox.fromSize(points[i], new Vector3(1, 1, 1), Color.White);
        /// <summary>
        /// Testear si hay olision entre dos OBB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">Primer OBB</param>
        /// <param name="b">Segundo OBB</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool testObbObb2(TgcObb.OBBStruct a, TgcObb.OBBStruct b)
            float ra, rb;
            float[,] R = new float[3, 3];
            float[,] AbsR = new float[3, 3];
            float[] ae = toArray(a.extents);
            float[] be = toArray(b.extents);

            // Compute rotation matrix expressing b in a’s coordinate frame
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    R[i, j] = Vector3.Dot(a.orientation[i], b.orientation[j]);

            // Compute translation vector t
            Vector3 tVec = b.center - a.center;
            // Bring translation into a’s coordinate frame
            float[] t = new float[3];
            t[0] = Vector3.Dot(tVec, a.orientation[0]);
            t[1] = Vector3.Dot(tVec, a.orientation[1]);
            t[2] = Vector3.Dot(tVec, a.orientation[2]);

            // Compute common subexpressions. Add in an epsilon term to
            // counteract arithmetic errors when two edges are parallel and
            // their cross product is (near) null (see text for details)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    AbsR[i, j] = FastMath.Abs(R[i, j]) + float.Epsilon;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    ae[i] = FastMath.Abs(ae[i]);
                    be[i] = FastMath.Abs(be[i]);

            // Test axes L = A0, L = A1, L = A2
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                ra = ae[i];
                rb = be[0] * AbsR[i, 0] + be[1] * AbsR[i, 1] + be[2] * AbsR[i, 2];
                if (FastMath.Abs(t[i]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axes L = B0, L = B1, L = B2
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                ra = ae[0] * AbsR[0, i] + ae[1] * AbsR[1, i] + ae[2] * AbsR[2, i];
                rb = be[i];
                if (FastMath.Abs(t[0] * R[0, i] + t[1] * R[1, i] + t[2] * R[2, i]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A0 x B0
            ra = ae[1] * AbsR[2, 0] + ae[2] * AbsR[1, 0];
            rb = be[1] * AbsR[0, 2] + be[2] * AbsR[0, 1];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[2] * R[1, 0] - t[1] * R[2, 0]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A0 x B1
            ra = ae[1] * AbsR[2, 1] + ae[2] * AbsR[1, 1];
            rb = be[0] * AbsR[0, 2] + be[2] * AbsR[0, 0];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[2] * R[1, 1] - t[1] * R[2, 1]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A0 x B2
            ra = ae[1] * AbsR[2, 2] + ae[2] * AbsR[1, 2];
            rb = be[0] * AbsR[0, 1] + be[1] * AbsR[0, 0];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[2] * R[1, 2] - t[1] * R[2, 2]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A1 x B0
            ra = ae[0] * AbsR[2, 0] + ae[2] * AbsR[0, 0];
            rb = be[1] * AbsR[1, 2] + be[2] * AbsR[1, 1];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[0] * R[2, 0] - t[2] * R[0, 0]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A1 x B1
            ra = ae[0] * AbsR[2, 1] + ae[2] * AbsR[0, 1];
            rb = be[0] * AbsR[1, 2] + be[2] * AbsR[1, 0];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[0] * R[2, 1] - t[2] * R[0, 1]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A1 x B2
            ra = ae[0] * AbsR[2, 2] + ae[2] * AbsR[0, 2];
            rb = be[0] * AbsR[1, 1] + be[1] * AbsR[1, 0];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[0] * R[2, 2] - t[2] * R[0, 2]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A2 x B0
            ra = ae[0] * AbsR[1, 0] + ae[1] * AbsR[0, 0];
            rb = be[1] * AbsR[2, 2] + be[2] * AbsR[2, 1];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[1] * R[0, 0] - t[0] * R[1, 0]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A2 x B1
            ra = ae[0] * AbsR[1, 1] + ae[1] * AbsR[0, 1];
            rb = be[0] * AbsR[2, 2] + be[2] * AbsR[2, 0];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[1] * R[0, 1] - t[0] * R[1, 1]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Test axis L = A2 x B2
            ra = ae[0] * AbsR[1, 2] + ae[1] * AbsR[0, 2];
            rb = be[0] * AbsR[2, 1] + be[1] * AbsR[2, 0];
            if (FastMath.Abs(t[1] * R[0, 2] - t[0] * R[1, 2]) > FastMath.Abs(ra + rb)) return false;

            // Since no separating axis is found, the OBBs must be intersecting
            return true;
 public ObbTranslatedCollider(TgcObb obb, Vector3 translation)
     : base(obb)
     _TranslationCurrent = _Translation = translation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Crea un array con los 8 vertices del OBB
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3[] computeCorners(TgcObb obb)
            Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[8];

            Vector3 eX = obb.Extents.X * obb.Orientation[0];
            Vector3 eY = obb.Extents.Y * obb.Orientation[1];
            Vector3 eZ = obb.Extents.Z * obb.Orientation[2];

            corners[0] = obb.Center - eX - eY - eZ;
            corners[1] = obb.Center - eX - eY + eZ;

            corners[2] = obb.Center - eX + eY - eZ;
            corners[3] = obb.Center - eX + eY + eZ;

            corners[4] = obb.Center + eX - eY - eZ;
            corners[5] = obb.Center + eX - eY + eZ;

            corners[6] = obb.Center + eX + eY - eZ;
            corners[7] = obb.Center + eX + eY + eZ;

            return corners;
 /// <summary>
 /// Calcular OBB a partir de un conjunto de puntos.
 /// Busca por fuerza bruta el mejor OBB en la mejor orientación que se ajusta a esos puntos.
 /// Es un calculo costoso.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="points">puntos</param>
 /// <returns>OBB calculado</returns>
 public static TgcObb computeFromPoints(Vector3[] points)
     return(TgcObb.computeFromPointsRecursive(points, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(360, 360, 360), 10f).toClass());
 public static Vector3 ToObbSpace(this  Vector3 p, TgcObb obb)
     var t = p - obb.Center;
     var o = obb.Orientation;
     return new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(t, o[0]), Vector3.Dot(t, o[1]), Vector3.Dot(t, o[2]));
 public static Vector3 FromObbSpace(this  Vector3 p, TgcObb obb)
     var o = obb.Orientation;
     return obb.Center + p.X * o[0] + p.Y * o[1] + p.Z * o[2];
 public HollowObbCollider(TgcObb obb, Vector3 cornerScale)
     : this(obb, Vector3.Empty, cornerScale, cornerScale)
 public ObstaculoRigido(TgcMesh _mesh)
     this.obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(_mesh.BoundingBox);
     this.mesh = _mesh;
 public ObbTranslatedUnRotatedCollider(TgcObb obb, Vector3 translation)
     : base(obb, translation)
 /// <summary>
 /// Convertir a clase
 /// </summary>
 public TgcObb toClass()
     TgcObb obb = new TgcObb();
     obb.center = center;
     obb.orientation = orientation;
     obb.extents = extents;
     return obb;
        /// <summary>
        /// Interseccion Ray-OBB.
        /// Devuelve true y el punto q de colision si hay interseccion.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool intersectRayObb(TgcRay ray, TgcObb obb, out Vector3 q)
            //Transformar Ray a OBB-space
            Vector3 a = ray.Origin;
            Vector3 b = ray.Origin + ray.Direction;
            a = obb.toObbSpace(a);
            b = obb.toObbSpace(b);
            TgcRay.RayStruct ray2 = new TgcRay.RayStruct();
            ray2.origin = a;
            ray2.direction = Vector3.Normalize(b - a);

            //Crear AABB que representa al OBB
            Vector3 min = -obb.Extents;
            Vector3 max = obb.Extents;
            TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct aabb = new TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct();
            aabb.min = min;
            aabb.max = max;

            //Hacer interseccion Ray-AABB
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(ray2, aabb, out q))
                //Pasar q a World-Space
                q = obb.toWorldSpace(q);
                return true;

            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Generar OBB a partir de AABB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aabb">BoundingBox</param>
 /// <returns>OBB generado</returns>
 public static TgcObb computeFromAABB(TgcBoundingBox aabb)
 /// <summary>
 /// Testear si hay olision entre un OBB y un AABB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">OBB</param>
 /// <param name="b">AABB</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
 public static bool testObbAABB(TgcObb obb, TgcBoundingBox aabb)
     return TgcCollisionUtils.testObbAABB(obb.toStruct(), aabb.toStruct());
 public ObbCollider(TgcObb obb)
     Obb = obb;
     _Extents = obb.Extents;
 /// <summary>
 /// Testear si hay olision entre dos OBB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">Primer OBB</param>
 /// <param name="b">Segundo OBB</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
 public static bool testObbObb(TgcObb a, TgcObb b)
     return TgcCollisionUtils.testObbObb(a.toStruct(), b.toStruct());
 /// <summary>
 /// Testear si hay olision entre dos OBB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">Primer OBB</param>
 /// <param name="b">Segundo OBB</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
 public static bool testObbObb2(TgcObb a, TgcObb b)
     return Colisiones.testObbObb2(a.toStruct(), b.toStruct());
 /// <summary>
 /// Indica si un BoundingSphere colisiona con un BoundingBox.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sphere">BoundingSphere</param>
 /// <param name="aabb">BoundingBox</param>
 /// <returns>True si hay colisión</returns>
 public static bool testSphereOBB(TgcBoundingSphere sphere, TgcObb obb)
     return TgcCollisionUtils.testSphereOBB(sphere.toStruct(), obb.toStruct());
 public void reiniciar()
     Vector3 posicionInicio = posicionInicial;
     this.velocidadActual = 0;
     this.velocidadRotacion = velocidadRotacionOriginal;
     this.velocidadMaxima = this.velocidadMaximaInicial;
     this.mesh.Rotation = rotacionInicial;
     this.mesh.Position = posicionInicio;
     this.obb = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(this.mesh.BoundingBox);
        /// <summary>
        /// Indica si un BoundingSphere colisiona con un BoundingBox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sphere">BoundingSphere</param>
        /// <param name="aabb">BoundingBox</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colisión</returns>
        public static bool testSphereOBB(TgcBoundingSphere.SphereStruct sphere, TgcObb.OBBStruct obb)
            //Transformar esfera a OBB-Space
            TgcBoundingSphere.SphereStruct sphere2 = new TgcBoundingSphere.SphereStruct();
            sphere2.center = obb.toObbSpace(sphere.center);
            sphere2.radius = sphere.radius;

            //Crear AABB que representa al OBB
            Vector3 min = -obb.extents;
            Vector3 max = obb.extents;
            TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct aabb = new TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct();
            aabb.min = min;
            aabb.max = max;

            return TgcCollisionUtils.testSphereAABB(sphere2, aabb);
        /// <summary>
        /// Testear si hay olision entre un OBB y un AABB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">OBB</param>
        /// <param name="b">AABB</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        public static bool testObbAABB(TgcObb.OBBStruct obb, TgcBoundingBox.AABBStruct aabb)
            //Crear un OBB que represente al AABB
            TgcObb.OBBStruct obb2 = TgcObb.computeFromAABB(aabb);

            //Hacer colision obb-obb
            return TgcCollisionUtils.testObbObb(obb, obb2);
 public HollowObbCollider(TgcObb obb, Vector3 translation, Vector3 cornerScale)
     : this(obb, translation, cornerScale, cornerScale)