 public static String FailureRateToMTBFString(Part part, string alias, double failureRate, int units, int maximum)
     return(TestFlightInterface.FailureRateToMTBFString(part, alias, failureRate, units, false, maximum));
 // Short version of MTBFString uses a single letter to denote (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, (d)ays, (y)ears
 // So the returned string will be EF "12.00s" or "0.20d"
 // Optionally specify a maximum size for MTBF.  If the given units would return an MTBF larger than maximu, it will
 // automaticly be converted into progressively higher units until the returned value is <= maximum
 public static String FailureRateToMTBFString(Part part, string alias, double failureRate, int units, bool shortForm)
     return(TestFlightInterface.FailureRateToMTBFString(part, alias, failureRate, units, shortForm, int.MaxValue));
 // simply converts the failure rate into a MTBF string.  Convenience method
 // Returned string will be of the format "123.00 units"
 // Optionally specify a maximum size for MTBF.  If the given units would return an MTBF larger than maximu, it will
 // automaticly be converted into progressively higher units until the returned value is <= maximum
 public static String FailureRateToMTBFString(Part part, double failureRate, int units)
     return(TestFlightInterface.FailureRateToMTBFString(part, failureRate, units, false, int.MaxValue));