public override void OnHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if(Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 500); } }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.Confused, 240, true); } }
//in Terraria.Projectile.Damage for damaging NPCs before flag2 is checked... just check the patch files internal static bool? CanHitNPC(Projectile projectile, NPC target) { bool? flag = null; foreach (GlobalProjectile globalProjectile in globalProjectiles) { bool? canHit = globalProjectile.CanHitNPC(projectile, target); if (canHit.HasValue && !canHit.Value) { return false; } if (canHit.HasValue) { flag = canHit.Value; } } if (IsModProjectile(projectile)) { bool? canHit = projectile.modProjectile.CanHitNPC(target); if (canHit.HasValue && !canHit.Value) { return false; } if (canHit.HasValue) { flag = canHit.Value; } } return flag; }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { target.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("EtherealFlames"), 300); } }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) // 10% chance to inflict slow on an enemy. target.AddBuff(BuffID.Slow, 5); base.OnHitNPC(target, damage, knockback, crit); }
public override void NPCLoot(NPC npc) { if (npc.type == NPCID.Plantera) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("ThornbloomKnife"), Main.rand.Next(40, 60)); } }
/// <summary> /// Occurs when the server has received a message from the client. /// </summary> protected void NetHooks_GetData(GetDataEventArgs args) { byte[] bufferSegment = null; Terraria.Player player = null; if ((player = Terraria.Main.player.ElementAtOrDefault(args.Msg.whoAmI)) == null) { return; } bufferSegment = new byte[args.Length]; System.Array.Copy(args.Msg.readBuffer, args.Index, bufferSegment, 0, args.Length); if (args.MsgID == PacketTypes.NpcStrike) { Terraria.NPC npc = null; Packets.DamageNPC dmgPacket = Packets.PacketMarshal.MarshalFromBuffer <Packets.DamageNPC>(bufferSegment); if (dmgPacket.NPCID < 0 || dmgPacket.NPCID > Terraria.Main.npc.Length || args.Msg.whoAmI < 0 || dmgPacket.NPCID > Terraria.Main.player.Length) { return; } if ((npc = Terraria.Main.npc.ElementAtOrDefault(dmgPacket.NPCID)) == null) { return; } AddNPCDamage(npc, player, dmgPacket.Damage, Convert.ToBoolean(dmgPacket.CrititcalHit)); } }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(0) == 0) { target.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("ElectrifiedV2"), 540, true); } }
private void dropBiomeParts(Terraria.NPC npc) { Config c = ModContent.GetInstance <Config>(); Player p = ARareItemSwapJPANs.findNearestPlayer(npc.Center); List <int> parts = new List <int>(); foreach (ModPartRepository mpr in modpacks) { foreach (int i in mpr.getBiomePartsDrops(npc, p, parts)) { if (!parts.Contains(i)) { parts.Add(i); } } } if (Main.rand.NextDouble() < c.partDropChance) { for (int i = 0; i < c.maxDifferentParts && parts.Count > 0; i++) { int idx = Main.rand.Next(parts.Count); int prts = c.minParts + Main.rand.Next(c.randParts + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, parts[idx], prts, false, 0, false, false); parts.RemoveAt(idx); } } }
public override void NPCLoot(NPC npc) { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].ZoneSnow && Main.rand.Next(5) == 3) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("IceEssense"), 1); } }
//in Terraria.NPC.DropBossBags after if statements setting bag type call // NPCLoader.BossBag(this, ref num); internal static void BossBag(NPC npc, ref int bagType) { if (IsModNPC(npc)) { bagType = npc.modNPC.bossBag; } }
public override void NPCLoot(NPC npc) { if (npc.lifeMax > 5 && npc.value > 0f) { Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("ExampleItem")); } }
/// <summary> /// Should occur when an NPC dies; gives rewards out to all the players that hit it. /// </summary> protected void ProcessNPCDeath(Terraria.NPC NPC) { List <PlayerDamage> playerDamageList = null; Dictionary <Player, double> argsDict; NPCDeathEventArgs args; lock (__dictionaryMutex) { if (DamageDictionary.ContainsKey(NPC)) { playerDamageList = DamageDictionary[NPC]; if (DamageDictionary.Remove(NPC) == false) { TShock.Log.ConsoleError("seconomy: world economy: Remove of NPC after reward failed. This is an internal error."); } } } if (playerDamageList == null || NPCDeath == null) { return; } argsDict = new Dictionary <Player, double>(); args = new NPCDeathEventArgs(NPC, argsDict); foreach (PlayerDamage dmg in playerDamageList) { argsDict.Add(dmg.Player, dmg.Damage); } NPCDeath(this, args); }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.BrokenArmor, 200, true); } }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 180, false); } }
public override void OnHitNPC(Terraria.NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { hitNPC = true; if (projectile.Center.X > target.Center.X) { bounceX = 8; } else { bounceX = -8; } if (projectile.Center.Y > target.Center.Y) { bounceY = 8; } else { bounceY = -8; } if (hitNPC) { bounceCount++; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item21, projectile.position); Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X + bounceX, projectile.Center.Y + bounceY, (projectile.velocity.X *= -1) / 2, (projectile.velocity.Y *= -1) / 2, mod.ProjectileType("Nousagi"), 60 + (20 * bounceCount), 10 + (10 * bounceCount), Terraria.Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } }
public override void ModifyHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, ref int damage, ref float knockBack, ref bool crit) { Vector2 loc = player.itemLocation; loc.Y -= 20; Random rand = new Random(); int r = rand.Next(0, 6); if (r == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Dust.NewDust(loc, 50, 30, mod.DustType("Garnsworddust"), 0.0F, 0.0F, 0, default(Color), 4.5F); } damage += (int) (damage * 0.4); int healamount = (int)(damage * 0.33); player.HealEffect(healamount, true); if (player.statLife + healamount <= (player.statLifeMax + player.statLifeMax2)) { player.statLife += healamount; } else { player.statLife = (player.statLifeMax + player.statLifeMax2); } } }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.CursedInferno, 60, false); } }
public static bool OnStrikeNpc(NPC npc, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref int hitdirection, ref bool crit, ref bool noEffect, ref double retdamage) { if (NpcHooks.StrikeNpc == null) { return false; } NpcStrikeEventArgs npcStrikeEventArgs = new NpcStrikeEventArgs { Npc = npc, Damage = damage, KnockBack = knockback, HitDirection = hitdirection, Critical = crit, NoEffect = noEffect, ReturnDamage = retdamage }; NpcHooks.StrikeNpc(npcStrikeEventArgs); crit = npcStrikeEventArgs.Critical; damage = npcStrikeEventArgs.Damage; knockback = npcStrikeEventArgs.KnockBack; hitdirection = npcStrikeEventArgs.HitDirection; noEffect = npcStrikeEventArgs.NoEffect; retdamage = npcStrikeEventArgs.ReturnDamage; return npcStrikeEventArgs.Handled; }
public override void OnHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, int damage, float knockBack, bool crit) { if(!target.boss) { target.velocity.Y -= 5; } }
public override void OnHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 10); target.AddBuff(BuffID.Electrified, 3); target.AddBuff(BuffID.Venom, 5); target.AddBuff(BuffID.CursedInferno, 4); }
public virtual void OnHitByNPC(NPC npc, int damage, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { npc.AddBuff(BuffID.ShadowFlame, 200, true); } }
public override void OnHitByNPC(Terraria.NPC npc, int damage, bool crit) { Terraria.Player player = Terraria.Main.player[]; if (PoweredBattery) { if (Terraria.Main.rand.NextBool(10)) { Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, ModContent.ProjectileType <EnergyAura>(), 3, 2, player.whoAmI); } } if (PhanticMeleeBonus) { if (damage > 10) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0, -100); Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center + offset, new Vector2(0 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1, -3 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1), ModContent.ProjectileType <PhanticSoul>(), 6, 1f, Terraria.Main.myPlayer); } } if (BurnshockArmorBonus) { if (damage > 25) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0, -100); Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center + offset, new Vector2(0 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1, -3 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1), ModContent.ProjectileType <BurnshockCrystal>(), 40, 1f, Terraria.Main.myPlayer); Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center + offset, new Vector2(0 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1, -3 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1), ModContent.ProjectileType <BurnshockCrystal>(), 40, 1f, Terraria.Main.myPlayer); Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center + offset, new Vector2(0 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1, -3 + ((float)Terraria.Main.rand.Next(20) / 10) - 1), ModContent.ProjectileType <BurnshockCrystal>(), 40, 1f, Terraria.Main.myPlayer); } } }
//in Terraria.Player.ItemCheck before checking whether npc type can be hit add // bool? modCanHit = ItemLoader.CanHitNPC(item, this, Main.npc[num292]); // if(modCanHit.HasValue && !modCanHit.Value) { continue; } //in if statement afterwards add || (modCanHit.HasValue && modCanHit.Value) internal static bool? CanHitNPC(Item item, Player player, NPC target) { bool? flag = null; foreach (GlobalItem globalItem in globalItems) { bool? canHit = globalItem.CanHitNPC(item, player, target); if (canHit.HasValue && !canHit.Value) { return false; } if (canHit.HasValue) { flag = canHit.Value; } } if (IsModItem(item)) { bool? canHit = item.modItem.CanHitNPC(player, target); if (canHit.HasValue && !canHit.Value) { return false; } if (canHit.HasValue) { flag = canHit.Value; } } return flag; }
/// <summary> /// When an <see cref="NPC" /> is damaged by the <see cref="Projectile" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="n">The <see cref="NPC" /> that got damaged.</param> /// <param name="dir">In which direction the <see cref="NPC"/> got hit.</param> /// <param name="dmg">The damage dealt to the <see cref="NPC" />.</param> /// <param name="kb">The knockback the <see cref="NPC" /> wil receive.</param> /// <param name="crit">Wether it was a critical hit or not.</param> /// <param name="cMult">The damage multiplier of a critical hit.</param> public override void DamageNPC(NPC n, int dir, ref int dmg, ref float kb, ref bool crit, ref float cMult) { base.DamageNPC(n, dir, ref dmg, ref kb, ref crit, ref cMult); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) n.AddBuff(20, 300); }
public override void OnHitByNPC(NPC npc, int damage, bool crit) { if (this.basiliskMount) { int num = player.statDefense / 2; npc.StrikeNPCNoInteraction(num, 0f, 0, false, false, false); } }
internal void SetupNPC(NPC npc) { ModNPC newNPC = (ModNPC)Activator.CreateInstance(GetType()); newNPC.npc = npc; npc.modNPC = newNPC; newNPC.mod = mod; newNPC.SetDefaults(); }
public static void ChooseNPC() { var npc = new NPC(); Random r = new Random(); int type = r.Next(ApocalypseMonsters.Monsters.Count); npc.SetDefaults(ApocalypseMonsters.Monsters[type]); CurMonster = npc; }
public override void OnHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.CursedInferno, 3); target.AddBuff(BuffID.Frostburn, 2); target.AddBuff(BuffID.Frozen, 1); target.AddBuff(BuffID.Chilled, 20); target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 10); }
internal void SetupNPC(NPC npc) { ModNPC newNPC = (ModNPC)(CloneNewInstances ? MemberwiseClone() : Activator.CreateInstance(GetType())); newNPC.npc = npc; npc.modNPC = newNPC; newNPC.mod = mod; newNPC.SetDefaults(); }
public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.CursedInferno, 200, true); target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 200, true); target.AddBuff(BuffID.Frostburn, 200, true); } }
internal static void OnFindFrame(NPC n) { n.RealFindFrame(); var bh = n.P_BHandler as NpcBHandler; if (bh != null) bh.FindFrame(); }
public override void OnHitNPC(Terraria.Player player, Terraria.NPC target, int damage, float knockBack, bool crit) { int chance = 60 / UseSpeedArray[0]; if (Terraria.Main.rand.NextBool(chance * 3)) { target.AddBuff(Terraria.ID.BuffID.OnFire, 60 * (chance)); } }
public override void SetDefaults(NPC npc) { if (npc.type == 379) { npc.townNPC = true; npc.lifeMax = 5000; npc.knockBackResist = 0f; } }
public static void SetPosition(NPC npc) { CaptiveElement modNPC = npc.modNPC as CaptiveElement; if (modNPC != null) { Vector2 center = Main.npc[].Center; double angle = Main.npc[].ai[3] + 2.0 * Math.PI * modNPC.captiveType / 5.0; npc.position = center + 300f * (new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle))) - npc.Size / 2f; } }
public override void OnHitNPC(Terraria.Item item, Terraria.NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (FrostMelee) { if (Terraria.Main.rand.NextBool(2)) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.Frostburn, 120); } } }
public void OnHitNPC(Player p, NPC target, int damage, float knockBack, bool crit) { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 1) { Vector2 velocity = new Vector2(p.direction, 0) * 4f; int proj = Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(p.Center.X, p.position.Y + p.height + -35, velocity.X, velocity.Y, mod.ProjectileType("TimeWinderClone"), damage = 60, projectile.owner, 0, 0f); Main.projectile[proj].friendly = true; Main.projectile[proj].hostile = false; } }
public override void NPCLoot(Terraria.NPC npc) { base.NPCLoot(npc); dropBossParts(npc); if (npc.value > 1) { dropSeasonalParts(npc); dropWeatherParts(npc); dropEventParts(npc); dropBiomeParts(npc); dropStageParts(npc); dropShopParts(npc); } }
public override void OnHitNPCWithProj(Terraria.Projectile proj, Terraria.NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit) { if (QueensStinger) { if (proj.type != 181) { if (Terraria.Main.rand.NextBool(10)) { Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(target.Center.X, target.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, ProjectileID.Bee, 3, 2, player.whoAmI); } } } if (EmeraldEmpoweredGem) { target.AddBuff(39, 40); } if (MidasCrown) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.Midas, 900); } if (FrostProjectile) { if (Terraria.Main.rand.NextBool(2)) { target.AddBuff(BuffID.Frostburn, 120); } } if (SpiritCultistBonus && proj.magic && !target.boss) { if (target.FindBuffIndex(ModContent.BuffType <LiftedSpiritsDebuff>()) < 1) { target.velocity.Y -= 20; } target.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <LiftedSpiritsDebuff>(), 210); } if (PhanticRangedBonus && proj.ranged && Terraria.Main.rand.NextFloat() < 0.15f && proj.type != ModContent.ProjectileType <PhanticSoul>()) { float rot = Terraria.Main.rand.NextFloat(MathHelper.TwoPi); Vector2 position = target.Center + Vector2.One.RotatedBy(rot) * 180; Vector2 velocity = Vector2.One.RotatedBy(rot) * -1 * 12f; Terraria.Projectile.NewProjectile(position, velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <PhanticSoul>(), 30, player.HeldItem.knockBack, player.whoAmI, 0, 0); } }
public static int GetNearestAlivePlayer(Terraria.NPC npc) { float NearestPlayerDist = 4815162342f; int NearestPlayer = -1; foreach (Player player in Main.player) { if (player.Distance(npc.Center) < NearestPlayerDist && { NearestPlayerDist = player.Distance(npc.Center); NearestPlayer = player.whoAmI; } } return(NearestPlayer); }
private void dropSeasonalParts(Terraria.NPC npc) { Config c = ModContent.GetInstance <Config>(); if (Main.halloween && Main.rand.NextDouble() < c.partDropChance) { int parts = c.minParts + Main.rand.Next(c.randParts + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, ModContent.ItemType <GoodieBagPart>(), parts, false, 0, false, false); } if (Main.xMas && Main.rand.NextDouble() < c.partDropChance) { int parts = c.minParts + Main.rand.Next(c.randParts + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, ModContent.ItemType <PresentPart>(), parts, false, 0, false, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds damage done by a player to an NPC slot. When the NPC dies the rewards for it will fill out. /// </summary> protected void AddNPCDamage(Terraria.NPC NPC, Terraria.Player Player, int Damage, bool crit = false) { List <PlayerDamage> damageList = null; PlayerDamage playerDamage = null; double dmg; if (Player == null || == false || <= 0) { return; } lock (__dictionaryMutex) { if (DamageDictionary.ContainsKey(NPC)) { damageList = DamageDictionary[NPC]; } else { damageList = new List <PlayerDamage>(1); DamageDictionary.Add(NPC, damageList); } } lock (__NPCDamageMutex) { if ((playerDamage = damageList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Player == Player)) == null) { playerDamage = new PlayerDamage() { Player = Player }; damageList.Add(playerDamage); } if ((dmg = (crit ? 2 : 1) * Main.CalculateDamage(Damage, NPC.ichor ? NPC.defense - 20 : NPC.defense)) > { dmg =; } } playerDamage.Damage += dmg; if (playerDamage.Damage > NPC.lifeMax) { playerDamage.Damage -= playerDamage.Damage % NPC.lifeMax; } }
private void dropBossParts(Terraria.NPC npc) { if (npcParts.ContainsKey(npc.type)) { foreach (Item part in npcParts[npc.type]) { if (npc.boss || (npc.type != 13 && npc.type != 14 && npc.type != 15)) { Config c = ModContent.GetInstance <Config>(); int parts = c.minNumOfBossParts + Main.rand.Next(c.randNumOfBossParts + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, part.type, parts, false, 0, false, false); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Occurs when the server has received a message from the client. /// </summary> protected void NetHooks_GetData(GetDataEventArgs args) { byte[] bufferSegment = null; TSPlayer player = null; if (args.Handled == true || (player = TShock.Players.ElementAtOrDefault(args.Msg.whoAmI)) == null) { return; } bufferSegment = new byte[args.Length]; System.Array.Copy(args.Msg.readBuffer, args.Index, bufferSegment, 0, args.Length); if (args.MsgID == PacketTypes.NpcStrike) { Terraria.NPC npc = null; Packets.DamageNPC dmgPacket = Packets.PacketMarshal.MarshalFromBuffer <Packets.DamageNPC>(bufferSegment); if (dmgPacket.NPCID < 0 || dmgPacket.NPCID > Terraria.Main.npc.Length || args.Msg.whoAmI < 0 || dmgPacket.NPCID > Terraria.Main.player.Length) { return; } if ((npc = Terraria.Main.npc.ElementAtOrDefault(dmgPacket.NPCID)) == null) { return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(player.LastThreat).TotalMilliseconds < 5000) { return; } AddNPCDamage(npc, player.TPlayer, dmgPacket.Damage, Convert.ToBoolean(dmgPacket.CrititcalHit)); } }
private void dropShopParts(Terraria.NPC npc) { Config c = ModContent.GetInstance <Config>(); Player p = ARareItemSwapJPANs.findNearestPlayer(npc.Center); if (Main.rand.NextDouble() < c.shopPartDropChance) { if (npc.value < 500) { int parts = Main.rand.Next(1, (int)(npc.value / 5) + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, ModContent.ItemType <MinorShopPart>(), parts, false, 0, false, false); } else if (npc.value < 50000) { int parts = Main.rand.Next(1, (int)(npc.value / 500) + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, ModContent.ItemType <ShopPart>(), parts, false, 0, false, false); } else if (npc.value >= 50000) { int parts = Main.rand.Next(1, (int)(npc.value / 50000) + 1); Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, ModContent.ItemType <MajorShopPart>(), parts, false, 0, false, false); } } }
public override void ModifyHitNPCWithProj(Terraria.Player player, SkillData rawdata, Terraria.Projectile proj, Terraria.NPC target, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref bool crit, ref int hitDirection) { if (proj.minion || proj.type == 376 || proj.type == 378 || proj.type == 379 || proj.type == 389 || proj.type == 408 || proj.type == 614) { SummonPotenceSkillData data = (SummonPotenceSkillData)rawdata; int CriticalRate = data.Level + data.LoggedCriticalBonus; if (data.Level > 5) { CriticalRate += 5; } if (Terraria.Main.rand.Next(100) < CriticalRate) { //damage *= 2; crit = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Should occur when an NPC dies; gives rewards out to all the players that hit it. /// </summary> protected void GiveRewardsForNPC(Terraria.NPC NPC) { List <PlayerDamage> playerDamageList = null; IBankAccount account; TSPlayer player; Money rewardMoney = 0L; lock (__dictionaryMutex) { if (DamageDictionary.ContainsKey(NPC)) { playerDamageList = DamageDictionary[NPC]; if (DamageDictionary.Remove(NPC) == false) { TShock.Log.ConsoleError("seconomy: world economy: Remove of NPC after reward failed. This is an internal error."); } } } if (playerDamageList == null) { return; } if (((NPC.boss && WorldConfiguration.MoneyFromBossEnabled) || (!NPC.boss && WorldConfiguration.MoneyFromNPCEnabled)) && !(NPC.SpawnedFromStatue && WorldConfiguration.IgnoreSpawnedFromStatue)) { foreach (PlayerDamage damage in playerDamageList) { if (damage.Player == null || (player = TShockAPI.TShock.Players.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.Index == damage.Player.whoAmI)) == null || (account = Parent.GetBankAccount(player)) == null) { continue; } rewardMoney = CustomMultiplier * Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(WorldConfiguration.MoneyPerDamagePoint) * damage.Damage)); //load override by NPC type, this allows you to put a modifier on the base for a specific mob type. Configuration.WorldConfiguration.NPCRewardOverride overrideReward = WorldConfiguration.Overrides.FirstOrDefault(i => i.NPCID == NPC.type); if (overrideReward != null) { rewardMoney = CustomMultiplier * Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(overrideReward.OverridenMoneyPerDamagePoint) * damage.Damage)); } if (rewardMoney <= 0 || player.Group.HasPermission("") == false) { continue; } Journal.CachedTransaction fund = new Journal.CachedTransaction() { Aggregations = 1, Amount = rewardMoney, DestinationBankAccountK = account.BankAccountK, Message = NPC.FullName, SourceBankAccountK = Parent.WorldAccount.BankAccountK }; if ((NPC.boss && WorldConfiguration.AnnounceBossKillGains) || (!NPC.boss && WorldConfiguration.AnnounceNPCKillGains)) { fund.Options |= Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver; } //commit it to the transaction cache Parent.TransactionCache.AddCachedTransaction(fund); } } }