public void MissionStarted(int id, string name, string type, Dictionary <string, object> additionalParams) { IDictionary <string, object> extras = new Dictionary <string, object>(); extras ["missionID"] = id; extras ["missionName"] = name; extras ["missionType"] = type; AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { sjo.Call("addExtras", new object[] { PsdkUtils.CreateJavaJSONObjectFromDictionary(extras) }); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Not calling android psdk analytics MissionStarted ! cause object is null"); } if (additionalParams != null) { foreach (var item in additionalParams) { extras.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } } LogEvent(AnalyticsTargets.ANALYTICS_TARGET_DELTA_DNA, "missionStarted", extras, false, true); }
public void LevelUp(string skinName, string levelUpName, int level, Dictionary <string, object> additionalParams) { IDictionary <string, object> extras = new Dictionary <string, object>(); extras ["userLevel"] = level; IDictionary <string, object> eventParams = new Dictionary <string, object>(); eventParams ["levelUpName"] = levelUpName; eventParams ["skinName"] = skinName; if (additionalParams != null) { foreach (var item in additionalParams) { eventParams.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } } AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { sjo.Call("addExtras", new object[] { PsdkUtils.CreateJavaJSONObjectFromDictionary(extras) }); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Not calling android psdk analytics LevelUp ! cause object is null"); } LogEvent(AnalyticsTargets.ANALYTICS_TARGET_DELTA_DNA, "levelUp", eventParams, false, true); }
private void LogPsdkVersions() { try { PsdkUtils.NativeLog(PsdkSerializedData.Instance != null ? PsdkSerializedData.Instance.ToString() : "LogPsdkVersions:: null"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } }
public ConsentType GetConsent() { string resultStr = psdkGetConsent(); ConsentType result = ConsentType.UNKNOWN; if (resultStr != null) { result = PsdkUtils.StringToConsentType(resultStr); } return(result); }
public void LogEvent(string eventName, IDictionary <string, object> eventParams) { AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { sjo.Call("logEvent", eventName, PsdkUtils.CreateJavaJSONObjectFromDictionary(eventParams)); } else { Debug.Log("Event was not sent: " + eventName + " -> " + Json.Serialize(eventParams)); } }
public void EndLogEvent(string eventName, IDictionary <string, string> eventParams) { AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { sjo.Call("endLogEvent", eventName, PsdkUtils.CreateJavaHashMapFromDictionary(eventParams)); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Not calling android psdk analytics LogEvent !, cause object is null"); Debug.Log("End timed Event was not sent: " + eventName + " -> " + PsdkUtils.BuildJsonStringFromDict(eventParams)); } }
public void EndLogEvent(string eventName, IDictionary <string, object> eventParams) { AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { sjo.Call("endLogEvent", eventName, PsdkUtils.CreateJavaJSONObjectFromDictionary(eventParams)); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Not calling android psdk analytics LogComplexEvent !, cause object is null"); Debug.Log("EndLogEvent public void ReportPurchase(string price, string currency, string productId) {was not sent: " + eventName + " -> " + Json.Serialize(eventParams)); } }
public void LogEvent(long targets, string eventName, IDictionary <string, object> eventParams, bool timed, bool psdkEvent) { AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { sjo.Call("logEvent", targets, eventName, PsdkUtils.CreateJavaJSONObjectFromDictionary(eventParams), timed, psdkEvent); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Not calling android psdk analytics LogComplexEvent !, cause object is null"); Debug.Log("Event was not sent: " + eventName + " -> " + Json.Serialize(eventParams)); } }
public bool RequestEngagement(string decisionPoint, Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { bool retVal = false; AndroidJavaObject sjo = GetUnityJavaObject(); if (null != sjo) { retVal = sjo.Call <bool>("requestEngagement", decisionPoint, PsdkUtils.CreateJavaJSONObjectFromDictionary(parameters)); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Not calling android psdk analytics RequestEngagement !, cause object is null"); } return(retVal); }
public ConsentType GetConsent() { _consentMgrObject = GetUnityJavaObject(); ConsentType result = ConsentType.UNKNOWN; string consentStr = null; if (_consentMgrObject != null) { consentStr = _consentMgrObject.Call <string>("getConsentStr"); } if (consentStr != null) { result = PsdkUtils.StringToConsentType(consentStr); } return(result); }
private static bool IsPackageExist(string pkgName) { try { // removing .unitypackage............. int index = pkgName.IndexOf(".unitypackage"); if (index > 0) { pkgName.Remove(index); } string fileRelativePath = Path.Combine("psdk", Path.Combine("versions", pkgName + ".unitypackage.version.txt")); string version = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile(fileRelativePath); if (version == null) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } return(false); }
public void EndLogEvent(string eventName, IDictionary <string, string> eventParams) { Debug.Log("PSDK Analytic End Event: " + eventName + " -> " + PsdkUtils.BuildJsonStringFromDict(eventParams)); }
public void LogEvent(string eventName, IDictionary <string, string> eventParams, bool timed) { Debug.Log("PSDK Analytic Event: " + eventName + " -> " + PsdkUtils.BuildJsonStringFromDict(eventParams) + ", timed:" + timed); }
public static string ReadPsdkConfigFromFile() { string fileRelativePath; bool android = false; string json = null; if (RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer == Application.platform) { fileRelativePath = "psdk_ios.json"; } else { fileRelativePath = "psdk_google.json"; #if AMAZON fileRelativePath = "psdk_amazon.json"; #else json = PsdkUtils.ReadAndroidAssetsFile(fileRelativePath); if (null != json) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Read psdk_google.json directly from android assets folder !"); } #endif android = true; } if (json == null) { json = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile(fileRelativePath); } if (json == null && android) { json = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile("psdk_amazon.json"); } if (json == null) { json = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile("psdk.json"); } if (null != json) { return(json); } if (RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer == Application.platform) { json = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile("psdk_ios_.json"); } else { #if AMAZON json = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile("psdk_amazon_.json"); #else json = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile("psdk_google_.json"); #endif android = true; } if (null != json) { Debug.LogWarning("PSDK - You are using test json configuration file !!"); return(json); } Debug.LogError("PSDKMgr::ReadPsdkConfigFromFile failed reading json file Assets/StreamingAssets/psdk.json !!"); return("{}"); }
public void LogEvent(long targets, string eventName, IDictionary <string, object> eventParams, bool timed, bool psdkEvent) { psdkAnalyticsLogEventInternal(targets, eventName, PsdkUtils.BuildJsonStringFromDict(eventParams), timed, psdkEvent); }
public void LogEvent(string eventName, IDictionary <string, object> eventParams) { psdkSingularLogEvent(eventName, PsdkUtils.BuildJsonStringFromDict(eventParams)); }
private IDictionary <string, int> getISOValue() { IDictionary <string, int> ISO4217 = new Dictionary <string, int>(); string iso4217_file_to_string = PsdkUtils.ReadStreamingAssetsFile("iso_4217.xml"); using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(iso4217_file_to_string))) { bool expectingCode = false; bool expectingValue = false; string pulledCode = null; string pulledValue = null; while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if (reader.Name.Equals("Ccy")) { expectingCode = true; } else if (reader.Name.Equals("CcyMnrUnts")) { expectingValue = true; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: if (expectingCode) { pulledCode = reader.Value; } else if (expectingValue) { pulledValue = reader.Value; } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (reader.Name.Equals("Ccy")) { expectingCode = false; } else if (reader.Name.Equals("CcyMnrUnts")) { expectingValue = false; } else if (reader.Name.Equals("CcyNtry")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pulledCode) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pulledValue)) { int value; try { value = int.Parse(pulledValue); } catch (FormatException) { value = 0; } ISO4217[pulledCode] = value; } expectingCode = false; expectingValue = false; pulledCode = null; pulledValue = null; } break; } } } return(ISO4217); }
/// <summary> /// <summary>_analyticsService /// Setup the specified store, domain, language and orientation. /// </summary> /// <param name="store">Store.</param> /// <param name="domain">Domain.</param> /// <param name="language">Language.</param> /// <param name="orientation">Orientation.</param> public bool Setup(string language = null, string configJson = null) { if (_psdkSetup) { return(true); } _psdkSetup = true; PsdkEventSystem.Instance.Init(); _configJson = configJson; LogPsdkVersions(); if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(_configJson)) { Debug.Log("Reading psdk json configuration from steamingAssets/psdk.json file !"); _configJson = PsdkUtils.ReadPsdkConfigFromFile(); } if (System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(_configJson)) { Debug.LogError("Null or empty psdk configuration json, please put it in Assets/SteamingAssets/psdk.json !"); return(false); } PsdkUtils.NativeLog("psdk config: " + _configJson); LocalConfig = new PsdkLocalConfig(_configJson); if (LocalConfig.GetBool(new string[] { "appsFlyer", "included" }, false) && LocalConfig.GetBool(new string[] { "singular", "included" }, false)) { Debug.LogError("appsFlyer and singluar are both included. this is not allowed. build will fail."); } DebugMode = isDebugMode(_configJson); RunObbDownloaderIfNeeded(); SetupAppLifecycleManager(); // initial analytics listner PsdkEventSystem.Instance.Init(); if (!SetupCrossDevicePersistency()) { Debug.Log("CrossDevicePersistency not initialized !"); } if (!SetupBilling()) { Debug.Log("Billing not initialized !"); } if (!SetupRateUs()) { Debug.Log("RateUs not initialized !"); } if (!SetupShare()) { Debug.Log("Share not initialized !"); } if (!SetupSocial()) { Debug.Log("Social not initialized !"); } if (!SetupAudience()) { Debug.Log("PSDK Audience not initialized!"); } if (!SetupInAppPurchase()) { Debug.Log("PSDK InAppPurchase not initialized!"); } if (!SetupExternalConfiguration()) { Debug.Log("PSDK External Configuration not initialized!"); } if (!SetupAnalyticsService()) { Debug.Log("PSDK Analytics not inititalized !"); } if (!SetupLocationManagerService()) { Debug.Log("location manager not inititalized !"); } if (!SetupRewardedAdsService()) { Debug.Log("RewardedAds not initialized !"); } if (!SetupGameLevelData()) { Debug.Log("GLD not initialized !"); } if (!SetupSplash()) { Debug.Log("Splash not initialized !"); } if (!SetupBanners()) { Debug.Log("Banners not initialized !"); } if (!SetupCrashMonitoringTool()) { Debug.Log("CrashMonitoringTool not initialized !"); } if (!SetupNativeCampaign()) { Debug.Log("NativeCampaign not initialized !"); } if (!SetupSingular()) { Debug.Log("Singular not initialized !"); } // string newConfigJson = preProcessConfigJsonAccordingToInstalledPkgs(_configJson); bool rc = false; if (null != _impl) { rc = _impl.Setup(_configJson, language); _nativePsdkStarted = true; _silent = false; PsdkEventSystem.RegisterNativeCallbacksAfterPsdkInitialization(); } if (rc) { AppLifeCycleResumeState or = _appLifeCycleMgrService.OnResume(); Debug.Log("PSDKMgr::Start resume state: " + or.ToString()); foreach (IPsdkService ps in _registeredServices) { try { ps.psdkStartedEvent(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } if (or != AppLifeCycleResumeState.ALCRS_NONE) { PsdkEventSystem.Instance.SendMessage("OnResumeEvent", or); } } return(rc); }