public void Broadcast(DarkLightEvent darkLightEvent) { //Test w/ everything periodic for now //var taskType = TaskType.Periodic; object target = new object(); object[] message = new object[1]; System.Action <object[]> action = null; switch (darkLightEvent.EventType)//taskType) //TODO: refactor mapping below { //NOT BEING USED YET case (EventType.BacktestRequest): //TaskType.Background: // check if already running if (!_baseQueue.ContainsKey(target)) { var bgTask = _backgroundTaskFactory.StartNew(() => _mediatorAdapter.Publish(darkLightEvent)); //_baseQueue.Add(target, bgTask); } break; case (EventType.Trade): case EventType.Status: //TaskType.Periodic: var periodicTask = new PeriodicTask(() => _eventAggregator.Publish(darkLightEvent), _budget); periodicTask.Start(_preemptiveScheduler); break; /* * case EventType.BacktestRequest://TaskType.Sporadic: * // one Periodic to run all sporadics * var sporadicTask1 = new SporadicTask(() => _mediatorAdapter.Publish(darkLightEvent), _budget); * sporadicTask1.Start(_preemptiveScheduler); * break; */ case EventType.LinkedNavigation: // one Periodic to run all sporadics var sporadicTask2 = new SporadicTask(() => _eventAggregator.Publish(darkLightEvent), _budget); sporadicTask2.Start(_preemptiveScheduler); break; //NOT BEING USED YET case EventType.Result: //TaskType.LongRunning: //UI _staTaskFactory.StartNew(() => action.DynamicInvoke(message)); break; } }
private void OnGUI() { = guiSkin; // Set font size according to screen width if ((int)Screen.width > 0) { double fontScaleFactor = (referenceScreenSize.x / Screen.width); int fontSize = (int)(referenceFontSize / Math.Max(fontScaleFactor, 0.01)); = fontSize; = fontSize; } if (choosingNode) { Vector2 boxSize = new Vector2(0.75f, 0.625f); GUI.Box(new Rect(ndcToScreen(0.5f - boxSize.x / 2.0f, 0.5f - boxSize.y / 2.0f), ndcToScreen(boxSize)), !choosingFunctionCall ? "Choose a node type to add:" : "Choose function to call"); if (!choosingFunctionCall) { // TODO: This could just be reduced to one foreach with a counter variable, instead of a foreach & for-loop. Potential performance boost. List <string> nodeTypeStrings = new List <string>(); foreach (string nodeTypeString in nodePrefabs.Keys) { nodeTypeStrings.Add(nodeTypeString); } for (int i = 0; i < nodeTypeStrings.Count; i++) { float buttonHeight = 0.05f; float buttonWidth = 0.7f; bool pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(ndcToScreen(0.5f - buttonWidth / 2.0f, 0.3f + buttonHeight * i + 0.01f * i), ndcToScreen(buttonWidth, buttonHeight)), nodePrefabs[nodeTypeStrings[i]].Key); if (pressed) { addedNode = AddNode(nodeTypeStrings[i], newNodeInitPos.x, newNodeInitPos.y); if (nodeTypeStrings[i] == "FunctionCallBase") { choosingFunctionCall = true; } else { choosingNode = false; } // Fixes node link renderer ="(Clone)", $"-{(addedNode.GetInstanceID())}"); // Special cases if (nodeTypeStrings[i] == "CreateList") { addedNode.GetComponentInParent <AllocateArray>().InitialiseNode(); } break; } } } if (choosingFunctionCall) { List <string> functionNames = new List <string>(); foreach (string functionName in programController.functions.Keys) { if (programController.hiddenFunctions.Contains(functionName)) { continue; } string paramList = ""; foreach (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo funcParams in programController.functions[functionName].Method.GetParameters()) { paramList += $"{funcParams.Name}, "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramList)) { paramList = paramList.Substring(0, paramList.LastIndexOf(',')); } functionNames.Add($"{functionName}({paramList})"); } for (int i = 0; i < functionNames.Count; i++) { float buttonHeight = 0.05f; float buttonWidth = 0.7f; bool pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(ndcToScreen(0.5f - buttonWidth / 2.0f, 0.3f + buttonHeight * (float)i + 0.01f * (float)i), ndcToScreen(buttonWidth, buttonHeight)), functionNames[i]); if (pressed) { addedNode.GetComponent <EditorDraggableNode>().FunctionNameEditingFinished(functionNames[i].Substring(0, functionNames[i].IndexOf('('))); choosingNode = false; choosingFunctionCall = false; break; } } } } if (editingNodeProperty) { GUI.SetNextControlName("editedNodeValue"); if (editingNodeInPlace) { float x = editingNodeInPlaceRect.x; float y = editingNodeInPlaceRect.y; float width = editingNodeInPlaceRect.width; float height = editingNodeInPlaceRect.height; float cvsHeight = elementContainer.GetComponentInParent <RectTransform>().rect.height; editedNodeValue = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(x, Screen.height - (y + height), width, height), editedNodeValue); } else { editedNodeValue = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(ndcToScreen(0.5f - 0.375f / 2.0f, 0.5f - 0.05f / 2.0f), ndcToScreen(0.375f, 0.05f)), editedNodeValue); } if (!editedNodeFocused) { GUI.FocusControl("editedNodeValue"); editedNodeFocused = true; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl())) { editingNodeProperty = false; editedNodeFocused = false; editingNodeInPlace = false; clueHud.SetCurrentPrompt(null, null); } if (editedNodeValue != null && editedNodeValue.Contains("\n")) { editedNodeValue = editedNodeValue.Replace("\n", ""); editingNodeFinishedClb.DynamicInvoke(editedNodeValue); editingNodeProperty = false; editingNodeInPlace = false; editedNodeFocused = false; clueHud.SetCurrentPrompt(null, null); } } }