public static void GetHistogramEXT(HistogramTargetEXT target, bool reset, PixelFormat format, PixelType type, IntPtr values) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglGetHistogramEXT != null, "pglGetHistogramEXT not implemented"); Delegates.pglGetHistogramEXT((Int32)target, reset, (Int32)format, (Int32)type, values); CallLog("glGetHistogramEXT({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, 0x{4})", target, reset, format, type, values.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void SetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID(IntPtr dpy, SetBlobFuncDelegate set, GetBlobFuncDelegate get) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.peglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID != null, "peglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID not implemented"); Delegates.peglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID(dpy, set, get); LogFunction("eglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID(0x{0}, {1}, {2})", dpy.ToString("X8"), set, get); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
/// <summary> /// 把指定索引的值强制转成字符串 /// </summary> public static string ToLuaString(this ILuaState self, int index) { LuaTypes luaT = self.Type(index); switch (luaT) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: return(self.ToString(index)); case LuaTypes.LUA_TNIL: return(string.Empty); case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: return(self.ToNumber(index).ToString()); case LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN: return(self.ToBoolean(index).ToString()); case LuaTypes.LUA_TNONE: return(null); default: self.GetGlobal("tostring"); self.PushValue(index); self.Call(1, 1); var ret = self.ToString(-1); self.Pop(1); return(ret); } }
public void RLGen() { RL.GenBuffers(1, out bufferObject); if (bufferObject == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException(); } #if DEBUG_BUFFER_OBJECTS System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("RL.GenBuffers(1) = " + bufferObject.ToString("X")); #endif GhostManager.Gen(); }
private static IEnumerator LuaCoroutine(ILuaState lua, LuaFunction luaRef, object yieldRet) { lua.GetGlobal("coroutine", "status"); var coro_status = lua.L_Ref(LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); lua.GetGlobal("coroutine", "resume"); var corou_resume = lua.L_Ref(LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); for (bool coroRet = true; ;) { yield return(yieldRet); var oldTop = lua.GetTop(); // 检查协程状态 lua.GetRef(coro_status); luaRef.push(lua); lua.Call(1, 1); var coStat = lua.ToString(-1); lua.Pop(1); if (coStat == "dead") { break; } // 再启动协程 lua.GetRef(corou_resume); luaRef.push(lua); var status = lua.PCall(1, 2, 0); if (status != LuaThreadStatus.LUA_OK) { LogMgr.E(lua.ToString(-1)); lua.SetTop(oldTop); break; } coroRet = lua.ToBoolean(-2); yieldRet = lua.ToAnyObject(-1); // 弹出返回值 lua.Pop(2); if (!coroRet) { LogMgr.E("{0}", yieldRet); break; } } lua.L_Unref(LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, coro_status); lua.L_Unref(LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, corou_resume); luaRef.Dispose(); }
public void Dispose() { if (!disposed) { if (textureObject != IntPtr.Zero) { GhostManager.Add(new TextureRLGhost(textureObject)); Debug.WriteLine("GhostTexture: " + textureObject.ToString()); textureObject = IntPtr.Zero; } GC.SuppressFinalize(this); disposed = true; } }
public static void ClearDepthOES(IntPtr depth) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglClearDepthxOES != null, "pglClearDepthxOES not implemented"); Delegates.pglClearDepthxOES(depth); LogFunction("glClearDepthxOES(0x{0})", depth.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void IglooInterfaceSGIX(Int32 pname, IntPtr @params) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglIglooInterfaceSGIX != null, "pglIglooInterfaceSGIX not implemented"); Delegates.pglIglooInterfaceSGIX(pname, @params); LogFunction("glIglooInterfaceSGIX({0}, 0x{1})", LogEnumName(pname), @params.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindNV(Int32 mode, IntPtr indirect, Int32 drawCount, Int32 stride, Int32 vertexBufferCount) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV != null, "pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV not implemented"); Delegates.pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV(mode, indirect, drawCount, stride, vertexBufferCount); LogFunction("glMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV({0}, 0x{1}, {2}, {3}, {4})", LogEnumName(mode), indirect.ToString("X8"), drawCount, stride, vertexBufferCount); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static int __newindex(ILuaState L) { // 从元表取出field的值 string field = L.ToString(2); L.GetMetaTable(1); L.PushString(field); L.RawGet(-2); L.Remove(-2); var luaT = L.Type(-1); if (luaT == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE) { // 该field只能是个属性 L.RawGetI(-1, 2); L.PushValue(1); L.Call(1, 1); L.Remove(-2); } else { L.L_Error(string.Format("field or property {0} does not exist, get {1}", field, luaT)); L.Pop(1); return(0); } return(1); }
static int HttpGet(ILuaState lua) { string tag = lua.ChkString(1); string url = lua.ChkString(2); float timeout = (float)lua.OptNumber(4, 10); string param = null; var luaT = lua.Type(3); if (luaT == LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING) { param = lua.ToString(3); } else { var joParam = lua.ToJsonObj(3) as TinyJSON.ProxyObject; if (joParam != null) { param = KeyValue2Param(joParam); } } var httpHandler = NetworkMgr.Instance.GetHttpHandler("HTTP"); if (httpHandler) { httpHandler.StartGet(tag, url, param, timeout); } return(0); }
public static void MultiDrawArraysIndirectARB(Int32 mode, IntPtr indirect, IntPtr drawcount, Int32 maxdrawcount, Int32 stride) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB != null, "pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB not implemented"); Delegates.pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB(mode, indirect, drawcount, maxdrawcount, stride); LogFunction("glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB({0}, 0x{1}, 0x{2}, {3}, {4})", LogEnumName(mode), indirect.ToString("X8"), drawcount.ToString("X8"), maxdrawcount, stride); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void GetColorTableSGI(ColorTableTargetSGI target, PixelFormat format, PixelType type, IntPtr table) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglGetColorTableSGI != null, "pglGetColorTableSGI not implemented"); Delegates.pglGetColorTableSGI((Int32)target, (Int32)format, (Int32)type, table); CallLog("glGetColorTableSGI({0}, {1}, {2}, 0x{3})", target, format, type, table.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void BufferPageCommitmentARB(Int32 target, IntPtr offset, UInt32 size, bool commit) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglBufferPageCommitmentARB != null, "pglBufferPageCommitmentARB not implemented"); Delegates.pglBufferPageCommitmentARB(target, offset, size, commit); LogFunction("glBufferPageCommitmentARB({0}, 0x{1}, {2}, {3})", LogEnumName(target), offset.ToString("X8"), size, commit); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void ElementPointerAPPLE(Int32 type, IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglElementPointerAPPLE != null, "pglElementPointerAPPLE not implemented"); Delegates.pglElementPointerAPPLE(type, pointer); LogFunction("glElementPointerAPPLE({0}, 0x{1})", LogEnumName(type), pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void ClearColorOES(IntPtr red, IntPtr green, IntPtr blue, IntPtr alpha) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglClearColorxOES != null, "pglClearColorxOES not implemented"); Delegates.pglClearColorxOES(red, green, blue, alpha); LogFunction("glClearColorxOES(0x{0}, 0x{1}, 0x{2}, 0x{3})", red.ToString("X8"), green.ToString("X8"), blue.ToString("X8"), alpha.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void IglooInterfaceSGIX(Int32 pname, IntPtr @params) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglIglooInterfaceSGIX != null, "pglIglooInterfaceSGIX not implemented"); Delegates.pglIglooInterfaceSGIX(pname, @params); CallLog("glIglooInterfaceSGIX({0}, 0x{1})", pname, @params.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void AlphaFuncOES(Int32 func, IntPtr @ref) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglAlphaFuncxOES != null, "pglAlphaFuncxOES not implemented"); Delegates.pglAlphaFuncxOES(func, @ref); LogFunction("glAlphaFuncxOES({0}, 0x{1})", LogEnumName(func), @ref.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void ElementPointerATI(Int32 type, IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglElementPointerATI != null, "pglElementPointerATI not implemented"); Delegates.pglElementPointerATI(type, pointer); CallLog("glElementPointerATI({0}, 0x{1})", type, pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void AlphaFuncOES(Int32 func, IntPtr @ref) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglAlphaFuncxOES != null, "pglAlphaFuncxOES not implemented"); Delegates.pglAlphaFuncxOES(func, @ref); CallLog("glAlphaFuncxOES({0}, 0x{1})", func, @ref.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void BindBufferOffsetEXT(Int32 target, UInt32 index, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglBindBufferOffsetEXT != null, "pglBindBufferOffsetEXT not implemented"); Delegates.pglBindBufferOffsetEXT(target, index, buffer, offset); LogFunction("glBindBufferOffsetEXT({0}, {1}, {2}, 0x{3})", LogEnumName(target), index, buffer, offset.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void VertexArrayRangeNV(Int32 length, IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglVertexArrayRangeNV != null, "pglVertexArrayRangeNV not implemented"); Delegates.pglVertexArrayRangeNV(length, pointer); LogFunction("glVertexArrayRangeNV({0}, 0x{1})", length, pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void FreeMemoryNV(IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pwglFreeMemoryNV != null, "pwglFreeMemoryNV not implemented"); Delegates.pwglFreeMemoryNV(pointer); LogFunction("wglFreeMemoryNV(0x{0})", pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
/// <summary> /// 把栈顶的数值转为一个Variant表示的值 /// </summary> public static Variant ToJsonValue(ILuaState L) { var luaT = L.Type(-1); Variant ret = null; switch (luaT) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE: ret = L.ToJsonObj(); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN: ret = new ProxyBoolean(L.ToBoolean(-1)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: ret = new ProxyString(L.ToString(-1)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: ret = new ProxyNumber(L.ToNumber(-1)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION: ret = new ProxyUserdata(L.ToLuaFunction(-1)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: case LuaTypes.LUA_TUSERDATA: ret = new ProxyUserdata(L.ToUserData(-1)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TNIL: case LuaTypes.LUA_TNONE: break; default: LogMgr.W("ToJsonValue: Unsupport type {0}", luaT); break; } return(ret); }
private bool Result(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam) { List<IntPtr> results = GetChildWindows(hwnd); allWndHandle.Add(results); StringBuilder strbuild = new StringBuilder(256); Win32.GetWindowText(hwnd, strbuild, 256); allScndWndHandle.Add(hwnd.ToString() + " " + strbuild.ToString()); if (results.Find( delegate(IntPtr wnd) { if (wnd == m_window) return true; else return false; }) != IntPtr.Zero || hwnd == m_window) { StringBuilder mainWin = new StringBuilder(256); StringBuilder scndWin = new StringBuilder(256); Win32.GetWindowText(hwnd, mainWin, 256); Win32.GetWindowText(m_window, scndWin, 256); m_mainWindow = hwnd; } return true; }
public static MyType CreateWrapper(IntPtr ptr) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(ptr.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); return new MyType { intPtr = ptr }; }
public static void StringMarkerGREMEDY(Int32 len, IntPtr @string) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglStringMarkerGREMEDY != null, "pglStringMarkerGREMEDY not implemented"); Delegates.pglStringMarkerGREMEDY(len, @string); CallLog("glStringMarkerGREMEDY({0}, 0x{1})", len, @string.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindNV(Int32 mode, IntPtr indirect, Int32 drawCount, Int32 maxDrawCount, Int32 stride, Int32 vertexBufferCount) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessCountNV != null, "pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessCountNV not implemented"); Delegates.pglMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessCountNV(mode, indirect, drawCount, maxDrawCount, stride, vertexBufferCount); CallLog("glMultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessCountNV({0}, 0x{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5})", mode, indirect.ToString("X8"), drawCount, maxDrawCount, stride, vertexBufferCount); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void PixelDataRangeNV(Int32 target, Int32 length, IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglPixelDataRangeNV != null, "pglPixelDataRangeNV not implemented"); Delegates.pglPixelDataRangeNV(target, length, pointer); LogFunction("glPixelDataRangeNV({0}, {1}, 0x{2})", LogEnumName(target), length, pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
/// <summary> /// 把指定索引的值转成一个UnityEngine.GameObject /// 如果索引的值是一个字符串,将调用GameObject.Find来尝试找到一个GameObject /// </summary> public static GameObject ToGameObject(this ILuaState self, int index) { var luaT = self.Type(index); if (luaT == LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING) { return(GameObject.Find(self.ToString(index))); } var obj = self.ToUnityObject(index); var go = obj as GameObject; if (go) { return(go); } else { var com = obj as Component; if (com) { return(com.gameObject); } } return(null); }
public static void TextureRangeAPPLE(Int32 target, Int32 length, IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglTextureRangeAPPLE != null, "pglTextureRangeAPPLE not implemented"); Delegates.pglTextureRangeAPPLE(target, length, pointer); LogFunction("glTextureRangeAPPLE({0}, {1}, 0x{2})", LogEnumName(target), length, pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
public static void ToStringFromatArgs(this ILuaState self, int index, out string format, out object[] args) { format = self.ChkString(index); int n = self.GetTop() - index; args = new object[n]; index += 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var pos = index + i; var luaT = self.Type(pos); object arg = null; switch (luaT) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN: arg = self.ToBoolean(pos); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: arg = self.ToNumber(pos); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: arg = self.ToString(pos); break; default: arg = self.ToLuaString(pos); break; } args[i] = arg; } }
public static Color ToColor(this ILuaState self, int index) { var luaT = self.Type(index); switch (luaT) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE: float r = self.GetFloatValue(index, "r"); float g = self.GetFloatValue(index, "g"); float b = self.GetFloatValue(index, "b"); float a = self.GetFloatValue(index, "a"); return(new Color(r, g, b, a)); case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: return(self.ToInteger(index).ToColor()); case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: var str = self.ToString(index); Color color; if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(str, out color)) { return(color); } self.L_Error(string.Format("Can't parse \"{0}\" to a UnityEngine.Color", str)); return(Color.clear); default: self.L_Error(string.Format("Can't convert a {0} to a UnityEngine.Color", luaT)); return(Color.clear); } }
public static void GetnTexImageARB(Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 format, Int32 type, Int32 bufSize, IntPtr img) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglGetnTexImageARB != null, "pglGetnTexImageARB not implemented"); Delegates.pglGetnTexImageARB(target, level, format, type, bufSize, img); LogFunction("glGetnTexImageARB({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, 0x{5})", LogEnumName(target), level, LogEnumName(format), LogEnumName(type), bufSize, img.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(null); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { int processId = iiVRUnityInterface.getProcessId(); iiVRUnityInterface.getViewCoordinates((uint)processId, out _windowsPosX, out _windowsPosY, out _windowsSizeX, out _windowsSizeY); //Debug.Log("ViewCoordinates " + processId + " " + _windowsPosX + " " + _windowsPosY + " " + _windowsSizeX + " " + _windowsSizeY); if (_activeWindowPtr == System.IntPtr.Zero) { System.IntPtr ptr = GetActiveWindow(); string Text = ptr.ToString(); if (Text != "0") { _activeWindowPtr = ptr; } } else { if (_updated == false) { SetWindowPos(_activeWindowPtr, System.IntPtr.Zero, _windowsPosX, _windowsPosY, _windowsSizeX, _windowsSizeY, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); Screen.SetResolution(_windowsSizeX, _windowsSizeY, false); _updated = true; } } }
public static void VertexArrayRangeAPPLE(Int32 length, IntPtr pointer) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglVertexArrayRangeAPPLE != null, "pglVertexArrayRangeAPPLE not implemented"); Delegates.pglVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(length, pointer); CallLog("glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE({0}, 0x{1})", length, pointer.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static void VDPAUInitNV(IntPtr vdpDevice, IntPtr getProcAddress) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglVDPAUInitNV != null, "pglVDPAUInitNV not implemented"); Delegates.pglVDPAUInitNV(vdpDevice, getProcAddress); CallLog("glVDPAUInitNV(0x{0}, 0x{1})", vdpDevice.ToString("X8"), getProcAddress.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
/// _____________________ Data Writing _____________________ public override void WriteAddress(System.IntPtr value) { Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; ed.WriteMessage(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " = " + "\n"); ed.WriteMessage(value.ToString() + "\n"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process[] Ps = Process.GetProcessesByName(tbProcess.Text); if (Ps.Count<Process>() == 0) return; baseaddress = Ps[0].MainModule.BaseAddress; tbBase.Text = baseaddress.ToString("X"); int address = int.Parse(tbAddress.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); int length = int.Parse(tbLength.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (length == 0) return; IntPtr readaddress; if (cbRelative.Checked) readaddress = baseaddress + address; else readaddress = (IntPtr)address; processHandle = OpenProcess(0x0010, false, Ps[0].Id); if (processHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return; rbuff = new byte[length]; int rn = 0; bool ret = ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, readaddress, rbuff, length, ref rn); if (ret) { FileStream fs = new FileStream("mem.bin", FileMode.Create); fs.Write(rbuff, 0, length); fs.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed"); } }
public static HWND CyberpunkWindowActiv() { HWND CurrentActiveWindow = GetForegroundWindow(); if (CurrentActiveWindow == IntPtr.Zero) { //this triggers Debug.WriteLine("CurrentActiveWindow: " + CurrentActiveWindow.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Unable to get window handle."); } foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName("Cyberpunk2077")) { if (CurrentActiveWindow == process.MainWindowHandle) { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(process.Id, false); } else { VolumeMixer.SetApplicationMute(process.Id, true); } return(process.MainWindowHandle); } return(HWND.Zero); }
public static Bitmap Create(IntPtr hDesk) { Bitmap bmp = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hDesk.ToString())) { // Get window info: size, x, y WINDOWINFO info = new WINDOWINFO(); info.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(info); NativeWin32.GetWindowInfo(hDesk, ref info); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)info.rcWindow.Left, (int)info.rcWindow.Top, Math.Abs((int)info.rcWindow.Left - (int)info.rcWindow.Right), Math.Abs((int)info.rcWindow.Top - (int)info.rcWindow.Bottom)); // Set pointers IntPtr hSrce = NativeWin32.GetWindowDC(hDesk); IntPtr hDest = NativeWin32.CreateCompatibleDC(hSrce); IntPtr hBmp = NativeWin32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hSrce, rect.Width, rect.Height); IntPtr hOldBmp = NativeWin32.SelectObject(hDest, hBmp); // Create bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); Graphics gfxScreenShot = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); gfxScreenShot.CopyFromScreen(rect.X, rect.Y, 0, 0, rect.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); } else { // logging } return bmp; }
public static void TraceRef(IntPtr pUnk, string msg) { GC.Collect(); // collect any outstanding RCW or CCW's. if (pUnk == IntPtr.Zero) return; Marshal.AddRef(pUnk); int count = Marshal.Release(pUnk); Trace.WriteLine(msg + ": 0x" + pUnk.ToString("x") + "(ref=" + count + ")"); }
public static void GetConvolutionFilterEXT(ConvolutionTargetEXT target, PixelFormat format, PixelType type, IntPtr image) { Debug.Assert(Delegates.pglGetConvolutionFilterEXT != null, "pglGetConvolutionFilterEXT not implemented"); Delegates.pglGetConvolutionFilterEXT((Int32)target, (Int32)format, (Int32)type, image); CallLog("glGetConvolutionFilterEXT({0}, {1}, {2}, 0x{3})", target, format, type, image.ToString("X8")); DebugCheckErrors(); }
public static object ChkAnyObject(this ILuaState self, int index, System.Type type) { object ret = null; if (type.IsEnum) { return(self.ChkEnumValue(index, type)); } if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Delegate))) { // TODO return(null); } switch (type.FullName) { case "System.Byte": ret = (byte)self.ToInteger(index); break; case "System.SByte": ret = (sbyte)self.ToInteger(index); break; case "System.Int16": ret = (short)self.ToInteger(index); break; case "System.UInt16": ret = (ushort)self.ToInteger(index); break; case "System.Int32": ret = self.ToInteger(index); break; case "System.UInt32": ret = (uint)self.ToInteger(index); break; case "System.Int64": ret = long.Parse(self.ToString(index)); break; case "System.UInt64": ret = ulong.Parse(self.ToString(index)); break; case "UnityEngine.Vector2": ret = self.ToVector2(index); break; case "UnityEngine.Vector3": ret = self.ToVector3(index); break; case "UnityEngine.Quaternion": ret = self.ToQuaternion(index); break; case "UnityEngine.Color": ret = self.ToColor(index); break; case "TinyJSON.Variant": ret = self.ToJsonObj(index); break; default: ret = self.ChkUserData(index, type); break; } return(ret); }
public static string getMemory(object o) // 获取引用类型的内存地址方法 { GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(o, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection); System.IntPtr addr = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(h); return("0x" + addr.ToString("X")); }
public static string ChkString(this ILuaState self, int index) { if (self.IsString(index)) { return(self.ToString(index)); } self.TypeError(index, "string"); return(default(string)); }
static IntPtr ObjectGetType(MonoObjectPtr mobj) { var obj = GetMonoObjectTarget(mobj); if (obj == null) { log_coreclr($"ObjectGetType (0x{mobj.ToString ("x")}) => null object"); return(IntPtr.Zero); } return(GetMonoObject(obj.GetType())); }
public static ulong ToULong(this ILuaState self, int index) { var luaT = self.Type(index); if (luaT == LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER) { return((ulong)self.ToInteger(index)); } return(ulong.Parse(self.ToString(index))); }
private static int SetLocalize(ILuaState lua) { if (!UILabel.LOC) { UILabel.LOC = AssetsMgr.A.Load(typeof(ScriptableObject), "Launch/Localization") as Localization; } if (UILabel.LOC) { UILabel.LOC.currentLang = lua.ToString(1); } return(0); }
public static void ApplyParentAndChild(ILuaState lua, out GameObject parent, out GameObject child) { parent = lua.ToGameObject(1); string strChild = null; if (lua.IsString(2)) { strChild = lua.ToString(2); child = AssetsMgr.A.Load <GameObject>(strChild); } else { child = lua.ToGameObject(2); } }
private static int FindComponent(ILuaState lua) { Transform trans = lua.ToComponent <Transform>(1); string path = lua.ToString(2); string comName = lua.ToString(3); GameObject ret = FindGO(trans, path); if (!ret) { return(0); } Component com = ret.GetComponent(comName); if (com != null) { lua.PushLightUserData(com); } else { lua.PushNil(); } return(1); }
public string DeviceDescription() { string deviceDesc = "Device "; if (dwAddr != VALUE_NONE) { string.Concat(deviceDesc, "0x", dwAddr.ToString("X"), ", "); } return(string.Concat(deviceDesc, "vid 0x", wVid.ToString("X"), ", pid 0x", wPid.ToString("X"), ", ifc ", dwInterfaceNum.ToString(), ", alt setting ", dwAltSettingNum.ToString(), ", handle 0x", hDevice.ToString())); }
public static object ToEnumValue(this ILuaState self, int index, System.Type type) { var luaT = self.Type(index); switch (luaT) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: return(System.Enum.ToObject(type, self.ToInteger(index))); case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: { var enName = self.ToString(index); if (System.Enum.IsDefined(type, enName)) { return(System.Enum.Parse(type, enName)); } } break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE: { self.PushString("id"); self.RawGet(index); int id = self.ToInteger(-1); self.Pop(1); if (type != null) { if (System.Enum.IsDefined(type, id)) { return(System.Enum.ToObject(type, id)); } } else { return(id); } } break; default: break; } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 把栈顶的表转为一个ProxyObject或ProxyArray /// 转为ProxyArray时,其下标可能和Lua表不一致 /// </summary> public static Variant ToJsonObj(this ILuaState self) { Variant ret = null; var top = self.GetTop(); self.PushNil(); if (self.Next(top)) { var key = self.ToAnyObject(-2) as string; if (key != null) { var obj = new ProxyObject(); ret = obj; var value = ToJsonValue(self); obj[key] = value; self.Pop(1); while (self.Next(top)) { key = self.ToString(-2); value = ToJsonValue(self); obj[key] = value; self.Pop(1); } } else { var array = new ProxyArray(); ret = array; array.Add(ToJsonValue(self)); self.Pop(1); while (self.Next(top)) { array.Add(ToJsonValue(self)); self.Pop(1); } } } else { return(new ProxyArray()); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// 将指定栈位置的数据转为它确切的类型 /// 即:自动判断其类型,然后做转换;包括Unity内置类型。 /// </summary> public static object ToAnyObject(this ILuaState self, int index) { var luaT = self.Type(index); switch (luaT) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: return((float)self.ToNumber(index)); case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: return(self.ToString(index)); case LuaTypes.LUA_TUSERDATA: { var ls = LuaEnv.Get(self).ls; int udata = LuaDLL.luanet_rawnetobj(self, index); if (udata != -1) { object obj = null; ls.translator.objects.TryGetValue(udata, out obj); return(obj); } else { return(null); } } case LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN: return(self.ToBoolean(index)); case LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE: return(self.ToAnyTable(index)); case LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION: return(self.ToLuaFunction(index)); default: return(null); } }
public override string ToString() { return("" + hWnd.ToString() + " | " + name + " | " + title.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { return(_value.ToString()); }
public static string OptString(this ILuaState self, int index, string def) { return(self.IsNoneOrNil(index) ? def : self.ToString(index)); }
private void btnStart_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (isStartable) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); HANDLE eventHandle = createEvent(); string sframeFilename = "SFrame.exe"; startInfo.EnvironmentVariables[String.Format("{0}_PARENT", sframeFilename)] = "Launcher.exe"; startInfo.EnvironmentVariables[String.Format("{0}_RUNNER", sframeFilename)] = eventHandle.ToString(); startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = "SFrame.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = " / /use_nprotect:0 /help_url_w:611 /help_url_h:625 /locale:ASCII /country:US /cash /commercial_shop /layout_dir:6 /layout_auto:0 /cash_url_w:800 /cash_url_h:631 /network.max_msg_process:1 /user_no:1"; try { Process.Start(startInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); Application.Current.Shutdown(); } WaitForSingleObject(eventHandle, 10 * 1000); Application.Current.Shutdown(); } }
public System.IntPtr CbtHookProc(int nCode, System.IntPtr wParam, System.IntPtr lParam) { switch (nCode) { case NativeMethods.HCBT_ACTIVATE: System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "I: Dialog HCBT_ACTIVATE (hWnd={0}). {{Medo.MessageBox}}", wParam.ToString())); if (this._owner != null) { NativeMethods.RECT rectMessage = new NativeMethods.RECT(); NativeMethods.RECT rectOwner = new NativeMethods.RECT(); if ((NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(wParam, ref rectMessage)) && (NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(this._owner.Handle, ref rectOwner))) { int widthMessage = rectMessage.right - rectMessage.left; int heightMessage = rectMessage.bottom -; int widthOwner = rectOwner.right - rectOwner.left; int heightOwner = rectOwner.bottom -; int newLeft = rectOwner.left + (widthOwner - widthMessage) / 2; int newTop = + (heightOwner - heightMessage) / 2; NativeMethods.SetWindowPos(wParam, System.IntPtr.Zero, newLeft, newTop, 0, 0, NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } if (Resources.IsTranslatable) { NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_OK, Resources.OK); NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_CANCEL, Resources.Cancel); NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_ABORT, Resources.Abort); NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_RETRY, Resources.Retry); NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_IGNORE, Resources.Ignore); NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_YES, Resources.Yes); NativeMethods.SetDlgItemText(wParam, NativeMethods.DLG_ID_NO, Resources.No); } try { return(NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(this._hook, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } finally { this.Dispose(); } } return(NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(this._hook, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }