        /// <summary>
        /// Udpate the source baml into a target stream with all the resource udpates applied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">target stream</param>
        /// <param name="updates">resource updates to be applied when generating the localized baml</param>
        public void UpdateBaml(
            Stream target,
            BamlLocalizationDictionary updates
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
            if (updates == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("updates");

            // we duplicate the internal baml tree here because
            // we will need to modify the tree to do generation
            // UpdateBaml can be called multiple times
            BamlTree _duplicateTree = _tree.Copy();


            // Udpate the tree

            // Serialize the tree into Baml
        // internal methods

        internal static void UpdateTree( 
            BamlTree                    tree, 
            BamlTreeMap                 treeMap,
            BamlLocalizationDictionary  dictionary 

            Debug.Assert(tree != null && tree.Root != null, "Empty Tree!"); 
            Debug.Assert(treeMap != null, "Empty map!");
            Debug.Assert(dictionary != null, "Empty dictionary"); 
            // no changes to do to the tree.
            if (dictionary.Count <= 0) 

            // create a tree map to be used for update
            BamlTreeUpdateMap updateMap = new BamlTreeUpdateMap(treeMap, tree); 

            // a) Create baml tree nodes for missing child place holders and properties. 
            //    Translations may require new nodes to be constructed. For example
            //    translation contains new child place holders 
            CreateMissingBamlTreeNode(dictionary, updateMap);

            // b) Look through each translation and make modification to the tree 
            //    At this step, new nodes are linked to the tree if applicable. 
            BamlLocalizationDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = dictionary.GetEnumerator(); 
            ArrayList deferredResources = new ArrayList();
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                if (!ApplyChangeToBamlTree(enumerator.Key, enumerator.Value, updateMap)) 
            // c) Hook up the property nodes that aren't hooked up yet
            //    Formatting tags inserted in the translation will only be created the
            //    previous step. Hook up properties to those nodes now if applicable 
            for(int i = 0; i < deferredResources.Count; i++) 
                DictionaryEntry entry = (DictionaryEntry) deferredResources[i];
                    (BamlLocalizableResourceKey) entry.Key,
                    (BamlLocalizableResource) entry.Value,
        // Token: 0x06002507 RID: 9479 RVA: 0x000B2D74 File Offset: 0x000B0F74
        internal BamlLocalizationDictionary Copy()
            BamlLocalizationDictionary bamlLocalizationDictionary = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <BamlLocalizableResourceKey, BamlLocalizableResource> keyValuePair in this._dictionary)
                BamlLocalizableResource value = (keyValuePair.Value == null) ? null : new BamlLocalizableResource(keyValuePair.Value);
                bamlLocalizationDictionary.Add(keyValuePair.Key, value);
            bamlLocalizationDictionary._rootElementKey = this._rootElementKey;
        /// <summary>Applies resource updates to the BAML source and writes the updated version to a specified stream in order to create a localized version of the source BAML. </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The stream that will receive the updated BAML.</param>
        /// <param name="updates">The resource updates to be applied to the source BAML.</param>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///         <paramref name="target" /> or <paramref name="updates" /> are <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        // Token: 0x0600250E RID: 9486 RVA: 0x000B2E68 File Offset: 0x000B1068
        public void UpdateBaml(Stream target, BamlLocalizationDictionary updates)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
            if (updates == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("updates");
            BamlTree tree = this._tree.Copy();

            BamlTreeUpdater.UpdateTree(tree, this._bamlTreeMap, updates);
            BamlResourceSerializer.Serialize(this, tree, target);
        // internal functions
        internal BamlLocalizationDictionary Copy()
            BamlLocalizationDictionary newDictionary = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <BamlLocalizableResourceKey, BamlLocalizableResource> pair in _dictionary)
                BamlLocalizableResource resourceCopy =
                    pair.Value == null ?
                    null :
                    new BamlLocalizableResource(pair.Value);

                newDictionary.Add(pair.Key, resourceCopy);

            newDictionary._rootElementKey = _rootElementKey;

            // return the new dictionary
        private static void CreateMissingBamlTreeNode(
            BamlLocalizationDictionary dictionary, 
            BamlTreeUpdateMap          treeMap
            BamlLocalizationDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = dictionary.GetEnumerator(); 
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                BamlLocalizableResourceKey key   = enumerator.Key; 
                BamlLocalizableResource resource = enumerator.Value;
                // get the baml tree node from the tree
                BamlTreeNode node = treeMap.MapKeyToBamlTreeNode(key);

                if (node == null) 
                    if (key.PropertyName == BamlConst.ContentSuffix) 
                        // see if there is already a Baml node with the Uid. If so
                        // ignore this entry 
                        node = treeMap.MapUidToBamlTreeElementNode(key.Uid);
                        if (node == null)
                            // create new Baml element node 
                            BamlStartElementNode newNode    = new BamlStartElementNode(
                                false, /*isInjected*/
                                false /*CreateUsingTypeConverter*/ 

                            // create new x:Uid node for this element node
                                new BamlDefAttributeNode(

                            TryAddContentPropertyToNewElement(treeMap, newNode);

                            // terminate the node with EndElementNode 
                            newNode.AddChild(new BamlEndElementNode());
                            // store this new node into the map so that it can be found 
                            // when other translations reference it as a childplace holder, or property owner
                            treeMap.AddBamlTreeNode(key.Uid, key, newNode); 
                        BamlTreeNode newNode;
                        if (key.PropertyName == BamlConst.LiteralContentSuffix) 
                            // create a LiterContent node
                            newNode = new BamlLiteralContentNode(resource.Content); 
                            newNode = new BamlPropertyNode( 

                        // add to the map 
                        treeMap.AddBamlTreeNode(null, key, newNode);
 public void UpdateBaml(Stream target, BamlLocalizationDictionary updates)
   Contract.Ensures(target.CanWrite == true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates localized Baml from translations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">LocBaml options</param>
        /// <param name="dictionaries">the translation dictionaries</param>
        internal static void Generate(LocBamlOptions options, TranslationDictionariesReader dictionaries)
            // base on the input, we generate differently
                case FileType.BAML :
                    // input file name
                    string bamlName = Path.GetFileName(options.Input);

                    // outpuf file name is Output dir + input file name
                    string outputFileName = GetOutputFileName(options);

                    // construct the full path
                    string fullPathOutput = Path.Combine(options.Output, outputFileName);

                    options.Write(StringLoader.Get("GenerateBaml", fullPathOutput));

                    using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(options.Input))
                        using (Stream output = new FileStream(fullPathOutput, FileMode.Create))
                            BamlLocalizationDictionary dictionary = dictionaries[bamlName];

                            // if it is null, just create an empty dictionary.
                            if (dictionary == null)
                                dictionary = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();

                            GenerateBamlStream(input, output, dictionary, options);

                case FileType.RESOURCES :
                    string outputFileName = GetOutputFileName(options);
                    string fullPathOutput = Path.Combine(options.Output, outputFileName);

                    using (Stream input = File.OpenRead(options.Input))
                        using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(fullPathOutput))
                            // create a Resource reader on the input;
                            IResourceReader reader = new ResourceReader(input);

                            // create a writer on the output;
                            IResourceWriter writer = new ResourceWriter(output);

                                options,         // options
                                options.Input,   // resources name
                                reader,          // resource reader
                                writer,          // resource writer
                                dictionaries);   // translations


                            // now generate and close

                    options.WriteLine(StringLoader.Get("DoneGeneratingResource", outputFileName));
            case FileType.EXE:
                case FileType.DLL:
                    GenerateAssembly(options, dictionaries);
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Can't generate to this type");
        private static void GenerateBamlStream(Stream input, Stream output, BamlLocalizationDictionary dictionary, LocBamlOptions options)
            string commentFile = Path.ChangeExtension(options.Input, "loc");
            TextReader commentStream = null;

                if (File.Exists(commentFile))
                    commentStream = new StreamReader(commentFile);

                // create a localizabilty resolver based on reflection
                BamlLocalizabilityByReflection localizabilityReflector =
                    new BamlLocalizabilityByReflection(options.Assemblies);

                // create baml localizer
                BamlLocalizer mgr = new BamlLocalizer(

                // get the resources
                BamlLocalizationDictionary source = mgr.ExtractResources();
                BamlLocalizationDictionary translations = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();

                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)
                    BamlLocalizableResourceKey key = (BamlLocalizableResourceKey) entry.Key;
                    // filter out unchanged items
                    if (!source.Contains(key)
                      || entry.Value == null
                      || source[key].Content != ((BamlLocalizableResource)entry.Value).Content)
                        translations.Add(key, (BamlLocalizableResource)entry.Value);

                // update baml
                mgr.UpdateBaml(output, translations);
                if (commentStream != null)
 public void UpdateBaml(Stream target, BamlLocalizationDictionary updates)
     Contract.Ensures(target.CanWrite == true);
        // Private methods
        // construct the maps for enumeration
        internal void EnsureMap() 
            if (_localizableResources != null) 
                return; // map is already created.
            // create the table based on the treesize passed in
            // the hashtable is for look-up during update
            _keyToBamlNodeIndexMap = new Hashtable(_tree.Size);
            _uidToBamlNodeIndexMap = new Hashtable(_tree.Size / 2);            
            _localizableResources  = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();
            for (int i = 0; i < _tree.Size; i++)
                BamlTreeNode currentNode = _tree[i];

                // a node may be marked as unidentifiable if it or its parent has a duplicate uid. 
                if (currentNode.Unidentifiable) continue; // skip unidentifiable nodes

                if (currentNode.NodeType == BamlNodeType.StartElement)
                    // remember classes encountered in this baml
                    BamlStartElementNode elementNode = (BamlStartElementNode) currentNode;
                    _resolver.AddClassAndAssembly(elementNode.TypeFullName, elementNode.AssemblyName);

                // find the Uid of the current node
                BamlLocalizableResourceKey key = GetKey(currentNode);                    
                if (key != null)
                    if (currentNode.NodeType == BamlNodeType.StartElement)
                        // store uid mapping to the corresponding element node
                        if (_uidToBamlNodeIndexMap.ContainsKey(key.Uid))
                                new BamlLocalizerErrorNotifyEventArgs(

                            // Mark this element and its properties unidentifiable. 
                            currentNode.Unidentifiable = true;
                            if (currentNode.Children != null)
                                foreach (BamlTreeNode child in currentNode.Children)
                                    if (child.NodeType != BamlNodeType.StartElement)
                                        child.Unidentifiable = true;
                            continue; // skip the duplicate node                                
                            _uidToBamlNodeIndexMap.Add(key.Uid, i);
                    _keyToBamlNodeIndexMap.Add(key, i);                    

                    if (_localizableResources.RootElementKey == null
                     && currentNode.NodeType == BamlNodeType.StartElement
                     && currentNode.Parent != null
                     && currentNode.Parent.NodeType == BamlNodeType.StartDocument)
                        // remember the key to the root element so that 
                        // users can further add modifications to the root that would have a global impact.
                        // such as FlowDirection or CultureInfo
                    // create the resource and add to the dictionary
                    BamlLocalizableResource resource = _localizableResourceBuilder.BuildFromNode(key, currentNode);
                    if (resource != null)
                        _localizableResources.Add(key, resource);                        

        /// <summary>
        /// Udpate the source baml into a target stream with all the resource udpates applied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">target stream</param>
        /// <param name="updates">resource updates to be applied when generating the localized baml</param>
        public void UpdateBaml(
            Stream                      target, 
            BamlLocalizationDictionary  updates
            if (target  == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
            if (updates == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("updates");

            // we duplicate the internal baml tree here because 
            // we will need to modify the tree to do generation
            // UpdateBaml can be called multiple times
            BamlTree _duplicateTree = _tree.Copy();     
            // Udpate the tree
            // Serialize the tree into Baml
        // internal functions
        internal BamlLocalizationDictionary Copy()
            BamlLocalizationDictionary newDictionary = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<BamlLocalizableResourceKey, BamlLocalizableResource> pair in _dictionary)
                BamlLocalizableResource resourceCopy = 
                    pair.Value == null ?
                    null :
                    new BamlLocalizableResource(pair.Value);

                newDictionary.Add(pair.Key, resourceCopy);

            newDictionary._rootElementKey = _rootElementKey;

            // return the new dictionary
            return newDictionary;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">resoure text reader that reads CSV or a tab-separated txt file</param>
        internal TranslationDictionariesReader(ResourceTextReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");

            // hash key is case insensitive strings
            _table = new Hashtable();

            // we read each Row
            int rowNumber = 0;
            while (reader.ReadRow())
                rowNumber ++;

                // field #1 is the baml name.
                string bamlName = reader.GetColumn(0);

                // it can't be null
                if (bamlName == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(StringLoader.Get("EmptyRowEncountered"));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bamlName))
                    // allow for comment lines in csv file.
                    // each comment line starts with ",". It will make the first entry as String.Empty.
                    // and we will skip the whole line.
                    continue;   // if the first column is empty, take it as a comment line

                // field #2: key to the localizable resource
                string key = reader.GetColumn(1);
                if (key == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(StringLoader.Get("NullBamlKeyNameInRow"));

                BamlLocalizableResourceKey resourceKey = LocBamlConst.StringToResourceKey(key);

                // get the dictionary
                BamlLocalizationDictionary dictionary = this[bamlName];
                if (dictionary == null)
                    // we create one if it is not there yet.
                    dictionary = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();
                    this[bamlName] = dictionary;

                BamlLocalizableResource resource;

                // the rest of the fields are either all null,
                // or all non-null. If all null, it means the resource entry is deleted.

                // get the string category
                string categoryString = reader.GetColumn(2);
                if (categoryString == null)
                    // it means all the following fields are null starting from column #3.
                    resource = null;
                    // the rest must all be non-null.
                    // the last cell can be null if there is no content
                    for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
                        if (reader.GetColumn(i) == null)
                            throw new Exception(StringLoader.Get("InvalidRow"));

                    // now we know all are non-null. let's try to create a resource
                    resource  = new BamlLocalizableResource();

                    // field #3: Category
                    resource.Category = (LocalizationCategory) StringCatConverter.ConvertFrom(categoryString);

                    // field #4: Readable
                    resource.Readable     = (bool) BoolTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(reader.GetColumn(3));

                    // field #5: Modifiable
                    resource.Modifiable   = (bool) BoolTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(reader.GetColumn(4));

                    // field #6: Comments
                    resource.Comments     = reader.GetColumn(5);

                    // field #7: Content
                    resource.Content      = reader.GetColumn(6);

                    // in case content being the last column, consider null as empty.
                    if (resource.Content == null)
                        resource.Content = string.Empty;

                    // field > #7: Ignored.

                // at this point, we are good.
                // add to the dictionary.
                dictionary.Add(resourceKey, resource);