private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var settings = new Properties.Settings(); settings.ChocolateyLibDirectory = txtInstallDirectory.Text; settings.Save(); Dispose(); }
private void SaveUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); userSettings.MappingListFormLocation = this.Location; userSettings.MappingListFormWidth = this.Width; userSettings.Save(); }
public void LoadUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); int savedWidth = userSettings.MappingListFormWidth; if (savedWidth > _minimumWidth) Width = savedWidth; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction and Initializing methods // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region CONSTRUCTION /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Options class. /// </summary> public Options() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.curSettings = global::Ogama.Properties.Settings.Default; this.cbbGazeCursorType.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(VGCursor.DrawingCursors))); this.cbbMouseCursorType.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(VGCursor.DrawingCursors))); this.cbbGazeFixationsDisplayMode.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(FixationDrawingMode))); this.cbbMouseFixationsDisplayMode.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(FixationDrawingMode))); this.cbbPresentationMonitor.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Monitor))); }
public Xml() { settings = Properties.Settings.Default; settings.Reload(); this.xml_path = settings.xml_path; try { if(!(new FileInfo(xml_path).Exists)) { createXmlFile(); MessageBox.Show("Xml File '" + xml_path + "' wurde angelegt."); } } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public ColourMap() { if (AppController.UserCannotWriteToApplicationRegistryKey) _toolTipText = "Right-click to change which buttons are shown"; else _toolTipText = "Double-click a button to edit the colour: right click for more options"; InitializeComponent(); Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); _showAllButtons = userSettings.ColourMapShowAllButtons; CreateContextMenu(); Redraw(); MappingsManager.MappingsChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Redraw(); }; UserColourSettingManager.ColoursChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Redraw(false); }; }
static void Main() { if (AppController.IsOnlyAppInstance() == false) { return; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.ThreadException += ApplicationThreadException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionHandler; AppController.CreateAppDirectory(); #if DEBUG #else Console.Write("Redirecting console output"); LogProvider.RedirectConsoleOutput(); #endif ConfigFileProvider.ValidateUserConfigFile(); Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); if (userSettings.UpgradeRequired) { Console.WriteLine("Upgrading settings to new version"); userSettings.Upgrade(); userSettings.UpgradeRequired = false; userSettings.Save(); } AppController.Start(); Application.Run(new KeyboardForm()); AppController.Close(); // Release static events or else leak. Application.ThreadException -= ApplicationThreadException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException -= UnhandledExceptionHandler; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _aboutBox = new AboutBox(); // fills _settings form _settings = new Properties.Settings(); txtFenstername.Text = _settings.Fenstername; foreach (string anchor in _settings.Anker) { boxAnker.Items.Add(anchor); } if (boxAnker.Items.Count > 0) { boxAnker.SelectedIndex = 0; } boxTyp.Items.Add("Kreditkartenkonto"); boxTyp.Items.Add("Sparkonto"); boxTyp.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public Descriptions(MainForm mainform, object settings) { InitializeComponent(); _settings = (Properties.Settings)settings; parentForm = mainform; twitchWeb = parentForm.twitchWeb; sc2tv = parentForm.sc2tv; cybergame = parentForm.cybergame; ggChat = parentForm.ggChat; gohaweb = parentForm.gohaTVstream; if (sc2tv != null && sc2tv.LoggedIn) { sc2tvCol = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); sc2tvCol.AddRange(sc2tv.GameList.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray()); textWebSourceSc2tvGame.Autocompletedata = sc2tvCol; } if (ggChat != null && ggChat.isLoggedIn) { ggCol = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); textWebSourceGGGame.Autocompletedata = ggCol; ggCol.AddRange(ggChat.GameList.Select(v => v.Value).ToArray()); } if (twitchWeb != null) { twitchCol = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); twitchCol.AddRange(new string[]{}); textWebSourceTwitchGame.Autocompletedata = twitchCol; } if (cybergame != null && cybergame.isLoggedIn) { cyberCol = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); cyberCol.AddRange(cybergame.GameList.ToList().Select(v => v.Value).ToArray()); webAutocompleteCybergame.Autocompletedata = cyberCol; } textBoxProfile.Text = _settings.currentProfile; }
private void Settings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var settings = new Properties.Settings(); txtInstallDirectory.Text = settings.ChocolateyLibDirectory; }
//Acciones al cargar el formulario private void frmListas_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Configuro según logged //Leo el looged Properties.Settings setting = new Properties.Settings(); //Creo variable para acceder a Settings y leer EmailAdmiin int logged = Convert.ToInt32(setting["logged"]); //pueblo los table adapters this.centroTableAdapter.Fill(correosDataSet.centro); this.listaTableAdapter.Fill(correosDataSet.lista); switch (logged) { case 1: //Pueblo el CbxCentros string estado = ""; for (int i = 0; i < this.correosDataSet.centro.Rows.Count; i++) { estado = this.correosDataSet.centro.Rows[i]["estado"].ToString(); //Evito inclusion de no sincronizados if (estado == "") //Si está sincronizado el estado { this.cbxCentros.Items.Add(this.correosDataSet.centro.Rows[i]["nombre"]); } } if (this.correosDataSet.centro.Rows.Count > 0) { this.cbxCentros.SelectedItem = this.correosDataSet.centro.Rows[0]["nombre"]; } break; case 2: case 3: string elCorreo = setting["Logon_User"].ToString(); correosDataSet.CentroListaByLoggedCorreoDataTableDataTable dstDataLogged = this.centroListaByLoggedCorreoDataTableTableAdapter.GetCentroListaByLoggedCorreo(elCorreo); estado = dstDataLogged.Rows[0]["centro_estado"].ToString(); //Evito inclusion de no sincronizados if (estado == "") //Si está sincronizado el estado { this.cbxCentros.Items.Add(dstDataLogged.Rows[0]["nombre_centro"].ToString()); //solo el primer centro que es el unico que tengo en el dst } this.cbxCentros.SelectedItem = dstDataLogged.Rows[0]["nombre_centro"].ToString(); //Oculto botones segun logged this.btnBorrar.Visible = (logged < 3); this.btnEditar.Visible = (logged < 3); this.btnNueva.Visible = (logged < 3); break; } //Terminé de cargar }
private void QueryInstalledPackages() { var settings = new Properties.Settings(); SearchPackages.Text = ""; var expandedLibDirectory = System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(settings.ChocolateyLibDirectory); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(expandedLibDirectory)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(strings.lib_dir_not_found, expandedLibDirectory)); } else { DisableUserInteraction(); SetStatus(strings.getting_installed_packages); packageTabControl.SelectedTab = tabInstalled; lblProgressbar.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; PackageGrid.DataSource = new List<Package>(); _packagesService.ListOfInstalledPackages(); } }
//Clic en Aceptar private void btnAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Leyenda //1. Se usa para asunto de mensaje y guardarlo en Borrador cuando es llamado desde EditaMiembrosLista //2. Se usa para asunto de mensaje y guardarlo en Borrador cuando es llamado desde Listas //Gestiono segun para que me usan if (ctxAsunto.Text != "") { switch (ParaQueMeUsan) { case 1: //Si se usa el form para un asunto de mensaje de Edita Miembros lista string Asunto = ctxAsunto.Text; //Obtengo la dirección de Email del buzón de comandos, si abrió una lista es porque la capa de permisos se lo permitió Properties.Settings setting = new Properties.Settings(); //Creo variable para acceder a Settings y leer EmailAdmiin string EmailDir = setting["Email_Admin"].ToString(); //Preparo y salvo el Email //Preparo gestión de consecutivos y fabrico el subject this.consecutivoTableAdapter.Fill(this.correosDataSet.consecutivo); int? count = 0; //Para usar en el nuevo aleatorio string consec = ""; //El consecutivo do { consec = Globals.ThisAddIn.GeneraConsecutivo(); count = this.consecutivoTableAdapter.CuantosHay(consec); } while (count > 0); this.consecutivoTableAdapter.InserUnConsecutivo(consec); this.consecutivoTableAdapter.Update(this.correosDataSet); string EmailSubject = "enviar-correo" + "|" + consec + "|"; string preVacio = "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "____________________________________________" + "\n"; string EmailBody = preVacio + "|" + this.FormEditaMiebrosLista.Mi_IDLista.ToString() + "|" + Asunto + "|\n" + "____________________________________________" + "\n"; Globals.ThisAddIn.CreateEmailItemAndSave(EmailSubject, EmailDir, EmailBody); MessageBox.Show("El mensaje ha sido guardado en la carpeta Borrador" + "\n" + "en espera de ser editado y enviado por usted", "¡Información!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); this.Close(); break; case 2: //Si se usa el form para un asunto de mensaje de lista Asunto = ctxAsunto.Text; //Tomo el id de lista int LaLista = Convert.ToInt32(this.FormListas.dataGridViewListas.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value); //Obtengo la dirección de Email del buzón de comandos, si abrió una lista es porque la capa de permisos se lo permitió setting = new Properties.Settings(); //Creo variable para acceder a Settings y leer EmailAdmiin EmailDir = setting["Email_Admin"].ToString(); //Preparo y salvo el Email //Preparo gestión de consecutivos y fabrico el subject this.consecutivoTableAdapter.Fill(this.correosDataSet.consecutivo); count = 0; //Para usar en el nuevo aleatorio consec = ""; //El consecutivo do { consec = Globals.ThisAddIn.GeneraConsecutivo(); count = this.consecutivoTableAdapter.CuantosHay(consec); } while (count > 0); this.consecutivoTableAdapter.InserUnConsecutivo(consec); this.consecutivoTableAdapter.Update(this.correosDataSet); EmailSubject = "enviar-correo" + "|" + consec + "|"; preVacio = "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "____________________________________________" + "\n"; EmailBody = preVacio + "|" + LaLista.ToString() + "|" + Asunto + "|\n" + "____________________________________________" + "\n"; Globals.ThisAddIn.CreateEmailItemAndSave(EmailSubject, EmailDir, EmailBody); MessageBox.Show("El mensaje ha sido guardado en la carpeta Borrador" + "\n" + "en espera de ser editado y enviado por usted", "¡Información!", MessageBoxButtons.OK); this.Close(); break; case 3: //Si se usa desde BadMail Asunto = ctxAsunto.Text; FormBadMail.EmailSubject = Asunto; this.Close(); break; } } }
private void installedPackagesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var settings = new Properties.Settings(); if(!System.IO.Directory.Exists(settings.Installdirectory)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find the installed packages directory (" + settings.Installdirectory + "), please change the install directory in the settings."); } else { SetStatus("Getting list of installed packages"); lblPackages.Text = "Installed packages"; lblProgressbar.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; _packagesService.ListOfInstalledPackages(); } }
public static void ShowEditMappingForm(KeyMapping km, bool useCapture) { AddEditMapping mf = new AddEditMapping(km, useCapture); Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); Point savedLocation = userSettings.EditMappingFormLocation; if (savedLocation.IsEmpty == false) mf.Location = savedLocation; else PositionChildForm(mf, ChildFormPosition.MiddleLeft); mf.ShowDialog(_mainForm); }
//Oppening del Menú contextual, permisos private void contextMenuStrip_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { //Obtengo el looged Properties.Settings setting = new Properties.Settings(); int logged = Convert.ToInt32(setting["logged"]); this.nuevaToolStripMenuItem.Visible = (logged < 3); this.editarMiembrosToolStripMenuItem.Visible = (logged < 3); this.editarNombreToolStripMenuItem.Visible = (logged < 3); this.borrarToolStripMenuItem.Visible = (logged < 3); }
private void LoadUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); // As user.config is writeable (if you can find it!) // don't want to trust the settings. var firstrun = (userSettings.UserHasSavedSettings == false); var savedPosition = userSettings.KeyboardFormLocation; var savedWidth = userSettings.KeyboardFormWidth; hasNumberPad = userSettings.KeyboardFormHasNumberPad; isMacKeyboard = userSettings.KeyboardFormHasMacKeyboard; if (firstrun || savedPosition.IsEmpty || savedPosition.X == -32000) { FormsManager.PositionMainForm(); } else { Location = savedPosition; } if (firstrun || savedWidth < MinimumSize.Width) { FormsManager.SizeMainForm(); } else { Width = savedWidth; } }
private static void PositionColourEditorForm(ColourEditor ce) { // Now, where to put it.. // TODO - Why is this value not being used? Point formLocation = GetColourEditorFormStartingPosition(ce); // If there are no other forms use the last closed position (if there is one) // (current form must be new and hasn't been added to collection yet) if (editorForms.Count == 0) { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); Point savedLocation = userSettings.ColourEditorLocation; if (savedLocation == Point.Empty) { // Colour Map form must be open as we must be spawning a new editor (as the count is zero) formLocation = GetNewLocation(_colourMapForm, ce, ChildFormPosition.TopRight); } else { formLocation = savedLocation; } } else { // There are 1-many forms open. They could be all over the screen: // pick the bottommost rightmost one and cascade off it // (Using top left means having to find the topleftmost form // that isn't cascaded, Point p = new Point(-5000, -5000); foreach (ColourEditor openform in editorForms.Values) { if (openform == null || openform == ce) continue; if (openform.Location.X > p.X && openform.Location.Y > p.Y) p = openform.Location; } formLocation = new Point(p.X + 10, p.Y + SystemInformation.CaptionHeight + 5); } ce.Location = formLocation; }
private void SaveSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); userSettings.EditMappingFormLocation = Location; userSettings.Save(); }
public static void ToggleMappingListForm() { if (_mapListForm == null) { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); Point formLocation = userSettings.MappingListFormLocation; _mapListForm = new MappingListForm(); // Load settings before positioning so we know how wide form is _mapListForm.LoadUserSettings(); if (formLocation.IsEmpty) { PositionMappingListForm(); } else _mapListForm.Location = formLocation; _mapListForm.FormClosed += ChildFormClosed; _mapListForm.Show(_mainForm); } else { _mapListForm.Close(); } }
public static void ToggleColourMapForm() { if (_colourMapForm != null) { _colourMapForm.Close(); return; } _colourMapForm = new ColourMap(); Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); Point formLocation = userSettings.ColourListFormLocation; if (formLocation.IsEmpty) { PositionColourMapForm(); } else { _colourMapForm.Location = formLocation; } _colourMapForm.FormClosed += ChildFormClosed; _colourMapForm.Show(_mainForm); }
public static void ShowHelpForm() { if (_helpForm == null) { _helpForm = new HelpForm(); Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); Point formlocation = userSettings.HelpFormLocation; if (formlocation.IsEmpty) PositionHelpForm(false); else _helpForm.Location = formlocation; _helpForm.Show(_mainForm); } }
//Cuando cambia la seleccion en el CbxCentros public void cbxCentros_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string item = ""; item = (cbxCentros.SelectedItem != null) ? cbxCentros.SelectedItem.ToString() : ""; //Tomo la selección si no es nula if (item != "") //Me cuido de una mala selección { Properties.Settings setting = new Properties.Settings(); //Creo variable para acceder a Settings y leer EmailAdmiin int logged = Convert.ToInt32(setting["logged"]); string elCorreo = setting["Logon_User"].ToString(); //Limpio el grid while (this.dataGridViewListas.Rows.Count > 0) { this.dataGridViewListas.Rows.RemoveAt(0); } //Configuro a código el DatataGridView this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[0].Width = 50; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID"; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[1].Width = 300; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Nombre"; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[2].Visible = false; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[3].Width = 100; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Estado"; this.dataGridViewListas.Columns[3].Name = "Estado"; switch (logged) { case 1: //Admins case 2: id_centro = Convert.ToInt32(this.centroTableAdapter.GetCentroByNombre(item).Rows[0]["id_centro"].ToString()); //Tomo el id de centro //Pueblo el DataGridView if (this.listaTableAdapter.ListasDeUnCentro(id_centro).Count > 0) { correosDataSet.listaDataTable dstLista; dstLista = this.listaTableAdapter.ListasDeUnCentro(id_centro); this.etListas.Text = dstLista.Count.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < dstLista.Count; i++) { if (dataGridViewListas.Rows.Count <= i) dataGridViewListas.Rows.Add(); dataGridViewListas.Rows[i].Cells["ID"].Value = dstLista[i].id_lista.ToString(); dataGridViewListas.Rows[i].Cells["Nombre"].Value = dstLista[i].nombre.ToString(); dataGridViewListas.Rows[i].Cells["Estado"].Value = (dstLista[i].estado == null) ? "" : dstLista[i].estado.ToString(); } } break; case 3: correosDataSet.CentroListaByLoggedCorreoDataTableDataTable dstDataLogged = this.centroListaByLoggedCorreoDataTableTableAdapter.GetCentroListaByLoggedCorreo(elCorreo); this.dataGridViewListas.DataSource = null; //Reseteo el dataSource, voy a llenar el grid a mano if (dstDataLogged.Count > 0) { this.etListas.Text = dstDataLogged.Count.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < dstDataLogged.Count; i++) { if (dataGridViewListas.Rows.Count <= i) dataGridViewListas.Rows.Add(); dataGridViewListas.Rows[i].Cells["ID"].Value = dstDataLogged[i].id_lista.ToString(); dataGridViewListas.Rows[i].Cells["Nombre"].Value = dstDataLogged[i].nombre_lista.ToString(); dataGridViewListas.Rows[i].Cells["Estado"].Value = (dstDataLogged[i].lista_estado == null) ? "" : dstDataLogged[i].lista_estado.ToString(); } } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void SaveSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); userSettings.ColourListFormLocation = Location; userSettings.ColourMapShowAllButtons = _showAllButtons; userSettings.Save(); }
public UpdaterDialog() { InitializeComponent(); this.settings = Properties.Settings.Default; }
private void LoadUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); // As user.config is writeable (if you can find it!) // don't want to trust the settings. bool firstrun = true; Point savedPosition = Point.Empty; int savedWidth = 0; MappingFilter oldFilter = MappingFilter.All; firstrun = (userSettings.UserHasSavedSettings == false); savedPosition = userSettings.KeyboardFormLocation; savedWidth = userSettings.KeyboardFormWidth; _hasNumberPad = userSettings.KeyboardFormHasNumberPad; _isMacKeyboard = userSettings.KeyboardFormHasMacKeyboard; oldFilter = (MappingFilter)userSettings.LastMappingsFilter; //if (firstrun == false) //{ // // AppController.SwitchKeyboardLayout((KeyboardLayoutType)userSettings.KeyboardLayout); //} if (firstrun || savedPosition.IsEmpty || savedPosition.X == -32000) FormsManager.PositionMainForm(); else this.Location = savedPosition; if (firstrun || savedWidth < this.MinimumSize.Width) { FormsManager.SizeMainForm(); } else { this.Width = savedWidth; } // If there are boot mappings and no user mappings and the last view mode was boot, then // start in boot mode - as long as user has the rights to change them (or is running Vista) if (oldFilter == MappingFilter.Boot && MappingsManager.GetMappingCount(MappingFilter.Boot) > 0 && MappingsManager.GetMappingCount(MappingFilter.User) == 0 && (AppController.UserCanWriteBootMappings || operatingSystemCapability.ImplementsUAC)) { MappingsManager.SetFilter(MappingFilter.Boot); } }
private void SaveUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings { KeyboardFormLocation = Location, KeyboardFormWidth = Width, KeyboardFormHasNumberPad = hasNumberPad, KeyboardFormHasMacKeyboard = isMacKeyboard, ColourMapFormOpen = FormsManager.IsColourMapFormOpen(), MappingListFormOpen = FormsManager.IsMappingListFormOpen(), UserHasSavedSettings = true }; // userSettings.KeyboardLayout = (int)AppController.KeyboardLayout; userSettings.Save(); }
public static void OpenChildForms() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); if (userSettings.ColourMapFormOpen) ToggleColourMapForm(); if (userSettings.MappingListFormOpen) ToggleMappingListForm(); if (userSettings.ShowHelpFormAtStartup) { ShowHelpForm(); } }
private void SaveUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings(); userSettings.ColourEditorLocation = Location; userSettings.Save(); }
void SaveUserSettings() { Properties.Settings userSettings = new Properties.Settings { KeyboardFormLocation = this.Location, KeyboardFormWidth = this.Width, KeyboardFormHasNumberPad = this._hasNumberPad, KeyboardFormHasMacKeyboard = this._isMacKeyboard, ColourMapFormOpen = FormsManager.IsColourMapFormOpen(), MappingListFormOpen = FormsManager.IsMappingListFormOpen(), LastMappingsFilter = (int)MappingsManager.Filter, UserHasSavedSettings = true }; // userSettings.KeyboardLayout = (int)AppController.KeyboardLayout; userSettings.Save(); }