private void TextBox_To_Btn(System.Windows.Controls.TextBox txt_from, System.Windows.Controls.Button btn_to) { txt_from.IsEnabled = false; txt_from.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White; btn_to.IsEnabled = true; btn_to.Focus(); }
public override void OnApplyTemplate() { FloatingWindow parent = this.Parent as FloatingWindow; if (parent != null) { parent.KeyDown -= MessageBoxDialogParent_KeyDown; } if (btnOK != null) btnOK.Click -= button_Click; if (btnCancel != null) btnCancel.Click -= button_Click; base.OnApplyTemplate(); btnOK = GetTemplateChild(OK_BUTTON_NAME) as Button; if (btnOK != null) { btnOK.Click += button_Click; btnOK.Focus(); } btnCancel = GetTemplateChild(CANCEL_BUTTON_NAME) as Button; if (btnCancel != null) btnCancel.Click += button_Click; parent = this.Parent as FloatingWindow; if (parent != null) { parent.KeyDown -= MessageBoxDialogParent_KeyDown; parent.KeyDown += MessageBoxDialogParent_KeyDown; } }
/// <summary> /// Layout all the buttons. /// </summary> private void _AddButtons() { Hashtable _buttonsTable = new Hashtable(); foreach (MessageBoxExButton button in _buttons) { if (!_buttonsTable.ContainsKey(button)) { SysControls.Button buttonCtrl = _CreateButton(button); // Move keyboard focus to "Yes" or "Ok" button. if (button.Value == MessageBoxExButtonType.Ok || button.Value == MessageBoxExButtonType.Yes) { buttonCtrl.Focus(); } _buttonsTable[button] = buttonCtrl; _buttonsWrapPanel.Children.Add(buttonCtrl); } } }
private void LoadControl(Button actionButton) { if (_currentButton != null) _currentButton.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; _currentButton = actionButton; _currentButton.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; SetDefaultAlignments(); actionButton.Focus(); object uc = _navButtonRegistry[actionButton]; // Convert from a Type to an instance of the type if (!(uc is UserControl)) { uc = (UserControl) Activator.CreateInstance((Type) uc); _navButtonRegistry[actionButton] = uc; } contentMain.Content = uc; var configUserControl = ((ActionUserControl) uc); MyViewModel.ConfigTitle = configUserControl.ConfigTitle; DoApplyChanges(false); }
public SparkleSetup() { Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { Show (); Activate (); BringIntoView (); }); }; Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { Hide (); }); }; Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type, string [] warnings) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { Reset (); switch (type) { case PageType.Setup: { Header = "Welcome to CmisSync!"; Description = "CmisSync allows you to keep in sync with any CMIS-compatible repository, and use your documents even when offline.\nIt is like Dropbox for Enterprise Content Management!\nAvailable for Linux, Mac, Windows."; Button cancel_button = new Button () { Content = "Cancel" }; Button continue_button = new Button () { Content = "Continue", IsEnabled = false }; Buttons.Add (continue_button); Buttons.Add (cancel_button); continue_button.Focus(); Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = enabled; }); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { Program.UI.StatusIcon.Dispose (); Controller.SetupPageCancelled (); }); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.SetupPageCompleted (); }; Controller.CheckSetupPage (); break; } case PageType.Invite: { Header = "You've received an invite!"; Description = "Do you want to add this project to SparkleShare?"; TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock () { Text = "Address:", Width = 150, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; TextBlock address_value = new TextBlock () { Text = Controller.PendingInvite.Address, Width = 175, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBlock path_label = new TextBlock () { Text = "Remote Path:", Width = 150, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; TextBlock path_value = new TextBlock () { Width = 175, Text = Controller.PendingInvite.RemotePath, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; Button cancel_button = new Button () { Content = "Cancel" }; Button add_button = new Button () { Content = "Add" }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_label); Canvas.SetLeft (address_label, 180); Canvas.SetTop (address_label, 200); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_value); Canvas.SetLeft (address_value, 340); Canvas.SetTop (address_value, 200); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_label); Canvas.SetLeft (path_label, 180); Canvas.SetTop (path_label, 225); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_value); Canvas.SetLeft (path_value, 340); Canvas.SetTop (path_value, 225); Buttons.Add (add_button); Buttons.Add (cancel_button); cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; add_button.Click += delegate { Controller.InvitePageCompleted (); }; break; } case PageType.Add1: { Header = "Where is your organization's server?"; // Address TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock () { Text = "Enter a Web address where the documents can be seen:", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBox address_box = new TextBox () { Width = 420, Text = Controller.PreviousAddress, IsEnabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Address == null) }; TextBlock address_help_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Help: ", FontSize = 11, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128)) }; Run run = new Run("Where to find this address"); Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink(run); link.NavigateUri = new Uri(""); address_help_label.Inlines.Add(link); link.RequestNavigate += (sender, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.Uri.ToString()); }; TextBlock address_error_label = new TextBlock() { FontSize = 11, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 128, 128)), Visibility = Visibility.Hidden }; // User TextBlock user_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "User:"******"Password:"******"Cancel" }; Button continue_button = new Button () { Content = "Continue" }; // Address ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_label); Canvas.SetTop (address_label, 160); Canvas.SetLeft (address_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_box); Canvas.SetTop (address_box, 180); Canvas.SetLeft (address_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_help_label, 205); Canvas.SetLeft(address_help_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_error_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_error_label, 235); Canvas.SetLeft(address_error_label, 185); // User ContentCanvas.Children.Add(user_label); Canvas.SetTop(user_label, 300); Canvas.SetLeft(user_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(user_box); Canvas.SetTop(user_box, 330); Canvas.SetLeft(user_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(user_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(user_help_label, 355); Canvas.SetLeft(user_help_label, 185); // Password ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_label); Canvas.SetTop(password_label, 300); Canvas.SetRight(password_label, 30); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_box); Canvas.SetTop(password_box, 330); Canvas.SetRight(password_box, 30); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(password_help_label, 355); Canvas.SetRight(password_help_label, 30); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; Buttons.Add (continue_button); Buttons.Add (cancel_button); address_box.Focus (); address_box.Select (address_box.Text.Length, 0); Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { address_box.Text = text; address_box.IsEnabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); address_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangeUserFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { user_box.Text = text; user_box.IsEnabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); user_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangePasswordFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { password_box.Password = text; password_box.IsEnabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); password_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled; }); }; Controller.CheckAddPage (address_box.Text); address_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage (address_box.Text); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { // Show wait cursor System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; // Try to find the CMIS server CmisServer cmisServer = CmisUtils.GetRepositoriesFuzzy( address_box.Text, user_box.Text, password_box.Password); Controller.repositories = cmisServer.repositories; address_box.Text = cmisServer.url; // Hide wait cursor System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; if (Controller.repositories == null) { // Show warning address_error_label.Text = "Sorry, CmisSync can not find a CMIS server at this address.\nPlease check again.\nIf you are sure about the address, open it in a browser and post\nthe resulting XML to the CmisSync forum."; address_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { // Continue to folder selection Controller.Add1PageCompleted( address_box.Text, user_box.Text, password_box.Password); } }; break; } case PageType.Add2: { Header = "Which remote folder do you want to sync?"; System.Windows.Controls.TreeView treeView = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeView(); treeView.Width = 410; treeView.Height = 267; foreach (string repository in Controller.repositories) { System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem item = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem(); item.Tag = new SelectionTreeItem("/"); item.Header = repository; treeView.Items.Add(item); } ContentCanvas.Children.Add(treeView); Canvas.SetTop(treeView, 70); Canvas.SetLeft(treeView, 185); treeView.SelectedItemChanged += delegate { // Identify the selected remote path. TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)treeView.SelectedItem; Controller.saved_remote_path = ((SelectionTreeItem)item.Tag).fullPath; // Identify the selected repository. object cursor = item; while (cursor is TreeViewItem) { TreeViewItem treeViewItem = (TreeViewItem)cursor; cursor = treeViewItem.Parent; if ( ! (cursor is TreeViewItem)) { Controller.saved_repository = (string)treeViewItem.Header; } } // Load sub-folders if it has not been done already. // We use each item's Tag to store metadata: whether this item's subfolders have been loaded or not. if ( ((SelectionTreeItem)item.Tag).childrenLoaded == false) { System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; // Get list of subfolders string[] subfolders = CmisUtils.GetSubfolders(Controller.saved_repository, Controller.saved_remote_path, Controller.saved_address, Controller.saved_user, Controller.saved_password); // Create a sub-item for each subfolder foreach (string subfolder in subfolders) { System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem subItem = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem(); subItem.Tag = new SelectionTreeItem(subfolder); subItem.Header = Path.GetFileName(subfolder); item.Items.Add(subItem); } ((SelectionTreeItem)item.Tag).childrenLoaded = true; item.ExpandSubtree(); System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; } }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; Button add_button = new Button() { Content = "Add" }; Buttons.Add(add_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; add_button.Click += delegate { Controller.Add2PageCompleted( Controller.saved_repository, Controller.saved_remote_path); }; break; } case PageType.Syncing: { Header = "Adding folder ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…"; Description = "This may either take a short or a long time depending on the folder's size."; Button finish_button = new Button () { Content = "Finish", IsEnabled = false }; Button cancel_button = new Button () { Content = "Cancel" }; ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar () { Width = 414, Height = 15, Value = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add (progress_bar); Canvas.SetLeft (progress_bar, 185); Canvas.SetTop (progress_bar, 150); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal; Buttons.Add (cancel_button); Buttons.Add(finish_button); Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate (double percentage) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate { progress_bar.Value = percentage; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = percentage / 100; }); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.SyncingCancelled (); }; break; } case PageType.Error: { Header = "Oops! Something went wrong…"; Description = "Please check the following:"; TextBlock help_block = new TextBlock () { TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, Width = 310 }; TextBlock bullets_block = new TextBlock () { Text = "•\n\n\n•" }; help_block.Inlines.Add (new Bold (new Run (Controller.PreviousUrl))); help_block.Inlines.Add (" is the address we've compiled. Does this look alright?\n\n"); help_block.Inlines.Add ("Do you have access rights to this remote project?"); if (warnings.Length > 0) { bullets_block.Text += "\n\n•"; help_block.Inlines.Add ("\n\nHere's the raw error message:"); foreach (string warning in warnings) { help_block.Inlines.Add ("\n"); help_block.Inlines.Add (new Bold (new Run (warning))); } } Button cancel_button = new Button () { Content = "Cancel" }; Button try_again_button = new Button () { Content = "Try again…" }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add (bullets_block); Canvas.SetLeft (bullets_block, 195); Canvas.SetTop (bullets_block, 100); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (help_block); Canvas.SetLeft (help_block, 210); Canvas.SetTop (help_block, 100); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 1.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Error; Buttons.Add (try_again_button); Buttons.Add (cancel_button); cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; try_again_button.Click += delegate { Controller.ErrorPageCompleted (); }; break; } case PageType.Finished: { Header = "Your documents are ready!"; Description = "You can find them in your CmisSync folder."; Button finish_button = new Button () { Content = "Finish" }; Button open_folder_button = new Button () { Content = string.Format ("Open {0}", Path.GetFileName (Controller.PreviousPath)) }; if (warnings.Length > 0) { Image warning_image = new Image () { Source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon (Drawing.SystemIcons.Information.Handle, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions ()) }; TextBlock warning_block = new TextBlock () { Text = warnings [0], Width = 310, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add (warning_image); Canvas.SetLeft (warning_image, 193); Canvas.SetTop (warning_image, 100); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (warning_block); Canvas.SetLeft (warning_block, 240); Canvas.SetTop (warning_block, 100); } TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; Buttons.Add(open_folder_button); Buttons.Add (finish_button); finish_button.Click += delegate { Controller.FinishPageCompleted (); }; open_folder_button.Click += delegate { Controller.OpenFolderClicked (); }; SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play (); break; } case PageType.Tutorial: { switch (Controller.TutorialPageNumber) { case 1: { Header = "What's happening next?"; Description = "CmisSync creates a special folder on your computer " + "that will keep track of your folders."; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-1"); Button skip_tutorial_button = new Button () { Content = "Skip tutorial" }; Button continue_button = new Button () { Content = "Continue" }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130); Buttons.Add (continue_button); Buttons.Add (skip_tutorial_button); skip_tutorial_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialSkipped (); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; break; } case 2: { Header = "Sharing files with others"; Description = "All files added to the server are automatically synced to your " + "local folder."; Button continue_button = new Button () { Content = "Continue" }; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-2"); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130); Buttons.Add (continue_button); continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; break; } case 3: { Header = "The status icon is here to help"; Description = "It shows the syncing progress, provides easy access to " + "your folders and lets you view recent changes."; Button continue_button = new Button () { Content = "Continue" }; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-3"); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130); Buttons.Add (continue_button); continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; break; } case 4: { Header = "Adding repository folders to CmisSync"; Description = "You can easily add a new CMIS folder " + "at any time."; Button finish_button = new Button () { Content = "Finish" }; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-4"); CheckBox check_box = new CheckBox () { Content = "Add CmisSync to startup items", IsChecked = true }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130); ContentCanvas.Children.Add (check_box); Canvas.SetLeft (check_box, 185); Canvas.SetBottom (check_box, 12); Buttons.Add (finish_button); check_box.Click += delegate { Controller.StartupItemChanged (check_box.IsChecked.Value); }; finish_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; break; } } break; } } ShowAll (); }); }; }
public void FocusTest3 () { // Show that focus is preserved when an element is added/removed from // the visual tree bool gotfocus = false; bool lostfocus = false; Button b = new Button (); Enqueue (() => { TestPanel.Children.Add (b); b.Focus (); }); Enqueue (() => { Assert.IsFalse (gotfocus, "#1"); Assert.IsFalse (lostfocus, "#2"); TestPanel.Children.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (FocusManager.GetFocusedElement (), "#3"); }); Enqueue (() => { Assert.IsFalse (gotfocus, "#4"); Assert.IsFalse (lostfocus, "#5"); TestPanel.Children.Add (b); Assert.IsNull (FocusManager.GetFocusedElement (), "#6"); }); Enqueue (() => { Assert.IsFalse (gotfocus, "#7"); Assert.IsFalse (lostfocus, "#8"); }); EnqueueTestComplete (); }
public void FocusTest2 () { // Show that focus is lost when the control is removed from the // visual tree Button b = new Button (); TestPanel.Children.Add (b); b.Focus (); Assert.AreEqual (b, FocusManager.GetFocusedElement (), "#1"); TestPanel.Children.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (FocusManager.GetFocusedElement (), "#2"); }
public void FocusTest () { // Show that Controls can be focused before they are loaded bool gotfocus = false; Button b = new Button (); b.GotFocus += delegate { gotfocus = true; }; Assert.IsFalse (b.Focus (), "#1"); TestPanel.Children.Add (b); Assert.IsTrue (b.Focus (), "#2"); Enqueue (() => { }); Enqueue (() => Assert.IsFalse (gotfocus, "#3")); EnqueueTestComplete (); }
public AboutDialog(Window owner) { // Get attributes from assembly. // Get this executing assembly to access attributes. Assembly asmbly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); // Get the AssemblyTitle attribute for the program name. AssemblyTitleAttribute title = (AssemblyTitleAttribute)asmbly.GetCustomAttributes( typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false)[0]; string strTitle = title.Title; // Get the AssemblyFileVersion attribute. AssemblyFileVersionAttribute version = (AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)asmbly.GetCustomAttributes( typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false)[0]; string strVersion = version.Version.Substring(0, 3); // Get the AssemblyCopyright attribute. AssemblyCopyrightAttribute copy = (AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)asmbly.GetCustomAttributes( typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false)[0]; string strCopyright = copy.Copyright; // Standard window properties for dialog boxes. Title = "About " + strTitle; ShowInTaskbar = false; SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight; ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize; Left = owner.Left + 96; Top = owner.Top + 96; // Create StackPanel as content of window. StackPanel stackMain = new StackPanel(); Content = stackMain; // Create TextBlock for program name. TextBlock txtblk = new TextBlock(); txtblk.Text = strTitle + " Version " + strVersion; txtblk.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Times New Roman"); txtblk.FontSize = 32; // 24 points txtblk.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic; txtblk.Margin = new Thickness(24); txtblk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; stackMain.Children.Add(txtblk); // Create TextBlock for copyright. txtblk = new TextBlock(); txtblk.Text = strCopyright; txtblk.FontSize = 20; // 15 points. txtblk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; stackMain.Children.Add(txtblk); // Create TextBlock for Web site link. Run run = new Run(""); Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink(run); link.Click += LinkOnClick; txtblk = new TextBlock(link); txtblk.FontSize = 20; txtblk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; stackMain.Children.Add(txtblk); // Create OK button. Button btn = new Button(); btn.Content = "OK"; btn.IsDefault = true; btn.IsCancel = true; btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; btn.MinWidth = 48; btn.Margin = new Thickness(24); btn.Click += OkOnClick; stackMain.Children.Add(btn); btn.Focus(); }
public virtual void ExpanderButtonFocusActivatesSelection() { StackPanel root = new StackPanel(); TreeView view = new TreeView(); TreeViewItem item = new TreeViewItem { Header = "Item" }; Button button = new Button { Content = "Button" }; view.Items.Add(item); root.Children.Add(view); root.Children.Add(button); ToggleButton ExpanderButton = null; TestAsync( 5, root, () => item.Focus(), () => Assert.IsTrue(item.IsSelected, "Item should be selected!"), () => Assert.IsTrue(item.IsSelectionActive, "Selection should be active after focusing!"), () => button.Focus(), () => Assert.IsFalse(item.IsSelectionActive, "Selection should be inactive after focusing on something else!"), () => ExpanderButton = item.GetVisualChild("ExpanderButton") as ToggleButton, () => Assert.IsNotNull(ExpanderButton, "Failed to find template part ExpanderButton!"), () => ExpanderButton.Focus(), () => Assert.IsTrue(item.IsSelectionActive, "Selection should be active after focusing ExpanderButton!")); }
public virtual void SelectionInactiveOnLostFocus() { StackPanel root = new StackPanel(); TreeView view = new TreeView(); TreeViewItem item = new TreeViewItem { Header = "Item" }; view.Items.Add(item); Button other = new Button { Content = "Button" }; root.Children.Add(view); root.Children.Add(other); TestAsync( root, () => Assert.IsFalse(item.IsSelected, "Item should not be selected initially!"), () => Assert.IsFalse(item.IsSelectionActive, "Item should not have inactive selection initially!"), () => item.Focus(), () => Assert.IsTrue(item.IsSelected, "Item should be selected after focus!"), () => Assert.IsTrue(item.IsSelectionActive, "Item should not have inactive selection after focus!"), () => other.Focus(), () => Assert.IsTrue(item.IsSelected, "Item should be selected after focusing another element!"), () => Assert.IsFalse(item.IsSelectionActive, "Item should have an inactive selection after focusing another element!")); }
private void btn_ToLarge(Button btn) { btn.Focus(); Launcher launcher = (Launcher)btn.Tag; DoubleAnimation anim = AnimButtonSize(btn.Width, launcher.Width * 1.2); btn.BeginAnimation(Button.WidthProperty, anim); btn.BeginAnimation(Button.HeightProperty, anim); }
private void SelectButton(System.Windows.Controls.Button button) { button.Focus(); }
public void FocusPropertyObjectChange() { TextBox control_1 = new TextBox() { IsReadOnly = false }; TextBox control_2 = new TextBox() { IsReadOnly = false }; TestControl controlWithProperty = new TestControl(); FocusBehavior behavior = new FocusBehavior() { PropertyName = "IsReadOnly", SourceObject = control_1 }; Interaction.GetBehaviors(controlWithProperty).Add(behavior); behavior.FocusDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); Grid grid = new Grid(); Button button = new Button(); grid.Children.Add(button); grid.Children.Add(controlWithProperty); grid.Children.Add(control_1); grid.Children.Add(control_2); Window.Content = grid; EnqueueShowWindow(); EnqueueCallback(() => { CheckUnfocusedElement(controlWithProperty); control_1.IsReadOnly = true; CheckFocusedElement(controlWithProperty); button.Focus(); behavior.SourceObject = control_2; CheckUnfocusedElement(controlWithProperty); control_2.IsReadOnly = true; CheckFocusedElement(controlWithProperty); }); EnqueueTestComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public Setup() { Logger.Info("Entering constructor."); // Defines how to show the setup window. Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { Logger.Info("Entering ShowWindowEvent."); Show(); Activate(); BringIntoView(); Logger.Info("Exiting ShowWindowEvent."); }); }; // Defines how to hide the setup windows. Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { Hide(); }); }; // Defines what to do when changing page. // The remote folder addition wizard has several steps. Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate(PageType type) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { Logger.Info("Entering ChangePageEvent."); Reset(); // Show appropriate setup page. switch (type) { // Welcome page that shows up at first run. #region Page Setup case PageType.Setup: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.Welcome; Description = Properties_Resources.Intro; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Cancel }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Continue, IsEnabled = false }; Buttons.Add(continue_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); continue_button.Focus(); // Actions. Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = enabled; }); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { Program.UI.StatusIcon.Dispose(); Controller.SetupPageCancelled(); }); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.SetupPageCompleted(); }; Controller.CheckSetupPage(); break; } #endregion #region Page Tutorial case PageType.Tutorial: { switch (Controller.TutorialCurrentPage) { // First page of the tutorial. case 1: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.WhatsNext; Description = Properties_Resources.CmisSyncCreates; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image() { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = UIHelpers.GetImageSource("tutorial-slide-1"); Button skip_tutorial_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.SkipTutorial }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Continue }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft(slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop(slide_image, 130); Buttons.Add(continue_button); Buttons.Add(skip_tutorial_button); // Actions. skip_tutorial_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialSkipped(); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted(); }; break; } // Second page of the tutorial. case 2: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.Synchronization; Description = Properties_Resources.DocumentsAre; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Continue }; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image() { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = UIHelpers.GetImageSource("tutorial-slide-2"); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft(slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop(slide_image, 130); Buttons.Add(continue_button); // Actions. continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted(); }; break; } // Third page of the tutorial. case 3: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.StatusIcon; Description = Properties_Resources.StatusIconShows; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Continue }; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image() { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = UIHelpers.GetImageSource("tutorial-slide-3"); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft(slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop(slide_image, 130); Buttons.Add(continue_button); // Actions. continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted(); }; break; } // Fourth page of the tutorial. case 4: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.AddFolders; Description = Properties_Resources.YouCan; Button finish_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Finish }; WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image() { Width = 350, Height = 200 }; slide_image.Source = UIHelpers.GetImageSource("tutorial-slide-4"); CheckBox check_box = new CheckBox() { Content = Properties_Resources.Startup, IsChecked = true }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(slide_image); Canvas.SetLeft(slide_image, 215); Canvas.SetTop(slide_image, 130); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(check_box); Canvas.SetLeft(check_box, 185); Canvas.SetBottom(check_box, 12); Buttons.Add(finish_button); // Actions. check_box.Click += delegate { Controller.StartupItemChanged(check_box.IsChecked.Value); }; finish_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted(); }; break; } } break; } #endregion // First step of the remote folder addition dialog: Specifying the server. #region Page Add1 case PageType.Add1: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.Where; // Address input UI. TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Properties_Resources.EnterWebAddress, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBox address_box = new TextBox() { Width = 420, Text = (Controller.PreviousAddress != null) ? Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString() : "" }; TextBlock address_help_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Properties_Resources.Help + ": ", FontSize = 11, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128)) }; Run run = new Run(Properties_Resources.WhereToFind); Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink(run); link.NavigateUri = new Uri(""); address_help_label.Inlines.Add(link); link.RequestNavigate += (sender, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.Uri.ToString()); }; // Rather than a TextBlock, we use a textBox so that users can copy/paste the error message and Google it. TextBox address_error_label = new TextBox() { FontSize = 11, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 128, 128)), Visibility = Visibility.Hidden, IsReadOnly = true, Background = Brushes.Transparent, BorderThickness = new Thickness(0), TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, MaxWidth = 420 }; // User input UI. TextBlock user_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Properties_Resources.User + ":", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Width = 200 }; TextBox user_box = new TextBox() { Width = 200 }; if (Controller.saved_user == String.Empty || Controller.saved_user == null) { user_box.Text = Environment.UserName; } else { user_box.Text = Controller.saved_user; } TextBlock user_help_label = new TextBlock() { FontSize = 11, Width = 200, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128)) }; // Password input UI. TextBlock password_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Properties_Resources.Password + ":", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Width = 200 }; PasswordBox password_box = new PasswordBox() { Width = 200 }; TextBlock password_help_label = new TextBlock() { FontSize = 11, Width = 200, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128)) }; // Buttons. Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Cancel }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Continue }; Buttons.Add(continue_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); // Address ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_label, 160); Canvas.SetLeft(address_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_box); Canvas.SetTop(address_box, 180); Canvas.SetLeft(address_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_help_label, 205); Canvas.SetLeft(address_help_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_error_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_error_label, 235); Canvas.SetLeft(address_error_label, 185); // User ContentCanvas.Children.Add(user_label); Canvas.SetTop(user_label, 300); Canvas.SetLeft(user_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(user_box); Canvas.SetTop(user_box, 330); Canvas.SetLeft(user_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(user_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(user_help_label, 355); Canvas.SetLeft(user_help_label, 185); // Password ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_label); Canvas.SetTop(password_label, 300); Canvas.SetRight(password_label, 30); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_box); Canvas.SetTop(password_box, 330); Canvas.SetRight(password_box, 30); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(password_help_label, 355); Canvas.SetRight(password_help_label, 30); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; if (Controller.PreviousAddress == null || Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString() == String.Empty) address_box.Text = "https://"; else address_box.Text = Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString(); address_box.Focus(); address_box.Select(address_box.Text.Length, 0); // Actions. Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { address_box.Text = text; address_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangeUserFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { user_box.Text = text; user_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangePasswordFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { password_box.Password = text; password_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled; }); }; Controller.CheckAddPage(address_box.Text); address_box.TextChanged += delegate { string error = Controller.CheckAddPage(address_box.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { address_error_label.Text = Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(error, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); address_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else address_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { // Show wait cursor System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; // Try to find the CMIS server (asynchronously) GetRepositoriesFuzzyDelegate dlgt = new GetRepositoriesFuzzyDelegate(CmisUtils.GetRepositoriesFuzzy); IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(new Uri(address_box.Text), user_box.Text, password_box.Password, null, null); while (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } Tuple<CmisServer, Exception> result = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar); CmisServer cmisServer = result.Item1; Controller.repositories = cmisServer != null ? cmisServer.Repositories : null; address_box.Text = cmisServer.Url.ToString(); // Hide wait cursor System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; if (Controller.repositories == null) { // Could not retrieve repositories list from server, show warning. string warning = ""; string message = result.Item2.Message; Exception e = result.Item2; if (e is CmisPermissionDeniedException) { warning = Properties_Resources.LoginFailedForbidden; } else if (e is CmisServerNotFoundException) { warning = Properties_Resources.ConnectFailure; } else if (e.Message == "SendFailure" && cmisServer.Url.Scheme.StartsWith("https")) { warning = Properties_Resources.SendFailureHttps; } else if (e.Message == "TrustFailure") { warning = Properties_Resources.TrustFailure; } else { warning = message + Environment.NewLine + Properties_Resources.Sorry; } address_error_label.Text = warning; address_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { // Continue to next step, which is choosing a particular folder. Controller.Add1PageCompleted( new Uri(address_box.Text), user_box.Text, password_box.Password); } }; break; } #endregion // Second step of the remote folder addition dialog: choosing the folder. #region Page Add2 case PageType.Add2: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.Which; // A tree allowing the user to browse CMIS repositories/folders. /*if(TODO check if OpenDataSpace, and further separate code below) { System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/CmisSync;component/TreeView.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative); System.Windows.Controls.TreeView treeView = System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(resourceLocater) as TreeView; ObservableCollection<CmisRepo> repos = new ObservableCollection<CmisRepo>(); */ System.Windows.Controls.TreeView treeView = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeView(); treeView.Width = 410; treeView.Height = 267; // Some CMIS servers hold several repositories (ex:Nuxeo). Show one root per repository. foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> repository in Controller.repositories) { System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem item = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem(); item.Tag = new SelectionTreeItem(repository.Key, "/"); item.Header = repository.Value; treeView.Items.Add(item); } ContentCanvas.Children.Add(treeView); Canvas.SetTop(treeView, 70); Canvas.SetLeft(treeView, 185); // Action: when an element in the tree is clicked, loads its children and show them. treeView.SelectedItemChanged += delegate { // Identify the selected remote path. TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)treeView.SelectedItem; Controller.saved_remote_path = ((SelectionTreeItem)item.Tag).fullPath; // Identify the selected repository. object cursor = item; while (cursor is TreeViewItem) { TreeViewItem treeViewItem = (TreeViewItem)cursor; cursor = treeViewItem.Parent; if (!(cursor is TreeViewItem)) { Controller.saved_repository = ((SelectionTreeItem)treeViewItem.Tag).repository; } } // Load sub-folders if it has not been done already. // We use each item's Tag to store metadata: whether this item's subfolders have been loaded or not. if (((SelectionTreeItem)item.Tag).childrenLoaded == false) { System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; // Get list of subfolders (asynchronously) GetSubfoldersDelegate dlgt = new GetSubfoldersDelegate(CmisUtils.GetSubfolders); IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(Controller.saved_repository, Controller.saved_remote_path, Controller.saved_address.ToString(), Controller.saved_user, Controller.saved_password, null, null); while (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } string[] subfolders = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar); // Create a sub-item for each subfolder foreach (string subfolder in subfolders) { System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem subItem = new System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem(); subItem.Tag = new SelectionTreeItem(null, subfolder); subItem.Header = Path.GetFileName(subfolder); item.Items.Add(subItem); } ((SelectionTreeItem)item.Tag).childrenLoaded = true; item.ExpandSubtree(); System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; } }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Cancel }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = CmisSync.Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString("Continue", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }; Button back_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Back, IsDefault = false }; Buttons.Add(back_button); Buttons.Add(continue_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); continue_button.Focus(); cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.Add2PageCompleted( Controller.saved_repository, Controller.saved_remote_path); }; back_button.Click += delegate { Controller.BackToPage1(); }; break; } #endregion // Third step of the remote folder addition dialog: Customizing the local folder. #region Page Customize case PageType.Customize: { string parentFolder = Controller.DefaultRepoPath; // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.Customize; // Customize local folder name TextBlock localfolder_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Properties_Resources.EnterLocalFolderName, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, Width = 420 }; string localfoldername = Controller.saved_address.Host.ToString(); foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> repository in Controller.repositories) { if (repository.Key == Controller.saved_repository) { localfoldername += "\\" + repository.Value; break; } } TextBox localfolder_box = new TextBox() { Width = 420, Text = localfoldername }; TextBlock localrepopath_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Properties_Resources.ChangeRepoPath, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBox localrepopath_box = new TextBox() { Width = 375, Text = Path.Combine(parentFolder, localfolder_box.Text) }; localfolder_box.TextChanged += delegate { localrepopath_box.Text = Path.Combine(parentFolder, localfolder_box.Text); }; Button choose_folder_button = new Button() { Width = 40, Content = "..." }; TextBlock localfolder_error_label = new TextBlock() { FontSize = 11, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 128, 128)), Visibility = Visibility.Hidden, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Cancel }; Button add_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Add, IsDefault = true }; Button back_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Back }; Buttons.Add(back_button); Buttons.Add(add_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); // Local Folder Name ContentCanvas.Children.Add(localfolder_label); Canvas.SetTop(localfolder_label, 160); Canvas.SetLeft(localfolder_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(localfolder_box); Canvas.SetTop(localfolder_box, 180); Canvas.SetLeft(localfolder_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(localrepopath_label); Canvas.SetTop(localrepopath_label, 200); Canvas.SetLeft(localrepopath_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(localrepopath_box); Canvas.SetTop(localrepopath_box, 220); Canvas.SetLeft(localrepopath_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(choose_folder_button); Canvas.SetTop(choose_folder_button, 220); Canvas.SetLeft(choose_folder_button, 565); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(localfolder_error_label); Canvas.SetTop(localfolder_error_label, 275); Canvas.SetLeft(localfolder_error_label, 185); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; localfolder_box.Focus(); localfolder_box.Select(localfolder_box.Text.Length, 0); // Actions. Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { if (add_button.IsEnabled != button_enabled) { add_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled; if (button_enabled) { add_button.IsDefault = true; back_button.IsDefault = false; } } }); }; // Repo name validity. string error = Controller.CheckRepoPathAndName(localrepopath_box.Text, localfolder_box.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { localfolder_error_label.Text = Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(error, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; localfolder_box.TextChanged += delegate { error = Controller.CheckRepoPathAndName(localrepopath_box.Text, localfolder_box.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { localfolder_error_label.Text = Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(error, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; // Repo path validity. error = Controller.CheckRepoPathAndName(localrepopath_box.Text, localfolder_box.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { localfolder_error_label.Text = Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(error, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; localrepopath_box.TextChanged += delegate { error = Controller.CheckRepoPathAndName(localrepopath_box.Text, localfolder_box.Text); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { localfolder_error_label.Text = Properties_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(error, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else localfolder_error_label.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; // Choose a folder. choose_folder_button.Click += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { parentFolder = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; localrepopath_box.Text = Path.Combine(parentFolder, localfolder_box.Text); } }; // Other actions. cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; back_button.Click += delegate { Controller.BackToPage2(); }; add_button.Click += delegate { Controller.CustomizePageCompleted(localfolder_box.Text, localrepopath_box.Text); }; break; } #endregion // Fourth page of the remote folder addition dialog: starting to sync. // TODO: This step should be removed. Now it appears just a brief instant, because sync is asynchronous. #region Page Syncing case PageType.Syncing: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.AddingFolder + " ‘" + Controller.SyncingReponame + "’…"; Description = Properties_Resources.MayTakeTime; Button finish_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Finish, IsEnabled = false }; ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar() { Width = 414, Height = 15, Value = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(progress_bar); Canvas.SetLeft(progress_bar, 185); Canvas.SetTop(progress_bar, 150); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal; Buttons.Add(finish_button); // Actions. Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate(double percentage) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate { progress_bar.Value = percentage; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = percentage / 100; }); }; break; } #endregion // Final page of the remote folder addition dialog: end of the addition wizard. #region Page Finished case PageType.Finished: { // UI elements. Header = Properties_Resources.Ready; Description = Properties_Resources.YouCanFind; Button finish_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.Finish }; Button open_folder_button = new Button() { Content = Properties_Resources.OpenFolder }; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; Buttons.Add(open_folder_button); Buttons.Add(finish_button); // Actions. finish_button.Click += delegate { Controller.FinishPageCompleted(); }; open_folder_button.Click += delegate { Controller.OpenFolderClicked(); }; SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); break; } #endregion } ShowAll(); Logger.Info("Exiting ChangePageEvent."); }); }; this.Closing += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; Controller.PageCancelled(); Logger.Info("Exiting constructor."); }
public void TagTest2 () { Button b = new Button (); TestPanel.Children.Add (b); b.ApplyTemplate (); Enqueue (() => { TestPanel.Tag = b; TestPanel.Tag = null; Assert.IsTrue (b.Focus (), "#1"); }); EnqueueTestComplete (); }
public AboutDialog(Window owner) { //어셈블리에서 속성을 구함.. 파일 제목 및 버젼 등등 프로그램의 정보를 표시하기 위함임. //속성에 접근하기 위해 executing assembly를 구함 Assembly asmbly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); //프로그램 이름을 위해 AssemblyTitle 속성을 구함 AssemblyTitleAttribute title = (AssemblyTitleAttribute)asmbly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false)[0]; string strTitle = title.Title; //AssemblyFileVersion 속성을 구함(버젼 속성) AssemblyFileVersionAttribute version = (AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)asmbly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false)[0]; string strVersion = version.Version.Substring(0, 3); //AssemblyCopyRight 속성을 구함(저작권 관련 속성) AssemblyCopyrightAttribute copy = (AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)asmbly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false)[0]; string strCopyright = copy.Copyright; //대화상자의 표준 윈도우 프로퍼티 Title = "About" + strTitle; //Dialog 타이틀바의 내용 ShowInTaskbar = false; //작업 표시줄에 표현 여부 SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight; //창의 너비와 높이가 콘텐츠의 너비와 높이에 맞게 설정 ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize; //창크기 조정 여부..(조정 불가로 설정 - NoResize) Left = owner.Left + 96; Top = owner.Top + 96; //다이얼로그 창을 만든 윈도우의 Left 96 Top 96 의 위치에 위치시킴 //윈도우 Content를 위한 스택 패널 생성 StackPanel stackMain = new StackPanel(); Content = stackMain; //해당 다이얼로그와 StackPanel을 연결함. //프로그램 명을 위한 텍스트 블록 생성 TextBlock txtblk = new TextBlock(); //텍스트 블록 객체 생성 txtblk.Text = strTitle + "Version : " + strVersion + "\r\n" + strCopyright; //텍스트 블록 내의 내용 txtblk.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Times New Roman"); //폰트 설정 txtblk.FontSize = 32; //24포인트로 폰트 크기 설정 txtblk.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic; //폰트 스타일 설정 txtblk.Margin = new Thickness(24); //여백 설정 txtblk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //텍스트 블록의 위치 stackMain.Children.Add(txtblk); //StackPanel에 텍스트 블록 추가 //웹사이트 링크를 위한 텍스트 블록 생성 Run run = new Run(""); //웹사이트 링크 주소 설정 Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink(run); //하이퍼링크 설정 link.Click += LinkOnClick; //링크를 클릭 했을 때 이벤트 발생! txtblk = new TextBlock(link); //하이퍼링크를 위한 텍스트 블록 생성 txtblk.FontSize = 20; //웹사이트 링크의 폰트 사이즈 txtblk.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //웹사이트 링크의 위치 stackMain.Children.Add(txtblk); //StackPanel에 추가함 //OK버튼 생성 Button btn = new Button(); btn.Content = "OK"; btn.IsDefault = true; //기본 단추로 설정 btn.IsCancel = true; //취소 단추인지 설정.. ESC로도 활성화 가능! btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //정렬은 중앙에 btn.MinWidth = 48; //최소 48픽셀의 가로 크기를 가진다. btn.Margin = new Thickness(24); //여백은 24포인트 btn.Click += OkOnClick; //OK를 클릭 했을 때 설정 stackMain.Children.Add(btn); //스택 메인에 추가함 btn.Focus(); //최초 버튼이 포커스를 가지고 있게 설정함. }