public void AddImage(BackgroundImageClass image) { var imageBytes = webClientWrapper.DownloadBytes(image.ImageUrl); Bitmap bitmap = null; using (var originalBitmap = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(imageBytes))) { using (var writer = new SpriteWriter(image.Width ?? originalBitmap.Width, image.Height ?? originalBitmap.Height)) { var width = image.Width ?? originalBitmap.Width; if (width > originalBitmap.Width) width = originalBitmap.Width; var height = image.Height ?? originalBitmap.Height; if (height > originalBitmap.Height) height = originalBitmap.Height; var x = image.XOffset.Offset < 0 ? Math.Abs(image.XOffset.Offset) : 0; var y = image.YOffset.Offset < 0 ? Math.Abs(image.YOffset.Offset) : 0; writer.WriteImage(originalBitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height), originalBitmap.PixelFormat)); bitmap = writer.SpriteImage; if ((originalBitmap.Width * originalBitmap.Height) > (bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height)) Size += writer.GetBytes("image/png").Length; else Size += imageBytes.Length; } } images.Add(bitmap); Width += bitmap.Width; if (Height < bitmap.Height) Height = bitmap.Height; }
public unsafe Bitmap GenerateGrayScale(Bitmap src_bmp, float type) { try { frames = int.Parse(Settings.SettingsCache.getConfig("RefreshDelay")); } catch (Exception ex) { Environment.Exit(ex.GetHashCode()); } Bitmap dst_bmp = new Bitmap(src_bmp); UpdateStatus(0, (Bitmap)dst_bmp.Clone()); for (int y = 0; y < dst_bmp.Height; y++) { delay++; if (delay >= frames) { UpdateStatus((y * 100) / dst_bmp.Height, (Bitmap)dst_bmp.Clone()); delay = 0; } else { UpdateStatus((y * 100) / dst_bmp.Height, null); } for (int x = 0; x < dst_bmp.Width; x++) { Color c = dst_bmp.GetPixel(x, y); int rgb = (int)((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3); dst_bmp.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(rgb, rgb, rgb)); } } UpdateStatus(100, (Bitmap)dst_bmp.Clone()); return dst_bmp; }
public HandMask( Bitmap Otsu) { //resmin kendisi // this.img = (Bitmap)bmp.Clone(); _LOCK = new object(); bmp1 = (Bitmap)Otsu.Clone(); bmp2 = (Bitmap)Otsu.Clone(); bmp3 = (Bitmap)Otsu.Clone(); bmp4 = (Bitmap)Otsu.Clone(); LeftHis = new int[Otsu.Width]; RightHis = new int[Otsu.Width]; DownHis = new int[Otsu.Height]; UpHis = new int[Otsu.Height]; Koordinat = new int[4]; Array.Clear(LeftHis, 0, LeftHis.Length); Array.Clear(DownHis, 0, DownHis.Length); Array.Clear(RightHis, 0, RightHis.Length); Array.Clear(UpHis, 0, UpHis.Length); setoff_bilek = Otsu.Width / 20; setoff_y = Otsu.Height / 100; setoff_x = Otsu.Width / 100; }
public override Bitmap RealizarTrabalho(Bitmap imagem) { Bitmap final; Bitmap processamento = new Bitmap((Image)imagem.Clone()); /* Verifica-se todos os pixels da imagem, eliminando * as cores de fundo */ for (int y = 0; y < processamento.Height && !cancelado; y+= 1) for (int x = 0; x < processamento.Width && !cancelado; x+= 1) { Color cor = processamento.GetPixel(x, y); Color fundo = this.fundo.GetPixel(x, y); float diferença; diferença = (Math.Abs(cor.R - fundo.R) + Math.Abs(cor.G - fundo.G) + Math.Abs(cor.B - fundo.B)) / 3f; if (diferença <= tolerância) processamento.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(0, cor)); } if (cancelado) return null; // Suavizar transparência final = SuavizarTransparência(processamento); final.Tag = imagem.Clone(); return final; }
public frmGrayscalePreview(Bitmap image) { InitializeComponent(); pbxOrg.Image = (Bitmap)image.Clone(); pbxPreview.Image = (Bitmap)image.Clone(); libImage.GrayScale((Bitmap)pbxPreview.Image); }
protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { org = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fileUpload_Steg.PostedFile.InputStream); OriginalImage = (Bitmap)org; // Copy the original message. EncodedImage = (Bitmap)OriginalImage.Clone(); MarkedImage = (Bitmap)OriginalImage.Clone(); // Encode. try { string fileName = fileUpload_Steg.PostedFile.FileName; EncodeMessageInImage(EncodedImage, MarkedImage, tb_pw.Text, tb_textToHide.Text); afterEncode = (System.Drawing.Image)EncodedImage; afterEncode.Save(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(null), fileName)); fileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(null), fileName); //string fileName = img_userImage.ImageUrl; Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "watermarked_" + fileName.Remove(0, 15)); Response.TransmitFile(fileName); Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void Process(Bitmap fullScreenshot) { Mode mode = Form.CurrentMode; Bitmap field = fullScreenshot.Clone(mode.GetField(), fullScreenshot.PixelFormat); if (Form.CurrentMode.GetType() == typeof(DiamondMine)) { Bitmap cleared = fullScreenshot.Clone(new Rectangle(582, 788, 875, 6), fullScreenshot.PixelFormat); Color averageColor = Histograms.GetAverageColor(cleared); if (averageColor.R >= 200 && averageColor.G >= 200) { DiamondMineCleared = true; DiamondMineLastCleared = DateTime.Now; } else { if (DiamondMineLastCleared.AddSeconds(1) < DateTime.Now) { DiamondMineCleared = false; } } cleared.Dispose(); } // Update Grid from image for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { for (int y= 0;y <8;y++) { Bitmap thisGem = field.Clone(new Rectangle(x * 112, y * 112, 112, 112), field.PixelFormat); Grid[x, y] = new Gem(GemColor.Unrecognized, thisGem, x, y); } } // Recognize for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) { Grid[x, y].GemColor = Form.RecognitionStrategy.GetColor(Grid[x, y]); } } // Find options Predictor.Predict(Grid); // Update Field Image if (Form.pictureBoxField.Image != null) { Form.pictureBoxField.Image.Dispose(); } Form.pictureBoxField.Image = field; // Update Grid based on Grid Action a = () => { Form.pictureBoxGrid.Refresh(); }; Form.pictureBoxGrid.Invoke(a); }
public static Bitmap copyPartOfBitmap(Bitmap bmp, Rectangle cloneRect) { System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format = bmp.PixelFormat; Bitmap result; if (cloneRect.Width <= 0 || cloneRect.Height <= 0) result = (Bitmap)bmp.Clone(); else result = bmp.Clone(cloneRect, format); return result; }
private void buttonOpenImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dialogResult = _openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { var image = new Bitmap(_openFileDialog.FileName); _pictureBox.Image = image.Clone() as Image; _sourceImage = image.Clone() as Bitmap; buttonHistogram.Enabled = true; } }
public Bitmap Apply(Bitmap original) { GrayscaleEffect.Grasycale gray = new GrayscaleEffect.Grasycale(); if (!notGray) original = gray.Apply(original); FilterProcessor processor = new FilterProcessor(); processor.SetMatrix(new double[][] { new double[] { 1, 2, 1 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, new double[] { -1, -2, -1 } }); Bitmap Gx = processor.Process((Bitmap)original.Clone()); processor.SetMatrix(new double[][] { new double[] { 1, 0, -1 }, new double[] { 2, 0, -2 }, new double[] { 1, 0, -1 } }); Bitmap Gy = processor.Process((Bitmap)original.Clone()); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, original.Width, original.Height); #region Initialization System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpDataX = Gx.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); IntPtr ptrX = bmpDataX.Scan0; int bytesX = Math.Abs(bmpDataX.Stride) * bmpDataX.Height; byte[] valuesGx = new byte[bytesX]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrX, valuesGx, 0, bytesX); Gx.UnlockBits(bmpDataX); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpDataY = Gy.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); IntPtr ptrY = bmpDataY.Scan0; int bytesY = Math.Abs(bmpDataY.Stride) * bmpDataY.Height; byte[] valuesGy = new byte[bytesY]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptrY, valuesGy, 0, bytesY); Gy.UnlockBits(bmpDataY); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = original.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = Math.Abs(bmpData.Stride) * bmpData.Height; byte[] values = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, values, 0, bytes); #endregion for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i += 3) { if (i + 2 >= values.Length) break; double r = Math.Sqrt((double)valuesGx[i + 2] * (double)valuesGx[i + 2] + (double)valuesGy[i + 2] * (double)valuesGy[i + 2]); double g = Math.Sqrt((double)valuesGx[i + 1] * (double)valuesGx[i + 1] + (double)valuesGy[i + 1] * (double)valuesGy[i + 1]); double b = Math.Sqrt((double)valuesGx[i + 0] * (double)valuesGx[i + 0] + (double)valuesGy[i + 0] * (double)valuesGy[i + 0]); values[i + 0] = (byte)(r / Math.Sqrt(2)); values[i + 1] = (byte)(g / Math.Sqrt(2)); values[i + 2] = (byte)(b / Math.Sqrt(2)); } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(values, 0, ptr, bytes); original.UnlockBits(bmpData); return original; }
private static List<Bitmap> SeparateNumbersWithWhiteColumnsAsDelimiter(Bitmap img, List<Tuple<bool, int>> whiteColumns) { List<Bitmap> result = new List<Bitmap> { img.Clone(Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, whiteColumns[1].Item2, img.Height), img.PixelFormat) }; for (int i = 1; i < whiteColumns.Count - 1; i++) { result.Add(img.Clone(Rectangle.FromLTRB(whiteColumns[i].Item2, 0, whiteColumns[i + 1].Item2, img.Height), img.PixelFormat)); } return result; }
private void Form1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Image i1 = Properties.Resources.background; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.cha); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0,0, 64,64); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(64, 0, 64, 64); Bitmap bmp2 = bmp.Clone(r, bmp.PixelFormat); Bitmap bmp3 = bmp.Clone(r2, bmp.PixelFormat); Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.DrawImage(i1, 0, 0); g.DrawImage(bmp2, Width/2, Height/2); g.DrawImage(bmp3, Width / 2 +100, Height / 2); g.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Width, Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b); g.Clear(Color.Gainsboro); for (int i = 0; i < this.TabCount; i++) { Rectangle tabRect = GetTabRect(i); if (i == this.SelectedIndex) { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, tabRect); } else { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, tabRect); } g.DrawString(this.TabPages[i].Text, this.Font, Brushes.White, tabRect, new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center }); } e.Graphics.DrawImage((Bitmap)b.Clone(), 0, 0); g.Dispose(); b.Dispose(); base.OnPaint(e); }
public List<double[]> extract(Bitmap image, string detector) { SCD_Descriptor scdLocal = new SCD_Descriptor(); Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap(image); createPoints pointsCreator = new createPoints(); List<Keypoint> keypointsList = null; if (detector == "SURF") keypointsList = pointsCreator.usingSurf(image); else if (detector == "SIFT") keypointsList = pointsCreator.usingSift(image); else throw new Exception("Cannot recognize Detector"); #region SCD_Local Rectangle cloneRect; Bitmap bmpCrop; double[] scdDescriptor = new double[256]; List<double[]> tilesDescriptors = new List<double[]>(); foreach (Keypoint myKeypoint in keypointsList) { cloneRect = new Rectangle((int)(myKeypoint.X - (int)myKeypoint.Size / 2), (int)(myKeypoint.Y - (int)myKeypoint.Size / 2), (int)myKeypoint.Size, (int)myKeypoint.Size); bmpCrop = new Bitmap(bmpImage.Clone(cloneRect, bmpImage.PixelFormat)); scdLocal.Apply(new Bitmap(bmpCrop), 256, 0); scdDescriptor = scdLocal.Norm4BitHistogram; tilesDescriptors.Add(scdDescriptor); } #endregion return tilesDescriptors; }
public void Crop() { try { Bitmap postedImage = new Bitmap(_image.InputStream); Rectangle cropArea = new Rectangle { X = _x, Y = _y, Width = _width, Height = _height }; Bitmap newCroppedImage = postedImage.Clone(cropArea, postedImage.PixelFormat); Guid fileName = Guid.NewGuid(); ImageUrl = fileName + ".jpg"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); newCroppedImage.Save(path + fileName + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); } else { newCroppedImage.Save(path + fileName + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); } } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { throw new OutOfMemoryException("Crazy Error", ex); } }
public static Image CropImage(Image img, Rectangle cropArea) { Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap(img); Bitmap bmpCrop = bmpImage.Clone(cropArea, bmpImage.PixelFormat); return (Image)(bmpCrop); }
public void Crop() { Bitmap image = new Bitmap(_image.Image.InputStream); Rectangle cropArea = new Rectangle(); cropArea.X = _x; cropArea.Y = _y; cropArea.Width = _width; cropArea.Height = _height; Bitmap newImage = image.Clone(cropArea, image.PixelFormat); //Create unique name for new image string path = @"C:\Images\ProfilePictures\"; Guid fileName = Guid.NewGuid(); ImageUrl = path + fileName + ".jpg"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); newImage.Save(path + fileName + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); } else { newImage.Save(path + fileName + ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); } }
private void Form1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, false); int fileCount = files.Count(); if( fileCount > 6 ) { fileCount = 6; } Bitmap henseiBitmap = new Bitmap(488 * 2, 376 * 3, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Graphics henseiGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(henseiBitmap); List<String> fl = LoadFilePath(files); fl.Sort(); for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { Console.WriteLine(fl[i]); Bitmap orig = new Bitmap(fl[i].ToString()); Bitmap copy = orig.Clone(new Rectangle(312, 94, 488, 376), orig.PixelFormat); henseiGraphics.DrawImage(copy, henseiPosition[i, 0], henseiPosition[i, 1], copy.Width, copy.Height); orig.Dispose(); } henseiGraphics.Dispose(); String outPath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory), "hensei.png"); henseiBitmap.Save(outPath); System.Diagnostics.Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(outPath); }
private void buttonSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.buttonSend.Enabled = false; IList<byte[]> imageSlices = new List<byte[]>(); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(this._imageSource); double width = (double)bmp.Width / 5; double height = (double)bmp.Height / 5; for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(x * width), Convert.ToInt32(y * height), Convert.ToInt32(width), Convert.ToInt32(height)); byte[] data = BitmapToBytes(bmp.Clone(rect, PixelFormat.DontCare)); imageSlices.Add(data); } } IImageTransfer proxy = GetProxy(); proxy.Erase(); for (int i = 0; i < imageSlices.Count; i++) { proxy.Transfer(imageSlices[i]); } this.buttonSend.Enabled = true; }
WaveGenerator wave; // The decrypted audio file. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Encrypted(Bitmap encryptedImage) { InitializeComponent(); fileName = ""; // Convert pixel format encryptedImage = encryptedImage.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, encryptedImage.Width, encryptedImage.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); encryptedImageBox.Image = encryptedImage; encryptedImageBox.Size = encryptedImage.Size; // Resize window int newWidth = Math.Max(this.PreferredSize.Width, 305); int newHeight = this.PreferredSize.Height; newWidth = Math.Min(newWidth, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width * 2 / 3); newHeight = Math.Min(newHeight, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height * 2 / 3); this.Size = new Size(newWidth, newHeight); // Enable buttons foreach (Control c in this.Controls) { if (c is Button) c.Enabled = true; } }
public Stroke(Bitmap bitmap,Color color,float a,float b,float c,float soft,bool flat,bool square) { //Create shape shape=(Bitmap)bitmap.Clone(); for(int i=0;i<shape.Width;i++) { for(int j=0;j<shape.Height;j++) { float x=(float)(i-shape.Width/2); float y=(float)(j-shape.Height/2); float len2=x*x+y*y; float r=Math.Min(shape.Width/2,shape.Height/2); float r2=r*r; if(square||len2<=r2) { Color col=shape.GetPixel(i,j); float ii=(((float)(col.R+col.G+col.B))/3f)/255f; int aa=(int)(((a*ii*ii+b*ii+c)*(((float)color.A)/255f)*255f)); if(aa<0) aa=0; if(aa>255) aa=255; float sa=1f; if(soft>0f) { sa=1f-(len2/r2)*soft; if(sa<0f) sa=0f; if(sa>1f) sa=1f; } if(flat) shape.SetPixel(i,j,Color.FromArgb((int)(((float)aa)*sa),color)); else { Color cc=shape.GetPixel(i,j); int rr=(int)((((float)cc.R)/255f)*(((float)color.R)/255f)*255f); if(rr<0) rr=0; if(rr>255) rr=255; int gg=(int)((((float)cc.G)/255f)*(((float)color.G)/255f)*255f); if(gg<0) gg=0; if(gg>255) gg=255; int bb=(int)((((float)cc.B)/255f)*(((float)color.B)/255f)*255f); if(bb<0) bb=0; if(bb>255) bb=255; shape.SetPixel(i,j,Color.FromArgb((int)(((float)aa)*sa),rr,gg,bb)); } } else shape.SetPixel(i,j,Color.FromArgb(0,0,0,0)); } } }
public void getScreenshots() { List<Image> screenshots = new List<Image>(); for (int i = 0; i < Screen.AllScreens.Length; i++) { Screen screen = Screen.AllScreens[i]; using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height)) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture)) { g.CopyFromScreen(screen.Bounds.X, screen.Bounds.Y, 0, 0, bmpScreenCapture.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); } screenshots.Add((Image)bmpScreenCapture.Clone()); } } for (int i = 0; i < pictureboxes.Count; i++) { pictureboxes[i].Image = screenshots[i]; } }
public void UpdateImage(Bitmap bmp, bool cloneBitmap = false) { try { CountFps(); picDesktop.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { // get old image to dispose it correctly var oldImage = picDesktop.Image; picDesktop.Image = cloneBitmap ? (Bitmap) bmp.Clone() : bmp; if (oldImage != null) oldImage.Dispose(); }); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( string.Format( "An unexpected error occurred: {0}\n\nPlease report this as fast as possible here:\\", ex.Message), "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private static Image AmazonCut(Image image) { if (image.Width != image.Height) return image; var bmp = new Bitmap(image); int size = image.Height; int white = System.Drawing.Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.White).ToArgb(); int i = 0; while (i < size/2) { if (bmp.GetPixel(i, i).ToArgb() != white) break; if (bmp.GetPixel(i, size - 1 - i).ToArgb() != white) break; if (bmp.GetPixel(size - 1 - i, i).ToArgb() != white) break; if (bmp.GetPixel(size - 1 - i, size - 1 - i).ToArgb() != white) break; i++; } if (i > 0) { i += 8; var zone = new Rectangle(i, i, size - 2*i, size - 2*i); return bmp.Clone(zone, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare); } return bmp; }
public static GameData.Image GetImage(string imageValue) { try { string[] cloumns = imageValue.Split(':'); if (cloumns.Length != 2) return null; string imagesetName = cloumns[0]; string imageName = cloumns[1]; Imageset imageset = ImagesetManager.Instance.Get(imagesetName); if (imageset == null) return null; GameData.Image image = imageset.Get(imageName); if (image.Tag == null) { System.Drawing.Image texture = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(imageset.FileName); Bitmap srcBitmap = new Bitmap(texture); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(image.X, image.Y, image.Width, image.Height); image.Tag = srcBitmap.Clone(rect, srcBitmap.PixelFormat); } return image; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return null; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //Открываем файл картинки... System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(openFileDialog1.FileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open); System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs); fs.Close(); //Помещаем исходное изображение в PictureBox1 pictureBox1.Image = img; var bmp = new Bitmap(img); label1.Text = ""; label1.Text = label1.Text + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + " - "; //Время начала обработки (секунды и миллисекунды). //Преобразуем картинку MakeGray(bmp); //Crop(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Height, bmp.Width)); Bitmap cropBmp = bmp.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width / 2, bmp.Height / 2), bmp.PixelFormat); label1.Text = label1.Text + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString(); //Время окончания обработки (секунды и миллисекунды). //Помещаем преобразованное изображение в PictureBox2 pictureBox2.Image = cropBmp; Bitmap cropcloneBmp = cropBmp.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, cropBmp.Width, cropBmp.Height), cropBmp.PixelFormat); MakeGray(cropcloneBmp); //Crop(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Height, bmp.Width)); Bitmap cropnewBmp = cropcloneBmp.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, cropcloneBmp.Width / 2, cropcloneBmp.Height / 2), cropcloneBmp.PixelFormat); label1.Text = label1.Text + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString(); //Время окончания обработки (секунды и миллисекунды). //Помещаем преобразованное изображение в PictureBox2 pictureBox3.Image = cropnewBmp; } }
/// <summary> /// Crops the specified raw image. /// </summary> /// <param name="rawImage">The raw image.</param> /// <param name="topLeft">The top left.</param> /// <param name="newSize">The new size.</param> /// <returns>Image.</returns> public Image Crop(Image rawImage, Point topLeft, Size newSize) { try { if (rawImage.Width < (topLeft.X + newSize.Width)) { newSize.Width = rawImage.Width - topLeft.X; } if (rawImage.Height < (topLeft.Y + newSize.Height)) { newSize.Height = rawImage.Height - topLeft.Y; } Bitmap clippedImage = new Bitmap(rawImage); clippedImage = clippedImage.Clone(new Rectangle(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, newSize.Width, newSize.Height), rawImage.PixelFormat); return clippedImage; } catch (Exception ex) { return new Bitmap(ImageFactory.Draw(ex.Message)); } }
public Card(string frontFilename, string backFilename) { Front = new Bitmap(frontFilename); Back = new Bitmap(backFilename); FrontOriginal = (Bitmap)Front.Clone(); BackOriginal = (Bitmap)Back.Clone(); }
public static void LoadSprites() { SpriteList.Clear(); Stream stream; if (File.Exists("sprites.png")) { stream = File.OpenRead("sprites.png"); } else { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("scmpoo.resources.sprites.png"); } Bitmap loadedfile = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(stream)); int count = loadedfile.Width / loadedfile.Height; for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { SpriteList.Add(loadedfile.Clone(new Rectangle(n * loadedfile.Height, 0, loadedfile.Height, loadedfile.Height), loadedfile.PixelFormat)); } for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { Bitmap b = (Bitmap)SpriteList[n].Clone(); b.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX); SpriteList.Add(b); } }
/// <summary> /// Crop an image in the given rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="img"></param> /// <param name="cropArea"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Image Crop(Image image, Rectangle cropArea) { Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap(image); Bitmap bmpCrop = bmpImage.Clone(cropArea, bmpImage.PixelFormat); return bmpCrop; }
private static Bitmap ApplyAlphaOnNonIndexedBitmap(Bitmap bitmapImage, IEnumerable <Color> colors) { const int bytesPerPixel = 4; var bmp = (Bitmap)bitmapImage.Clone(); var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var numBytes = bmp.Width * bmp.Height * bytesPerPixel; var argbValues = new byte[numBytes]; var ptr = bmpData.Scan0; Marshal.Copy(ptr, argbValues, 0, numBytes); var filterValues = new List <byte[]>(); foreach (var color in colors) { var bt = new byte[4]; bt[0] = color.A; bt[1] = color.R; bt[2] = color.G; bt[3] = color.B; filterValues.Add(bt); } for (var counter = 0; counter < argbValues.Length; counter += bytesPerPixel) { // If 100% transparent, skip pixel if (argbValues[counter + bytesPerPixel - 1] == 0) { continue; } var b = argbValues[counter]; var g = argbValues[counter + 1]; var r = argbValues[counter + 2]; var a = argbValues[counter + 3]; var found = filterValues.Any( filterValue => filterValue[0] == a && filterValue[1] == r && filterValue[2] == g && filterValue[3] == b); if (found) { argbValues[counter + 3] = 0; } } Marshal.Copy(argbValues, 0, ptr, numBytes); bmp.UnlockBits(bmpData); return(bmp); }
private static unsafe void _LoadTextureRawXNA(GraphicsDevice gd, Stream stream, out int w, out int h, out byte[] data, out IntPtr dataPtr, bool gc) { using (SD.Bitmap bmp = new SD.Bitmap(stream)) { w = bmp.Width; h = bmp.Height; int depth = SD.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bmp.PixelFormat); SD.Bitmap copy = null; if (depth != 32) { copy = bmp.Clone(new SD.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), SDI.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); } using (copy) { SD.Bitmap src = copy ?? bmp; SDI.BitmapData srcData = src.LockBits( new SD.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), SDI.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, src.PixelFormat ); int length = w * h * 4; if (gc) { data = new byte[length]; dataPtr = IntPtr.Zero; } else { data = new byte[0]; dataPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length); } byte *from = (byte *)srcData.Scan0; fixed(byte *dataPin = data) { byte *to = gc ? dataPin : (byte *)dataPtr; for (int i = length - 1 - 3; i > -1; i -= 4) { to[i + 0] = from[i + 2]; to[i + 1] = from[i + 1]; to[i + 2] = from[i + 0]; to[i + 3] = from[i + 3]; } } src.UnlockBits(srcData); } } }
private void RefreshExemplo() { System.Drawing.Graphics graf; System.Drawing.Pen caneta; System.Drawing.Bitmap imagem = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(m_pnExemplo.Width, m_pnExemplo.Height); graf = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(imagem); caneta = new System.Drawing.Pen(m_corCaneta, m_nEspessura); caneta.DashStyle = m_styEstilo; graf.FillRectangle(new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White), 0, 0, m_pnExemplo.Width, m_pnExemplo.Height); graf.DrawLine(caneta, 5, ((int)m_pnExemplo.Height / 2), ((int)m_pnExemplo.Width - 10), ((int)m_pnExemplo.Height / 2)); graf = null; m_pnExemplo.BackgroundImage = (System.Drawing.Image)imagem.Clone(); imagem = null; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_Undo = (Bitmap)m_Bitmap.Clone(); if (GaussianBlurr(m_Bitmap, 4)) { this.Invalidate(); } pictureBox1.Image = m_Bitmap; SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); m_Bitmap.Save("C:\\Users\\MehmetCan\\Desktop\\Blurr.png"); }
private void Light_reduction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (curBitmap != null) { Color pixel; int red, green, blue; for (int x = 0; x < curBitmap.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < curBitmap.Height; y++) { pixel = curBitmap.GetPixel(x, y); red = (int)(pixel.R * 0.6); green = (int)(pixel.G * 0.6); blue = (int)(pixel.B * 0.6); curBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue)); } } pB.Image = curBitmap.Clone() as Image; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "信息提示"); } }
public static void pastebackground() { if (background != null) { Graph.bitmap.SysDraw = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)background.Clone(); if (Graph.imediateDrawing) { delay(0); } } else { throw new Exception("No background is copied!"); } }
private void ChangePosition(int x_rel, int y_rel, int w = 88, int h = 88, int pxs = 8) { int lt = (w / pxs) / 2; int rb = (h / pxs) / 2; var p = new System.Windows.Point(x_rel, y_rel); var rpos = p - new System.Windows.Point((int)lt, (int)rb); cp.Location = p; cp.Zoom = pxs; var image = bmp.Clone() as System.Drawing.Bitmap; var clr = image.GetPixel(x_rel, y_rel); cp.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(clr.R, clr.G, clr.B); var _bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(w, h); for (int x = (int)rpos.X; x <= rpos.X + (int)lt * 2; x++) { for (int y = (int)rpos.Y; y <= rpos.Y + (int)rb * 2; y++) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= image.Width || y >= image.Height) { _bmp.SetPixel(Math.Abs((x - (int)rpos.X) * pxs), Math.Abs((y - (int)rpos.Y) * pxs), System.Drawing.Color.Black); } else { for (int i = (x - (int)rpos.X) * pxs; i < (x - rpos.X) * pxs + pxs; i++) { for (int j = (y - (int)rpos.Y) * pxs; j < (y - rpos.Y) * pxs + pxs; j++) { try { _bmp.SetPixel(i, j, image.GetPixel(x, y)); } catch { } } } } } } BitmapImage bmpI = new BitmapImage(); bmpI.BeginInit(); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); _bmp.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); memoryStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); bmpI.StreamSource = memoryStream; bmpI.EndInit(); cp.Source = bmpI; }
static public System.Drawing.Bitmap Crop(System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap, Rectangle croparea) { // Definitions Bitmap result = null; // try // { // Crop image. result = bitmap.Clone(croparea, bitmap.PixelFormat); // } // catch // {} // Finish return(result); }
public override void drawAttack(int x, int y, int targetx, int targety, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmap, System.Media.SoundPlayer player, ref PictureBox pictureMap, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmBackground, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmFull) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(150); player.SoundLocation = @"Sounds/laser1.wav"; int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; if (x <= targetx) { xmin = x - 5; xmax = targetx + 5; } else { xmin = targetx - 5; xmax = x + 3; } if (y <= targety) { ymin = y - 5; ymax = targety + 5; } else { ymin = targety - 5; ymax = y + 5; } Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmFull); Rectangle rect; Image oldImage; rect = new Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin); oldImage = bmFull.Clone(rect, bmFull.PixelFormat); Pen laserPen1 = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow, 2); player.Play(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { g.DrawLine(laserPen1, new Point(x, y), new Point(targetx + i, targety)); pictureMap.Image = bmFull; pictureMap.Refresh(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(35); } g.DrawImage(oldImage, xmin, ymin); pictureMap.Refresh(); }
public static void DrawLegacyArmL(int scale, bool legacy, bool slim, Graphics g, System.Drawing.Bitmap skin, bool HatLayer = false) { int preview_x = (slim ? 1 : 0); int preview_y = 8; int source_x = (HatLayer ? 44 : 44); int source_y = (HatLayer ? 36 : 20); int source_width = (slim ? 3 : 4); int source_height = 12; var clip = new Rectangle(source_x * scale, source_y * scale, source_width * scale, source_height * scale); Bitmap part = skin.Clone(clip, skin.PixelFormat); part.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX); g.DrawImage(part, new Rectangle(preview_x * scale, preview_y * scale, source_width * scale, source_height * scale)); part.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Dumps this BitmapBuffer to a new System.Drawing.Bitmap /// </summary> public unsafe Bitmap ToSysdrawingBitmap() { if (WrappedBitmap != null) { return((Bitmap)WrappedBitmap.Clone()); } var pf = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb; if (!HasAlpha) { pf = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb; } Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height, pf); ToSysdrawingBitmap(bmp); return(bmp); }
/// <summary> /// Convertir a escala de grises, es necesario optimizarlo con LockBitmap /// </summary> /// <param name="Bitmap"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Bitmap GrayScale(System.Drawing.Bitmap Bitmap) { System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)Bitmap.Clone(); System.Drawing.Color color; for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < bitmap.Width; i++) { for (System.Int32 j = 0; j < bitmap.Height; j++) { color = bitmap.GetPixel(i, j); color = ColorToGrey(color); Bitmap.SetPixel(i, j, color); } } return(Bitmap); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the provided cardBox image equal to the card provided and makes the cardBox visible. /// </summary> /// <param name="card"></param> /// <param name="cardBox"></param> /// <returns></returns> private void setCard(byte card, System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox cardBox) { if (card != 0) { System.Drawing.Bitmap allCards = global::PokerBot.CacheMonitor.Properties.Resources.compactCards1; int xStart = (((int)(card - 1) / 4) * 52) + 2; int yStart = ((card - 1) % 4 * 70) + 1; cardBox.Image = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)allCards.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(xStart, yStart, 49, 68), allCards.PixelFormat); cardBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; cardBox.Visible = true; } else { blankCard(cardBox); } }
/// <summary> /// 居中裁剪 /// </summary> public void CutForSquare(Size size) { this.SacleTo(size, ScaleMode.Fill_XY_Center); var initImage = this.bitmap; //原始图片的宽、高 int initWidth = initImage.Width; int initHeight = initImage.Height; //对象实例化 var pickedImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(initHeight, initHeight); var pickedG = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(pickedImage); //设置质量 pickedG.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; pickedG.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; if (initWidth > initHeight) { var x = (initWidth - size.Width) / 2; //定位 Rectangle fromR = new Rectangle(x, 0, size.Width, size.Height); Rectangle toR = new Rectangle(0, 0, initHeight, initHeight); //画图 pickedG.DrawImage(initImage, toR, fromR, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else { var y = (initHeight - size.Height) / 2; //定位 Rectangle fromR = new Rectangle(0, y, size.Width, size.Height); Rectangle toR = new Rectangle(0, 0, initHeight, initHeight); pickedG.DrawImage(initImage, toR, fromR, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } initImage = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)pickedImage.Clone(); var img = new Bitmap(initImage, size); this.bitmap = img; //释放截图资源 pickedG.Dispose(); pickedImage.Dispose(); }
public void TakeScreenshot(string numer, IWebDriver driver, IWebElement element) { Byte[] byteArray = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot().AsByteArray; using (System.Drawing.Bitmap screenshot = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(new System.IO.MemoryStream(byteArray))) { Rectangle croppedImage = new Rectangle(element.Location.X, element.Location.Y, element.Size.Width, element.Size.Height); Rectangle all = new Rectangle(0, 0, screenshot.Width, screenshot.Height); croppedImage.Intersect(all); //croppedImage.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, element.Size.Width, element.Size.Height)); using (System.Drawing.Bitmap screenshot2 = screenshot.Clone(croppedImage, screenshot.PixelFormat)) { screenshot2.Save(sciezkaplikuJpg + numer + ".jpeg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); } } }
public static Bitmap getBitmap() { IDataObject ido = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (ido == null) { return(null); } if (!ido.GetDataPresent("System.Drawing.Bitmap")) { return(null); } System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)ido.GetData("System.Drawing.Bitmap"); bmp = bmp.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); return(bmp); }
/// <summary> /// 剪切图片,另存 /// </summary> /// <param name="oldImgPath">原图片地址</param> /// <param name="newImgPath">新图片保存地址</param> /// <param name="newFileName">新图片名称</param> /// <param name="inputWidth">截取宽度</param> /// <param name="inputLength">截取长度</param> public static void ShearingImg(string oldImgPath, string newImgPath, string newFileName, int inputWidth = 100, int inputLength = 100) { //原图片路径 String oldPath = oldImgPath; //新图片路径 String newPath = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(newImgPath); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(oldImgPath); string[] str = fileName.Split('.'); //设置截取的坐标和大小 int x = 0, y = 0, width = inputWidth, height = inputLength; //计算新的文件名 newPath = newImgPath + newFileName + "." + str[1]; //定义截取矩形 System.Drawing.Rectangle cropArea = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); //要截取的区域大小 //加载图片 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(oldPath))); //判断超出的位置否 if ((img.Width < x + width) || img.Height < y + height) { //截取的区域超过了图片本身的高度、宽度. img.Dispose(); return; } //定义Bitmap对象 System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(img); //进行裁剪 System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpCrop = bmpImage.Clone(cropArea, bmpImage.PixelFormat); //保存成新文件 bmpCrop.Save(newPath); //释放对象 img.Dispose(); bmpCrop.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 指定した Bitmap の色を反転します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="source">反転前の画像を指定します。</param> /// <returns>反転後の画像を指定します。</returns> public static System.Drawing.Bitmap Invert(System.Drawing.Bitmap source) { System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)source.Clone(); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); Imaging.BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(rect, Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); System.IntPtr scan0 = data.Scan0; int M = bmp.Width * bmp.Height; unsafe { Color32Argb *p = (Color32Argb *)(void *)scan0; Color32Argb *pM = p + M; while (p < pM) { *p = ~*p; p++; } } bmp.UnlockBits(data); return(bmp); }
/// <summary> /// Convert an IImage to a WPF BitmapSource. The result can be used in the Set Property of Image.Source /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap">The Source Bitmap</param> /// <returns>The equivalent BitmapSource</returns> public static BitmapSource ToBitmapSource(this System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap == null) { return(null); } using var source = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)bitmap.Clone(); var hBitmap = source.GetHbitmap(); //obtain the Hbitmap var bs = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap( hBitmap, IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty, System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()); NativeMethods.DeleteObject(hBitmap); //release the HBitmap bs.Freeze(); return(bs); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the bitmap by cloning its data to a more compatible format. /// </summary> /// <param name="bitmap"> /// A <see cref="Drawing.Bitmap"/> to be converted into an <see cref="Image"/> instance. /// </param> /// <param name='image'> /// A <see cref="Image"/> instance that will store <paramref name="bitmap"/> data. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Exception thrown if <paramref name="bitmap"/> or <paramref name="image"/> is null. /// </exception> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// Cloning <paramref name="bitmap"/> is useful whenever the bitmap have a pixel format not directly portable /// to any well-known format (i.e. 1 bit pixel, palettized pixel, etc.). /// </para> /// <para> /// This method is very memory consuming, because cloning cause to use additionally memory. /// </para> /// </remarks> private static void LoadBitmapByClone(System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap, Image image) { if (bitmap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bitmap"); } if (image == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("image"); } System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat iBitmapFormat; int iBitmapFlags; // Determine the clone bitmap pixel format ConvertPixelFormat(image.PixelLayout, out iBitmapFormat, out iBitmapFlags); // Clone image converting the pixel format using (System.Drawing.Bitmap clonedBitmap = bitmap.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), iBitmapFormat)) { LoadBitmapByLockBits(clonedBitmap, image); } }
private PageContent generatePageContent(System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, int top, int bottom, double pageWidth, double PageHeight, System.Printing.PrintCapabilities capabilities) { FixedPage printDocumentPage = new FixedPage(); printDocumentPage.Width = pageWidth; printDocumentPage.Height = PageHeight; int newImageHeight = bottom - top; System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpPage = bmp.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, top, bmp.Width, newImageHeight), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); // Create a new bitmap for the contents of this page Image pageImage = new Image(); BitmapSource bmpSource = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap( bmpPage.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(bmp.Width, newImageHeight)); pageImage.Source = bmpSource; pageImage.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; // Place the bitmap on the page printDocumentPage.Children.Add(pageImage); PageContent pageContent = new PageContent(); ((System.Windows.Markup.IAddChild)pageContent).AddChild(printDocumentPage); FixedPage.SetLeft(pageImage, capabilities.PageImageableArea.OriginWidth); FixedPage.SetTop(pageImage, capabilities.PageImageableArea.OriginHeight); pageImage.Width = capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth; pageImage.Height = capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight; return(pageContent); }
public System.Drawing.Bitmap Proccess(System.Drawing.Bitmap inBitmap, bool disposeOrigin) { if (inBitmap == null) { return(null); } Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)inBitmap.Clone(); if (_isflipX) { bitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipX); } else { bitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipY); } if (disposeOrigin) { inBitmap.Dispose(); } return(bitmap); }
public System.Drawing.Bitmap Proccess(System.Drawing.Bitmap inBitmap, bool disposeOrigin) { if (inBitmap == null) { return(null); } Bitmap bitmap = null; if (_zoomToSize == SizeF.Empty) { bitmap = (Bitmap)inBitmap.Clone(); } else { bitmap = new Bitmap(inBitmap, (int)_zoomToSize.Width, (int)_zoomToSize.Height); } if (disposeOrigin) { inBitmap.Dispose(); } return(bitmap); }
public static Bitmap[] BitmapToSixFortySeven(Bitmap bmp) { // Determine size of the output array int size = (bmp.Size.Width / 64) * (bmp.Size.Height / 96); Bitmap[] outputBitmaps = new Bitmap[size]; int index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bmp.Size.Height / 96; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < bmp.Size.Width / 64; j++) { // each cell in a row outputBitmaps[index] = bmp.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(j * 64, i * 96, 64, 96), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); //outputBitmaps[index].Save("tempFile" + index + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); index++; } } return(outputBitmaps); }
/// <summary> /// 指定した色で指定した System.Drawing.Bitmap を塗りつぶして返します。 /// 透明度は保持します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="source">塗りつぶす前の画像を指定します。</param> /// <param name="color">塗り潰すのに使用する色を指定します。</param> /// <returns>塗り潰した結果の Bitmap を返します。</returns> public static System.Drawing.Bitmap ClearRGB(System.Drawing.Bitmap source, Color32Argb color) { System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)source.Clone(); System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); Imaging.BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(rect, Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); System.IntPtr scan0 = data.Scan0; int M = bmp.Width * bmp.Height; unsafe { Color32Argb *p = (Color32Argb *)(void *)scan0; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < M; cnt++) { p->R = color.R; p->G = color.G; p->B = color.B; p++; } } bmp.UnlockBits(data); return(bmp); }
/// <summary> /// Save generated graphic /// </summary> /// <param name="dispose">If done generating graphics, use to dispose of drawing objects</param> protected void Save(bool dispose) { try { if (dispose) { if (_format == ImageFormat.Jpeg && _jpegQuality < 100) { // save compressed JPEG Utility.SaveJpegWithCompression(_bitmap, _absolutePath, _jpegQuality); } else { _bitmap.Save(_absolutePath, _format); } if (_borderPen != null) { _borderPen.Dispose(); } if (_foregroundBrush != null) { _foregroundBrush.Dispose(); } if (_graphic != null) { _graphic.Dispose(); } _bitmap.Dispose(); } else { // save clone only so bitmap can be re-used Bitmap copy = (Bitmap)_bitmap.Clone(); copy.Save(_absolutePath, _format); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Idaho.Exception.Log(e, Idaho.Exception.Types.FileSystem); } }
public override void drawAttack(int x, int y, int targetx, int targety, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmap, System.Media.SoundPlayer player, ref PictureBox pictureMap, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmBackground, ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmFull) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(150); player.SoundLocation = @"Sounds/iongun2.wav"; Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmap); Rectangle rect; // --- размер изображения Bitmap oldImage; // --- переменная, в которую его засунем player.Play(); SolidBrush brush1 = new SolidBrush(Color.CadetBlue); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.CornflowerBlue); int dx, dy; dx = (targetx - x) / 10; dy = (targety - y) / 10; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // --- 1) находим размер изображения rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmap.Width, bmap.Height); // --- 2) клонируем наш битмап oldImage = bmap.Clone(rect, bmap.PixelFormat); g.FillEllipse(brush, x - 5 + dx * i, y - 5 + dy * i, 10, 10); g.FillEllipse(brush1, x - 3 + dx * i, y - 3 + dy * i, 6, 6); pictureMap.Image = bmap; pictureMap.Refresh(); // --- 3) отрисовываем тот битмам, который сохранили выше g.DrawImage(oldImage, 0, 0); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15); } }
//显示关键点 private void Point_show_btn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (flag_source_1 == 0 || flag_source_2 == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请首先将两张图片上传", "提示"); return; } if (flag_keypoints == 0) { int num = Source_point_1.row; //使用蓝点标出图像关键点 Bitmap Image_face_1_clone = (Bitmap)Image_face_1.Clone(); Bitmap Image_face_2_clone = (Bitmap)Image_face_2.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { for (int j = -2; j < 3; j++) { for (int k = -2; k < 3; k++) { Image_face_1_clone.SetPixel((int)Source_point_2[i, 1] + j, (int)Source_point_2[i, 2] + k, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255)); Image_face_2_clone.SetPixel((int)Source_point_1[i, 1] + j, (int)Source_point_1[i, 2] + k, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255)); } } } Image_face_ori2.Source = BitmaptoImage(Image_face_2_clone); Image_face_ori1.Source = BitmaptoImage(Image_face_1_clone); flag_keypoints = 1; } else if (flag_keypoints == 1) { Image_face_ori2.Source = BitmaptoImage(Image_face_2); Image_face_ori1.Source = BitmaptoImage(Image_face_1); flag_keypoints = 0; } }
private string SolveCaptcha(Image img) { Bitmap imagem = new Bitmap(img); SetPixelColor(imagem, false); SetPixelColor(imagem, false); string filename = "test/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".png"; SetPixelColor(imagem, false); imagem = ProcessImage(imagem); imagem.Save(filename); System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(filename); var imageClone = bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Erosion erosion = new Erosion(); Dilatation dilatation = new Dilatation(); Invert inverter = new Invert(); ColorFiltering cor = new ColorFiltering(); cor.Red = new AForge.IntRange(150, 255); cor.Green = new AForge.IntRange(150, 255); cor.Blue = new AForge.IntRange(128, 255); Opening open = new Opening(); BlobsFiltering bc = new BlobsFiltering(); Closing close = new Closing(); GaussianSharpen gs = new GaussianSharpen(); ContrastCorrection cc = new ContrastCorrection(); FiltersSequence seq = new FiltersSequence(cc, gs, inverter, cor, bc, cor, cc, cor, bc); var image = seq.Apply(imageClone); var byteImg = ImageToByte(image); var result = OCR(ByteToImage(byteImg)); return(result); }
public static System.Drawing.Bitmap cropImage(System.Drawing.Bitmap source, System.Drawing.Rectangle section) { return(source.Clone(section, source.PixelFormat)); }