private void BTN_add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         //Extract the listview item that is selected
         if (LIV_Cards.SelectedItem != null)
             //extract the listview item from the listview
             ListViewItem SelectedItem = (ListViewItem)LIV_Cards.SelectedItem;
             //Get the SetOverview from the listview item
             Classes.CardOverview SelectedSet = (Classes.CardOverview)SelectedItem.Tag;
             //extract the name from the SetOverview
             ListViewItem NewItem = new ListViewItem();
             NewItem.Tag     = SelectedSet;
             NewItem.Content = SelectedSet;
             // if they havent selected anything just return the function
     catch (Exception ex)
         // If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
 private void BTN_Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     //Make sure there is actually something selected, if its empty just stop there
     if (LIV_CardList.SelectedIndex < 0 || LIV_CardList.Items.Count < 2)
         MessageBox.Show("Either no item was selected or there is only one card left in the set");
         //Get the card out of the selected items tag
         Classes.CardOverview CardToDelete = (Classes.CardOverview)LIV_CardList.SelectedItem;
         //now write onto a file in the current directory that this card code is available
         using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $"\\{SetToView}.txt"))
         //Prepare an SQLITE query to delete the card we just selected
         string DeleteCardQuery = $"DELETE FROM {SetToView} WHERE card_code = '{CardToDelete.CardSetCode}'";
         //Execute the query
         SQLiteCommand DeleteCardCommand = new SQLiteCommand(DeleteCardQuery, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
         //If all goes well, update the list to refelect the lack of the card
     catch (Exception ex)
         //If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
 private void BTN_Edit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     //First off make sure there is actually something selected
     if (LIV_CardList.SelectedIndex < 0)
         //What card we get is based on the
         //Card code so we get that first
         //So get the selected item from the list
         //Pull the card from the selected listitem
         Classes.CardOverview TagCard = (Classes.CardOverview)LIV_CardList.SelectedItem;
         //and get the full set code from it
         string SetCode = TagCard.CardSetCode;
         //Now after all of that we have a value to give to the card viewer
         CardEditor EditorWindow = new CardEditor(SetToView, false, SetCode);
         //Make sure this window has the right values once this editor returns
     catch (Exception ex)
         //If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
 //Functions for the window
 public void UpdateCardList()
     //updates the card set list
         //A new list is required for storing the items for the
         List <Classes.CardOverview> items = new List <Classes.CardOverview>();
         //Get all the data from the table selected with a query
         string           GetCardQuery   = $"SELECT * FROM {SetToView}";
         SQLiteCommand    GetCardCommand = new SQLiteCommand(GetCardQuery, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
         SQLiteDataReader GetCardReader  = GetCardCommand.ExecuteReader();
         //Go through every card in the returned table
         while (GetCardReader.Read())
             //while there are still cards in the reader to go over, add them to the table
             Classes.CardOverview ReaderCard = new Classes.CardOverview();
             //Fill in the new card with details of the card pulled from the database
             ReaderCard.CardSetCode       = GetCardReader["card_code"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardName          = GetCardReader["name_primary"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardNameSecondary = GetCardReader["name_secondary"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardCost          = GetCardReader["cost"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardHP            = int.Parse(GetCardReader["hp"].ToString());
             ReaderCard.CardATK           = int.Parse(GetCardReader["atk"].ToString());
             ReaderCard.CardDEF           = int.Parse(GetCardReader["def"].ToString());
             //now the tricky bit, getting the species out of the array of card keywords, however species is always 2nd so thats nice
             //get the array of keywords
             string[] CardKeywords = GetCardReader["keywords"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
             //Get this keyword into the ReaderCard
             ReaderCard.CardSpecies = CardKeywords[1];
             //now gotta get the number of abilities
             string[] CardAbilities = GetCardReader["ability"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
             int      AbilityCount  = 0;
             //cycle through the split array to set the Ability Count
             foreach (string Ability in CardAbilities)
             //set the ability count to the reader cards ability count
             ReaderCard.CardAbilityCount = AbilityCount;
             //add readercard to the list
         //now make the items list the itemsource for the listview
         LIV_CardList.ItemsSource = items;
         //now make a selectionview from the itemsource of the list
         CollectionView view = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(LIV_CardList.ItemsSource);
         //now sort this based on the cardsetcode and sort it ascendingly
         view.SortDescriptions.Add(new System.ComponentModel.SortDescription("CardSetCode", System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending));
         //and clean up after oneself
     catch (Exception ex)
         //If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
 public void UpdateCardList(string SetToView)
     //updates the card set list
         //In case it contains anything clear the listview
         //Get all the data from the table selected with a query
         string           GetCardQuery   = $"SELECT * FROM {SetToView}";
         SQLiteCommand    GetCardCommand = new SQLiteCommand(GetCardQuery, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
         SQLiteDataReader GetCardReader  = GetCardCommand.ExecuteReader();
         //Go through every card in the returned table
         while (GetCardReader.Read())
             //while there are still cards in the reader to go over, add them to the table
             Classes.CardOverview ReaderCard = new Classes.CardOverview();
             //Fill in the new card with details of the card pulled from the database
             ReaderCard.CardSetCode       = GetCardReader["card_code"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardName          = GetCardReader["name_primary"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardNameSecondary = GetCardReader["name_secondary"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardCost          = GetCardReader["cost"].ToString();
             ReaderCard.CardHP            = int.Parse(GetCardReader["hp"].ToString());
             ReaderCard.CardATK           = int.Parse(GetCardReader["atk"].ToString());
             ReaderCard.CardDEF           = int.Parse(GetCardReader["def"].ToString());
             //now the tricky bit, getting the species out of the array of card keywords, however species is always 2nd so thats nice
             //get the array of keywords
             string[] CardKeywords = GetCardReader["keywords"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
             //Get this keyword into the ReaderCard
             ReaderCard.CardSpecies = CardKeywords[1];
             //now gotta get the number of abilities
             string[] CardAbilities = GetCardReader["ability"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
             int      AbilityCount  = 0;
             //cycle through the split array to set the Ability Count
             foreach (string Ability in CardAbilities)
             //set the ability count to the reader cards ability count
             ReaderCard.CardAbilityCount = AbilityCount;
             //Make a listview item
             ListViewItem Card = new ListViewItem();
             //make the ReaderCard both the items tag and content
             Card.Tag     = ReaderCard;
             Card.Content = ReaderCard;
             //Add the item to the list view
     catch (Exception ex)
         //If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
 public string GetCleanSetCode(string SetName)
         //first we need to find out how many elements are in this sets list
         int NumberOfCards = LIV_CardList.Items.Count + 1;
         //now we need to append this to a string that is the finalised code
         //first you need to get the set code prefix from the first item in the list (since there will always be one)
         ListViewItem         FirstItem = (ListViewItem)LIV_CardList.Items.GetItemAt(0);
         Classes.CardOverview Overview  = (Classes.CardOverview)FirstItem.Tag;
         //now this is the card code that will be appended to
         string ReturnCode = Overview.CardSetCode.Split('-')[0];
         //now we need to add to the set code the number we got earlier, added in with some zeroes as needed
         if (NumberOfCards < 10)
             ReturnCode += $"-000{NumberOfCards}";
         else if (NumberOfCards < 100)
             ReturnCode += $"-00{NumberOfCards}";
         else if (NumberOfCards < 1000)
             ReturnCode += $"-0{NumberOfCards}";
             ReturnCode += $"-{NumberOfCards}";
         //now return the newly generated code
     catch (Exception ex)
         //oops something went wrong, tell the user and close the application down
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");