protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { List <String> stringList = level.GetLevelAsStrings(); String levelName = level.GetName(); WriteSave.Save(levelName, stringList); level.LevelSavedEvent(); }
public Boolean PerformAction(LevelMechanics level) { if (!isActionPerformed) { ActionLogic(level); isActionPerformed = true; return(true); } return(false); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { for (int n = 0; n < GetWidth(); n++) { for (int m = 0; m < GetHeight(); m++) { grid[n, m].Update(gameTime); grid[n, m].SetOffset(new Vector2(0, LevelMechanics.GetCurrentOffset())); } } }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { for (int m = LevelMechanics.GetLowerPosition(); m < LevelMechanics.GetHigherPosition(); m++) { if (m >= timings.GetLength(0)) { break; } timeVector[m].Update(gameTime); timeVector[m].SetOffset(new Vector2(0, LevelMechanics.GetCurrentOffset())); } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { int lowerPos = LevelMechanics.GetLowerPosition(); int higherPos = LevelMechanics.GetHigherPosition(); for (int m = lowerPos; m < higherPos; m++) { //Breaks loop if index going out of bounds. if (m >= timings.GetLength(0)) { break; } timeVector[m].Draw(spriteBatch, font); } }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); spriteSheet = new Sprite(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("MapCreator/MapCreatorSpriteSheet")); String currentName = "map1"; levelMechanics = new LevelMechanics(Game, spriteSheet, currentName); levelMechanics.Initialize(); gui = new MapCreatorGUI(Game, spriteSheet, levelMechanics); squarePalethera = new SquarePalethera(spriteSheet, new Vector2(380, 100)); String equipInfo = "No equipment set yet."; gui.SetEquipInfo(equipInfo); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { for (int n = 0; n < GetWidth(); n++) { int lowerPos = LevelMechanics.GetLowerPosition(); int higherPos = LevelMechanics.GetHigherPosition(); for (int m = lowerPos; m < higherPos; m++) { //Breaks loop if going outside bounds. if (m >= GetHeight()) { break; } grid[n, m].Draw(spriteBatch); } } }
public void SetTimeVector(float[] timings) { this.timings = timings; timeVector = new IntervalButton[timings.GetLength(0)]; for (int n = 0; n < timings.Length; n++) { if (n == 0) { timeVector[n] = new IntervalButton(new Vector2(25, LevelMechanics.CalculateYPos(n)), null, null, 0); timeVector[n].Initialize(); } else { timeVector[n] = new IntervalButton(new Vector2(25, LevelMechanics.CalculateYPos(n)), timeVector[n - 1], null, timings[n]); timeVector[n].Initialize(); timeVector[n - 1].SetNext(timeVector[n]); } } }
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.ClearGrid(); }
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.SetLevelDuration(newDuration); }
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.SetWidthInPixels(newWidth); }
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.SetTestStartTime(newStartTime); }
protected abstract void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level);
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.ChangeGridViewFrame(incrementAmount); }
protected abstract void ActionLogic(Game1 game, LevelMechanics level);
public abstract void ClickAction(LevelMechanics level);
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.SetLevelObjective(objective, objectiveInt); }
protected override void ActionLogic(Game1 game, LevelMechanics level) { game.stateManager.shooterState.SetupMapCreatorTestRun(level.GetName(), level.GetTestStartTime()); game.stateManager.shooterState.BeginTestLevel(); }
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { level.ChangeDurationGridWidth(incrementAmount); }
public virtual void Initialize() { SetCollisionZone(LevelMechanics.GetCurrentOffset()); }
protected override void ActionLogic(LevelMechanics level) { // string filepath = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Enter name of the saved level:", "Load level", "map1", -1, -1); // level.LoadFile(filepath); // level.ChangeName(filepath); }
public MapCreatorGUI(Game1 game, Sprite spriteSheet, LevelMechanics level) { = game; this.spriteSheet = spriteSheet; this.level = level; font = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/MCSmallFont"); font8 = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/MCfont8"); icelandFont = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Iceland_14"); staticFontExperiment = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Iceland_14"); staticSpriteExperiment = new Sprite(game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("MapCreator/MapCreatorSpriteSheet")); screenW = Game1.ScreenSize.X; screenH = Game1.ScreenSize.Y; #region regularButtons buttons = new List <MapCreatorButton>(); Vector2 quitpos = new Vector2(screenW - 90, screenH - 60); buttons.Add(new QuitApplicationButton(spriteSheet, quitpos)); Vector2 savepos = new Vector2(screenW - 170, screenH - 60); SaveLevelButton save = new SaveLevelButton(game, spriteSheet, savepos); buttons.Add(save); Vector2 loadpos = new Vector2(screenW - 250, screenH - 60); buttons.Add(new LoadLevelButton(game, spriteSheet, loadpos)); Vector2 editpos = new Vector2(screenW - 90, screenH - 100); buttons.Add(new EditNameButton(game, spriteSheet, editpos)); Vector2 clearpos = new Vector2(screenW - 90, screenH - 140); buttons.Add(new ClearGridButton(game, spriteSheet, clearpos)); Vector2 runpos = new Vector2(screenW - 90, screenH - 180); buttons.Add(new RunLevelButton(spriteSheet, runpos)); levelObjectivePos = new Vector2(550, screenH - 75); buttons.Add(new SetLevelObjectiveButton(spriteSheet, levelObjectivePos)); gridWidthPos = new Vector2(screenW - 250, screenH - 175); Vector2 gridWidthBigMinusPos = gridWidthPos; buttons.Add(new GridWidthIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridWidthBigMinusPos, IncrementalType.largeNegative)); Vector2 gridWidthSmallMinusPos = new Vector2(gridWidthPos.X + 30, gridWidthPos.Y); buttons.Add(new GridWidthIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridWidthSmallMinusPos, IncrementalType.smallNegative)); Vector2 gridWidthSmallPlusPos = new Vector2(gridWidthPos.X + 60, gridWidthPos.Y); buttons.Add(new GridWidthIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridWidthSmallPlusPos, IncrementalType.smallPositive)); Vector2 gridWidthBigPlusPos = new Vector2(gridWidthPos.X + 90, gridWidthPos.Y); buttons.Add(new GridWidthIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridWidthBigPlusPos, IncrementalType.largePositive)); gridHeightPos = new Vector2(screenW - 250, screenH - 125); Vector2 gridHeightBigMinusPos = gridHeightPos; buttons.Add(new GridHeightIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridHeightBigMinusPos, IncrementalType.largeNegative)); Vector2 gridHeightSmallMinusPos = new Vector2(gridHeightPos.X + 30, gridHeightPos.Y); buttons.Add(new GridHeightIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridHeightSmallMinusPos, IncrementalType.smallNegative)); Vector2 gridHeightSmallPlusPos = new Vector2(gridHeightPos.X + 60, gridHeightPos.Y); buttons.Add(new GridHeightIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridHeightSmallPlusPos, IncrementalType.smallPositive)); Vector2 gridHeightBigPlusPos = new Vector2(gridHeightPos.X + 90, gridHeightPos.Y); buttons.Add(new GridHeightIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, gridHeightBigPlusPos, IncrementalType.largePositive)); durationWidthPos = new Vector2(screenW - 80, screenH - 225); Vector2 durationWidthMinus = durationWidthPos; buttons.Add(new DurationWidthIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, durationWidthMinus, IncrementalType.smallNegative)); Vector2 durationWidthPlus = new Vector2(durationWidthPos.X - 20, durationWidthPos.Y); buttons.Add(new DurationWidthIncrButton(game, spriteSheet, durationWidthPlus, IncrementalType.smallPositive)); gridViewPos = new Vector2(screenW - 50, screenH - 329); Vector2 changeGridViewUpPos = gridViewPos; buttons.Add(new ChangeGridViewButton(game, spriteSheet, changeGridViewUpPos, IncrementalType.upArrow)); Vector2 changeGridViewDownPos = new Vector2(gridViewPos.X + 25, gridViewPos.Y); buttons.Add(new ChangeGridViewButton(game, spriteSheet, changeGridViewDownPos, IncrementalType.downArrow)); widthButtonPos = new Vector2(screenW - 80, screenH - 270); buttons.Add(new WidthInPixelsButton(spriteSheet, widthButtonPos, level.GetWidthInPixels())); durationButtonPos = new Vector2(screenW - 80, screenH - 250); buttons.Add(new DurationButton(spriteSheet, durationButtonPos, level.GetLevelDuration())); startTimeButtonPos = new Vector2(screenW - 80, screenH - 290); buttons.Add(new StartTimeButton(spriteSheet, startTimeButtonPos)); foreach (MapCreatorButton button in buttons) { button.Initialize(); } #endregion buttonPinger = new ButtonPinger(game, buttons); actions = new List <Action>(); deadActions = new List <Action>(); equipInfoString = ""; }