private void exportTextureToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NUT == null || textureListBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } using (var sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { NutTexture tex = (NutTexture)(textureListBox.SelectedItem); sfd.FileName = tex.ToString() + ".dds"; sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds;*.png|" + "DirectDraw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(sfd.FileName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (extension == ".dds") { ExportDDS(sfd.FileName, tex); } else if (extension == ".png") { ExportPNG(sfd.FileName, tex); } } } }
private void SetGeneralAndDimensionsText(NutTexture tex) { textureIdTB.Text = tex.ToString(); formatLabel.Text = "Format: " + (tex.pixelInternalFormat == PixelInternalFormat.Rgba ? "" + tex.pixelFormat : "" + tex.pixelInternalFormat); widthLabel.Text = "Width: " + tex.Width; heightLabel.Text = "Height:" + tex.Height; }
private void textureListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textureListBox.SelectedIndex >= 0) { NutTexture tex = ((NutTexture)textureListBox.SelectedItem); textureIdTB.Text = tex.ToString(); formatLabel.Text = "Format: " + (tex.type == PixelInternalFormat.Rgba ? "" + tex.utype : "" + tex.type); widthLabel.Text = "Width: " + tex.Width; heightLabel.Text = "Height:" + tex.Height; // Get number of mip maps for current texture. mipLevelTrackBar.Maximum = (tex.surfaces[0].mipmaps.Count) - 1; maxMipLevelLabel.Text = "Total:" + tex.surfaces[0].mipmaps.Count + ""; } else { textureIdTB.Text = ""; formatLabel.Text = "Format:"; widthLabel.Text = "Width:"; heightLabel.Text = "Height:"; } glControl1.Invalidate(); glControl1.Update(); RenderTexture(); }
private void exportTextureToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentNut == null || textureListBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } using (var sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { NutTexture tex = (NutTexture)(textureListBox.SelectedItem); sfd.FileName = tex.ToString() + ".dds"; // OpenGL is used for simplifying conversion to PNG. if (OpenTKSharedResources.SetupStatus == OpenTKSharedResources.SharedResourceStatus.Initialized) { sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds;*.png|" + "DirectDraw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; } else { sfd.Filter = "DirectDraw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; } if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(sfd.FileName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (extension == ".dds") { ExportDDS(sfd.FileName, tex); } else if (extension == ".png") { ExportPNG(sfd.FileName, tex); } } } }