public override Item GetCropObject() { Watermelon watermelon = new Watermelon(); return(watermelon); }
public void Chop( Mobile from ) { if ( from.InRange( this.GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) ) { if ( ( chopTimer == null ) || ( !chopTimer.Running ) ) { if ( ( TreeHelper.TreeOrdinance ) && ( from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player ) ) { if ( from.Region is Regions.GuardedRegion ) from.CriminalAction( true ); } chopTimer = new TreeHelper.ChopAction( from ); Point3D pnt = this.Location; Map map = this.Map; from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( this ); chopTimer.Start(); double lumberValue = from.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value / 100; if ( ( lumberValue > .5 ) && ( Utility.RandomDouble() <= lumberValue ) ) { Watermelon fruit = new Watermelon( (int)Utility.Random( 13 ) + m_yield ); from.AddToBackpack( fruit ); int cnt = Utility.Random( (int)( lumberValue * 10 ) + 1 ); Log logs = new Log( cnt ); // Fruitwood Logs ?? from.AddToBackpack( logs ); FruitTreeStump i_stump = new FruitTreeStump( typeof( WatermelonCrop ) ); Timer poof = new StumpTimer( this, i_stump, from ); poof.Start(); } else from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500495 ); // You hack at the tree for a while, but fail to produce any useable wood. } } else from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away. }
public override void OnClick() { if (m_From.InRange(m_Fountain.GetWorldLocation(), 4)) { if (m_From.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), 1)) { m_Fountain.Jackpot++; switch (m_Fountain.MessageNum) { case MagicFountainAddon.FountainMessage.Cool: { if (0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Gold gold = new Gold(); gold.Amount = m_Fountain.Jackpot; // no need to test, it's always at least 1 if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(gold)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); gold.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain!"); m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } else if (0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Gold gold = new Gold(); gold.Amount = m_Fountain.Jackpot; // no need to test, it's always at least 1 if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(gold)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); gold.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain!"); m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... but nothing happens."); } break; } case MagicFountainAddon.FountainMessage.Warm: { if (0.01 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Item item = null; switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10)) { case 1: item = new TinkerTools(); break; case 2: item = new Lockpick(3); break; case 3: item = new Pitchfork(); break; case 4: item = new Dagger(); break; case 5: item = new Emerald(); break; case 6: item = new Ruby(); break; case 7: item = new Amber(); break; case 8: item = new Server.Engines.Mahjong.MahjongGame(); break; case 9: item = new SewingKit(); break; case 10: item = new SmithHammer(); break; } if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(item)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and an item appears! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); item.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and an item appears!"); if (m_Fountain.Jackpot > 10) { m_Fountain.Jackpot = m_Fountain.Jackpot - 5; } } } else if (0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Gold gold = new Gold(); gold.Amount = m_Fountain.Jackpot; // no need to test, it's always at least 1 if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(gold)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); gold.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain!"); m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... but nothing happens."); } break; } case MagicFountainAddon.FountainMessage.Clean: { if (0.05 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Item food = null; switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10)) { case 1: food = new Bacon(); break; case 2: food = new CookedBird(); break; case 3: food = new Ham(); break; case 4: food = new Ribs(); break; case 5: food = new Sausage(); break; case 6: food = new Cookies(); break; case 7: food = new Muffins(3); break; case 8: food = new ApplePie(); break; case 9: food = new PeachCobbler(); break; case 10: food = new Lime(); break; } if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(food)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and food appears! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); food.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and food appears!"); if (m_Fountain.Jackpot > 10) { m_Fountain.Jackpot = m_Fountain.Jackpot - 5; } } } else if (0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Gold gold = new Gold(); gold.Amount = m_Fountain.Jackpot; // no need to test, it's always at least 1 if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(gold)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); gold.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain!"); m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... but nothing happens."); } break; } case MagicFountainAddon.FountainMessage.Calm: { if (0.005 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Horse horse = new Horse(); horse.Map = m_From.Map; horse.Location = m_From.Location; if ((m_From.Followers + horse.ControlSlots) <= m_From.FollowersMax) { // set up the horse... =P horse.Controlled = true; horse.ControlMaster = m_From; horse.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue; horse.BondingBegin = DateTime.MinValue; horse.ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow; horse.ControlTarget = m_From; horse.Owners.Add(m_From); // seems to be new in 2.0 // horse.Loyalty = PetLoyalty.WonderfullyHappy; // doesn't work in 2.0 but seems unnecessary m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a horse appears!"); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a horse appears! But you have too many pets to control this one too. The horse runs off!"); horse.Delete(); } if (m_Fountain.Jackpot > 20) { m_Fountain.Jackpot = m_Fountain.Jackpot - 10; } } else if (0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Gold gold = new Gold(); gold.Amount = m_Fountain.Jackpot; // no need to test, it's always at least 1 if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(gold)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); gold.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain!"); m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... but nothing happens."); } break; } case MagicFountainAddon.FountainMessage.Fruit: { if (0.05 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Item fruit = null; switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10)) { case 1: fruit = new Watermelon(); break; case 2: fruit = new Apple(); break; case 3: fruit = new Pear(); break; case 4: fruit = new Peach(); break; case 5: fruit = new Lime(); break; case 6: fruit = new Lemon(); break; case 7: fruit = new Coconut(); break; case 8: fruit = new Grapes(); break; case 9: fruit = new Bananas(); break; case 10: fruit = new Cantaloupe(); break; } if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(fruit)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and fruit appears! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); fruit.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and fruit appears!"); if (m_Fountain.Jackpot > 10) { m_Fountain.Jackpot = m_Fountain.Jackpot - 5; } else { m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } } else if (0.001 > Utility.RandomDouble()) { Gold gold = new Gold(); gold.Amount = m_Fountain.Jackpot; // no need to test, it's always at least 1 if (!m_From.AddToBackpack(gold)) { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain! But you can't hold it! You accidentally drop it back in the fountain, where it vanishes."); gold.Delete(); } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... and a shower of gold leaps back out of the fountain!"); m_Fountain.Jackpot = 0; } } else { m_From.SendMessage("You toss a coin in ... but nothing happens."); } break; } } } else { m_From.SendMessage("You don't have a coin to toss in."); } } else { m_From.SendMessage("Get closer."); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) { if ( from.Mounted && !TreeHelper.CanPickMounted ) { from.SendMessage( "You cannot pick fruit while mounted." ); return; } if ( DateTime.Now > lastpicked.AddSeconds(3) ) // 3 seconds between picking { lastpicked = DateTime.Now; int lumberValue = (int)(from.Skills[SkillName.Peacemaking].Base * 0.1); if ( from.Mounted ) ++lumberValue; if ( lumberValue < 0 ) { from.SendMessage( "You have no idea how to pick this fruit." ); return; } if ( from.InRange( this.GetWorldLocation(), 2 ) ) { if ( m_yield < 1 ) { from.SendMessage( "There is nothing here to harvest." ); } else //check skill { from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo( this ); from.Animate( from.Mounted ? 26:17, 7, 1, true, false, 0 ); if ( lumberValue < m_yield ) lumberValue = m_yield + 1; int pick = Utility.Random( lumberValue ); if ( pick == 0 || ((PlayerMobile)from).Feats.GetFeatLevel(FeatList.Farming) < 1 ) { from.SendMessage( "You do not manage to gather any fruit." ); return; } m_yield -= pick; from.SendMessage( "You pick {0} Watermelon{1}!", pick, ( pick == 1 ? "" : "s" ) ); Seed.PickCropSeed(from, "WatermelonCrop"); if( from is PlayerMobile ) { ( (PlayerMobile)from ).Crafting = true; Misc.LevelSystem.AwardMinimumXP( (PlayerMobile)from, 1 ); ( (PlayerMobile)from ).Crafting = false; } //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3BD, false, string.Format( "{0}", m_yield )); Watermelon crop = new Watermelon( pick ); from.AddToBackpack( crop ); if ( !regrowTimer.Running ) { regrowTimer.Start(); } } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away. } } }