protected override void OnTick() { if (Handeling.Ended) { this.Stop(); return; } Handeling.EchoMessage(C.ToString()); if (A >= 4) { Handeling.Caller.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handeling)); Handeling.EchoMessage("Duel starting timed out, please wait."); this.Stop(); return; } if (C >= Duel_Config.DuelStartDelay) { C = 0; AttemptStart(); } else { this.Stop(); Duel_StartTimer tmr = new Duel_StartTimer(Handeling, (C + 1), A); } }
public static void On_Logout(LogoutEventArgs args) { PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)args.Mobile; for (int i = 0; i < Registry.Count; ++i) { Duel d = (Duel)Registry[i]; if (d.Caller == pm) { Registry.Remove(d); d.EndSelf(); } else if (d.InDuel(pm)) { if (!d.InProgress) { d.RefundBuyIn(pm); d.SendControllerSetup(); } else { d.EchoMessage("A player disconnected, duel must end."); d.EndSelf(); } } } }
public void UnInvul() { if (Handeling == null) { return; } if (Handeling.Ended) { EndDuel(0); } IEnumerator key = Handeling.Teams.Keys.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; i < Handeling.Teams.Count; ++i) { key.MoveNext(); Duel_Team d_team = (Duel_Team)Handeling.Teams[(int)key.Current]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < d_team.Players.Count; ++i2) { object o = (object)d_team.Players[i2]; if (o is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)o; pm.Blessed = false; pm.Frozen = false; } } } if (HasStarted) { Handeling.EchoMessage("You can now fight!"); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // Close { Handling.EndSelf(); return; } case 1: // Start { if (FilledTeams(Handling) < 2) { Handling.EchoMessage("You must have at least two participating teams to start a duel."); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } else if (!CheckLoggedIn()) { Handling.EchoMessage("One or more players participating in this duel have logged out, duel start delayed."); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } else if (!AllAlive()) { Handling.EchoMessage("Not all players participating in the duel are alive, duel start delayed."); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } else // Start Duel { Handling.UpdateAllPending(); return; } } case 2: // Rules { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules(Handling)); from.SendMessage("If the box next to something is checked, it is allowed."); return; } case 3: // Add A Team { if (Handling.Teams.Count >= 4) { from.SendMessage("There is a maximum of 4 teams"); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } Duel_Team toadd = new Duel_Team((Handling.Teams.Count + 1)); toadd.Players.Add("@null"); Handling.Teams.Add((Handling.Teams.Count + 1), toadd); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } case 4: // Remove A Team { if (Handling.Teams.Count <= 2) { from.SendMessage("Cannot have less then 2 teams."); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } Duel_Team toremove = (Duel_Team)Handling.Teams[Handling.Teams.Count]; if (toremove.Players.Count <= 1 && toremove.Players[0] == "@null") { Handling.Teams.Remove(Handling.Teams.Count); } else { from.SendMessage("You can not remove a team that contains players, move the players to a higher team."); } from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } case 5: // Set Buy In { if (FilledTeams(Handling) != 1) { from.SendMessage("You cannot set the duel buy in after you have already added players."); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Main(Handling)); return; } from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_SetBuyIn(Handling)); return; } } if (info.ButtonID >= 6) { int id = (info.ButtonID - 5); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_ParticipantSetup(Handling, id)); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { Mobile from = sender.Mobile; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 0: // Close { PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Players[Index]; Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Players[Index] = "@null"; Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Accepted.Remove(pm); Handeling.EchoMessage(String.Format("{0} has declined the duel, and has been removed.", pm.Name)); Handeling.RefundBuyIn(pm); Handeling.SendControllerSetup(); break; } case 1: // Spells { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Spells_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 2: // Combat Abilities { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Combat_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 3: // Skills { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Skills_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 4: // Weapons { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Weapons_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 5: // Armor { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Armor_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 6: // Items { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Items_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 7: // Samurai { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Samurai_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 8: // Chivalry { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Chivalry_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 9: // Necromancy { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Necromancy_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 10: // Ninjitsu { from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_Rules_Ninjitsu_View(Handeling, TeamID, Index)); break; } case 11: //Accepted { PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Players[Index]; Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Accepted[pm] = true; Handeling.UpdateAllPending(); Handeling.EchoMessage(String.Format("{0} has accepted the duel.", pm.Name)); break; } } if (info.ButtonID > 11) { int teamid2 = (info.ButtonID - 11); from.SendGump(new DuelSetup_ViewParticipants(Handeling, TeamID, Index, teamid2)); } }