public Enemy(string Name, SeenAt seenAt, double chanceToAppear, Statistics statistics, double chanceToEscape, Weapon weapon, string PathToImage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Name is empty."); } if (chanceToAppear <= 0 || chanceToAppear > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("chanceToAppear must be in the diapason of (0, 1]."); } if (chanceToEscape < 0 || chanceToEscape > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("chanceToEscape must be in the diapason of [0, 1]."); } if (!File.Exists(PathToImage)) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not find the image file"); } this.Name = Name; this.seenAt = seenAt; this.chanceToAppear = chanceToAppear; this.statistics = statistics; this.chanceToEscape = chanceToEscape; this.weapon = weapon; }
public Hero(string name, Statistics statistics, Weapon weapon, string[] image, Statistics levelUpStats) : base(name, image) { this.Statistics = statistics; this.Weapon = weapon; this.LevelUpStats = levelUpStats; }
public Hero(string Name, Statistics statistics, Weapon weapon, VisualElement visibleHero, string pathToImage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Name is empty."); } if (!File.Exists(pathToImage)) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not find the specified file."); } this.Name = Name; this.statistics = statistics; this.weapon = weapon; this.visibleHero = visibleHero; this.pathToImage = pathToImage; }
public Enemy(string name, double chanceToAppear, Statistics statistics, double chanceToEscape, Weapon weapon, string[] image) : base(name, image) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Name is empty."); } if (chanceToAppear <= 0 || chanceToAppear > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("chanceToAppear must be in the diapason of (0, 1]."); } if (chanceToEscape < 0 || chanceToEscape > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("chanceToEscape must be in the diapason of [0, 1]."); } this.chanceToAppear = chanceToAppear; this.statistics = statistics; this.chanceToEscape = chanceToEscape; this.weapon = weapon; }