        public static fogHeader extractFogData(BinaryReaderBigEndian input)
            fogHeader newHeader;

            input.BaseStream.Position = 0xBC;               // fog header offset location
            input.BaseStream.Position = input.ReadUInt32(); // fog header offset

            if (input.BaseStream.Position == 0)
                throw new Exception("No fog header found!");

            newHeader.fogType = (fogTypes)input.ReadByte();
            input.ReadBytes(3);     // unknown/null
            newHeader.fogStartDistance = input.ReadSingle();
            newHeader.fogEndDistance   = input.ReadSingle();
            newHeader.color.X          = input.ReadSingle();
            newHeader.color.Y          = input.ReadSingle();
            newHeader.color.Z          = input.ReadSingle();

        public static fogAnimation extractFogAnimationData(BinaryReaderBigEndian input)
            fogAnimation newAnimation = new fogAnimation();

            input.BaseStream.Position = 0xB0;              // fog animation header offset location
            uint currentHeaderOffset = input.ReadUInt32(); // fog animation header

            if (input.BaseStream.Position == 0)
                throw new Exception("No fog animation header found!");

            object newAnim = newAnimation;

            foreach (var field in typeof(fogAnimation).GetFields())
                input.BaseStream.Position = currentHeaderOffset;
                uint            keyframeCount = input.ReadUInt32();
                uint            currentOffset = input.ReadUInt32();
                List <keyframe> currentList   = new List <keyframe>();
                for (uint offsetIterate = currentOffset; offsetIterate < currentOffset + (keyframeCount * 0x14); offsetIterate += 0x14)
                    keyframe currentKeyframe;
                    input.BaseStream.Position    = offsetIterate;
                    currentKeyframe.easingType   = (easingTypes)input.ReadUInt32();
                    currentKeyframe.time         = input.ReadSingle();
                    currentKeyframe.value        = input.ReadSingle();
                    currentKeyframe.easingValue1 = input.ReadSingle();
                    currentKeyframe.easingValue2 = input.ReadSingle();
                field.SetValue(newAnim, currentList);
                currentHeaderOffset += 0x8;
            newAnimation = (fogAnimation)newAnim;
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\tSMB Fog Tool\n");
                Console.WriteLine("\tThis is a tool for importing and exporting fog and fog animaton headers to and from SMB2 stagedef files.\n");
                Console.WriteLine("\t  SMBFogTool -i [source]\t\t\tExtracts fog data from input stagdef to an XML file.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t  SMBFogTool -i [source] -o [destination]\tCopies fog data from source to the destination stagedef.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t  SMBFogTool -i [source] -c [XML file names*]\tCopies the fog data from XML files.");
                Console.WriteLine("\t\t* Use ONLY the shared file name. For example, for 'test.fog.xml' and 'test.foganim.xml', use 'test'.\n");
                Console.WriteLine("\tAt least one keyframe with identical settings to the header is required for fog to show up in-game.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tThere are 6 types of fog defined in SMB2: ");
                Console.WriteLine("\t\tGX_FOG_NONE, GX_FOG_LIN, GX_FOG_EXP, GX_FOG_EXP2, GX_FOG_REVEXP, GX_FOG_REVEXP2");
                Console.WriteLine("\tColor is stored as (x, y, z), where x, y, and z represent red, green and blue.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tEach value of color is stored as a real number from 0 to 1, where 1 is the maximum value.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tTo convert a typical 0-255 RGB color value, simply divide the value by 255.");

                if (args.Length == 2) // input stagedef, output fog data file
                    using var inputReader = new BinaryReaderBigEndian(File.Open(args[1], FileMode.Open));
                    fogHeader    header    = extractFogData(inputReader);
                    fogAnimation animation = extractFogAnimationData(inputReader);

                    exportFog(header, animation, true, args[1]);

                else if (args.Length == 4)
                    if (args[2].ToString().Equals("-c"))
                    { // input fog data file and stagedef, output new stagedef
                        System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer headerSerializer    = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(fogHeader), new XmlRootAttribute("fogHeader"));
                        System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer animationSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(fogAnimation), new XmlRootAttribute("fogAnimation"));
                            System.IO.FileStream fogDataFile      = System.IO.File.Open(args[3] + ".fog.xml", FileMode.Open);
                            System.IO.FileStream fogAnimationFile = System.IO.File.Open(args[3] + ".foganim.xml", FileMode.Open);
                            fogHeader            header           = (fogHeader)headerSerializer.Deserialize(fogDataFile);
                            fogAnimation         animation        = (fogAnimation)animationSerializer.Deserialize(fogAnimationFile);

                            exportFog(header, animation, false, args[1]);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error occured opening XML files.");

                    else if (args[2].ToString().Equals("-o"))
                    { // input source stagedef, output to destination stagedef
                        using var inputStageDefReader = new BinaryReaderBigEndian(File.Open(args[1], FileMode.Open));

                        fogHeader    header    = extractFogData(inputStageDefReader);
                        fogAnimation animation = extractFogAnimationData(inputStageDefReader);

                        exportFog(header, animation, false, args[3]);

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid arguments.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error occured:\n" + ex);