        public void AddNewEntryValid()
            //will determine if the add new entry is valid

            List <string> check_title_subtitle = new List <string> {
                Title_Add, Subtitle_Add
            List <string> exclude_lst = new List <string>();

            Glo_ProjectData_Reference.IsNewTitleValid(check_title_subtitle, exclude_lst, out bool valid_entry,
                                                      out bool is_duplicate, out bool is_title_exist);

            //this will only display if it's going to say it's invalid
            if (!valid_entry)
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("    {0,-15} = {1}", "Title", Title_Add));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("    {0,-15} = {1}", "Subtitle", Subtitle_Add));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("    {0,-15} = {1}", "is_duplicate", is_duplicate));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("    {0,-15} = {1}", "is_title_exist", is_title_exist));
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("    {0,-15} = {1}", "valid_entry", valid_entry));

            Title_Valid = valid_entry;
        private void IsValidChangeTitleSubtitle()
            List <string> check_title_subtitle = new List <string> {
                title_new_, subtitle_new_
            List <string> exclude_lst = new List <string> {
                Title_Old, Subtitle_Old

            if (Glo_ProjectData_Reference == null)

            Glo_ProjectData_Reference.IsNewTitleValid(check_title_subtitle, exclude_lst, out bool valid_entry,
                                                      out _, out _);

            Title_Valid = valid_entry;

            if (!Title_Valid)
        public void CreateNewEntryID(string given_title, out bool is_entryID_valid, out string entryID_created)
            //will create a new entryID given an entry title

            Debug.WriteLine("CreateNewEntryID     title='" + given_title + "'");

            //the default return items
            is_entryID_valid = false;
            entryID_created  = "";

            //just to ensure that the given title is valid
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(given_title))
                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: given_title not valid");

            //we want to turn something like  title="Mech 2202"  into  entry_ID="mech†2202‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‖0001"
            //the title will be made lowercase, spaces converted to †, and truncated with ‡ trailing spaces
            //the second part will be a string number, in case the first section is a duplicate

            int  truncated_title_length = 16;
            int  designation_length     = 4;
            int  designation_start      = 1;
            char space_replacement      = '†'; //this is the "dagger" symbol
            char trailing_space         = '‡'; //this is the "double dagger" symbol
            char title_des_sep          = '‖'; //this is the "double vertical line" symbol

            string title_lower = given_title.ToLower();
            string conv_spaces = title_lower.Replace(' ', space_replacement);

            int original_length = conv_spaces.Length;

            string trunc_title;

            if (original_length > truncated_title_length)
                trunc_title = conv_spaces.Substring(0, truncated_title_length);

                //will convert      "Mech 2202 New Class Blah"   to   "mech†2202†new†cl"
            else //original_length <= truncated_title_length
                trunc_title = conv_spaces.PadRight(truncated_title_length, trailing_space);

                //will convert      "Mech 2202"   to   "mech†2202‡‡‡‡‡‡‡"

            //this will be the number portion
            int designation_number;

            //now will check if this truncated title portion already exists
            bool trunc_title_exists = Glo_ProjectData_Reference.EntryIDs_Text_lst.Contains(trunc_title);

            //if it doesn't exist, then it's simple
            if (!trunc_title_exists)
                designation_number = designation_start;
            //otherwise we need to increase the counter
                designation_number = Glo_ProjectData_Reference.GetMaxDesignationForEntryIDTitle(trunc_title) + 1;

            //this was the error number for designation
            if (designation_number == -1)
                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: designation_number = " + designation_number);

            //will have made  34  into  "0034"
            string designation_final = designation_number.ToString().PadLeft(designation_length, '0');

            //should be the final format of  entry_ID="mech†2202‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‖0001"
            entryID_created  = trunc_title + title_des_sep + designation_final;
            is_entryID_valid = true;
