private static string[] MoveCopyOrLeaveFiles(string[] files, string subFolder, string sRootDirExternalLinks,
			IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, bool isLocal)
				if (!Directory.Exists(subFolder))
			catch (Exception e)
				Logger.WriteEvent(string.Format("Error creating the directory: '{0}'", subFolder));
				return files;

			// Check whether the file is found within the directory.
			if (files.All(f => FileIsInExternalLinksFolder(f, sRootDirExternalLinks)))
				return files;

			using (var dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
				dlg.Initialize2(subFolder, helpTopicProvider, isLocal);
				if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
					FileLocationChoice choice = dlg.Choice;
					return files.Select(f => PerformMoveCopyOrLeaveFile(f, subFolder, choice)).ToArray();

				return files;
        private static string MoveCopyOrLeaveFile(string sFile, string subFolder, string sRootDirExternalLinks,
                                                  IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, bool isLocal)
                if (!Directory.Exists(subFolder))
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.WriteEvent(String.Format("Error creating the directory: '{0}'", subFolder));

            // Check whether the file is found within the directory.  If so, just return.
            if (FileIsInExternalLinksFolder(sFile, sRootDirExternalLinks))

            using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
                dlg.Initialize2(sFile, subFolder, helpTopicProvider, isLocal);
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    return(null);                       // leave where it is.
                return(PerformMoveCopyOrLeaveFile(sFile, subFolder, dlg.Choice));
        private static string[] MoveCopyOrLeaveFiles(string[] files, string subFolder, string sRootDirExternalLinks,
                                                     IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider)
                if (!Directory.Exists(subFolder))
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.WriteEvent(string.Format("Error creating the directory: '{0}'", subFolder));

            // Check whether the file is found within the directory.
            if (files.All(f => FileIsInExternalLinksFolder(f, sRootDirExternalLinks)))

            using (var dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
                dlg.Initialize2(subFolder, helpTopicProvider);
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    FileLocationChoice choice = dlg.Choice;
                    return(files.Select(f => PerformMoveCopyOrLeaveFile(f, subFolder, choice)).ToArray());

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see whether the given file is located in the given root directory (or any
        /// subfolder of it) and if not prompts the user to allow FW to move, copy or leave the
        /// file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sFile">The fully-specified path name of the file.</param>
        /// <param name="sRootDir">The fully-specified path name of the external links root
        /// directory.</param>
        /// <param name="helpTopicProvider">The help topic provider.</param>
        /// <returns>The fully specified path name of the file to use, which might be the same
        /// as the given path or it could be in its new location under the external links folder
        /// if the user elected to move or copy it.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static string MoveCopyOrLeaveFile(string sFile, string sRootDir,
                                                 IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider)
            // Check whether the file is found within the directory.  If so, just return.
            if (FileIsInExternalLinksFolder(sFile, sRootDir))

            using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
                dlg.Initialize2(sFile, sRootDir, helpTopicProvider);
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    return(null);                       // leave where it is.
                return(PerformMoveCopyOrLeaveFile(sFile, sRootDir, dlg.Choice));
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks to see whether the given file is located in the given root directory (or any
		/// subfolder of it) and if not prompts the user to allow FW to move, copy or leave the
		/// file.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sFile">The fully-specified path name of the file.</param>
		/// <param name="sRootDir">The fully-specified path name of the external links root
		/// directory.</param>
		/// <param name="helpTopicProvider">The help topic provider.</param>
		/// <returns>The fully specified path name of the file to use, which might be the same
		/// as the given path or it could be in its new location under the external links folder
		/// if the user elected to move or copy it.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static string MoveCopyOrLeaveFile(string sFile, string sRootDir,
			IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider)
			// Check whether the file is found within the directory.  If so, just return.
			if (FileIsInExternalLinksFolder(sFile, sRootDir))
				return sFile;

			using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
				dlg.Initialize2(sFile, sRootDir, helpTopicProvider);
				if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
					return null;	// leave where it is.
				return PerformMoveCopyOrLeaveFile(sFile, sRootDir, dlg.Choice);
		private static string MoveCopyOrLeaveFile(string sFile, string subFolder, string sRootDirExternalLinks,
			IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, bool isLocal)
				if (!Directory.Exists(subFolder))
			catch (Exception e)
				Logger.WriteEvent(String.Format("Error creating the directory: '{0}'", subFolder));
				return sFile;

			// Check whether the file is found within the directory.  If so, just return.
			if (FileIsInExternalLinksFolder(sFile, sRootDirExternalLinks))
				return sFile;

			using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
				dlg.Initialize2(sFile, subFolder, helpTopicProvider, isLocal);
				if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
					return null;	// leave where it is.
				return PerformMoveCopyOrLeaveFile(sFile, subFolder, dlg.Choice);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle changes to the LinkedFiles root directory for a language project.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sOldLinkedFilesRootDir">The old LinkedFiles root directory.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// <remarks>This may not be the best place for this method, but I'm not sure there is a
		/// "best place".</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool UpdateExternalLinks(string sOldLinkedFilesRootDir)
			ILangProject lp = Cache.LanguageProject;
			string sNewLinkedFilesRootDir = lp.LinkedFilesRootDir;
			if (!FileUtils.PathsAreEqual(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir))
				List<string> rgFilesToMove = new List<string>();
				// TODO: offer to move or copy existing files.
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.MediaOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.PicturesOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
				//Get the files which are pointed to by links in TsStrings
				CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(lp.FilePathsInTsStringsOA, rgFilesToMove, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);

				var hyperlinks = StringServices.GetHyperlinksInFolder(Cache, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir);
				foreach (var linkInfo in hyperlinks)
					if (!rgFilesToMove.Contains(linkInfo.RelativePath) &&
						FileUtils.SimilarFileExists(Path.Combine(sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, linkInfo.RelativePath)) &&
						!FileUtils.SimilarFileExists(Path.Combine(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, linkInfo.RelativePath)))
				if (rgFilesToMove.Count > 0)
					FileLocationChoice action;
					using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg()) // REVIEW (Hasso) 2015.08: should this go in MoveOrCopyFilesController?
						dlg.Initialize(rgFilesToMove.Count, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, this);
						DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
						Debug.Assert(res == DialogResult.OK);
						if (res != DialogResult.OK)
							return false;	// should never happen!
						action = dlg.Choice;
					if (action == FileLocationChoice.Leave) // Expand path
							() =>
									foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.MediaOC)
										ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
									foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.PicturesOC)
										ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
						// Hyperlinks are always already full paths.
						return false;
					List<string> rgLockedFiles = new List<string>();
					foreach (string sFile in rgFilesToMove)
						string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(sNewPathname);
						if (!Directory.Exists(sNewDir))
						Debug.Assert(FileUtils.TrySimilarFileExists(sOldPathname, out sOldPathname));
						if (FileUtils.TrySimilarFileExists(sNewPathname, out sNewPathname))
							if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
								//LT-13343 do copy followed by delete to ensure the file gets put in the new location.
								//If the current FLEX record has a picture displayed the File.Delete will fail.
								File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);

								File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
						catch (Exception ex)
							Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
						() => StringServices.FixHyperlinkFolder(hyperlinks, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir));

					// If any files failed to be moved or copied above, try again now that we've
					// opened a new window and had more time elapse (and more demand to reuse
					// memory) since the failure.
					if (rgLockedFiles.Count > 0)
						GC.Collect();	// make sure the window is disposed!
						foreach (string sFile in rgLockedFiles)
							string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
							string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
								if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
									FileUtils.Move(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
									File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
							catch (Exception ex)
								Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1} (SECOND ATTEMPT)", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
					return true;
			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle changes to the external links root directory for a language project.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sOldExtLinkRootDir"></param>
		/// <param name="proj"></param>
		/// <remarks>This may not be the best place for this method, but I'm not sure there is a
		/// "best place".</remarks>
		public static bool UpdateExternalLinks(string sOldExtLinkRootDir, ILangProject proj)
			string sNewExtLinkRootDir = proj.ExtLinkRootDir;
			// caseless comparison may not be valid on non-Microsoft OS!
			if (!sNewExtLinkRootDir.Equals(sOldExtLinkRootDir, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
				List<string> rgFilesToMove = new List<string>();
				// TODO: offer to move or copy existing files.
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.MediaOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.PicturesOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
				if (rgFilesToMove.Count > 0)
					FileLocationChoice action;
					using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
						dlg.Initialize(rgFilesToMove.Count, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir, FwApp.App);
						DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
						Debug.Assert(res == DialogResult.OK);
						if (res != DialogResult.OK)
							return false;	// should never happen!
						action = dlg.Choice;
					if (action == FileLocationChoice.Leave) // Expand path
						foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.MediaOC)
							ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
						foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.PicturesOC)
							ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
						return false;
					// We need to ensure that none of the picture files is currently being
					// displayed, as that locks the file.  The easiest way to achieve this is
					// to shutdown the main window while we're moving the files.
					string sServer = proj.Cache.ServerName;
					string sDbname = proj.Cache.DatabaseName;
					FwApp.App.CloseDbAndWindows(sServer, sDbname, false);
					GC.Collect();	// make sure the window is disposed!
					List<string> rgLockedFiles = new List<string>();
					foreach (string sFile in rgFilesToMove)
						string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(sNewPathname);
						if (!Directory.Exists(sNewDir))
							if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
								File.Move(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
								File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
						catch (Exception ex)
							Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
					FwApp.App.ReopenDbAndOneWindow(sServer, sDbname);
					// If any files failed to be moved or copied above, try again now that we've
					// opened a new window and had more time elapse (and more demand to reuse
					// memory) since the failure.
					if (rgLockedFiles.Count > 0)
						GC.Collect();	// make sure the window is disposed!
						foreach (string sFile in rgLockedFiles)
							string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
							string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
								if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
									File.Move(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
									File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
							catch (Exception ex)
								Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1} (SECOND ATTEMPT)", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
					return true;
			return false;