Initialize() public method

Initialize the header and message before showing the dialog used whenever LangProject.LinkedFilesRootDir is changed to find out what the user wants to do with the files that exist in the old location.
public Initialize ( int cFiles, string sOldDir, string sNewDir, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider ) : void
cFiles int
sOldDir string
sNewDir string
helpTopicProvider IHelpTopicProvider
return void
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle changes to the LinkedFiles root directory for a language project.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sOldLinkedFilesRootDir">The old LinkedFiles root directory.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// <remarks>This may not be the best place for this method, but I'm not sure there is a
		/// "best place".</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool UpdateExternalLinks(string sOldLinkedFilesRootDir)
			ILangProject lp = Cache.LanguageProject;
			string sNewLinkedFilesRootDir = lp.LinkedFilesRootDir;
			if (!FileUtils.PathsAreEqual(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir))
				List<string> rgFilesToMove = new List<string>();
				// TODO: offer to move or copy existing files.
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.MediaOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.PicturesOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
				//Get the files which are pointed to by links in TsStrings
				CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(lp.FilePathsInTsStringsOA, rgFilesToMove, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);

				var hyperlinks = StringServices.GetHyperlinksInFolder(Cache, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir);
				foreach (var linkInfo in hyperlinks)
					if (!rgFilesToMove.Contains(linkInfo.RelativePath) &&
						FileUtils.SimilarFileExists(Path.Combine(sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, linkInfo.RelativePath)) &&
						!FileUtils.SimilarFileExists(Path.Combine(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, linkInfo.RelativePath)))
				if (rgFilesToMove.Count > 0)
					FileLocationChoice action;
					using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg()) // REVIEW (Hasso) 2015.08: should this go in MoveOrCopyFilesController?
						dlg.Initialize(rgFilesToMove.Count, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, this);
						DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
						Debug.Assert(res == DialogResult.OK);
						if (res != DialogResult.OK)
							return false;	// should never happen!
						action = dlg.Choice;
					if (action == FileLocationChoice.Leave) // Expand path
							() =>
									foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.MediaOC)
										ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
									foreach (ICmFolder cf in lp.PicturesOC)
										ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir);
						// Hyperlinks are always already full paths.
						return false;
					List<string> rgLockedFiles = new List<string>();
					foreach (string sFile in rgFilesToMove)
						string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(sNewPathname);
						if (!Directory.Exists(sNewDir))
						Debug.Assert(FileUtils.TrySimilarFileExists(sOldPathname, out sOldPathname));
						if (FileUtils.TrySimilarFileExists(sNewPathname, out sNewPathname))
							if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
								//LT-13343 do copy followed by delete to ensure the file gets put in the new location.
								//If the current FLEX record has a picture displayed the File.Delete will fail.
								File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);

								File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
						catch (Exception ex)
							Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
						() => StringServices.FixHyperlinkFolder(hyperlinks, sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sNewLinkedFilesRootDir));

					// If any files failed to be moved or copied above, try again now that we've
					// opened a new window and had more time elapse (and more demand to reuse
					// memory) since the failure.
					if (rgLockedFiles.Count > 0)
						GC.Collect();	// make sure the window is disposed!
						foreach (string sFile in rgLockedFiles)
							string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
							string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewLinkedFilesRootDir, sFile);
								if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
									FileUtils.Move(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
									File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
							catch (Exception ex)
								Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1} (SECOND ATTEMPT)", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
					return true;
			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle changes to the external links root directory for a language project.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sOldExtLinkRootDir"></param>
		/// <param name="proj"></param>
		/// <remarks>This may not be the best place for this method, but I'm not sure there is a
		/// "best place".</remarks>
		public static bool UpdateExternalLinks(string sOldExtLinkRootDir, ILangProject proj)
			string sNewExtLinkRootDir = proj.ExtLinkRootDir;
			// caseless comparison may not be valid on non-Microsoft OS!
			if (!sNewExtLinkRootDir.Equals(sOldExtLinkRootDir, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
				List<string> rgFilesToMove = new List<string>();
				// TODO: offer to move or copy existing files.
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.MediaOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
				foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.PicturesOC)
					CollectMovableFilesFromFolder(cf, rgFilesToMove, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
				if (rgFilesToMove.Count > 0)
					FileLocationChoice action;
					using (MoveOrCopyFilesDlg dlg = new MoveOrCopyFilesDlg())
						dlg.Initialize(rgFilesToMove.Count, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir, FwApp.App);
						DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
						Debug.Assert(res == DialogResult.OK);
						if (res != DialogResult.OK)
							return false;	// should never happen!
						action = dlg.Choice;
					if (action == FileLocationChoice.Leave) // Expand path
						foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.MediaOC)
							ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
						foreach (ICmFolder cf in proj.PicturesOC)
							ExpandToFullPath(cf, sOldExtLinkRootDir, sNewExtLinkRootDir);
						return false;
					// We need to ensure that none of the picture files is currently being
					// displayed, as that locks the file.  The easiest way to achieve this is
					// to shutdown the main window while we're moving the files.
					string sServer = proj.Cache.ServerName;
					string sDbname = proj.Cache.DatabaseName;
					FwApp.App.CloseDbAndWindows(sServer, sDbname, false);
					GC.Collect();	// make sure the window is disposed!
					List<string> rgLockedFiles = new List<string>();
					foreach (string sFile in rgFilesToMove)
						string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
						string sNewDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(sNewPathname);
						if (!Directory.Exists(sNewDir))
							if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
								File.Move(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
								File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
						catch (Exception ex)
							Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
					FwApp.App.ReopenDbAndOneWindow(sServer, sDbname);
					// If any files failed to be moved or copied above, try again now that we've
					// opened a new window and had more time elapse (and more demand to reuse
					// memory) since the failure.
					if (rgLockedFiles.Count > 0)
						GC.Collect();	// make sure the window is disposed!
						foreach (string sFile in rgLockedFiles)
							string sOldPathname = Path.Combine(sOldExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
							string sNewPathname = Path.Combine(sNewExtLinkRootDir, sFile);
								if (action == FileLocationChoice.Move)
									File.Move(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
									File.Copy(sOldPathname, sNewPathname);
							catch (Exception ex)
								Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1} (SECOND ATTEMPT)", ex.Message, sOldPathname));
					return true;
			return false;