        /// <summary>
        /// attach an annotation describing this failure to the object. *Does Not* remove previous annotations!
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> I say it does not remove previous annotations because I haven't thought about how much smarts
        ///  it would take to only remove once associated with this particular failure. So I am stipulating for now that
        ///  the caller should first remove all of the kinds of indications which it might create.</remarks>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected ICmBaseAnnotation MakeAnnotation()
            //	callar should do something like this:CmBaseAnnotation.RemoveAnnotationsForObject(m_object.Cache, m_object.Hvo);

            ICmBaseAnnotation annotation = (ICmBaseAnnotation)m_cache.LangProject.AnnotationsOC.Add(new CmBaseAnnotation());

            annotation.CompDetails = m_xmlDescription;

            annotation.TextOA = new StText();
            using (StTxtParaBldr paraBldr = new StTxtParaBldr(m_cache))
                //review: I have no idea what this is as to be
                paraBldr.ParaProps = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps("Paragraph");
                //todo: this pretends that the default analysis writing system is also the user
                // interface 1.  but I don't really know what's the right thing to do.
                                   StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, m_cache.DefaultAnalWs));
            }             // Dispose() frees ICU resources.

            annotation.BeginObjectRA = m_object;
            annotation.Flid          = m_flid;
            annotation.CompDetails   = m_xmlDescription;
            annotation.SourceRA      = m_cache.LangProject.ConstraintCheckerAgent;
            // Although we generated a PropChanged when we actually created the annotation, we need another
            // one now that all its properties have been set, as there may be a filter that excludes it
            // until those properties. Simulate removing and re-adding the new annotation (presumed to be
            // at the end of the collection).
            int chvo = m_cache.LangProject.AnnotationsOC.Count;

            m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, m_cache.LangProject.Hvo,
                                (int)LangProject.LangProjectTags.kflidAnnotations, chvo - 1, 1, 1);
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Fires the prop changeds.
 /// </summary>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public void FirePropChangeds()
     foreach (PropChangedInfo propChanged in m_propChangeds)
         m_cache.PropChanged(null, m_pct, propChanged.hvo, propChanged.tag, propChanged.ivMin,
                             propChanged.cvIns, propChanged.cvDel);
 void DoNotify(int cvIns, int cvDel)
     // It's possible that in a single undo task we create a paragraph and segment it and convert the segments to real ones
     // (e.g., paste a paragraph in TE in segmented BT view). We Undo the creation of the segments, then Undo the creation
     // of the paragraph, and then come back and try to issue a PropChanged on our property of the deleted paragraph.
     // This can fail (e.g., TE-7904).
     if (!m_cache.IsValidObject(m_hvo))
     // note: we must use FdoCache.PropChanged rather than sda.PropChanged, so that we can make use of PropChangedHandling
     m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, m_hvo, m_flid, m_index, cvIns, cvDel);
		/// <summary>
		/// This is invoked (using reflection) by an XmlRDEBrowseView when the user presses
		/// "Enter" in an RDE view that is displaying lexeme form and definition.
		/// (Maybe also on loss of focus, switch domain, etc?)
		/// It creates a new entry, lexeme form, and sense that are linked to the specified domain.
		/// Typically, later, a call to RDEMergeSense will be made to see whether this
		/// new entry should be merged into some existing sense.
		/// Note that this method is NOT responsible to insert the new sense into
		/// the fake property tagList of hvoDomain. (The caller will do that.)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvoDomain">database id of the semantic domain</param>
		/// <param name="tagList">id of the inverse relation for the senses that belong to the
		/// domain</param>
		/// <param name="columns"></param>
		/// <param name="rgtss"></param>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="stringTbl"></param>
		public static int RDENewSense(int hvoDomain, int tagList,
			List<XmlNode> columns, ITsString[] rgtss, FdoCache cache, StringTable stringTbl)
			Debug.Assert(hvoDomain != 0);
			Debug.Assert(rgtss.Length == columns.Count);

			// Make a new sense in a new entry.
			ILexEntry le = cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.EntriesOC.Add(
				new LexEntry());
			IMoForm morph = null;

			// create a LexSense that has the given definition and semantic domain
			// Needs to be LexSense, since later calls use non-interface methods.
			LexSense ls = (LexSense)le.SensesOS.Append(new LexSense());

			ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			// go through each column and store the appropriate information.
			for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i)
				// Review: Currently we key off the column labels to determine which columns
				// correspond to CitationForm and which correspond to Definition.
				// Ideally we'd like to get at the flids used to build the column display strings.
				// Instead of passing in only ITsStrings, we could pass in a structure containing
				// an index of strings with any corresponding flids.  Here we'd expect strings
				// based upon either LexemeForm.Form or LexSense.Definition. We could probably
				// do this as part of the solution to handling duplicate columns in LT-3763.
				XmlNode column = columns[i] as XmlNode;
				string columnLabel = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(column, "label");
				string[] columnLabelComponents = columnLabel.Split(new char[] {' ', ':'});
				// get column label without writing system or extraneous information.
				string columnBasicLabel = columnLabelComponents[0];
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnBasicLabel) && stringTbl != null)
					columnBasicLabel = stringTbl.LocalizeAttributeValue(columnBasicLabel);
				ITsTextProps ttp = rgtss[i].get_PropertiesAt(0);
				int var;
				int ws = ttp.GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var);
				Debug.Assert(ws != 0);

				ITsString tssStr = rgtss[i];
				string sStr = tssStr.Text;
				if (sStr == null)
					sStr = ""; // otherwise Trim below blows up.
				sStr = sStr.Trim();

				if (columnBasicLabel == Strings.ksWord)
					// This is a lexeme form.

					if (morph == null)
						morph = MoForm.MakeMorph(cache, le, tssStr);
					Debug.Assert(le.LexemeFormOAHvo != 0);
					if (morph is IMoStemAllomorph)
						// Make sure we have a proper allomorph and MSA for this new entry and sense.
						// (See LT-1318 for details and justification.)
						MoMorphTypeCollection typesCol = new MoMorphTypeCollection(cache);
						if (sStr.IndexOf(' ') > 0)
							morph.MorphTypeRA = typesCol.Item(MoMorphType.kmtPhrase);
							morph.MorphTypeRA = typesCol.Item(MoMorphType.kmtStem);
						morph.Form.SetAlternative(sStr, ws);
				else if (columnBasicLabel == Strings.ksDefinition)
					// This is a Definition.
					if (sStr != "")
						ls.Definition.SetAlternative(sStr, ws);
					Debug.Fail("column (" + columnLabel + ") not supported.");
			if (morph == null)
				morph = le.LexemeFormOA = new MoStemAllomorph();

			ls.RDEAddDomain(hvoDomain, tagList, cache);

			if (le.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Count == 0)
				// Commonly, it's a new entry with no MSAs; make sure it has at least one.
				// This way of doing it allows a good bit of code to be shared with the normal
				// creation path, as if the user made a stem but didn't fill in any grammatical
				// information.
				DummyGenericMSA dummyMsa = new DummyGenericMSA();
				if (morph != null && morph is IMoAffixForm)
					dummyMsa.MsaType = MsaType.kUnclassified;
					dummyMsa.MsaType = MsaType.kStem;
				ls.DummyMSA = dummyMsa;

			// We don't want a partial MSA created, so don't bother doing anything
			// about setting ls.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA

			// LT-1731: adding to make sure new entries are added to the lexicon
			//	record list (full edit,...)
			cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
				(int)LexDb.LexDbTags.kflidEntries, 0, 1, 0);

			return ls.Hvo;
		internal void Undo(FdoCache cache)
			if (m_doneSegments == null)
				return; // no change to this para
			int kflidSegments = StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(cache);
			cache.VwCacheDaAccessor.CacheVecProp(m_hvoPara, kflidSegments, m_segments, m_segments.Length);
			cache.PropChanged(m_hvoPara, kflidSegments, 0, m_segments.Length, m_doneSegments.Length);
		/// <summary>
		/// If the segments of your paragraph now are different from when you were created, issue a suitable PropChanged.
		/// Enhance JohnT: we could detect more exactly where the differences lie.
		/// </summary>
		internal void HandleSegPropChanged(FdoCache cache)
			int[] newSegs = GetChangedSegments(cache);
			if (newSegs != null)
				cache.PropChanged(m_hvoPara, StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(cache), 0, newSegs.Length, m_segments.Length);
			public void AddToDatabase(FdoCache cache, ICmPossibilityList posList, MasterCategory parent, IPartOfSpeech subItemOwner)

				if (m_pos != null)
					return; // It's already in the database, so nothing more can be done.

				int newOwningFlid;
				int insertLocation;
				int newOwner =
					DeterminePOSLocationInfo(subItemOwner, parent, posList, out newOwningFlid, out insertLocation);
				ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
				Debug.Assert(m_pos != null);

				if (m_node == null)
				{ // should not happen, but just in case... we still get something useful
					m_pos.Name.SetAlternative(m_term, wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_termWs));
					m_pos.Abbreviation.SetAlternative(m_abbrev, wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_abbrevWs));
					m_pos.Description.SetAlternative(m_def, wsf.GetWsFromStr(m_defWs));
					SetContentFromNode(cache, "abbrev", false, m_pos.Abbreviation);
					SetContentFromNode(cache, "term", true, m_pos.Name);
					SetContentFromNode(cache, "def", false, m_pos.Description);

				m_pos.CatalogSourceId = m_id;
				// Need a PropChanged, since it isn't done in the 'Append' for some reason.
				cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
								  newOwner, newOwningFlid, insertLocation, 1, 0);
		static internal int InsertObjectIntoVirtualBackref(FdoCache cache, Mediator mediator, IVwVirtualHandler vh,
			int hvoSlice, uint clidNewObj, uint clidOwner, uint flid)
			if (vh != null)
				int clidSlice = cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoSlice);
				if (clidNewObj == LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry &&
					clidSlice == LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry &&
					clidOwner == LexDb.kclsidLexDb)
					if (vh.FieldName == "VariantFormEntryBackRefs")
						using (InsertVariantDlg dlg = new InsertVariantDlg())
							ILexEntry entOld = LexEntry.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvoSlice);
							dlg.SetDlgInfo(cache, mediator, entOld as IVariantComponentLexeme);
							if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && dlg.NewlyCreatedVariantEntryRefResult)
								int insertPos = cache.GetVectorSize(hvoSlice, (int)flid);
								cache.PropChanged(hvoSlice, (int)flid, insertPos, 1, 0);
								return insertPos;
							// say we've handled this.
							return -2;
			return -1;