		/// <summary>
		/// Static version for avoiding creating actual object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <param name="tsb"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static void ShortName1Static(FdoCache cache, int hvo, ITsIncStrBldr tsb)
			ISilDataAccess sda = cache.MainCacheAccessor;
			int wsVern = cache.DefaultVernWs;

			// try vernacular citation
			ITsString label = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvo,
				(int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm, wsVern);
			if (label.Length != 0)

			// try lexeme form
			int hvoLf = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvo, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidLexemeForm);
			if (hvoLf != 0)
				label = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoLf, (int)MoForm.MoFormTags.kflidForm,
				if (label.Length != 0)

			// Try the first alternate form with the wsVern WS.
			for (int i = 0; i < sda.get_VecSize(hvo, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidAlternateForms); i++)
				int hvoAm = sda.get_VecItem(hvo, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidAlternateForms, i);
				label = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoAm, (int)MoForm.MoFormTags.kflidForm,
				if (label.Length != 0)

			// give up
			tsb.AppendTsString(cache.MakeUserTss(Strings.ksQuestions));		// was "??", not "???"
		/// <summary>
		/// Return the name for the specified CmPossibility (or '???' if it has no name
		/// or hvo is 0). Return the best available analysis or vernacular name (in that order).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static ITsString BestAnalysisOrVernReverseName(FdoCache cache, int hvo)
			ITsString tss = null;
			if (hvo != 0)
				tss = cache.LangProject.GetMagicStringAlt(
					hvo, (int)LexRefType.LexRefTypeTags.kflidReverseName);
			if (tss == null)
				tss = cache.MakeUserTss(Strings.ksQuestions);
				// JohnT: how about this?
				//return cache.MakeUserTss("a " + this.GetType().Name + " with no name");
			return tss;
		/// <summary>
		/// Similarly get a name in some WS, preferring vernacular.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static ITsString BestVernOrAnalysisName(FdoCache cache, int hvo)
			ITsString tss = null;
			if (hvo != 0)
				tss = cache.LangProject.GetMagicStringAlt(
					hvo, (int)CmPossibility.CmPossibilityTags.kflidName);
			if (tss == null || tss.Length == 0)
				tss = cache.MakeUserTss(Strings.ksQuestions);
				// JohnT: how about this?
				//return cache.MakeUserTss("a " + this.GetType().Name + " with no name");
			return tss;
		public void SetDlgInfo(CmObjectUi obj, FdoCache cache, XCore.Mediator mediator)


			StringTable strings = mediator.StringTbl;
			m_cache = cache;
			IVwStylesheet stylesheet = FontHeightAdjuster.StyleSheetFromMediator(mediator);

			Debug.Assert(obj != null);
			Debug.Assert(obj.Object != null);

			Text = String.Format(FdoUiStrings.ksDeleteX, strings.GetString(obj.ClassName, "ClassNames"));

			// Set the s_helpTopic based on the window title and rearrange the buttons if neccesary
			switch (obj.ClassName)
				case "WfiWordform":
					s_helpTopic = "khtpDeleteWordform";
			if (s_helpTopic != null)
				buttonHelp.Visible = true;
				buttonHelp.Enabled = true;
				this.helpProvider = new System.Windows.Forms.HelpProvider();
				this.helpProvider.HelpNamespace = FwApp.App.HelpFile;
				this.helpProvider.SetHelpKeyword(this, FwApp.App.GetHelpString(s_helpTopic, 0));
				this.helpProvider.SetHelpNavigator(this, System.Windows.Forms.HelpNavigator.Topic);
				m_deleteButton.Location = m_cancelButton.Location;
				m_cancelButton.Location = buttonHelp.Location;

			//Use an FWTextBox so that strings of different writing systems will
			//be displayed with the correct stylesheet settings.
			m_descriptionBox3.WritingSystemFactory = m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			m_descriptionBox3.WritingSystemCode = m_cache.LangProject.DefaultUserWritingSystem;
			m_descriptionBox3.StyleSheet = stylesheet;
			ITsIncStrBldr tisb3 = TsIncStrBldrClass.Create();
			m_descriptionBox3.Tss = tisb3.GetString();

			m_descriptionBox4.WritingSystemFactory = m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			m_descriptionBox4.WritingSystemCode = m_cache.LangProject.DefaultUserWritingSystem;
			m_descriptionBox4.StyleSheet = stylesheet;
			ITsIncStrBldr tisb4 = TsIncStrBldrClass.Create();
			tisb4.AppendTsString(m_cache.MakeUserTss(" ")); //this is the default for m_descriptionBox4
			m_descriptionBox4.Tss = tisb4.GetString();

			m_deleteButton.Enabled = obj.Object.CanDelete;
			label2.Visible = m_deleteButton.Enabled;
		/// <summary>
		/// Return the Abbreviation for the specified CmPossibility if one exists for ws (or '???' if it has no name
		/// or hvo is 0).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <param name="ws"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static ITsString TSSAbbrforWS(FdoCache cache, int hvo, int ws)
			ITsString tss = null;
			if (hvo != 0)
				tss = cache.LangProject.GetMagicStringAlt(ws,
					hvo, (int)CmPossibility.CmPossibilityTags.kflidAbbreviation);
			if (tss == null || tss.Length == 0)
				tss = cache.MakeUserTss(Strings.ksQuestions);
			return tss;
		private static ITsString BestAlternative(FdoCache cache, int hvo, int wsMagic, int flid, string defValue)
			ITsString tss = null;
			if (hvo != 0)
				tss = cache.LangProject.GetMagicStringAlt(wsMagic, hvo, flid);
			if (tss == null || tss.Length == 0)
				tss = cache.MakeUserTss(defValue);
			return tss;
		/// <summary>
		/// The user abbreviation we'd like to see typically for this writing system.
		/// Currently this is the user writing system of the Abbr field, or if that
		/// is empty, the ICU code.
		/// We will probably change this (when everything is using it) to try
		/// the analysis writing systems in order, then the user ws.
		/// </summary>
		public static ITsString UserAbbr(FdoCache cache, int hvo)
			ITsString result = cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(hvo,
				(int)LgWritingSystem.LgWritingSystemTags.kflidAbbr, cache.DefaultUserWs);
			if (result != null && result.Length != 0)
				return result;
			ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			IWritingSystem ws = wsf.get_EngineOrNull(hvo);
			if (ws == null)
				return cache.MakeUserTss(Strings.ksStars);
				return cache.MakeUserTss(ws.get_UiName(cache.DefaultUserWs));
		public RuleFormulaVc(FdoCache cache, XCore.Mediator mediator)
			m_cache = cache;
			m_mediator = mediator;

			// use Doulos SIL because it supports the special characters that are needed for
			// multiline brackets
			ITsPropsBldr tpb = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			tpb.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptFontFamily, "Charis SIL");
			m_bracketProps = tpb.GetTextProps();

			tpb = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			tpb.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptMarginLeading, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, PILE_MARGIN);
			tpb.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptMarginTrailing, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, PILE_MARGIN);
			m_pileProps = tpb.GetTextProps();

			m_empty = m_cache.MakeUserTss("");
			m_infinity = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u221e");
			m_leftBracketUpHook = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u23a1");
			m_leftBracketExt = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u23a2");
			m_leftBracketLowHook = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u23a3");
			m_rightBracketUpHook = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u23a4");
			m_rightBracketExt = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u23a5");
			m_rightBracketLowHook = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u23a6");
			m_leftBracket = m_cache.MakeUserTss("[");
			m_rightBracket = m_cache.MakeUserTss("]");
			m_questions = m_cache.MakeUserTss("???");
			m_leftParen = m_cache.MakeUserTss("(");
			m_rightParen = m_cache.MakeUserTss(")");
			m_x = m_cache.MakeUserTss("X");
			m_zwSpace = m_cache.MakeUserTss("\u200b");
		// Make a string representing a WfiAnalysis, suitable for use in a combo box item.
		static internal ITsString MakeAnalysisStringRep(int hvoWa, FdoCache fdoCache, bool fUseStyleSheet, int wsVern)
			//			ITsTextProps boldItalicAnalysis = BoldItalicAnalysis(fdoCache);
			//			ITsTextProps italicAnalysis = ItalicAnalysis(fdoCache, Sandbox.SandboxVc.krgbRed);
			ITsTextProps posTextProperties = PartOfSpeechTextProperties(fdoCache, true, fUseStyleSheet);
			ITsTextProps formTextProperties = FormTextProperties(fdoCache, fUseStyleSheet, wsVern);
			ITsTextProps glossTextProperties = GlossTextProperties(fdoCache, true, fUseStyleSheet);
			ITsStrBldr tsb = TsStrBldrClass.Create();
			ISilDataAccess sda = fdoCache.MainCacheAccessor;
			int cmorph = fdoCache.GetVectorSize(hvoWa,
			if (cmorph == 0)
				return fdoCache.MakeUserTss(ITextStrings.ksNoMorphemes);
			bool fRtl = fdoCache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor.get_EngineOrNull(wsVern).RightToLeft;
			int start = 0;
			int lim = cmorph;
			int increment = 1;
			if (fRtl)
				start = cmorph - 1;
				lim = -1;
				increment = -1;
			for (int i = start; i != lim; i += increment)
				int hvoMb = fdoCache.GetVectorItem(hvoWa,
					(int)WfiAnalysis.WfiAnalysisTags.kflidMorphBundles, i);
				int hvoMf = fdoCache.GetObjProperty(hvoMb,
				ITsString tssForm = null;
				if (hvoMf != 0)
					int hvoEntry = fdoCache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvoMf);
					int hvoLexemeForm = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoEntry, (int) LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidLexemeForm);
					if (hvoLexemeForm != 0)
						tssForm = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoLexemeForm, (int) MoForm.MoFormTags.kflidForm, wsVern);
					if (tssForm == null || tssForm.Length == 0)
						tssForm = fdoCache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoEntry,
							(int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm, wsVern);
					if (tssForm.Length == 0)
						// If there isn't a lexeme form OR citation form use the form of the morph.
						tssForm = fdoCache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMf,
							(int)MoForm.MoFormTags.kflidForm, wsVern);
				else // no MoForm linked to this bundle, use its own form.
					tssForm = fdoCache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMb,
						(int)WfiMorphBundle.WfiMorphBundleTags.kflidForm, wsVern);
				int ichForm = tsb.Length;
				tsb.ReplaceTsString(ichForm, ichForm, tssForm);
				tsb.SetProperties(ichForm, tsb.Length,formTextProperties);

				// add category (part of speech)
				int hvoMsa = fdoCache.GetObjProperty(hvoMb,
				tsb.Replace(tsb.Length, tsb.Length, " ", null);
				int ichMinMsa = tsb.Length;
				string interlinName = ksMissingString;
				if (hvoMsa != 0)
					IMoMorphSynAnalysis msa =
						MoMorphSynAnalysis.CreateFromDBObject(fdoCache, hvoMsa);
					interlinName = msa.InterlinearAbbr;
				tsb.Replace(ichMinMsa, ichMinMsa, interlinName, posTextProperties);

				//add sense
				int hvoSense = fdoCache.GetObjProperty(hvoMb,
				tsb.Replace(tsb.Length, tsb.Length, " ", null);
				int ichMinSense = tsb.Length;
				if (hvoSense != 0)
					ITsString tssGloss = fdoCache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoSense,
						(int)LexSense.LexSenseTags.kflidGloss, fdoCache.DefaultAnalWs);
					tsb.Replace(ichMinSense, ichMinSense, tssGloss.Text, glossTextProperties);
					tsb.Replace(ichMinSense, ichMinSense, ksMissingString, glossTextProperties);

				// Enhance JohnT: use proper seps.
				tsb.Replace(tsb.Length, tsb.Length, ksPartSeparator, null);
			// Delete the final separator. (Enhance JohnT: this needs to get smarter when we do
			// real seps.)
			int ichFrom = tsb.Length - ksPartSeparator.Length;
			if (ichFrom < 0)
				ichFrom = 0;
			tsb.Replace(ichFrom, tsb.Length, "", null);
			return tsb.GetString();