Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void
		public static Vector3D RemoveGridsInSphere( ulong userId, Vector3D startPosition, float radius, RemoveGridTypes removeType )
            List<IMyEntity> entitiesToMove = new List<IMyEntity>( );
			BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD( startPosition, radius );
            Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) =>
                 entitiesToMove = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere( ref sphere );
             } );
            List<IMyEntity> entitiesToRemove = new List<IMyEntity>( );
			int count = 0;

			Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) =>
				foreach ( IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove )
					if ( !( entity is IMyCubeGrid ) )

					IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
					MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid cubeGrid = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)grid.GetObjectBuilder( );
					if ( removeType == RemoveGridTypes.Ships && cubeGrid.IsStatic )

					if ( removeType == RemoveGridTypes.Stations && !cubeGrid.IsStatic )

					entitiesToRemove.Add( entity );
					Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Deleting entity '{0}' at {1}", entity.DisplayName, General.Vector3DToString( entity.GetPosition( ) ) ) );
			} );

			for ( int r = entitiesToRemove.Count - 1; r >= 0; r-- )
				IMyEntity entity = entitiesToRemove[ r ];
				CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity( (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder( ), entity );
				gridEntity.Dispose( );

			Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Total entities removed: {0}", count ) );
			return startPosition;
		public void Process()
			lock (m_items)
				if (!m_items.Any())

				for (int r = m_items.Count() - 1; r >= 0; r--)
					TimedEntityCleanupItem item = m_items[r];

					if (DateTime.Now - item.addedTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(item.secondsAfterAdding))
							IMyEntity entity = null;
							Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
								MyAPIGateway.Entities.TryGetEntityById(item.entityId, out entity);

							if(entity != null)
								MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder((IMyCubeGrid)entity);
								if (gridBuilder == null)

								CubeGridEntity entityToDispose = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);
								Log.Info("Entity is null");
						catch (Exception ex)
							Log.Info(string.Format("Dispose Error: {0}", ex.ToString()));

        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesFound = CubeGrids.ScanCleanup(userId, words);

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound)
                CubeGridEntity removeEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);

                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
                long ownerId = 0;
                string ownerName = "";
                if (grid.BigOwners.Count > 0)
                    ownerId = grid.BigOwners.First();
                    ownerName = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(ownerId).Name;

                Log.Info("Cleanup", string.Format("Cleanup Removed Grid - Id: {0} Display: {1} OwnerId: {2} OwnerName: {3}", entity.EntityId, entity.DisplayName, ownerId, ownerName));
            return true;
        // admin deletearea x y z radius
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesToConfirm = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesConnected = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesFound = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid);

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
                if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder(grid);
                if (gridBuilder == null)

                bool found = false;
                foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in gridBuilder.CubeBlocks)
                    if (block.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Beacon))
                        found = true;

                if (!found)

            CubeGrids.GetGridsUnconnected(entitiesFound, entitiesToConfirm);

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound)
                CubeGridEntity gridEntity = (CubeGridEntity)GameEntityManager.GetEntity(entity.EntityId);
                if (gridEntity == null)
                    Log.Info("A found entity gridEntity was null!");
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found entity '{0}' ({1}) at {2} with no beacon.", gridEntity.Name, entity.EntityId, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition())));

            for(int r = entitiesFound.Count - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                IMyEntity entity = entitiesFound.ElementAt(r);
                CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);

            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Removed {0} grids with no beacons", entitiesFound.Count));

            return true;
		// admin deletearea x y z radius
		public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
			if (words.Count() > 3)
				return false;

			if (!words.Any())
				Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());
				return true;

			int days = -1;
			if (!int.TryParse(words[0], out days) || days < 0)
				Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Invalid argument.  Days argument must be an integer that is 0 or greater."));
				return true;

			// Just assume that anything after the days is going to "ignorenologin"
			bool removeNoLoginInformation = true;
			bool removeOwnerless = true;

			if (words.Count() > 1)
				foreach (string word in words)
					if (word.ToLower() == "ignorenologin")
						removeNoLoginInformation = false;
					if (word.ToLower() == "ignoreownerless")
						removeOwnerless = false;

			Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Scanning for grids with owners that haven't logged in {0} days.  (Must Have Login Info={1})", days, removeNoLoginInformation));

			HashSet<IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
			Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
				MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid);

			HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesFound = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
			foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
				if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))
                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
				CubeGridEntity gridEntity = (CubeGridEntity)GameEntityManager.GetEntity(grid.EntityId);
				MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder(grid);
				if (gridBuilder == null)

				// This entity is protected by whitelist
				if (PluginSettings.Instance.LoginEntityWhitelist.Length > 0 && PluginSettings.Instance.LoginEntityWhitelist.Contains(grid.EntityId.ToString()))

				if (CubeGrids.GetAllOwners(gridBuilder).Count < 1 && removeOwnerless)
					Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found entity '{0}' ({1}) not owned by anyone.", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId));

				foreach (long player in CubeGrids.GetBigOwners(gridBuilder))
					// This playerId is protected by whitelist
					if (PluginSettings.Instance.LoginPlayerIdWhitelist.Length > 0 && PluginSettings.Instance.LoginPlayerIdWhitelist.Contains(player.ToString()))

					MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.PlayerItem checkItem = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(player);
					if (checkItem.IsDead || checkItem.Name == "")
						Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found entity '{0}' ({1}) owned by dead player - ID: {2}", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId, player));

					PlayerItem item = Players.Instance.GetPlayerById(player);
                    if ( item == null )
                        if ( removeNoLoginInformation )
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Found entity '{0}' ({1}) owned by a player with no login info: {2}", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId, checkItem.Name ) );
                            entitiesFound.Add( entity );
                    else if ( item.LastLogin < DateTime.Now.AddDays( days * -1 ) )
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Found entity '{0}' ({1}) owned by inactive player: {2}", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId, PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId( player ).Name ) );
                        entitiesFound.Add( entity );
                    else if ( item.LastLogin >= DateTime.Now.AddDays( days * -1 ) )
                        if ( entitiesFound.Contains( entity ) )
                            entitiesFound.Remove( entity );

			Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found {0} grids owned by inactive users", entitiesFound.Count));

			foreach(IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound)
				if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

				CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);
			Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Removed {0} grids owned by inactive users", entitiesFound.Count()));
			return true;
        // /admin movefrom x y z x y z radius
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            if (words.Count() != 7 && words.Count() != 0)
                return false;

            if (words.Count() != 7)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());
                return true;

            // Test Input
            float test = 0;
            for(int r = 0; r < 7; r++)
                if(!float.TryParse(words[r], out test))
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The value at position {0} - '{1}' is invalid.  Please try the command again.", r + 1, words[r]));
                    return true;

            Vector3D startPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(words[0]), float.Parse(words[1]), float.Parse(words[2]));
            Vector3D movePosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(words[3]), float.Parse(words[4]), float.Parse(words[5]));
            Vector3D difference = startPosition - movePosition;
            float radius = float.Parse(words[6]);

            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Moving all grids in a radius of {0} near {1} to {2}", radius, General.Vector3DToString(startPosition), General.Vector3DToString(movePosition)));

            List<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> gridsToMove = new List<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>();
            BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(startPosition, radius);
            List<IMyEntity> entitiesToMove = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);

            //			Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
            //			{
                foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove)
                    if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Moving '{0}' from {1} to {2}", entity.DisplayName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition()), General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition() + difference)));

                    CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);
            //			});

            Log.Info("Entities Removed ... pausing");
            Log.Info("Removing entities from closed entities");

            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                foreach(IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove)
                    if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

                    Log.Info(string.Format("Removing '{0}' for move", entity.DisplayName));


            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                foreach(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid grid in gridsToMove)
                    grid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position + difference, grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up);
                    //Log.Info(string.Format("Adding '{0}' for move", grid.DisplayName));
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Adding grid '{0}' back to world.", grid.DisplayName));
                    SectorObjectManager.Instance.AddEntity(new CubeGridEntity(grid));

            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Moved {0} grids", gridsToMove.Count));

            return true;