Inheritance: BaseEntity
		//public static string CubeGridManagerManagerGetPowerManagerMethod = "get_PowerDistributor";
		//public static string CubeGridManagerManagerGetThrusterManagerMethod = "get_ThrustSystem";

		#endregion "Attributes"

		#region "Constructors and Initializers"

		public CubeGridManagerManager( CubeGridEntity parent, Object backingObject )
			m_parent = parent;
			m_backingObject = backingObject;

			//m_thrusterManager = new CubeGridThrusterManager( GetThrusterManager( ), m_parent );
		public static void SendClientMessage(ulong steamId, string message)
			if (PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(steamId).Count < 1)
				Log.Info(string.Format("Unable to locate playerId for user with steamId: {0}", steamId));
			CubeGridEntity entity = new CubeGridEntity(new FileInfo(Conquest.PluginPath + "CommRelay.sbc"));
			long entityId = BaseEntity.GenerateEntityId();
			entity.EntityId = entityId;
			entity.DisplayName = string.Format("CommRelayOutput{0}", PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIdsFromSteamId(steamId).First());
			entity.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(VRageMath.GenerateRandomEdgeVector(), Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);

			foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in entity.BaseCubeBlocks)
				MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = block as MyObjectBuilder_Beacon;
				if (beacon != null)
					beacon.CustomName = message;
		public void Process()
			lock (m_items)
				if (!m_items.Any())

				for (int r = m_items.Count() - 1; r >= 0; r--)
					TimedEntityCleanupItem item = m_items[r];

					if (DateTime.Now - item.addedTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(item.secondsAfterAdding))
							IMyEntity entity = null;
							Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
								MyAPIGateway.Entities.TryGetEntityById(item.entityId, out entity);

							if(entity != null)
								MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder((IMyCubeGrid)entity);
								if (gridBuilder == null)

								CubeGridEntity entityToDispose = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);
								Log.Info("Entity is null");
						catch (Exception ex)
							Log.Info(string.Format("Dispose Error: {0}", ex.ToString()));

		public static Vector3D RemoveGridsInSphere( ulong userId, Vector3D startPosition, float radius, RemoveGridTypes removeType )
            List<IMyEntity> entitiesToMove = new List<IMyEntity>( );
			BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD( startPosition, radius );
            Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) =>
                 entitiesToMove = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere( ref sphere );
             } );
            List<IMyEntity> entitiesToRemove = new List<IMyEntity>( );
			int count = 0;

			Wrapper.GameAction( ( ) =>
				foreach ( IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove )
					if ( !( entity is IMyCubeGrid ) )

					IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
					MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid cubeGrid = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)grid.GetObjectBuilder( );
					if ( removeType == RemoveGridTypes.Ships && cubeGrid.IsStatic )

					if ( removeType == RemoveGridTypes.Stations && !cubeGrid.IsStatic )

					entitiesToRemove.Add( entity );
					Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Deleting entity '{0}' at {1}", entity.DisplayName, General.Vector3DToString( entity.GetPosition( ) ) ) );
			} );

			for ( int r = entitiesToRemove.Count - 1; r >= 0; r-- )
				IMyEntity entity = entitiesToRemove[ r ];
				CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity( (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder( ), entity );
				gridEntity.Dispose( );

			Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Total entities removed: {0}", count ) );
			return startPosition;
        public static void SendBroadcastMessage(string message)
            CubeGridEntity entity = new CubeGridEntity(new FileInfo(Essentials.PluginPath + "CommRelay.sbc"));
            long entityId = BaseEntity.GenerateEntityId();
            entity.EntityId = entityId;
            entity.DisplayName = string.Format("CommRelayBroadcast{0}", m_random.Next(1, 10000));
            entity.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);

            foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in entity.BaseCubeBlocks)
                if (block is MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)
                    MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = (MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)block;
                    beacon.CustomName = message;

        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesFound = CubeGrids.ScanCleanup(userId, words);

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound)
                CubeGridEntity removeEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);

                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
                long ownerId = 0;
                string ownerName = "";
                if (grid.BigOwners.Count > 0)
                    ownerId = grid.BigOwners.First();
                    ownerName = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(ownerId).Name;

                Log.Info("Cleanup", string.Format("Cleanup Removed Grid - Id: {0} Display: {1} OwnerId: {2} OwnerName: {3}", entity.EntityId, entity.DisplayName, ownerId, ownerName));
            return true;
		public CubeGridThrusterManager( Object thrusterManager, CubeGridEntity parent )
			m_thrusterManager = thrusterManager;
			m_parent = parent;
		protected MultiblockStructure( CubeGridEntity parent )
			m_parent = parent;
			m_definition = new Dictionary<Vector3I, StructureEntry>( );
			m_blocks = new List<CubeBlockEntity>( );
		public List<Vector3I> GetDefinitionMatches( CubeGridEntity cubeGrid )
				List<Vector3I> anchorList = new List<Vector3I>( );
				foreach ( CubeBlockEntity cubeBlock in cubeGrid.CubeBlocks )
					if ( IsDefinitionMatch( cubeBlock ) )
						anchorList.Add( m_anchor.Position );

				return anchorList;
			catch ( Exception ex )
				ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );
				return new List<Vector3I>( );
		public void SpawnCargoShipGroup(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 stopPosition, ulong remoteUserId = 0)
				//Calculate lowest and highest frequencies
				float lowestFrequency = 999999;
				float highestFrequency = 0;
				foreach (MySpawnGroupDefinition entry in MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetSpawnGroupDefinitions())
					if (entry.Frequency < lowestFrequency)
						lowestFrequency = entry.Frequency;
					if (entry.Frequency > highestFrequency)
						highestFrequency = entry.Frequency;
				if (lowestFrequency <= 0)
					lowestFrequency = 1;

				//Get a list of which groups *could* spawn
				Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.ToBinary());
				double randomChance = random.NextDouble();
				randomChance = randomChance * (highestFrequency / lowestFrequency);
				List<MySpawnGroupDefinition> possibleGroups = new List<MySpawnGroupDefinition>();
				foreach (MySpawnGroupDefinition entry in MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetSpawnGroupDefinitions())
					if (entry.Frequency >= randomChance)

				//Determine which group *will* spawn
				randomChance = random.NextDouble();
				int randomShipIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min((int)Math.Round(randomChance * possibleGroups.Count, 0), possibleGroups.Count - 1));
				MySpawnGroupDefinition randomSpawnGroup = possibleGroups[randomShipIndex];

				ChatManager.Instance.SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, "Spawning cargo group '" + randomSpawnGroup.DisplayNameText.ToString() + "' ...");

				//Spawn the ships in the group
				Matrix orientation = Matrix.CreateLookAt(startPosition, stopPosition, new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
				foreach (MySpawnGroupDefinition.SpawnGroupPrefab entry in randomSpawnGroup.Prefabs)
					MyPrefabDefinition matchedPrefab = null;
					foreach (var prefabEntry in MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPrefabDefinitions())
						MyPrefabDefinition prefabDefinition = prefabEntry.Value;
						if (prefabDefinition.Id.SubtypeId.ToString() == entry.SubtypeId)
							matchedPrefab = prefabDefinition;
					if (matchedPrefab == null)

					//TODO - Build this to iterate through all cube grids in the prefab
					MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid objectBuilder = matchedPrefab.CubeGrids[0];

					//Create the ship
					CubeGridEntity cubeGrid = new CubeGridEntity(objectBuilder);

					//Set the ship position and orientation
					Vector3 shipPosition = Vector3.Transform(entry.Position, orientation) + startPosition;
					orientation.Translation = shipPosition;
					MyPositionAndOrientation newPositionOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(orientation);
					cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = newPositionOrientation;

					//Set the ship velocity
					//Speed is clamped between 1.0f and the max cube grid speed
					Vector3 travelVector = stopPosition - startPosition;
					Vector3 shipVelocity = travelVector * (float)Math.Min(cubeGrid.MaxLinearVelocity, Math.Max(1.0f, entry.Speed));
					cubeGrid.LinearVelocity = shipVelocity;

					cubeGrid.IsDampenersEnabled = false;

					foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cubeBlock in cubeGrid.BaseCubeBlocks)
						//Set the beacon names
						if (cubeBlock.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Beacon))
							MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = (MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)cubeBlock;
							beacon.CustomName = entry.BeaconText;

						//Set the owner of every block
						//TODO - Find out if setting to an arbitrary non-zero works for this
						// TODO Fix the rest of the player manager methods
						//cubeBlock.Owner = PlayerMap.Instance.GetServerVirtualPlayerId();
						cubeBlock.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction;

					//And add the ship to the world

				ChatManager.Instance.SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, "Cargo group '" + randomSpawnGroup.DisplayNameText.ToString() + "' spawned with " + randomSpawnGroup.Prefabs.Count.ToString() + " ships at " + startPosition.ToString());
			catch (Exception ex)
 public CubeGridThrusterManager(Object thrusterManager, CubeGridEntity parent)
     m_thrusterManager = thrusterManager;
     m_parent          = parent;
 public void OnCubeGridMoved( CubeGridEntity cubeGrid )
 public void OnCubeGridDeleted( CubeGridEntity cubeGrid )
     foreach ( ProcessHandlerBase handler in _processHandlers )
         handler.OnCubeGridDeleted( cubeGrid );
        protected void Command_Import( ChatEvent chatEvent )
            List<string> commandParts = CommandParser.GetCommandParts( chatEvent.Message );
            int paramCount = commandParts.Count - 1;

            if ( paramCount == 1 )
                    string fileName = commandParts[ 1 ];
                    Regex rgx = new Regex( "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" );
                    string cleanFileName = rgx.Replace( fileName, string.Empty );

                    string modPath = MyFileSystem.ModsPath;
                    if ( Directory.Exists( modPath ) )
                        string exportPath = Path.Combine( modPath, "Exports" );
                        if ( Directory.Exists( exportPath ) )
                            FileInfo importFile = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( exportPath, cleanFileName ) );
                            if ( importFile.Exists )
                                string objectBuilderTypeName = string.Empty;
                                using ( XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create( importFile.OpenText( ) ) )
                                    while ( reader.Read( ) )
                                        if ( reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration )

                                        if ( reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element )

                                        objectBuilderTypeName = reader.Name;

                                if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( objectBuilderTypeName ) )

                                switch ( objectBuilderTypeName )
                                    case "MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid":
                                        CubeGridEntity cubeGrid = new CubeGridEntity( importFile );
                                        SectorObjectManager.Instance.AddEntity( cubeGrid );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );
        private void AddGlobalRelay()
            CubeGridEntity entity = new CubeGridEntity(new FileInfo(Essentials.PluginPath + "CommRelay.sbc"));
            entity.EntityId = BaseEntity.GenerateEntityId();
            entity.DisplayName = "CommRelayGlobal";
            ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Debug("Attempting to place global relay");
            entity.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(MathUtility.GenerateRandomEdgeVector(), Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);

            List<string> commands = new List<string>();
            // Give a list of commands
            foreach(ChatHandlerBase chatBase in Essentials.ChatHandlers)
                if (chatBase.GetMultipleCommandText().Length > 0)
                    foreach (string cmd in chatBase.GetMultipleCommandText())
                        string[] command = cmd.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
                        if (!commands.Contains(command[0]))
                    string[] command = chatBase.GetCommandText().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
                    if (!commands.Contains(command[0]))

            string finalText = "";
            foreach(string command in commands)
                if (finalText != "")
                    finalText += "\n";

                finalText += command;

            finalText += "\n/help";

            if (PluginSettings.Instance.ServerName != "")
                finalText += "\n" + "servername:" + PluginSettings.Instance.ServerName;

            foreach(MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in entity.BaseCubeBlocks)
                MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = block as MyObjectBuilder_Beacon;
                if (beacon != null)
                    beacon.CustomName = finalText;

        // /admin movefrom x y z x y z radius
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            if (words.Count() != 7 && words.Count() != 0)
                return false;

            if (words.Count() != 7)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());
                return true;

            // Test Input
            float test = 0;
            for(int r = 0; r < 7; r++)
                if(!float.TryParse(words[r], out test))
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("The value at position {0} - '{1}' is invalid.  Please try the command again.", r + 1, words[r]));
                    return true;

            Vector3D startPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(words[0]), float.Parse(words[1]), float.Parse(words[2]));
            Vector3D movePosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(words[3]), float.Parse(words[4]), float.Parse(words[5]));
            Vector3D difference = startPosition - movePosition;
            float radius = float.Parse(words[6]);

            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Moving all grids in a radius of {0} near {1} to {2}", radius, General.Vector3DToString(startPosition), General.Vector3DToString(movePosition)));

            List<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> gridsToMove = new List<MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>();
            BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(startPosition, radius);
            List<IMyEntity> entitiesToMove = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere);

            //			Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
            //			{
                foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove)
                    if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Moving '{0}' from {1} to {2}", entity.DisplayName, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition()), General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition() + difference)));

                    CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);
            //			});

            Log.Info("Entities Removed ... pausing");
            Log.Info("Removing entities from closed entities");

            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                foreach(IMyEntity entity in entitiesToMove)
                    if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

                    Log.Info(string.Format("Removing '{0}' for move", entity.DisplayName));


            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                foreach(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid grid in gridsToMove)
                    grid.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position + difference, grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up);
                    //Log.Info(string.Format("Adding '{0}' for move", grid.DisplayName));
                    Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Adding grid '{0}' back to world.", grid.DisplayName));
                    SectorObjectManager.Instance.AddEntity(new CubeGridEntity(grid));

            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Moved {0} grids", gridsToMove.Count));

            return true;
 public virtual void OnCubeGridDeleted(CubeGridEntity entity)
 public virtual void OnCubeGridCreated(CubeGridEntity entity)
 public CubeGridNetworkManager(CubeGridEntity cubeGrid)
     m_cubeGrid = cubeGrid;
     var entity = m_cubeGrid.BackingObject;
     m_netManager = BaseObject.InvokeEntityMethod(entity, CubeGridGetNetManagerMethod);
        public void SpawnCargoShipGroup(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 stopPosition, ulong remoteUserId = 0)
                //Load the spawn groups
                SpawnGroupsDefinitionsManager spawnGroupsDefinitionsManager = new SpawnGroupsDefinitionsManager();
                FileInfo contentDataFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath, "Data", "SpawnGroups.sbc"));

                //Calculate lowest and highest frequencies
                float lowestFrequency = 999999;
                float highestFrequency = 0;
                foreach (SpawnGroupDefinition entry in spawnGroupsDefinitionsManager.Definitions)
                    if (entry.Frequency < lowestFrequency)
                        lowestFrequency = entry.Frequency;
                    if (entry.Frequency > highestFrequency)
                        highestFrequency = entry.Frequency;
                if (lowestFrequency <= 0)
                    lowestFrequency = 1;

                //Get a list of which groups *could* spawn
                Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.ToBinary());
                double randomChance = random.NextDouble();
                randomChance = randomChance * (highestFrequency / lowestFrequency);
                List<SpawnGroupDefinition> possibleGroups = new List<SpawnGroupDefinition>();
                foreach (SpawnGroupDefinition entry in spawnGroupsDefinitionsManager.Definitions)
                    if (entry.Frequency >= randomChance)

                //Determine which group *will* spawn
                randomChance = random.NextDouble();
                int randomShipIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min((int)Math.Round(randomChance * possibleGroups.Count, 0), possibleGroups.Count-1));
                SpawnGroupDefinition randomSpawnGroup = possibleGroups[randomShipIndex];

                ChatManager.Instance.SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, "Spawning cargo group '" + randomSpawnGroup.Name + "' ...");

                //Spawn the ships in the group
                Matrix orientation = Matrix.CreateLookAt(startPosition, stopPosition, new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                foreach (SpawnGroupPrefab entry in randomSpawnGroup.Prefabs)
                    FileInfo prefabFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath, "Data", "Prefabs", entry.SubtypeId + ".sbc"));
                    if (!prefabFile.Exists)

                    //Create the ship
                    CubeGridEntity cubeGrid = new CubeGridEntity(prefabFile);

                    //Set the ship position and orientation
                    Vector3 shipPosition = Vector3.Transform(entry.Position, orientation) + startPosition;
                    orientation.Translation = shipPosition;
                    MyPositionAndOrientation newPositionOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(orientation);
                    cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = newPositionOrientation;

                    //Set the ship velocity
                    //Speed is clamped between 1.0f and the max cube grid speed
                    Vector3 travelVector = stopPosition - startPosition;
                    Vector3 shipVelocity = travelVector * (float)Math.Min(cubeGrid.MaxLinearVelocity, Math.Max(1.0f, entry.Speed));
                    cubeGrid.LinearVelocity = shipVelocity;

                    cubeGrid.IsDampenersEnabled = false;

                    foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cubeBlock in cubeGrid.BaseCubeBlocks)
                        //Set the beacon names
                        if (cubeBlock.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Beacon))
                            MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = (MyObjectBuilder_Beacon)cubeBlock;
                            beacon.CustomName = entry.BeaconText;

                        //Set the owner of every block
                        //TODO - Find out if setting to an arbitrary non-zero works for this
                        cubeBlock.Owner = PlayerMap.Instance.GetServerVirtualPlayerId();
                        cubeBlock.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction;

                    //And add the ship to the world

                    //Force a refresh of the cube grid
                    List<CubeBlockEntity> cubeBlocks = cubeGrid.CubeBlocks;

                ChatManager.Instance.SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, "Cargo group '" + randomSpawnGroup.DisplayName + "' spawned with " + randomSpawnGroup.Prefabs.Length.ToString() + " ships at " + startPosition.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
		public void UpdateCubeBlock(CubeGridEntity parent, CubeBlockEntity cubeBlock)
			ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Info( "WCF Service - Received cube block entity '{0}' with id '{1}'", cubeBlock.Name, cubeBlock.EntityId );

			foreach (CubeGridEntity cubeGrid in GetSectorCubeGridEntities())
				if (cubeGrid.EntityId == parent.EntityId)
					//Find the matching block by either the entity id or the position of the block in the grid
					foreach (CubeBlockEntity baseBlock in cubeGrid.CubeBlocks)
						//If entity id is defined but there is a mismatch, skip this block
						if (baseBlock.EntityId != 0 && baseBlock.EntityId != cubeBlock.EntityId)

						//If entity is is NOT defined but there is a position mismatch, skip this block
						if (baseBlock.EntityId == 0 && baseBlock.Position != cubeBlock.Position)

						//Copy over the deserialized dummy cube block to the actual cube block
						Type type = baseBlock.GetType();
						PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
						foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
								//Check if the property can be publicly set
								if (!property.CanWrite)
								if (property.GetSetMethod() == null)

								//Check if the property has the [DataMember] attribute
								object[] dataMemberAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DataMemberAttribute), true);
								if (dataMemberAttributes == null || dataMemberAttributes.Length == 0)

								Object newValue = property.GetValue(cubeBlock, new object[] { });
								if (newValue == null)

								Object oldValue = property.GetValue(baseBlock, new object[] { });
								if (newValue.Equals(oldValue))

								property.SetValue(baseBlock, newValue, new object[] { });
							catch (Exception)
								//Do nothing
 public void OnCubeGridLoaded( CubeGridEntity cubeGrid )
		// admin deletearea x y z radius
		public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
			if (words.Count() > 3)
				return false;

			if (!words.Any())
				Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());
				return true;

			int days = -1;
			if (!int.TryParse(words[0], out days) || days < 0)
				Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Invalid argument.  Days argument must be an integer that is 0 or greater."));
				return true;

			// Just assume that anything after the days is going to "ignorenologin"
			bool removeNoLoginInformation = true;
			bool removeOwnerless = true;

			if (words.Count() > 1)
				foreach (string word in words)
					if (word.ToLower() == "ignorenologin")
						removeNoLoginInformation = false;
					if (word.ToLower() == "ignoreownerless")
						removeOwnerless = false;

			Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Scanning for grids with owners that haven't logged in {0} days.  (Must Have Login Info={1})", days, removeNoLoginInformation));

			HashSet<IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
			Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
				MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid);

			HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesFound = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
			foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
				if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))
                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
				CubeGridEntity gridEntity = (CubeGridEntity)GameEntityManager.GetEntity(grid.EntityId);
				MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder(grid);
				if (gridBuilder == null)

				// This entity is protected by whitelist
				if (PluginSettings.Instance.LoginEntityWhitelist.Length > 0 && PluginSettings.Instance.LoginEntityWhitelist.Contains(grid.EntityId.ToString()))

				if (CubeGrids.GetAllOwners(gridBuilder).Count < 1 && removeOwnerless)
					Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found entity '{0}' ({1}) not owned by anyone.", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId));

				foreach (long player in CubeGrids.GetBigOwners(gridBuilder))
					// This playerId is protected by whitelist
					if (PluginSettings.Instance.LoginPlayerIdWhitelist.Length > 0 && PluginSettings.Instance.LoginPlayerIdWhitelist.Contains(player.ToString()))

					MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.PlayerItem checkItem = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(player);
					if (checkItem.IsDead || checkItem.Name == "")
						Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found entity '{0}' ({1}) owned by dead player - ID: {2}", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId, player));

					PlayerItem item = Players.Instance.GetPlayerById(player);
                    if ( item == null )
                        if ( removeNoLoginInformation )
                            Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Found entity '{0}' ({1}) owned by a player with no login info: {2}", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId, checkItem.Name ) );
                            entitiesFound.Add( entity );
                    else if ( item.LastLogin < DateTime.Now.AddDays( days * -1 ) )
                        Communication.SendPrivateInformation( userId, string.Format( "Found entity '{0}' ({1}) owned by inactive player: {2}", entity.DisplayName, entity.EntityId, PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId( player ).Name ) );
                        entitiesFound.Add( entity );
                    else if ( item.LastLogin >= DateTime.Now.AddDays( days * -1 ) )
                        if ( entitiesFound.Contains( entity ) )
                            entitiesFound.Remove( entity );

			Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found {0} grids owned by inactive users", entitiesFound.Count));

			foreach(IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound)
				if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

				CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);
			Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Removed {0} grids owned by inactive users", entitiesFound.Count()));
			return true;
        public static bool WaitForLoadingEntity( CubeGridEntity grid )
            int count = 0;
            while ( grid.IsLoading )
                Thread.Sleep( 100 );
                if ( count > 10 )
                    return false;

            return true;
		public void SpawnCargoShipGroup( Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 stopPosition, ulong remoteUserId = 0 )
				//Calculate lowest and highest frequencies
				double lowestFrequency = double.MaxValue;
				double highestFrequency = 0d;
				foreach ( MySpawnGroupDefinition entry in MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetSpawnGroupDefinitions( ) )
					if ( entry.Frequency < lowestFrequency )
						lowestFrequency = entry.Frequency;
					if ( entry.Frequency > highestFrequency )
						highestFrequency = entry.Frequency;
				if ( lowestFrequency <= 0d )
					lowestFrequency = 1d;

				//Get a list of which groups *could* spawn
				Random random = new Random( );
				double randomChance = random.NextDouble( );
				randomChance = randomChance * ( highestFrequency / lowestFrequency );
				List<MySpawnGroupDefinition> possibleGroups = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetSpawnGroupDefinitions( ).Where( entry => entry.Frequency >= randomChance ).ToList( );

				//Determine which group *will* spawn
				randomChance = random.NextDouble( );
				int randomShipIndex = Math.Max( 0, Math.Min( (int) Math.Round( randomChance * possibleGroups.Count, 0 ), possibleGroups.Count - 1 ) );
				MySpawnGroupDefinition randomSpawnGroup = possibleGroups[ randomShipIndex ];

				ChatManager.Instance.SendPrivateChatMessage( remoteUserId, string.Format( "Spawning cargo group '{0}' ...", randomSpawnGroup.DisplayNameText ) );

				//Spawn the ships in the group
				Matrix orientation = Matrix.CreateLookAt( startPosition, stopPosition, new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );
				foreach ( MySpawnGroupDefinition.SpawnGroupPrefab entry in randomSpawnGroup.Prefabs )
					MyPrefabDefinition matchedPrefab =
						MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPrefabDefinitions( ).Select( prefabEntry => prefabEntry.Value ).FirstOrDefault( prefabDefinition => prefabDefinition.Id.SubtypeId.ToString( ) == entry.SubtypeId );
					if ( matchedPrefab == null )

					foreach ( MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid objectBuilder in matchedPrefab.CubeGrids )

						//Create the ship
						CubeGridEntity cubeGrid = new CubeGridEntity( objectBuilder );

						//Set the ship position and orientation
						Vector3 shipPosition = Vector3.Transform( entry.Position, orientation ) + startPosition;
						orientation.Translation = shipPosition;
						MyPositionAndOrientation newPositionOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation( orientation );
						cubeGrid.PositionAndOrientation = newPositionOrientation;

						//Set the ship velocity
						//Speed is clamped between 1.0f and the max cube grid speed
						Vector3 travelVector = stopPosition - startPosition;
						travelVector.Normalize( );
						Vector3 shipVelocity = travelVector * Math.Min( cubeGrid.MaxLinearVelocity, Math.Max( 1.0f, entry.Speed ) );
						cubeGrid.LinearVelocity = shipVelocity;

						//cubeGrid.IsDampenersEnabled = false;

						foreach ( MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock cubeBlock in cubeGrid.BaseCubeBlocks )
							//Set the beacon names
							MyObjectBuilder_Beacon beacon = cubeBlock as MyObjectBuilder_Beacon;
							if ( beacon != null )
								beacon.CustomName = entry.BeaconText;

							//Set the owner of every block
							//TODO - Find out if setting to an arbitrary non-zero works for this
							//cubeBlock.Owner = PlayerMap.Instance.GetServerVirtualPlayerId();
							cubeBlock.Owner = 0;
							cubeBlock.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction;

						//And add the ship to the world
						SectorObjectManager.Instance.AddEntity( cubeGrid );

				ChatManager.Instance.SendPrivateChatMessage( remoteUserId,
				                                             string.Format( "Cargo group '{0}' spawned with {1} ships at {2}", randomSpawnGroup.DisplayNameText, randomSpawnGroup.Prefabs.Count, startPosition ) );
			catch ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex )
				ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );
			catch ( ArgumentNullException ex )
				ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );
			catch ( FormatException ex )
				ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );
			catch ( Exception ex )
				ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );
        // admin deletearea x y z radius
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entities = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesToConfirm = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesConnected = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            HashSet<IMyEntity> entitiesFound = new HashSet<IMyEntity>();
            Wrapper.GameAction(() =>
                MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(entities, x => x is IMyCubeGrid);

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entities)
                if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))

                IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid gridBuilder = CubeGrids.SafeGetObjectBuilder(grid);
                if (gridBuilder == null)

                bool found = false;
                foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in gridBuilder.CubeBlocks)
                    if (block.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Beacon))
                        found = true;

                if (!found)

            CubeGrids.GetGridsUnconnected(entitiesFound, entitiesToConfirm);

            foreach (IMyEntity entity in entitiesFound)
                CubeGridEntity gridEntity = (CubeGridEntity)GameEntityManager.GetEntity(entity.EntityId);
                if (gridEntity == null)
                    Log.Info("A found entity gridEntity was null!");
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Found entity '{0}' ({1}) at {2} with no beacon.", gridEntity.Name, entity.EntityId, General.Vector3DToString(entity.GetPosition())));

            for(int r = entitiesFound.Count - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                IMyEntity entity = entitiesFound.ElementAt(r);
                CubeGridEntity gridEntity = new CubeGridEntity((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)entity.GetObjectBuilder(), entity);

            Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Removed {0} grids with no beacons", entitiesFound.Count));

            return true;
        public List<Vector3I> GetDefinitionMatches(CubeGridEntity cubeGrid)
                List<Vector3I> anchorList = new List<Vector3I>();
                foreach (CubeBlockEntity cubeBlock in cubeGrid.CubeBlocks)

                return anchorList;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new List<Vector3I>();