        /// <summary>
        ///   Loot any wrecks & cargo containers close by
        /// </summary>
        private void LootWrecks()
            var cargo = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetShipsCargo();

            if (cargo.Window == null)
                // No, command it to open

            // Ship's cargo is not ready yet
            if (!cargo.IsReady)

            var shipsCargo        = cargo.Items.Select(i => new ItemCache(i)).ToList();
            var freeCargoCapacity = cargo.Capacity - cargo.UsedCapacity;
            var lootWindows       = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Windows.OfType <DirectContainerWindow>().Where(w => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.Name) && w.Name.StartsWith("loot_"));

            foreach (var window in lootWindows)
                // The window is not ready, then continue
                if (!window.IsReady)

                // Get the container
                var containerEntity = Cache.Instance.EntityById(window.ItemId);

                // Does it no longer exist or is it out of transfer range or its looted
                if (containerEntity == null || containerEntity.Distance > 2500 || Cache.Instance.LootedContainers.Contains(containerEntity.Id))
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Closing loot window [" + window.ItemId + "]");

                // Get the container that is associated with the cargo container
                var container = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetContainer(window.ItemId);

                // List its items
                var items = container.Items.Select(i => new ItemCache(i));

                // Build a list of items to loot
                var lootItems = new List <ItemCache>();

                // Walk through the list of items ordered by highest value item first
                foreach (var item in items.OrderByDescending(i => i.IskPerM3))
                    // We pick up loot depending on isk per m3
                    var isMissionItem = Cache.Instance.MissionItems.Contains((item.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower());

                    // Never pick up contraband (unless its the mission item)
                    if (!isMissionItem && item.IsContraband)

                    // Do we want to loot other items?
                    if (!isMissionItem && !LootEverything)

                    // We are at our max, either make room or skip the item
                    if ((freeCargoCapacity - item.TotalVolume) <= (isMissionItem ? 0 : ReserveCargoCapacity))
                        // We can't drop items in this container anyway, well get it after its salvaged
                        if (!isMissionItem && containerEntity.GroupId != (int)Group.CargoContainer)

                        // Make a list of items which are worth less
                        List <ItemCache> worthLess;
                        if (isMissionItem)
                            worthLess = shipsCargo;
                        else if (item.IskPerM3.HasValue)
                            worthLess = shipsCargo.Where(sc => sc.IskPerM3.HasValue && sc.IskPerM3 < item.IskPerM3).ToList();
                            worthLess = shipsCargo.Where(sc => sc.IskPerM3.HasValue).ToList();

                        // Remove mission item from this list
                        worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => Cache.Instance.MissionItems.Contains((wl.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower()));
                        worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => (wl.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower() == Cache.Instance.BringMissionItem);

                        // Consider dropping ammo if it concerns the mission item!
                        if (!isMissionItem)
                            worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => Ammo.Any(a => a.TypeId == wl.TypeId));

                        // Nothing is worth less then the current item
                        if (worthLess.Count() == 0)

                        // Not enough space even if we dumped the crap
                        if ((freeCargoCapacity + worthLess.Sum(wl => wl.TotalVolume)) < item.TotalVolume)
                            if (isMissionItem)
                                Logging.Log("Salvage: Not enough space for mission item! Need [" + item.TotalVolume + "] maximum available [" + (freeCargoCapacity + worthLess.Sum(wl => wl.TotalVolume)) + "]");


                        // Start clearing out items that are worth less
                        var moveTheseItems = new List <DirectItem>();
                        foreach (var wl in worthLess.OrderBy(wl => wl.IskPerM3.HasValue ? wl.IskPerM3.Value : double.MaxValue).ThenByDescending(wl => wl.TotalVolume))
                            // Mark this item as moved

                            // Substract (now) free volume
                            freeCargoCapacity += wl.TotalVolume;

                            // We freed up enough space?
                            if ((freeCargoCapacity - item.TotalVolume) >= ReserveCargoCapacity)

                        if (moveTheseItems.Count > 0)
                            // If this is not a cargo container, then jettison loot
                            if (containerEntity.GroupId != (int)Group.CargoContainer || isMissionItem)
                                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastJettison).TotalSeconds < 185)

                                Logging.Log("Salvage: Jettisoning [" + moveTheseItems.Count + "] items to make room for the more valuable loot");

                                // Note: This could (in theory) f**k up with the bot jettison an item and
                                // then picking it up again :/ (granted it should never happen unless
                                // mission item volume > reserved volume
                                cargo.Jettison(moveTheseItems.Select(i => i.ItemId));
                                _lastJettison = DateTime.Now;

                            // Move items to the cargo container

                            // Remove it from the ships cargo list
                            shipsCargo.RemoveAll(i => moveTheseItems.Any(wl => wl.ItemId == i.Id));
                            Logging.Log("Salvage: Moving [" + moveTheseItems.Count + "] items into the cargo container to make room for the more valuable loot");

                    // Update free space
                    freeCargoCapacity -= item.TotalVolume;

                // Mark container as looted

                // Loot actual items
                if (lootItems.Count != 0)
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Looting container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][" + containerEntity.Id + "], [" + lootItems.Count + "] valuable items");
                    cargo.Add(lootItems.Select(i => i.DirectItem));
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][" + containerEntity.Id + "] contained no valuable items");

            // Open a container in range
            foreach (var containerEntity in Cache.Instance.Containers.Where(e => e.Distance <= 2500))
                // Emptry wreck, ignore
                if (containerEntity.GroupId == (int)Group.Wreck && containerEntity.IsWreckEmpty)

                // We looted this container
                if (Cache.Instance.LootedContainers.Contains(containerEntity.Id))

                // We already opened the loot window
                var window = lootWindows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ItemId == containerEntity.Id);
                if (window != null)

                // Ignore open request within 10 seconds
                if (_openedContainers.ContainsKey(containerEntity.Id) && DateTime.Now.Subtract(_openedContainers[containerEntity.Id]).TotalSeconds < 10)

                // Open the container
                Logging.Log("Salvage: Opening container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][" + containerEntity.Id + "]");
                _openedContainers[containerEntity.Id] = DateTime.Now;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Loot any wrecks & cargo containers close by
        /// </summary>
        private void LootWrecks()
            var cargo = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetShipsCargo();

            if (cargo.Window == null)
                // No, command it to open

            // Ship's cargo is not ready yet
            if (!cargo.IsReady)

            var shipsCargo        = cargo.Items.Select(i => new ItemCache(i)).ToList();
            var freeCargoCapacity = cargo.Capacity - cargo.UsedCapacity;
            var lootWindows       = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Windows.OfType <DirectContainerWindow>().Where(w => w.Type == "form.LootCargoView");

            foreach (var window in lootWindows)
                // The window is not ready, then continue
                if (!window.IsReady)

                // Get the container
                var containerEntity = Cache.Instance.EntityById(window.ItemId);

                // Does it no longer exist or is it out of transfer range or its looted
                if (containerEntity == null || containerEntity.Distance > (int)Distance.SafeScoopRange || Cache.Instance.LootedContainers.Contains(containerEntity.Id))
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Closing loot window [" + window.ItemId + "]");

                // Get the container that is associated with the cargo container
                var container = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetContainer(window.ItemId);

                // List its items
                var items = container.Items.Select(i => new ItemCache(i));

                // Build a list of items to loot
                var lootItems = new List <ItemCache>();

                if (Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatistics)
                    // Log all items found in the wreck
                    File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "TIME: " + string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now) + "\n");
                    File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "NAME: " + containerEntity.Name + "\n");
                    File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "ITEMS:" + "\n");
                    foreach (var item in items.OrderBy(i => i.TypeId))
                        File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "TypeID: " + item.TypeId.ToString() + "\n");
                        File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "Name: " + item.Name + "\n");
                        File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "Quantity: " + item.Quantity.ToString() + "\n");
                        File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, "=\n");
                    File.AppendAllText(Settings.Instance.WreckLootStatisticsFile, ";" + "\n");
                //if (freeCargoCapacity < 1000) //this should allow BSs to dump scrapmetal but haulers and noctus' to hold onto it
                //	// Dump scrap metal if we have any
                //	if (containerEntity.Name == "Cargo Container" && shipsCargo.Any(i => i.IsScrapMetal))
                //	{
                //		foreach (var item in shipsCargo.Where(i => i.IsScrapMetal))
                //		{
                //			container.Add(item.DirectItem);
                //			freeCargoCapacity += item.TotalVolume;
                //		}
                //		shipsCargo.RemoveAll(i => i.IsScrapMetal);
                //	}
                // Walk through the list of items ordered by highest value item first
                foreach (var item in items.OrderByDescending(i => i.IskPerM3))
                    if (freeCargoCapacity < 1000) //this should allow BSs to not pickup large low value items but haulers and noctus' to scoop everything
                        // We never want to pick up a cap booster
                        if (item.GroupID == (int)Group.CapacitorGroupCharge)

                        // We never want to pick up metal scraps
                        //if (item.IsScrapMetal)
                        //	continue;
                    // We pick up loot depending on isk per m3
                    var isMissionItem = Cache.Instance.MissionItems.Contains((item.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower());

                    // Never pick up contraband (unless its the mission item)
                    if (!isMissionItem && item.IsContraband)

                    // Do we want to loot other items?
                    if (!isMissionItem && !LootEverything)

                    // Do not pick up items that cannot enter in a freighter container (unless its the mission item)
                    // Note: some mission items that are alive have been allowed to be
                    //       scooped because unloadlootstate.MoveCommonMissionCompletionitems
                    //       will move them into the hangar floor not the loot location
                    if (!isMissionItem && item.IsAliveandWontFitInContainers)

                    // We are at our max, either make room or skip the item
                    if ((freeCargoCapacity - item.TotalVolume) <= (isMissionItem ? 0 : ReserveCargoCapacity))
                        // We can't drop items in this container anyway, well get it after its salvaged
                        if (!isMissionItem && containerEntity.GroupId != (int)Group.CargoContainer)

                        // Make a list of items which are worth less
                        List <ItemCache> worthLess;
                        if (isMissionItem)
                            worthLess = shipsCargo;
                        else if (item.IskPerM3.HasValue)
                            worthLess = shipsCargo.Where(sc => sc.IskPerM3.HasValue && sc.IskPerM3 < item.IskPerM3).ToList();
                            worthLess = shipsCargo.Where(sc => sc.IskPerM3.HasValue).ToList();

                        // Remove mission item from this list
                        worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => Cache.Instance.MissionItems.Contains((wl.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower()));
                        worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => (wl.Name ?? string.Empty).ToLower() == Cache.Instance.BringMissionItem);

                        // Consider dropping ammo if it concerns the mission item!
                        if (!isMissionItem)
                            worthLess.RemoveAll(wl => Ammo.Any(a => a.TypeId == wl.TypeId));

                        // Nothing is worth less then the current item
                        if (worthLess.Count() == 0)

                        // Not enough space even if we dumped the crap
                        if ((freeCargoCapacity + worthLess.Sum(wl => wl.TotalVolume)) < item.TotalVolume)
                            if (isMissionItem)
                                Logging.Log("Salvage: Not enough space for mission item! Need [" + item.TotalVolume + "] maximum available [" + (freeCargoCapacity + worthLess.Sum(wl => wl.TotalVolume)) + "]");


                        // Start clearing out items that are worth less
                        var moveTheseItems = new List <DirectItem>();
                        foreach (var wl in worthLess.OrderBy(wl => wl.IskPerM3.HasValue ? wl.IskPerM3.Value : double.MaxValue).ThenByDescending(wl => wl.TotalVolume))
                            // Mark this item as moved

                            // Subtract (now) free volume
                            freeCargoCapacity += wl.TotalVolume;

                            // We freed up enough space?
                            if ((freeCargoCapacity - item.TotalVolume) >= ReserveCargoCapacity)

                        if (moveTheseItems.Count > 0)
                            // If this is not a cargo container, then jettison loot
                            if (containerEntity.GroupId != (int)Group.CargoContainer || isMissionItem)
                                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastJettison).TotalSeconds < (int)Time.DelayBetweenJetcans_seconds)

                                Logging.Log("Salvage: Jettisoning [" + moveTheseItems.Count + "] items to make room for the more valuable loot");

                                // Note: This could (in theory) f**k up with the bot jettison an item and
                                // then picking it up again :/ (granted it should never happen unless
                                // mission item volume > reserved volume
                                cargo.Jettison(moveTheseItems.Select(i => i.ItemId));
                                _lastJettison = DateTime.Now;

                            // Move items to the cargo container

                            // Remove it from the ships cargo list
                            shipsCargo.RemoveAll(i => moveTheseItems.Any(wl => wl.ItemId == i.Id));
                            Logging.Log("Salvage: Moving [" + moveTheseItems.Count + "] items into the cargo container to make room for the more valuable loot");

                    // Update free space
                    freeCargoCapacity -= item.TotalVolume;

                // Mark container as looted

                // Loot actual items
                if (lootItems.Count != 0)
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Looting container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][ID: " + containerEntity.Id + "], [" + lootItems.Count + "] valuable items");
                    cargo.Add(lootItems.Select(i => i.DirectItem));
                    Logging.Log("Salvage: Container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][ID: " + containerEntity.Id + "] contained no valuable items");

            // Open a container in range
            foreach (var containerEntity in Cache.Instance.Containers.Where(e => e.Distance <= (int)Distance.SafeScoopRange))
                // Emptry wreck, ignore
                if (containerEntity.GroupId == (int)Group.Wreck && containerEntity.IsWreckEmpty)

                // We looted this container
                if (Cache.Instance.LootedContainers.Contains(containerEntity.Id))

                // We already opened the loot window
                var window = lootWindows.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ItemId == containerEntity.Id);
                if (window != null)

                // Ignore open request within 10 seconds
                if (_openedContainers.ContainsKey(containerEntity.Id) && DateTime.Now.Subtract(_openedContainers[containerEntity.Id]).TotalSeconds < 10)

                // Don't even try to open a wreck if you are speed tanking and you aren't processing a loot action
                if (Settings.Instance.SpeedTank == true && Cache.Instance.OpenWrecks == false)

                // Don't even try to open a wreck if you are specified LootEverything as false and you aren't processing a loot action
                //      this is currently commented out as it would keep golems and other non-speed tanked ships from looting the field as they cleared
                //      missions, but NOT stick around after killing things to clear it ALL. Looteverything==false does NOT mean loot nothing
                //if (Settings.Instance.LootEverything == false && Cache.Instance.OpenWrecks == false)
                //    continue;

                // Open the container
                Logging.Log("Salvage: Opening container [" + containerEntity.Name + "][ID: " + containerEntity.Id + "]");
                _openedContainers[containerEntity.Id] = DateTime.Now;