/// <summary>
        /// Get orientation of three points, where on point defines forward
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="back">position vector of back marker</param>
        /// <param name="left">position vector of left marker</param>
        /// <param name="right">position vector of right marker</param>
        /// <returns>Quaternion rotation</returns>
        public static Quaternion GetOrientation(Vector3 forwardPoint, Vector3 leftPoint, Vector3 rightPoint)
            Vector3 x = rightPoint - leftPoint;
            Vector3 z = forwardPoint - Vector3Helper.MidPoint(leftPoint, rightPoint);

            return(GetOrientationFromZY(z, Vector3.Cross(z, x)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare the markerset for joint localization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labelMarkers">The list of labeled markers</param>
        /// <param name="newMarkers">a reference to the dictionary to be </param>
        /// <param name="prefix">Optional prefix of all markers</param>
        public void ProcessMarkers(out Dictionary <string, Vector3> newMarkers)
            // sacrum can be defined by two markers
            if (sacrumBetween)
                markers[m.bodyBase] =

            if (frontHeadBetween)
                markers[m.head] =

            if (markers[m.leftHip].IsNaN() ||
                markers[m.rightHip].IsNaN() ||
                lastSACRUMknown = markers[m.bodyBase];
                lastRIASknown   = markers[m.rightHip];
                lastLIASknown   = markers[m.leftHip];
            newMarkers = markers;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isRightAnkle"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Vector3 GetAnklePos(bool isRightAnkle)
            //Stolen from Visual3d
            Vector3 x, z, M1, M2, M3, negateY = new Vector3(1f, -1f, 1f);
            Matrix4 R;

            if (isRightAnkle)
                M1 = markers[m.rightOuterKnee];  //FLE
                M3 = markers[m.rightLowerKnee];  //TTC
                M2 = markers[m.rightOuterAnkle]; //FAL
                M1 = markers[m.leftOuterKnee];  //FLE
                M3 = markers[m.leftLowerKnee];  //TTC
                M2 = markers[m.leftOuterAnkle]; //FAL
            x = Vector3Helper.MidPoint(M1, M2) - M3;
            z = M2 - M1;
            float scalefactor = z.Length;

            R = Matrix4Helper.GetOrientationMatrix(x, z);
            Vector3 trans = new Vector3(
                -0.07675f * scalefactor,
                0.05482f * scalefactor,
                -0.02741f * scalefactor);

            if (!isRightAnkle)
                Vector3.Multiply(ref trans, ref negateY, out trans);
            return(Vector3.TransformVector(trans, R) + M2);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isRightKnee"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Vector3 GetKneePos(bool isRightKnee)
            Vector3 x, z, M1, M2, M3, negateY = new Vector3(1f, -1f, 1f);

            if (isRightKnee)
                M1 = markers[m.rightOuterKnee];    //FLE
                M2 = markers[m.rightOuterAnkle];   //FAL
                M3 = markers[m.rightLowerKnee];    //TTC
                M1 = markers[m.leftOuterKnee];    //FLE
                M2 = markers[m.leftOuterAnkle];   //FAL
                M3 = markers[m.leftLowerKnee];    //TTC
            x = Vector3Helper.MidPoint(M1, M2) - M3;
            z = M1 - M2;
            float   scalingFactor = z.Length;
            Matrix4 R             = Matrix4Helper.GetOrientationMatrix(x, z);
            Vector3 trans         = new Vector3(
                -0.1033f * scalingFactor,
                -0.09814f * scalingFactor,
                0.0597f * scalingFactor);

            if (isRightKnee)
                Vector3.Multiply(ref trans, ref negateY, out trans);
            return(Vector3.TransformVector(trans, R) + M1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get quaternion with front and right vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Front vector</param>
        /// <param name="target">Right vector</param>
        /// <returns>Quaternion with rotation</returns>
        public static Quaternion GetOrientationFromZY(Vector3 z, Vector3 y)
            Vector3Helper.OrthoNormalize(ref y, ref z);
            Quaternion zRot = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.UnitZ, z), Vector3.CalculateAngle(Vector3.UnitZ, z));
            Vector3    t    = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitY, zRot);

            return(Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.Cross(t, y), Vector3.CalculateAngle(t, y)) * zRot);
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare the markerset for Joint localization, predicts the
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labelMarkers">The list of labelmarkets</param>
        /// <param name="newMarkers">a reference to the dictionary to be </param>
        /// <param name="prefix">The possible prefix of all markers</param>
        public void ProcessMarkers(List <LabeledMarker> labelMarkers, out Dictionary <string, Vector3> newMarkers, string prefix)
            var temp = markers;

            markers          = markersLastFrame;
            markersLastFrame = temp;
            for (int i = 0; i < labelMarkers.Count; i++)
                markers.Add(labelMarkers[i].Label, labelMarkers[i].Position.Convert());

            foreach (var markername in m)
                if (!markers.ContainsKey(markername))
                    markers.Add(markername, Vector3Helper.NaN);
            // sacrum can be defined by two markers
            if (sacrumBetween)
                markers[m.bodyBase] =
            if (frontHeadBetween)
                markers[m.head] =
            if (markers[m.leftHip].IsNaN() ||
                markers[m.rightHip].IsNaN() ||
                lastSACRUMknown = markers[m.bodyBase];
                lastRIASknown   = markers[m.rightHip];
                lastLIASknown   = markers[m.leftHip];
            newMarkers = markers;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isRightHip"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Vector3 GetHipJoint(bool isRightHip)
            // As described by Harrington et al. 2006
            // Prediction of the hip joint centre in adults, children, and patients with
            // cerebral palsy based on magnetic resonance imaging
            Vector3 ASISMid = Vector3Helper.MidPoint(markers[m.rightHip], markers[m.leftHip]);
            float   Z, X, Y,
                    pelvisDepth = (ASISMid - markers[m.bodyBase]).Length * 1000,
                    pelvisWidth = (markers[m.leftHip] - markers[m.rightHip]).Length * 1000;

            X = 0.33f * pelvisWidth - 7.3f;
            Y = -0.30f * pelvisWidth - 10.9f;
            Z = -0.24f * pelvisDepth - 9.9f;
            if (!isRightHip)
                X = -X;
            return(ASISMid + Vector3.Transform((new Vector3(X, Y, Z) / 1000), HipOrientation));
        /// <summary>
        /// If any of the hip markers are missing, we predict them using the last position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="markers">The dictionary of markers</param>
        private void MissingEssentialMarkers(Dictionary <string, Vector3> markers)
            Vector3 dirVec1, dirVec2, possiblePos1, possiblePos2,
                    sacrumLastFrame = lastSACRUMknown,
                    liasLastFrame   = lastLIASknown,
                    riasLastFrame   = lastRIASknown;

            Vector3 Sacrum = markers[m.bodyBase],
                    RIAS   = markers[m.rightHip],
                    LIAS   = markers[m.leftHip];

            bool s = !Sacrum.IsNaN(),
                 r = !RIAS.IsNaN(),
                 l = !LIAS.IsNaN();

            if (s)                                             // sacrum exists
                if (r)                                         // sacrum and rias exist, lias missing
                    dirVec1 = liasLastFrame - sacrumLastFrame; // vector from sacrum too lias in last frame
                    dirVec2 = liasLastFrame - riasLastFrame;
                    Quaternion between = Quaternion.Invert(
                            (RIAS - Sacrum), (riasLastFrame - sacrumLastFrame))
                    Vector3 transVec1 = Vector3.Transform(dirVec1, (between));
                    Vector3 transVec2 = Vector3.Transform(dirVec2, (between));
                    possiblePos1       = Sacrum + transVec1;                                                                                // add vector from sacrum to lias last frame to this frames sacrum
                    possiblePos2       = RIAS + transVec2;
                    markers[m.leftHip] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.leftHip], Vector3Helper.MidPoint(possiblePos1, possiblePos2)); // get mid point of possible positions
                else if (l)                                                                                                                 // sacrum  and lias exists, rias missing
                    dirVec1 = riasLastFrame - sacrumLastFrame;
                    dirVec2 = riasLastFrame - liasLastFrame;
                    Quaternion between = Quaternion.Invert(
                            (LIAS - Sacrum), (liasLastFrame - sacrumLastFrame))
                    Vector3 transVec1 = Vector3.Transform(dirVec1, (between));
                    Vector3 transVec2 = Vector3.Transform(dirVec2, (between));
                    possiblePos1        = Sacrum + transVec1;
                    possiblePos2        = LIAS + transVec2;
                    markers[m.rightHip] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.rightHip], Vector3Helper.MidPoint(possiblePos1, possiblePos2));
                else // only sacrum exists, lias and rias missing
                    markers[m.rightHip] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.rightHip], Sacrum + riasLastFrame - sacrumLastFrame);
                    markers[m.leftHip]  = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.leftHip], Sacrum + liasLastFrame - sacrumLastFrame);
            else if (r) // rias exists, sacrum missing
                if (l)  // rias and ias exists, sacrum missing
                    dirVec1 = sacrumLastFrame - riasLastFrame;
                    dirVec2 = sacrumLastFrame - liasLastFrame;

                    Quaternion between = Quaternion.Invert(
                            (LIAS - RIAS), (liasLastFrame - riasLastFrame))
                    Vector3 transVec1 = Vector3.Transform(dirVec1, (between));
                    Vector3 transVec2 = Vector3.Transform(dirVec2, (between));
                    possiblePos1        = RIAS + transVec1;
                    possiblePos2        = LIAS + transVec2;
                    markers[m.bodyBase] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.bodyBase], Vector3Helper.MidPoint(possiblePos1, possiblePos2));
                else // only rias exists, lias and sacrum missing
                    markers[m.bodyBase] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.bodyBase], RIAS + sacrumLastFrame - riasLastFrame);
                    markers[m.leftHip]  = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.leftHip], RIAS + liasLastFrame - riasLastFrame);
            else if (l) // only lias exists, rias and sacrum missing
                markers[m.bodyBase] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.bodyBase], LIAS + sacrumLastFrame - liasLastFrame);
                markers[m.rightHip] = DidntMovedToMuch(markersLastFrame[m.rightHip], LIAS + riasLastFrame - liasLastFrame);
            else // all markers missing
                markers[m.bodyBase] = markersLastFrame[m.bodyBase];
                markers[m.rightHip] = markersLastFrame[m.rightHip];
                markers[m.leftHip]  = markersLastFrame[m.leftHip];
 private void Pelvis(Bone b)
     b.Pos         = Vector3Helper.MidPoint(HipJointRight, HipJointLeft);
     b.Orientation = HipOrientation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the positional constraints of the bone, if the bone is inside the legal cone, returns true, otherwise false
        /// Originally modeled from Andreas Aristidou and Joan Lasenby FABRIK: A fast, iterative solver for the Inverse Kinematics problem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joint">The bone to be checked if its has a legal position</param>
        /// <param name="parentsRots">The rotation if the parent</param>
        /// <param name="target">The position of the joint</param>
        /// <param name="res">The resulting position, the legal position of the bone if its legal, the same as target otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="rot">The rotation that should be applied to the bone if it has a illegal rotation, Identity otherwise</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckRotationalConstraints(Bone joint, Quaternion parentsRots, Vector3 target, out Vector3 res, out Quaternion rot)
            Quaternion referenceRotation = parentsRots * joint.ParentPointer;
            Vector3    L1 = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitY, referenceRotation));

            Vector3 jointPos     = joint.Pos;
            Vector4 constraints  = joint.Constraints;
            Vector3 targetPos    = new Vector3(target.X, target.Y, target.Z);
            Vector3 joint2Target = (targetPos - jointPos);

            bool behind      = false;
            bool reverseCone = false;
            bool sideCone    = false;
            //3.1 Find the line equation L1
            //3.2 Find the projection O of the target t on line L1
            Vector3 O = Vector3Helper.Project(joint2Target, L1);

            if (Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(L1, joint2Target)) < precision) // target is ortogonal with L1
                O = Vector3.NormalizeFast(L1) * precision;
            else if (Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(O, L1) - O.LengthFast * L1.LengthFast) >= precision) // O not same direction as L1
                behind = true;
            //3.3 Find the distance between the point O and the joint position
            float S = O.Length;

            //3.4 Map the target (rotate and translate) in such a
            //way that O is now located at the axis origin and oriented
            //according to the x and y-axis ) Now it is a 2D simplified problem
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Invert(referenceRotation);      //Quaternion.Invert(parent.Orientation);
            Vector3    TRotated = Vector3.Transform(joint2Target, rotation); // align joint2target vector to  y axis get x z offset
            Vector2    target2D = new Vector2(TRotated.X, TRotated.Z);       //only intrested in the X Z cordinates
            //3.5 Find in which quadrant the target belongs
            // Locate target in a particular quadrant
            //3.6 Find what conic section describes the allowed
            //range of motion
            Vector2  radius;
            Quadrant q;

            #region find Quadrant
            if (target2D.X >= 0 && target2D.Y >= 0)
                radius = new Vector2(constraints.X, constraints.Y);
                q      = Quadrant.q1;
            else if (target2D.X >= 0 && target2D.Y < 0)
                q      = Quadrant.q2;
                radius = new Vector2(constraints.X, constraints.W);
            else if (target2D.X < 0 && target2D.Y < 0)
                q      = Quadrant.q3;
                radius = new Vector2(constraints.Z, constraints.W);
            else //if (target.X > 0 && target.Y < 0)
                q      = Quadrant.q4;
                radius = new Vector2(constraints.Z, constraints.Y);

            #region check cone
            if (radius.X > 90 && radius.Y > 90) // cone is reversed if  both angles are larget then 90 degrees
                reverseCone = true;
                radius.X    = 90 - (radius.X - 90);
                radius.Y    = 90 - (radius.Y - 90);
            else if (behind && radius.X <= 90 && radius.Y <= 90) // target behind and cone i front
                O = -Vector3.NormalizeFast(O) * precision;
                S = O.Length;
            else if (radius.X > 90 || radius.Y > 90) // has one angle > 90, other not, very speciall case
                Vector3 L2 = GetNewL(rotation, q, radius);
                if (!behind)
                    L2 = (L2 - L1) / 2 + L1;
                float   angle = Vector3.CalculateAngle(L2, L1);
                Vector3 axis  = Vector3.Cross(L2, L1);
                rotation = rotation * Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(axis, angle);
                TRotated = Vector3.Transform(joint2Target, rotation);
                target2D = new Vector2(TRotated.X, TRotated.Z);
                O        = Vector3Helper.Project(joint2Target, L2);
                if (Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(L2, joint2Target)) < precision) // target is ortogonal with L2
                    O = Vector3.Normalize(L2) * precision;
                S = behind ? O.Length : O.Length * 1.4f; //magic number
                if (behind)
                    sideCone = true;
                    if (radius.X > 90)
                        radius.X = (radius.X - 90);
                        radius.Y = (radius.Y - 90);

            radius.X = Mathf.Clamp(radius.X, precision, 90 - precision);  // clamp it so if <=0 -> 0.01, >=90 -> 89.99
            radius.Y = Mathf.Clamp(radius.Y, precision, 90 - precision);

            //3.7 Find the conic section which is associated with
            //that quadrant using the distances qj = Stanhj, where
            //j = 1,..,4
            float radiusX = S * Mathf.Tan(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(radius.X));
            float radiusY = S * Mathf.Tan(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(radius.Y));

            //3.8 Check whether the target is within the conic section or not
            bool inside = (target2D.X * target2D.X) / (radiusX * radiusX) +
                          (target2D.Y * target2D.Y) / (radiusY * radiusY) <= 1 + precision;
            //3.9 if within the conic section then
            if ((inside && !behind) ||
                (!inside && reverseCone) ||
                (inside && sideCone)
                //3.10 use the true target position t
                res = target;
                rot = Quaternion.Identity;
            //3.11 else
                //3.12 Find the nearest point on that conic section from the target
                Vector2 newPoint   = NearestPoint(radiusX, radiusY, target2D);
                Vector3 newPointV3 = new Vector3(newPoint.X, 0.0f, newPoint.Y);

                //3.13 Map (rotate and translate) that point on the
                //conic section via reverse of 3.4 and use that point as
                //the new target position
                rotation = Quaternion.Invert(rotation);
                Vector3 vectorToMoveTo = Vector3.Transform(newPointV3, rotation) + O;
                Vector3 axis           = Vector3.Cross(joint2Target, vectorToMoveTo);
                float   angle          = Vector3.CalculateAngle(joint2Target, vectorToMoveTo);
                rot = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(axis, angle);
                res = Vector3.Transform(joint2Target, rot) + jointPos;
            //3.14 end