private void BindHistory() { TicketHistory history = new TicketHistory(); history.GetAllHistoryTicketsByTicketID(TicketID); uiGridViewHistory.DataSource = history.DefaultView; uiGridViewHistory.DataBind(); }
protected void uiLinkButtonReply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Pricing.BLL.Tickets ticket = new Pricing.BLL.Tickets(); ticket.LoadByPrimaryKey(TicketID); TicketHistory history = new TicketHistory(); history.AddNew(); history.TicketID = TicketID; history.ResponseDate = DateTime.Now; history.ResponseText = uiTextBoxResponse.Text; if (ticket.TicketStatusID == 4) // need more info history.TicketStatusID = 5; // need more info / complete //history.TicketStatusID = Convert.ToInt32(uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedValue); string filepath = ""; if (uiFileUploadAttach.HasFile) { filepath = "/Attachments/TicketHistory/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss_") + uiFileUploadAttach.FileName; uiFileUploadAttach.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~" + filepath)); history.FileAttachement = filepath; } history.Save(); if (ticket.TicketStatusID == 4) // need more info ticket.TicketStatusID = 5; // need more info / complete //ticket.TicketStatusID = Convert.ToInt32(uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedValue); ticket.Save(); if (ticket.TicketStatusID == 4) { uiPanelResponse.Visible = true; } else { uiPanelResponse.Visible = false; } uiTextBoxResponse.Text = ""; uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; BindHistory(); }
protected void uiLinkButtonReply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedItem.Text == "Closed" && uiTextBoxResponse.Text=="") { lblCloseTicketValidation.Text = "You must write a comment before close the ticket !"; return; } // Admin only can change the status if it was closed Pricing.BLL.Tickets objTicket = new Pricing.BLL.Tickets(); objTicket.LoadByPrimaryKey(TicketID); if (CodeGlobal.LogedInUser.s_Privaledge != "admin" && objTicket.TicketStatusID == 2) { lblCloseTicketValidation.Text = "System Admin only who can change the status now !"; return; } TicketHistory history = new TicketHistory(); history.AddNew(); history.TicketID = TicketID; history.ResponseDate = DateTime.Now; history.ResponseText = uiTextBoxResponse.Text; history.TicketStatusID = Convert.ToInt32(uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedValue); string filepath = ""; if (uiFileUploadAttach.HasFile) { filepath = "/Attachments/TicketHistory/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss_") + uiFileUploadAttach.FileName; uiFileUploadAttach.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~" + filepath)); history.FileAttachement = filepath; } history.Save(); Pricing.BLL.Tickets ticket = new Pricing.BLL.Tickets(); ticket.LoadByPrimaryKey(TicketID); ticket.TicketStatusID = Convert.ToInt32(uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedValue); ticket.Save(); if (ticket.TicketStatusID == 4) { uiPanelResponse.Visible = false; } else { uiPanelResponse.Visible = true; } uiTextBoxResponse.Text = ""; uiDropDownListStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; BindHistory(); LoadDDl(); }